Items where Subject is "T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)"
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- Library of Congress (2185)
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- TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) (2185)
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- TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) (2185)
- T Technology (2185)
,, Mujiarto and Djohar, As’ari and Vaidyanathan, Singaravadivelu and Mamat, Mustafa and C-H, Lien and Habib, Md. Mamun and Sulaeman, Erwin and ,, Suswandari and ,, Muhtadi and ,, Sarjito and Komaro, Mumu and Hermawan, Sigit and Tjahjant, Prantasi Harmi and Kautsar, Irwan Alnarus and Saputra, Jumadil and Sambas, Aceng and Hendrawan, Budi (2021) 1stParis Van Java International seminar on Computer, Science, Engineering and Technology (PVJ ISComSET) 2020. In: 1st Paris Van Java International Seminar on Computer, Science, Engineering, and Technology, PVJ ISComSET 2020, 15-16 July 2020, Virtual ( Tasik Malaya).
-, Suryanto (2011) Amorphous coating of iron nickel alloy. In: Advances in Materials Engineering - Volume 2. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-6. ISBN 9789674181680
-, Suryanto (2011) Characterization and utilization of fly ash. In: Advances in materials engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 189-194. ISBN 9789674181673
-, Suryanto (2011) Coating for high speed cutting tools. In: High Speed Cutting: An Approach towards Improved Machining Performance. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 103-124. ISBN 9789674180232
-, Suryanto (2011) Electroless nickel based coatings from solution containing sodium hypophosphite. In: Advances in materials engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 184-188. ISBN 9789674181673
-, Suryanto (2011) Pulsed electrodeposition. In: Advances in materials engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 178-182. ISBN 9789674181673
-, Suryanto and Ani, Mohd Hanafi (2012) Thermal stability of nickel molybdenum electrodeposits. Advanced Materials Research, 576. pp. 413-416. ISSN 1022-6680
-, Suryanto and Yunus, Nurul Azhani (2011) Powder coating has potential in developing several industries. In: Manufacturing management from basic machining to quality product. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 230-236. ISBN 9789674181659
., Ahmad Fadli and Sopyan, Iis (2011) The influence of hydroxyapatite loading on protein foaming-consolidation porous alumina sintered at 1300°C. In: Advances in materials engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 120-125. ISBN 9789674181673
., Ahmad Fadli and Sopyan, Iis and ., Nur Syahidah and ., Nur Nadia (2011) Investigation of the effect of starch addition on protein foaming-consolidation porous alumina containing hydroxyapatite nanopowder. In: Advances in materials engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 115-119. ISBN 9789674181673
A, Jamar and Abdul Majid, Zafri Azran and Wan Hamzah, Wan Azmi and Mohamed, Norhafana and Abdul Razak, Amir (2016) A review of water heating system for solar energy applications. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 76. pp. 178-187. ISSN 0735-1933
A. Raof, Natasha and A. Ghani, Jaharah and Che Haron, Che Hassan and Syarif, Junaidi (2012) The effect of cryogenic application on surface integrity in manufacturing process: A review. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 8 (10). pp. 4880-4890. ISSN 1819-544X
A. Raof, Natasha and A. Ghani, Jaharah and Che Haron, Che Hassan and Syarif, Junaidi and Abdul Hadi, Musfirah (2016) Temperature at the tool-chip interface in cryogenic and dry turning of AISI 4340 using carbide tool. International Journal of Simulation Modelling, 15 (2). pp. 201-212. ISSN 1726-4529
A. Raof, Natasha and Othman, Hazreen and A. Ghani, Jaharah and Che Haron, Che Hassan and Junaidi, Syarif (2014) Chip formation and coefficient of friction in turning S45C medium carbon steel. International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering, 14 (6). pp. 89-92. ISSN 2227-2763 E-ISSN 2077-1258
A. Razak, Amir and Abdul Majid, Zafri Azran and Azmi, W.H. and Ruslan, Mohd Hafidz and Choobchian, Sh H. and Najafi, Gholamhassan and Sopian, Kamaruzzaman (2016) Review on matrix thermal absorber designs for solar air collector. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 64. pp. 682-693. ISSN 1364-0321
A. Rizk, Abd El-Fattah (2011) Thermal schock in periodic edge-cracked plate supported by elastic foundation. In: Mechatronics book series – selected papers from ICOM’01, ICOM’05 and ICOM’08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 38-47. ISBN 9789670225685
A.K.M., Parves Iqbal and Aris, Ishak and Misron, Norhisam and M., Mamiruce Marhaban and Asrar, Waqar (2011) Design process involved in developing mechanism of linear motor operated multiple spray operations spray gun. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5 (7). pp. 843-850. ISSN 1991-8178
Ab Rahim, Rosminazuin and Johari, Muhammad Jabrullah (2016) Design and Simulation of MEMS Hemholtz Resonator for Acoustic Energy Harvester. In: 2016 International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE), 26-27 July 2016, International Islamic University Malaysia.
Abbas, Fathelrahman A. and Babikir, Mohamed O. and Mirghani, Mohamed Elwathig Saeed and Kabbashi, Nassereldeen Ahmed (2012) Why ethics in research are crucial? Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, 6 (5). pp. 660-663. ISSN 1995-0772
Abd Aziz, Radhiyah and -, Nor Asyikin and Iis, Sopyan (2009) Synthesis of TiO2-SiO2 powder photocatalyst via sol-gel method: effect of titanium precursor type on powder properties. Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia, 70 (4). pp. 34-40. ISSN 0126-513X
Abd Hakim, Nur Wajihah and Salleh, Md Noor and Al-Mamun, Abdullah and Ali, Maisarah and Che Mohd Azmi, Siti Nurain and Ayob, Mohd Fairullazi (2024) Simulation of non-structural measures to reduce flooding in Sg. Bentong catchment. Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering Journal, 8 (2). pp. 9-31. E-ISSN 2637-0719
Abd Halim, Nor Farah Huda and Dahnel, Aishah Najiah and Gunasegaran, Umma Sankar and Lim, Joo Eng and Mohamad Amiruddin, M. S. and Tomadi, Siti Haryani (2023) Influence of cutting edge radius (CER) and width of cut (WOC) on tool wear in milling SUS 316 stainless steel. In: Proceeding of 5th International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing and Materials Engineering, 9—10 August, 2022, Kuala Lumpur.
Abd Latif, Muhamad Hafiz and Md. Yusof, Hazlina and Sidek, Shahrul Na'im (2017) Development of affective states model based on thermal imaging. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-418-474-2
Abd Rahman, MM and Ramli, Muhammad Zahir and Ab Razak, MS and Hikmatullah Sahib, SAT and Azman, MA (2023) Morphological response of Cherok Paloh estuaries towards the occurrence of Typhoon Rai. In: 6th World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, 02 - 05 July 2023, Penang, Malaysia. (Unpublished)
Abd-EI-Raouf, Hany Ehsan (2005) A new domain decomposition FDTD technique for simulating electromagnetic penetration into buildings. In: 2005 Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, APACE 2005, 20-21 Dec. 2005, Johor Bahru, Johor.
Abd. Rahman, Mohamed and Mohd Salit, Sapuan and Mridha, Shahjahan and Abdan, Khalina (2009) Characterization of pineapple leaf fibers from selected Malaysian cultivars. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 7 (1). pp. 235-240. ISSN 1459-0263 (O), 1459-0263 (P)
Abd. Rahman, Mohamed and Mohd. Salit, Sapuan and Abdan, Khalina (2014) Mechanical and thermal properties of josapine pineapple leaf fiber (PALF) and PALF-reinforced vinyl ester composites. Fibers and Polymers, 15 (5). pp. 1035-1041. ISSN 1229-9197 (Print) 1875-0052 (Online)
Abd. Rahman, Norinah and Rehman, Muhammad Ali and Zahari, Nur Afiqah and Mohd Taib, Aizat and Wan Mohtar, Wan Hanna Melini and Ramli, Ahmad Bukhari and Ibrahim, Aniza and Abang Hasbollah, Dayang Zulaika and Mitu, Sadia Mannan and Nurddin, Mohamad Faizal (2022) The potential of shear wave velocity as an erosion risk index. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 129 (February 2023). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1474-7065 E-ISSN 1873-5193
Abdelrahman, Mohammad and Park, Sang-Young (2009) Unscented kalman filtering for spacecraft attitude and rate determination using magnetometer. Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences(The Korean Space Science Society KSSS), 26 (1). pp. 31-46.
Abdul Hamid, Syamsul Bahrin (2021) FLAUT: a mutual sensitivity improvement throughmatched pipe, cavity and thin plate resonance. ELEKTRIKA: Journal of Electrical Engineering, 20 (2). pp. 42-48. E-ISSN 0128-4228
Abdul Karim, Mohamed Ismail (2011) Indicator microorganisms : detection of Coliform and Escherichia Coli. In: Experimental Methods in Modern Biotechnology. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, pp. 176-189. ISBN 9789670225869
Abdul Karim, Mohamed Ismail and Mel, Maizirwan and Jamal, Parveen and Mohd Salleh, Mohammad Ramlan and Alamin , Noraini (2011) Media screening of Lactobacillus rhamnosus fermentation for lactic acid production. In: Bioprocessing of Lactic Acid by Fermentation Technique. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 17-24. ISBN 9789674180935
Abdul Karim, Mohd Ismail and Mohd. Salleh, Hamzah and Mel, Maizirwan (2011) Batch fermentation of recombinant Escherichia coli producing β-glucuronidase using different control conditions. In: Bioprocessing of recombinant E.Coli producing β- glucuronidase enzyme. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 37-48. ISBN 9789674180102
Abdul Latiff, Abdul Somad and Musa, Mukhtaruddin and Anhar, Zaki and Illias, Suhaimi and Ani, Mohd Hanafi (2020) Slagging of coal blends: comparison between pre-blended and in furnace blend. In: 2nd Joint Conference on Green Engineering Technology & Applied Computing 2020, 4th - 5th February 2020, Bangkok, Thailand..
Abdul Muthalif, Asan Gani and Hafiz, Dhairul and Shafiq, Haris (2011) Self-powered solar tracking system part 2: system design. In: Mechatronics Book Series: System design and Signal Processing - Volume 2. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 14-18. ISBN 9789674181321
Abdul Muthalif, Asan Gani and Hafiz, Dhairul and Shafiq, Haris (2011) Self-powered solar tracking system part 3 : system integration and testing. In: Mechatronics Book Series: System design and Signal Processing - Volume 2. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 19-24. ISBN 9789674181321
Abdul Muthalif, Asan Gani and Hafiz, Dzairul and Shafiq, Haris (2011) Self-powered solar tracking system part 1: system modeling and hardware selections. In: Mechatronics Book Series: System design and Signal Processing - Volume 2. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 7-13. ISBN 9789674181321
Abdul Muthalif, Asan Gani and Langley, Robin S (2006) Active control of high frequency vibration in uncertain structures. In: The 13th International Congress on Sound and Vibration , 2-6 July 2006, Vienna, Austria.
Abdul Rahim, Toibah and Sopyan, Iis and Mel, Maizirwan and Fadli, Ahmad (2011) Evaluation on biological performance of porous pure and magnesium-doped biphasic calcium phosphate ceramics using vero cell culture. In: Recent Development of Microcarrier for Cell Culture Engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 51-59. ISBN 9789674180096
Abdul Rahman, Farah Diyana and Agrafiotis, Dimitris and Ibrahim, Ahmad Imran (2018) Edge dissimilarity reduced-reference quality metric with low overhead bitrate. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 10 (2). pp. 631-640. ISSN 2502-4752 E-ISSN 2502-4760
Abdul Rahman, Farah Diyana and Agrafiotis, Dimitris and Ibrahim, Ahmad Imran (2018) Reduced-reference video quality metric based on edge information. In: 4th IEEE International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications, ICSIMA 2017, Putrajaya.
Abdul Rashid, Khairuddin (2015) Istisna' model for construction works' contract. In: 3rd IIUM - Kyoto University Research Colloquium, 2nd - 3rd December 2015, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Abdul Rashid, Khairuddin (2015) PPP/PFI - Konsep, Pelaksaan & Cabaran (Concept, Implementation & Challenges). In: Kursus Pengurusan Kontrak & Pemniayaan Projek Kerajaan, 16th April 2015, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Abdul Rashid, Khairuddin (2014) Public Private Partnership and its significance for Malaysia. In: Commonwealth Governance and Growth 2014. Nexus Strategic Partnership, London, pp. 54-57. ISBN 978-1-908609-10-6
Abdul Rashid, Khairuddin (2018) Towards a common PPP framework for ASEAN. In: Economic integration and regional development : the ASEAN economic community /. Routledge studies in the modern world economy (172). Routlegde, Taylor & Francis Group, London ; New York, p. 75. ISBN 9781138688056
Abdul Razak, Nur Humairah and Ahmad, Zuraida (2011) Workability of coir fibre-reinforced cement-albumen composite. In: Advances in materials engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 195-200. ISBN 9789674181673
Abdul Samat, Asmak and Yahaya, Badrul Hisham and Abdul Hamid, Zuratul Ain and Jaafar, Mariatti (2020) Preliminary study on reactive compatibilisation of poly-lactic acid with maleic anhydride and dicumyl peroxide for fabrication of 3D printed filaments. In: 3rd International Postgraduate Conference on Materials, Minerals & Polymer (MAMIP) 2019, 31 October - 1 November 2021, Nibong Tebal, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
AbdulRahim, Farah Hani and Mohd. Ali, M.A. and Yatim, B. and Mandeep , J. S. (2012) The viability of the GPS precipitable water vapor In detecting drought-causing El Niño-southern oscillation at the Borneo Island. In: International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE 2012), 3-5 July 2012, Seri Pacific Hotel Kuala Lumpur.
Abdullah, Aida Ashikin and Hassan, Norita (2016) Effect of epoxidized palm oil as plasticizer on polyhydroxyalkanoates mechanical behavior. Journal of Built Environment, Technology and Engineering, 1. pp. 205-208. ISSN 0128-1003
Abdullah, Muhammad and Idres, Moumen and Mohammed Sapardi, Mohd Azan (2022) Model predictive control for regulating fuel cell stack temperature and air flow rate. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 92 (2). pp. 171-181. ISSN 2289-7879
Abu Bakar, Ayu Haslija and Koay, Yin Shin and Ching, Yernchee and Chuah Abdullah, Luqman and Choong, Thomas S Y and Al-Khatib, Ma'an Fahmi Rashid and Mobarekeh, Mohsen Nourouzi and Mohd Zahri, Nur Amirah (2016) Removal of fluoride using quaternized palm kernel shell as adsorbents: Equilibrium isotherms and kinetics studies. BioResources, 11 (2). pp. 4485-4511. ISSN 1930-2126
Abu Bakar, Mohd Rushdi and Nagy, Zoltan Karman and Saleemi, Ali Nauman and Rielly, Christopher David (2011) Direct nucleation control : a novel approach for the control of crystal size distribution in crystallization processes. In: Experimental Methods in Modern Biotechnology. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, pp. 190-198. ISBN 9789670225869
Abu Bakar, Muslim A. and Kassim, Liban A. and Khalifa, Othman Omran (2011) An overview of pulse Oximetry system for noninvasive monitoring. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 528-534. ISBN 9789670225685
Abu Bakar, Rashidah and Gunawan, Teddy Surya and Kartiwi, Mira (2013) Solar powered portable charger for disaster recovery: design and development using mini solar panel and arduino microcontroller. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN 9783659480935
Abu Kasim, Norul Ashikin and Gunawan, Teddy Surya (2012) Virtual-learning Content Management System for Problem-Based Learning (PBL) courses. In: International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE 2012), 3-5 July 2012, Seri Pacific Hotel Kuala Lumpur.
Abushariah, Ahmad A. M. and Gunawan, Teddy Surya and Chebil, Jalel and Abushariah, Mohammad Abd-Alrahman Mahmoud (2012) Automatic person identification system using handwritten signatures. In: International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE 2012), 3-5 July 2012, Seri Pacific Hotel Kuala Lumpur.
Abushariah, Ahmad A. M. and Gunawan, Teddy Surya and Chebil, Jalel and Abushariah, Mohammad Abd-Alrahman Mahmoud (2012) Voice based automatic person identification system using vector quantization. In: International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE 2012), 3-5 July 2012, Seri Pacific Hotel Kuala Lumpur.
Abuzaid, Ahmed and Hrairi, Meftah and Shaik Dawood, Mohd. Sultan Ibrahim (2017) Estimation of stress concentration factor of plate with hole using piezoelectric actuator and finite element method. In: 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Aerospace Engineering 2016 (ICMAAE’16), 25th-27th July 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Adebisi, Adetayo A. and Maleque, Md. Abdul and Rahman, M. M. (2011) Metal matrix composite brake rotor: Historical development and product life cycle analysis. International Journal of Automotive and Mechanical Engineering (IJAME), 4. pp. 471-480. ISSN 1985-9385 (P) 2180-1606(O)
Adesta, Erry Yulian Triblas and -, Sharmila Fathima (2011) Quality management system: in light of project management. In: Manufacturing management from basic machining to quality product. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 251-258. ISBN 9789674181659
Adesta, Erry Yulian Triblas and Ahmed Ghazal, Belal (2011) The effect of deep cryogenic treatment on the properties of AISI D2 tool steel. In: Manufacturing management from basic machining to quality product. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 32-39. ISBN 9789674181659
Adesta, Erry Yulian Triblas and Al Hazza, Muataz Hazza Faizi (2011) New tool life models in turning hardened steel AISI 4340 under high cutting speed. In: High Speed Cutting - An Approach towards Improved Machining Performance. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 3-16. ISBN 978-967-418-023-2
Adesta, Erry Yulian Triblas and Al Hazza, Muataz Hazza Faizi and Suprianto, Mohamad Yuhan and Riza, Muhammad (2012) Predicting surface roughness with respect to process parameters using Regression Analysis Models in end milling. Advanced Materials Research, 576. pp. 99-102. ISSN 1022-6680
Adnan, Noor Hidayah Muhamad and Islam, Md Rafiqul and Alam, A H M Zahirul (2018) Effects of inter-element spacing and number of elements on planar array antenna characteristics. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 10 (1). pp. 230-240. ISSN 2502-4752 E-ISSN 2502-4760
Afdzaluddin, Atiqah and Maleque, Md. Abdul (2011) High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) as an alternative material in fuel tank production. In: Manufacturing management from basic machining to quality product. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 164-171. ISBN 9789674181659
Afdzaluddin, Atiqah and Maleque, Md. Abdul (2011) High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) as an alternative material in fuel tank production. In: Advances in materials engineering (vol. 1). IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 126-131. ISBN 9789674181673
Afzeri, Afzeri and Sutjipto, Agus Geter Edy and Nurul Amin, A.K.M (2011) Pin type reconfigurable clamping ability evaluation for setup-free technology. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 569-575. ISBN 9789670225685
Ahamad Sukor, Masturah and Mohd. Ramli, Huda Adibah (2016) Channel quality information (CQI) reporting algorithms in LTE-A. International Journal of Soft Computing, 11 (4). pp. 242-246. ISSN 1816-9503
Ahlan, Abdul Rahman and Yusri, Arshad and Suhaimi, Mohd Adam and Hussin, Husnayati (2009) Malaysia IT outsourcing industry: practices, models, trends and challenges from a case of an offshore global service provider. In: 15th American Conference on Applied Mathematics/International Conference on Computational and Information Science, 30 April - 2 May 2009, Houston, TX.
Ahmad, Arfah Juneena and Ayob, Mohd Fairullazi (2023) Flood mitigation management practice: a comparison between stormwater management road tunnel (SMART) and sponge city methods. Journal of Project Management Practice, 3 (2). pp. 1-17. E-ISSN 2805-4768
Ahmad, Harith and Samion, Muhamad Zharif and Sharbirin, Anir Syazwan and Norizan, Siti Fatimah and Aidit, Siti Nabila and Ismail, Mohammad Faizal (2018) Graphene-PVA saturable absorber for generation of a wavelength-tunable passively Q-switched thulium-doped fiber laser in 2.0 μm. Laser Physics, 28 (5). 055105-1. ISSN 1054-660X E-ISSN 1555-6611
Ahmad, Kartini and Hanouf, Zahir (2016) Newtonian heating effect on Casson fluid flow over nonlinearly stretching sheet. In: 2nd International Conference on Pure and Applied Sciences (ICPAS 2016), 1st-5th June 2016, Istanbul, Turkey. (Unpublished)
Ahmad, Kartini and Hanouf, Zahir and Ishak, Anuar (2016) Mixed convection Jeffrey fluid flow over an exponentially stretching sheet with magnetohydrodynamic effect. AIP Advances, 6 (3). 035024-1-035024-7. ISSN 2158-3226
Ahmad, Kartini and Ishak, Anuar (2016) Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Jeffrey fluid over a stretching vertical surface in a porous medium. Propulsion and Power Research, 6 (4). pp. 269-276. ISSN 2212-540X
Ahmad, Mahmood and Ahmad, Feezan and Wróblewski, Piotr and Al-Mansob, Ramez A. and Olczak, Piotr and Paweł, Kamiński and Safdar, Muhammad and Rai, Partab (2021) Prediction of ultimate bearing capacity of shallow foundations on cohesionless soils: a gaussian process regression approach. Applied Sciences, 11 (21). E-ISSN 2076-3417
Ahmad, Mahmood and Al-Mansob, Ramez and Reza Kashyzadeh, Kazem and Keawsawasvong, Suraparb and Muayad Sabri Sabri, Mohanad and Jamil, Irfan and C. Alguno, Arnold (2022) Extreme Gradient Boosting Algorithm for Predicting Shear Strengths of Rockfill Materials. Complexity. ISSN 1076-2787 E-ISSN 1099-0526 (In Press)
Ahmad, Mahmood and Al-Mansob, Ramez Al-Ezzi Abduljalil and Ramli, Ahmad Bukhari and Ahmad, Feezan and Jehan Khan, Beenish (2024) Unconfined compressive strength prediction of stabilized expansive clay soil using machine learning techniques. Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design, 7 (1). pp. 217-231. ISSN 2520-8160 E-ISSN 2520-8179
Ahmad, Mahmood and Alsulami, Badr T. and Al-Mansob, Ramez and Legori Ibrahim, Saerahany and Keawsawasvong, Suraparb and Majdi, Ali and Ahmad, Feezan (2022) Predicting subgrade resistance value of hydrated lime-activated rice husk ash-treated expansive soil: a comparison between M5P, support vector machine, and gaussian process regression algorithms. Mathematics, 10 (3432). ISSN 2227-7390
Ahmad, Mahmood and Katman, HerdaYati and Al-Mansob, Ramez and Ahmad, Feezan and Safdar, Muhammad and Alguno, Arnold C. (2022) Prediction of rockburst intensity grade in deep underground excavation using adaptive boosting classifier. Complexity, 2022. pp. 1-10. ISSN 1076-2787 E-ISSN 1099-0526
Ahmad, Yasser Asrul and Nazim, NJ and Yuhaniz, SS (2016) Design of a terminal node controller hardware for CubeSat tracking applications. In: 6th Innovation in Aerospace Engineering and Technology (AEROTECH 2016), 8th-9th November 2016, Kuala Lumpur.
Ahmad, Zuraida and Ismail, Ahmad Faris and Shafie, Amir Akramin and Ihsan, Sany Izan and Halim, Zahurin and Mohamad, Souad A. (2011) Islamisation of engineering education in International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM): problems and prospect. Revelation and Science, 1 (3). pp. 131-137. ISSN 2229-9947
Ahmad, Zuraida and Tajuddin, Maisarah and Wan Mohd Yusof, Wan-Shazlin Maisarah (2017) Mechanical, physical and thermal properties of rattan fibre-based binderless board. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 29 (4). pp. 485-492. ISSN 0128-1283
Ahmad, Zuraida and Yusof, Yusliza and Anuar, Hazleen and R., Mohd Khairul Muhaimin (2012) The effect of water and citric acid on sago starch bio-plastics. International Food Research Journal, 19 (2). pp. 715-719. ISSN 19854668 (P), 22317546 (O)
Ahmad, Zuraida and Yusof, Yusliza and T.S, Le and S, Kumaran (2009) Effects of nanoclays on the structure and properties of cotton/albumen composites. In: 2nd Annual International Conference on Green Technology and Engineering, April 2009, Faculty of Engineering Malahayati University, Lampung, Indonesia.
Ahmad, Zuraida and Zain, Saidi and Halim, Zahurin and Ismail, Ahmad Faris (2018) Perceptions of the students on the developed Islamic Integrated Physics Textbook (IIPT): a case study. In: Rejuvenating Islamic thought. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 152-166. ISBN 978-967-491-010-5
Ahmad, Zuraida and Zain, Saidi and Ismail, Ahmad Faris and Salleh, Md. Noor and Machouche, Salah (2016) Students perceptions on infusion of Islamic perspectives in the teaching of engineering subjects: IIUM case study. Journal of Education and Vocational Research (JESOC), 4. pp. 1-7. E-ISSN 2289-9855
Ahmad Fadzil, Ilhamy Isyraq and Ghazali, Aimi Shazwani and Jasni, Farahiyah and Hafizalshah, Muhammad Hariz (2024) Enhancing mental health through ambient lighting. In: International Human Engineering Symposium, Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia.
Ahmad Fauzi, Dhiyauddin and Alang Rashid, Nahrul Khair and Mohamed Zin, Muhammad Rawi and Hasbullah, Nurul Fadzlin (2017) Radiation performance of Gan and InAs/GaAs quantum dot based devices subjected to neutron radiation. IIUM Engineering Journal, 18 (1). pp. 101-109. ISSN 1511-788X E-ISSN 2289-7860
Ahmad Fuad, Fazia Adyani and Houston, Douglas Robert and Michels, Paul A M and Fothergill- Gilmore, Linda A. and Walkinshaw, Malcolm Douglas (2016) Inhibitors of leishmania mexicana phosphoglycerate mutase identified by virtual screening and verified by inhibition studies. Sains Malaysiana, 45 (7). pp. 1113-1120. ISSN 0126-6039
Ahmad Jasmi, Siti Zulaiha and Ayob, Mohd Fairullazi and Abdul Rashid, Khairuddin (2015) Investigation of quality of data input in life cycle cost analysis of rigid pavement type. In: 14th Management in Construction Research Association (MiCRA 2015) Conference and Annual General Meeting, 12th-13th Nov. 2015, Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design (KAED) International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). (Unpublished)
Ahmad Jasmi, Siti Zulaiha and Ayob, Mohd Fairullazi and Abdul Rashid, Khairuddin (2017) A review on the quality of data inputs in life cycle cost analysis of rigid pavement maintenance in Malaysia. In: Putrajaya International Built Environment, Technology and Engineering Conference (PIBEC2017), 27th-28th March 2017, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.
Ahmad Jasmi, Siti Zulaiha and Ayob, Mohd Fairullazi and Abdul Rashid, Khairuddin and Mohd Rahim, Faizul Azli (2018) A review on the state of cost data inputs of Life Cycle Cost (LCC) for rigid pavement maintenance and rehabilitation in Malaysia. Journal of Design and Built Environment (JDBE, Special Edition (S.1). pp. 26-38. ISSN 1823-4208 E-ISSN 2232-1500
Ahmad Nor, Yusilawati and Mel, Maizirwan and Mohd. Salleh, Hamzah and Hooi, Ng Kim and C.S, Wong (2011) Ultraviolet/ozone treatment for polystyrene beads modification and its effect on gelatin coating. In: Recent Development of Microcarrier for Cell Culture Engineering. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, pp. 11-22. ISBN 9789674180096
Ahmad Nor, Yusilawati and Mel, Maizirwan and Mohd. Salleh, Hamzah and Hooi, Ng Kim and C.S, Wong (2011) The study of immobilized bovine and fish gelatin on carboxyl containing polystyrene beads for vero cell culture. In: Recent development of microcarrier for cell culture engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 23-31. ISBN 9789674180096
Ahmad Nor, Yusilawati and Sulong, Nurul Hafizah and Mel, Maizirwan and Mohd. Salleh, Hamzah and Sopyan, Iis (2011) The vero cells growth in different type of microcarriers. In: Recent Development of microcarrier for Cell Culture Engineering. IIUM Press, Kaula Lumpur, pp. 85-95. ISBN 9789674180096
Ahmad Nor, Yusilawati and Jaafar, Nuhu Jaafar and Mel, Maizirwan (2011) Locally processed serum performance in vero cell culture: Part I. In: Recent Development of Microcarrier for Cell Culture Engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 61-72. ISBN 9789674180096
Ahmad Nor, Yusilawati and Jaafar, Nuhu Jaafar and Mel, Maizirwan (2011) Locally processed serum performance in vero cell culture: Part II. In: Recent Development of Microcarrier for Cell Culture Engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 73-84. ISBN 9789674180096
Ahmad Nor, Yusilawati and Mel, Maizirwan and Sopyan, Iis and Mohd. Salleh , Hamzah and Hooi, Ng Kim and C.S., Wong (2011) UV/ozone treatment system for polystyrene beads modification. In: Recent Development of Microcarrier for Cell Culture Engineering. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, pp. 1-10. ISBN 9789674180096
Ahmad Puzi, Asmarani and Sidek, Shahrul Na'im and Md Yusof, Hazlina and Mohd Khairuddin, Ismail (2019) Objective analysis of muscle spasticity level in rehabilitation assessment. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 11 (3). pp. 223-231. ISSN 2229-838X E-ISSN 2600-7916
Ahmad Raus, Raha (2011) Screening natural compounds for antibacterial activity by disc diffusion method. In: Experimental Methods in Modern Biotechnology. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, pp. 170-175. ISBN 9789670225869
Ahmad Raus, Raha and Abdullah, Erlina and Jamal, Parveen (2011) Extraction and evaluation of antibacterial activity from selected flowering plants. In: Current research and development in biotechnology engineering at IIUM (volume II). IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 43-49. ISBN 9789674181512
Ahmad Raus, Raha and Mohd Puzi, Nur Shazwana and Jamal, Parveen (2011) Extraction of antibacterial compounds from plants using sonicator. In: Current research and development in biotechnology engineering at IIUM (volume II). IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 50-56. ISBN 9789674181512
Ahmad Raus, Raha and Nor Muhammad, Nor Azlin Alia and Santhanam, Jacinta (2011) Extraction and evaluation of anticandidal activity from selected Malaysian plants. In: Current research and development in biotechnology engineering at IIUM (volume II). IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 57-61. ISBN 9789674181512
Ahmad Raus, Raha and Samsuddin, Hayatunnisa and Addnan, Nor Hafizah and Santhanam, Jacinta (2011) Extraction and evaluation of antifungal activity from selected Malaysian plants. In: Current research and development in biotechnology engineering at IIUM (volume II). IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 62-67. ISBN 9789674181512
Ahmad Zabidi, Suriza and Akter, Sharmin and Zainal Abidin, M. Shahnan (2018) Dimming techniques for visible light communication system. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 10 (1). pp. 258-265. ISSN 2502-4752 E-ISSN 2502-4760
Ahmad Zabidi, Suriza and Akter, Sharmin and Zainal Abidin, Mohd. Shahnan (2018) Preliminary analysis of dimming property for visible light communication. In: 4th IEEE International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications (ICSIMA), 28th-30th November 2017, Putrajaya.
Ahmad Zabidi, Suriza and Islam, Md Rafiqul and Al Khateeb, Wajdi Fawzi Mohammed and Naji, Ahmed Wathik (2013) Proposed parameters of specific rain attenuation prediction for free space optics link operating in tropical region. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 94. pp. 93-99. ISSN 1364-6826
Ahmed, Hamdi E. and Ahmed, Mirghani Ishag and Yusoff, M. Z. (2016) Numerical and experimental comparative study on nanofluids flow and heat transfer in a ribbed triangular duct. Experimental Heat Transfer, 29 (6). pp. 759-780. ISSN 0891-6152 E-ISSN 1521-0480
Ahmed, Hamdi E. and Yusoff, M.Z. and Hawlader, Mohammad Nurul Alam and Ahmed, Mirghani Ishaq and Salman, B. H. and Kerbeet, A. Sh (2017) Turbulent heat transfer and nanofluid flow in a triangular duct with vortex generators. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 105. pp. 495-504. ISSN 0017-9310
Ahmed, Hamdi E. and Ahmed, Mirghani Ishak and M.Z, Yusoff and Hawlader, Mohammad Nurul Alam and Habeeb, Al-Ani (2015) Experimental study of heat transfer augmentation in non-circular duct using combined nanofluids and vortex generator. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 90. pp. 1197-1206. ISSN 0017-9310
Ahmed, Mirghani I. and Abakar, Y.A and Pervez, T. and Ismail, Ahmad Faris (2011) Design and analysis of a solar still using finite element method. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 79-89. ISBN 9789670225685
Ahmed, Mirghani Ishak and Sadiq, M.J (2011) An autonomous integrated architecture for the next generation air traffic management and Avionics systems. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 444-449. ISBN 9789670225685
Ahmed Ghazal, Belal and Adesta, Erry Yulian Triblas (2011) In-Situ syntheses of high wear resistant coating reinforced Ti-6al-4v Matrix. In: Manufacturing management from basic machining to quality product. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 173-179. ISBN 9789674181659
Ahmed Kabashi, Nassereldeen and A. Galal, Fatima (2009) Religion, environmental ethics and global climate change. In: Ethics of engineering education. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 173-177. ISBN 9789833855674
Ahmed Rizk, Abd El-Fattah and Ashour, Ahmed Ali Ibrahim Shaaban (2011) Free vibration of variable thickness plates using characteristic orthogonal polynomial strip functions subjected to different combinations of boundary conditions. In: Mechatronics book series – selected papers from ICOM’01, ICOM’05 and ICOM’08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 101-111. ISBN 9789670225685
Ahmmad, Syed Masrur and Khan, Md. Raisuddin and Rahman, Md. Mozasser and Billah, Masum (2013) Position control of a four link hyper redundant robotic manipulator. Asian Journal of Scientific Research, 6 (1). pp. 67-77. ISSN 1992-1454
Aibinu, Abiodun Musa and Astuti, Winda and Salami, Momoh Jimoh Emiyoka and Akmeliawati, Rini and Abdul Muthalif, Asan Gani (2011) Earthquake prediction and monitoring using unusual animal behavior. In: Mechatronics book series system design and signal processing. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 134-140. ISBN 9789674181734
Aibinu, Abiodun Musa and Salami, Momoh Jimoh Emiyoka and Abdul Muthalif, Asan Gani and Mior Badri, Sumaiyah and Khalidah, Sarah and Saat, Nuruleeman (2011) Development of experimental station for earthquake prediction. In: Mechatronics book series system design and signal processing. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 109-116. ISBN 9789674181734
Aibinu, Abiodun Musa and Salami, Momoh Jimoh Eyiomika and Hazali, N. and Termidzi, N. and Shafie, Amir Akramin (2011) Intelligent automatic fruit identification system. In: Mechatronic Book Series: Control and Intelligent Systems. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 219-228. ISBN 9789674181765
Ainibu, Abiodun Musa and Shafie, Amir Akramin and Salami, Momoh Jimoh Emiyoka and Salami, A. F. and Bamgbopa, Ibrahim A. and Lawal, Wahab Adetunji (2011) Development of a new method of crack modelling and prediction algorithm. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 520-527. ISBN 9789670225685
Aizat Jamaluddin, Mohd Jamil and Salleh, Hamzah Mohd. (2011) On-column refolding of recombinant fungal endoglucanase. In: Bioprocessing of recombinant E.Coli producing β- glucuronidase enzyme. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 101-114. ISBN 9789674180102
Akhtaruzzaman, Md. and Shafie, Amir Akramin and Khan, Md. Raisuddin (2016) Automated threshold detection for object segmentation in colour image. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11 (6). pp. 4100-4104. ISSN 1819-6608
Akhtaruzzaman, Md. and Shafie, Amir Akramin and Khan, Md. Raisuddin (2017) Quasi-inverse pendulum model of 12 DoF bipedal walking. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 14 (2). pp. 179-190. ISSN 1476-8186
Akhtaruzzaman, Md. and Shafie, Amir Akramin and Khan, Md. Raisuddin (2016) Representation of human gait trajectory through temporospatial image modelling. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences Open Access, 11 (6). pp. 4105-4110. ISSN 1819-6608
Akmeliawati, Rini and Sediono, Wahju and Alang Md Rashid, Nahrul Khair (2011) Mechatronics book series: robotics and automation. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789674181529
Al Hazza, Muataz Hazza Faizi and Adesta, Erry Yulian Triblas (2011) Development of empirical models for surface roughness during high speed turning for hard materials using Box-Behnken design. In: High Speed Cutting: An Approach towards Improved Machining Performance. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 31-38. ISBN 9789674180232
Al Hazza, Muataz Hazza Faizi and Adesta, Erry Yulian Triblas (2011) Development of new model for cutting force in high speed hard turning. In: High Speed Cutting: An Approach towards Improved Machining Performance. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 145-152. ISBN 9789674180232
Al Hazza, Muataz Hazza Faizi and Adesta, Erry Yulian Triblas (2011) Development of tooling cost model in high speed hard turning. In: High Speed Cutting: An Approach towards Improved Machining Performance. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 125-144. ISBN 9789674180232
Al Hazza, Muataz Hazza Faizi and Adesta, Erry Yulian Triblas (2011) Experimental investigations in high-speed hard turning of AISI 4340 steel using mixed ceramic. In: High Speed Cutting: An Approach towards Improved Machining Performance. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, pp. 93-100. ISBN 9789674180232
Al-Khatib, Ma'an Fahmi Rashid (2017) Adsorbed natural gas storage by experimental and simulation approaches. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-418-495-7
Al-Mansob, Ramez and Katman, Herda Yati and M. Al-Sabaeei, Abdulnaser and Zamzami, Muhammad and Al-Fakih, Amin and Willy, Kuay Wei and M. Jassam, Taha and Alsharef, Jamal and B. Surol, Salihah and Yusof, Nurul H. and Koting, Suhana (2022) Effect of Carbon Nanofibers on Physical, Adhesion and Rheological Properties of Liquid Epoxidized Natural Rubber Modified Asphalt. Materials, 15 (11). pp. 1-21. ISSN 1996-1944
Al-Obaidi, Ali Hussien and Shafie, Amir Akramin (2011) The contribution of Ibn Sahl in refraction of light. In: Contributions of Early Muslim Scientists to Engineering Sciences and related studies. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 95-102. ISBN 978-967-418-157-4
Al-Qudah,, Dua’A Mahmoud and Olanrewaju, Rashidah Funke and Azman, Amelia Wong (2017) Intelligent cooperative adaptive weight ranking policy via dynamic aging based on NB and J48 classifiers. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 5 (4). pp. 357-365. ISSN 2089-3272
Alam, A. H. M. Zahirul (2011) Overview of Radio Frequency Microelectromechanical systems reconfigurable antennas. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 450-457. ISBN 9789670225685
Alam, A. H. M. Zahirul and Islam, Md. Rafiqul and Khan, Sheroz and Rashid, Muhammad Mahbubur (2009) Microelectrical mechanical systems switch for designing multi-band antenna. Journal of Computer Science, 5 (7). pp. 479-486. ISSN 1549-3636
Alam, Md. Zahangir and Al-Mamun, Abdullah and Mohd Noor, Hikmah (2011) Production of fermentable sugar from lignocellulosic materials using statistical design. In: Current research and development in biotechnology engineering at IIUM (volume 1). IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 225-230. ISBN 9789674181505
Alam, Md. Zahangir and Mohd. Salleh, Hamzah and Mohd Yusoff, Noraini (2011) Development of rapid enzymatic process for acid oil production from sludge palm oil. In: Current research and development in biotechnology engineering at IIUM (volume 1). IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 44-50. ISBN 978-967-418-150-5
Alam, Md. Zahangir and Salleh, Hamzah Mohd. and Ariffin, Radhiah and ., Noor Mohammad (2011) Optimization of process conditions for glucoamylase production using non-food cassava. In: Current research and development in biotechnology engineering at IIUM (volume 1). IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 38-43. ISBN 9789674181505
Alamgir, Tarik Bin and Alfar, I.J. and Rashid, Muhammad Mahbubur (2011) Mechanical design of a person following robot. In: Mechatronics Book Series: Robotics and Automation. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 43-48. ISBN 9789674181529
Alamgir, Tarik Bin and Alfar, Ibrahim Jawad and Rashid, Muhammad Mahbubur (2012) Modeling and robust analysis of a fuzzy based person following robot. In: International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE 2012), 3-5 July 2012, Seri Pacific Hotel Kuala Lumpur.
Alanazi, Hamdan O. and M.L., Mat Kiah and Zaidan, Bilal Bahaa and Zaidan, A.A. and Alam, Gazi Mahabubul (2010) Secure topology for electronic medical record transmission. International Journal of Pharmacology, 6 (4). pp. 954-958. ISSN ISSN: 1811-7775
Alang Md Rashid, Nahrul Khair (2011) The role of intelligent systems in Mechatronics engineering. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 144-150. ISBN 9789670225685
Alatabani, Lina Elmoiz and Saeed, Rashid A. and Ali, Elmustafa Sayed and Mokhtar, Rania A. and Khalifa, Othman Omran and Hayder, Gasim (2023) Vehicular Network Spectrum Allocation using Hybrid NOMA and Multi-agent Reinforcement learning. In: International Conference on Science Engineering Technology and Sustainability, SETS 2021, Virtual conference.
Ali, Maisarah and Jahn Kassim, Puteri Shireen (2010) Ministry of Energy, Water, Communication (MEWC) building Putrajaya, Malaysia. In: Sustainable buildings in practice. Routledge, pp. 295-303. ISBN 9780415399326
Ali, Maisarah and Musa, Mohd Faiz (2009) Environmental impacts of ecotourism on mangrove: case study of Kuala Selangor Nature Park. In: 6th Workshop on Sosial Capital and Development Trends in the Japanese and Swedish Countryside, 1-2nJuly 2009, Ishigaki Island, Japan.
Ali, Mohammad Yeakub and Hamad, Mohd Hosni and Karim, Ahmad Izwan (2009) Form characterization of microhole produced by microelectrical discharge drilling. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 24 (6). pp. 683-687. ISSN 1042-6914
Ali, Mohammad Yeakub and Lim, B.H. (2011) Trimming of atomic force microscope probe tip by ion milling. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 381-385. ISBN 9789670225685
Ali, Mohammad Yeakub and Mehfuz, R. (2009) Investigation of finish cut of microelectrodischarge milling for nanosurface finish. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 27 (3). pp. 1330-1334. ISSN 1071-1023
Ali, Mohammad Yeakub and Suieb, Ali Nurhanim and Mohamad Asharaf, Asfana Banu (2016) Micro electro discharge machining of non-conductive ceramic using conductive powder mix dielectric fluid. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11 (7). pp. 1469-1474. ISSN 1816-949X E-ISSN 1818-7803
Ali, Supiah and Kasim, Norhidayu and Saiful Anuar, Afiq Aiman and Ruslan, Muhammad Imran and Wan Azahar, Wan Nur Aifa and Ramli, Ahmad Bukhari (2023) Development of cumulative rainfall threshold for landslide occurrence in peninsular Malaysia. Planning Malaysia Journal, 21 (6). pp. 508-525. ISSN 1675-6215 E-ISSN 0128-0945
Ali, Zuraidah and Abd Ghadas, Zuhairah Ariff (2011) Law of trust and the beneficial interest in matrimonial property. In: Contemporary issues on matrimonial property. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 185-198. ISBN 9789674182250
Ali , M.H and Abdul Hamid, Syamsul Bahrin and Rahman, Mohammed Ataur (2011) Development of unmanned vehicle utilizing GPS system. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 53-58. ISBN 9789670225685
Ali Azhar, F.E. and Rashid, Muhammad Mahbubur and Alamgir, Tarik Bin (2012) Design and development of controller of a rotary crane system. In: International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering, ICCCE 2012, 3 - 5 July 2012, Kuala Lumpur.
Ali Khan, Ahsan and Awang, Mohd Afendee and Annuar, Ahmad Azwari (2011) Surface roughness of carbides produced by water abrasive jet machining. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 556-561. ISBN 9789670225685
Alkharasani, Batool Abdulsamad and Hassan, Mohd Khair and Akmeliawati, Rini and Zafira, Ribhan (2016) PID-sliding surface based sliding mode controller for anti-lock braking system of electric vehicle. Advanced Science Letters, 22 (10). pp. 2734-2737. ISSN 1936-6612 E-ISSN 1936-7317
Allujami, Hamzeh Marwan and Abdulkareem, Muyideen and M.Jassam, Taha and Abduljalil Al-Mansob, Ramez Al-Ezzi and Ibrahim, Azmi and Jing, Lin Ng and Hok, Chai Yam (2022) Mechanical properties of concrete containing recycle concrete aggregates and multi-walled carbon nanotubes under static and dynamic stresses. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 17. pp. 1-18. ISSN 2214-5095
Almansari, Osamah Abdulrahman and Nik Hashim, Nik Nur Wahidah (2019) Recognition of isolated handwritten Arabic characters. In: 7th International Conference on Mechatronics Engineering, ICOM 2019; Putrajaya; Malaysia, 30 - 31 Oct 2019, Putrajaya, Malaysia.
Altaf, Alamaan and Thong, Tanboon and Omar, Ashraf Ali and Asrar, Waqar (2016) Influence of a reverse delta-type add-on device on wake vortex alleviation. AIAA Journal, 54 (2). pp. 625-636. ISSN 0001-1452 E-ISSN 1533-385X
Amin, A. K. M. Nurul and Hossain, Mohammad Ishtiyaq (2013) Induction heat assisted end milling of Inconel 718 and Ti6AI4V alloys: a comparative assessment of Machinability in terms of chatter, surface roughness and tool performance. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing , Saarbrucken, Germany. ISBN 978-3-659-43993-3
Amin, A. K. M. Nurul and Ismail, Ahmad Faris (2009) Improvement of machinability of hard to machine materials by cryogenic cooling and job preheating. In: Proceedings of the seminar on research findings 2008. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 443-454. ISBN 9789833855780
Amin, A. K. M. Nurul and Mahmoud, Abdelgadir Mohamed (2013) Chatter control in induction heat assisted end milling: to improve machinability of stainless steel and medium carbon steels. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing , Saarbrucken, Germany. ISBN 978-3-659-43654-3
Amir, Ahmad N. and Shuriye, Abdi Omar and Ismail, Ahmad Faris (2012) Muhammad Abduh’s contributions to modernity. Asian Journal of Management Sciences & Education (AJMSE), 1 (1). pp. 63-75. ISSN 2186-845X (O), 2186-8441 (P)
Amiriyan, Mahdi and Kelvin, Chew W.J. and Ramesh, S. and Tolouei, Ranna and Hassan, M.A. and Sopyan, Iis and Meenaloshini, S. (2012) Mechanical and electrical properties of Y-TZP/ZrB2 composite. In: International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing and Materials Engineering, ICAMME 2012, 3rd - 5th July 2012 , Kuala Lumpur.
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Anhar, Zaki and Musa, Muktaruddin and Illias, Suhaimi and Ani, Mohd Hanafi (2020) A review of current prediction methods for slagging and fouling in Malaysian coal fired power plants. Test Engineering & Management, 83 (May-June). pp. 1411-1418. ISSN 0193-4120
Ani, Mohd Hanafi and Azman, M. A. F. and Musa, Mukhtaruddin and Anhar, Zaki and Abdul Hamid, Abd. Malek (2020) High temperature cathodic protection of Fe-Cr alloy. In: 2nd Joint Conference on Green Engineering Technology & Applied Computing 2020, 4th - 5th Feb. 2020, Bangkok, Thailand..
Ani, Mohd Hanafi and Herman, Sukreen Hana and -, Suryanto and Othman, Raihan (2012) Internal oxidation of Ni-Cr-Al alloys under various oxygen partial pressures at 1273 K. Advanced Materials Research, 576. pp. 429-433. ISSN 1022-6680
Ani, Mohd Hanafi and Othman, Raihan (2012) The effects of water vapor on high temperature oxidation of Fe-Cr-Ni alloy at 1073k. Research Report. s.n., Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Ani, Mohd Hanafi and Purwanto, Hadi and Musa, Mukhtaruddin and Illias, Suhaimi and Kaderi, Akbar and Salim, Nurjannah and Abd Rahim, Mohd Hasbi and Sutjipto, Agus Geter Edy (2022) Electrochemical monitoring of oxygen potential on Fe-Cr alloy surface during high temperature oxidation in dry and humid conditions. In: 7th International Corrosion Prevention Symposium for Research Scholars, CORSYM 2021, 17 November 2021, Virtual.
Ani, Mohd Hanafi and Zaharudin, M. Z. and Anhar, Zaki and Musa, Mukhtaruddin and Abdul Hamid, Abd. Malek (2020) Accelerates high temperature oxidation due to the change of Schottky’s Barrier Height of Cr2O3 layer in humid condition. In: 2nd Joint Conference on Green Engineering Technology & Applied Computing 2020, 4th - 5th February 2020, Bangkok, Thailand.
Anuar, Hazleen and Ahmad, Sahrim and Rasid, Rozaidi (2011) Effect of fibre length on tensile properties of TPNR-Kenaf fibre composite. In: Advances in materials engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 79-83. ISBN 9789674181673
Anuar, Hazleen and Ahmad, Sahrim and Rasid, Rozaidi (2011) Enhanced tensile strength with sulphuric treated short carbon fibre. In: Advances in materials engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 74-78. ISBN 9789674181673
Anuar, Hazleen and Ahmad, Sahrim and Rasid, Rozaidi (2011) Water absorption of TPNR reinforce short carbon fibre composite. In: Advances in materials engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 69-73. ISBN 9789674181673
Anuar, Hazleen and Kaiser, Muhammad Rejaul (2011) Comparative study on the effect of plasticizer on thermal properties of Polylactic acid. In: Advances in materials engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 22-27. ISBN 9789674181673
Anuar, Hazleen and Kaiser, Muhammad Rejaul (2011) Effect of nanoclay on mechanical properties of PLA-clay nanocomposite. In: Advances in materials engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 84-89. ISBN 9789674181673
Anwar, Farhat (2011) Cellular radio based vehicular location finding. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 426-438. ISBN 9789670225685
Ariff, Tasnim Firdaus and Iqbal, Mohammad and Bahar, Rubina (2015) Cost analysis of using hybrid microwave post-sintered silicon nitride inserts. Advanced Materials Research, 1115. pp. 192-195. ISSN 1022-6680
Arifin, Mohd Azmir and Ahmad Raus, Raha and Mel, Maizirwan (2011) Phases of cell culture. In: Introduction to cell culture for engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 27-34. ISBN 9789674180713
Arifin, Mohd Azmir and Mel, Maizirwan (2011) Introduction. In: Introduction to cell culture for engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-9. ISBN 9789674180713
Arifin, Mohd Azmir and Mel, Maizirwan and Ahmad Raus, Raha and Syed Hassan, Sharifah and Ideris, Aini (2011) The growth rate and viability of DF1 cell in different culture media. In: Recent Development of Microcarrier for Cell Culture Engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 111-119. ISBN 9789674180096
Arifin, Mohd Azmir and Salim, Siti Hajar and Mel, Maizirwan (2011) Newcastle Disease Virus propagation in stirred tank bioreactor: part II. In: Recent Development Of Microcarrier For Cell Culture Engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 171-183. ISBN 9789674180096
Arifin, Mohd Azmir and Salim, Siti Hajar and Mel, Maizirwan (2011) Newcastle Disease virus propagation in stirred tank bioreactor: part I. In: Recent Development of Microcarrier for Cell Culture Engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 159-170. ISBN 9789674180096
Arifin, Muhammad Arifuddin and Abdul Rashid, Khairuddin and Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila and Hasan, Sharina Farihah (2015) Development of a proposed framework for Tahkim in the Malaysian construction industry. In: 3rd IIUM - Kyoto University Research Colloquium, 2nd - 3rd December 2015, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Arris, Farrah Aida and Wan Salim, Wan Wardatul Amani (2017) Optimization and characterization of graphene nanocomposites for glucose biosensors. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-418-470-4
Arshad, Atika and Tasnim, Rumana and Zahirul Alam, A. H. M. and Khan, Sheroz (2016) Low value capacitance measurement system for the application of monitoring human body. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11 (1). pp. 327-330. ISSN 1819-6608
Arshad, Atika and Khan, Sheroz and Alam, A. H. M. Zahirul and Tasnim, Rumana (2011) An investigation of soft magnetic and non magnetic materials under low frequency. IIUM Engineering Journal, 12 (6). pp. 59-70. ISSN 1511-788X
Ashraf, Qazi Mamoon and Kabbashi, Nassereldeen Ahmed and Alam, Md Zahangir and Muyibi, Suleyman Aremu and Ameen, Emad S.M. and Olanrewaju, Rashidah Funke (2017) Powdered activated carbon for removal of phenol and treatment of palm oil mill final effluent. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-418-489-6
Astuti, Winda and Aibinu, Abiodun Musa and Salami, Momoh Jimoh Emiyoka and Akmeliawati, Rini and Abdul Muthalif, Asan Gani (2011) Animal sound activity detection using multi-class support vector machines. In: 4th International Conference on Mechatronics (ICOM) , 17-19 May, 2011 , Kuala Lumpur.
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Hakiem, Nashrul and Priantoro, Akhmad Unggul and Mutholib, Abdul and Siddiqi, Muhammad Umar and Hasan, Talib Hashim (2010) Implementation of IPv6 address generation mechanism for enterprise wireless local area network in open source DHCPv6. In: International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering (ICCCE), 2012 , 3-5th July 2012, Kuala lumpur.
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Hameed, Amar Hasan and Kafafy, Raed Ismail (2011) Generalized one-dimentional flow inside thermo-electrically controlled micronozzle. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 394-402. ISBN 9789670225685
Hameed, Shihab A. (2011) Effect of internet drawbacks on moral and social values of users in education. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5 (6). pp. 372-380. ISSN 1991-8178
Hameed, Shihab A. (2011) Harmful data factors that affect Internet's users in educational industry. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 466-471. ISBN 9789670225685
Hameed, Shihab A. (2011) Improving software testing by using statictical methods to general multi-structures test data. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 414-425. ISBN 9789670225685
Hameed, Shihab A. (2011) New model for software engineering ethical principles. In: Computing for human services. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 91-99. ISBN 9789674181611
Hameed, Shihab A. (2011) Software engineering and ethical values. In: Computing for human services. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 83-90. ISBN 9789674181611
Hameed, Shihab A. and A.Al-Abbasi, Abdul Majid (2011) Intelligent generator for semi-actual data. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 403-413. ISBN 9789670225685
Hameed, Shihab A. and Aliyu, B.A (2011) Integrated emergency and guidance system based on WiMAX wireless technology (IEGSW). In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 458-465. ISBN 9789670225685
Hameed, Shihab A. and Chishti, Mohammad Ahsan (2011) The power of web portals as a gateway to resources and services for industry. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 480-485. ISBN 9789670225685
Hameed, Shihab A. and Khalifa, Othman Omran and Hassan Abdalla Hashim, Aisha (2011) Computer implementable Quick Fourier Transform (QFT) for engineering educators. In: Computing for human services. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 53-61. ISBN 9789674181611
Hamida, Belal Ahmed and Azooz, S.M. and Jasim, Ali Abdulhadi and Eltaif, Tawfig and Khan, Sheroz and Ahmad, H. and Wadi, Sulaiman (2016) Flat-gain wide-band erbium doped fiber amplifier with hybrid gain medium. Optik, 127 (5). pp. 2481-2484. ISSN 0030-4026 E-ISSN 1618-1336
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Hassan, Mohomed (2006) Integrating Islamic concepts in the engineering curriculum : case study : Faculty of Engineering, IIUM. In: Islamic Engineering Ethics : Foundation Integration and Practice. Future Text Publications, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 74-80. ISBN 983-3004-66-0
Hassan, Muhammad Hasibul and Mollik, Md Sazib (2016) Crystallization kinetics and thermal behaviors of multi-walled carbon nanotube dispersed jute reinforced composite. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11 (6). pp. 4137-4142. ISSN 1819-6608
Hassan, Noor Azlina and Ahmad, Sahrim and Rasid, Rozaidi and Hassan, Norita (2011) The effect of processing parameter on tensile properties of thermoplastic natural rubber nanocomposites. In: Advances in materials engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 58-63. ISBN 9789674181673
Hassan, Noor Azlina and Hassan, Norita and Ahmad, Sahrim and Rasid, Rozaidi (2011) Comparison of mechanical properties between untreated and sulphuric acid treated short carbon fiber reinforced Thermoplastic Natural Rubber (TPNR) composite. In: Advances in materials engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 64-68. ISBN 9789674181673
Hassan, Nor Syamira and Ibrahim, Aniza and Alias, Rohaya and Abang Hasbollah, Dayang Zulaika and Ramli, Ahmad Bukhari (2022) Assessment of ultimate bearing capacity of the pile for jacking & rotary piling method. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 129. pp. 1-7. ISSN 1474-7065 E-ISSN 1873-5193
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Hassan, Sajid and Chishti, Mohamad Ahsan and Anwar, Farhat and Elamvazuthi, Chandran (2011) Web based documentation system for dynamic roadmaps. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 472-479. ISBN 9789670225685
Hassan Abdalla Hashim, Aisha and Anwar, Farhat and Mohd, Shaffiah and Liyakthalikhan, Hatina Banun and Hassan, Sajid (2011) Performance evaluation of hierarchical mobile IP. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 500-508. ISBN 9789670225685
Hayyan, Adeeb and Mjalli, Farouq Sabri and Mirghani, Mohamed Elwathig Saeed and Hashim, Mohd Ali and Hayyan, Maan and Alnashef, Inas Muen and Al-Zahrani, Saeed M. (2012) Treatment of acidic palm oil for fatty acid methyl esters production. Chemical Papers, 66 (1). pp. 39-46. ISSN 1336-9075 (O), 0366-6352 (P)
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Hrairi, Meftah (2017) 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Aerospace Engineering 2016. In: "3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Aerospace Engineering, ICMAAE 2016", 25 – 27 July 2016, Kulliyyah of Engineering, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur; Malaysia.
Hrairi, Meftah (2012) Design and development of an automated magnetic particle testing of automotive parts. Research Report. [s.n]. (Unpublished)
Hrairi, Meftah and Elias, M. A. (2011) Detection of foreign bodies in canned foods using ultrasonic testing. In: 2nd International Conference on Biotechnology Engineering (ICBioE 2011), 17-19 May 2011, The Legend Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.
Hrairi, Meftah and Khalifa, Othman Omran (2009) An Integrated approach of ethics and professional issues into engeneering curriculum. In: Ethics of engineering education. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 275-281. ISBN 9789833855674
Hussain, Zakia and Zainul Azlan, Norsinnira (2016) KANE’S method for dynamic modeling. In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Intelligent Systems (I2CACIS), 22nd October 2016, Shah Alam.
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Ibrahim, Irmanisha and Nordin, Anis Nurashikin and Mohd Mansor, Ahmad Fairuzabadi and Hashim, Yumi Zuhanis Has-Yun and Voiculescu, Loana (2017) Content cytotoxicity studies of colorectal carcinoma cells using printed impedance sensors. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 6 (4). pp. 317-326. ISSN 2089-3191
Ibrahim, Izihan and Ibrahim, Saerahany Legori and Khan, Sheroz (2020) Flow structures in dividing open channels: a review. In: "3rd International Conference of Water Resources Development and Environmental Protection, ICWRDEP 2019", 12 - 13 Oct 2019, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia.
Ibrahim, Izihan and Riviere, Nicolas and Lebouteiller, Ines and Mignot, Emmanuel (2022) Discharge distribution in open-channel T-shape bifurcations: effect of a reduced side branch width. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 148 (9). ISSN 0733-9429 E-ISSN 1943-7900 (In Press)
Ibrahim, Saerahany Legori and Ariffin, Junaidah and Abdullah, Jazuri and Muhamad, Noor Safwan (2016) Jet Erosion Device (JEd) – measurement of soil erodibility coefficients. Jurnal Teknologi, 78 (5-5). pp. 63-67. E-ISSN 2180-3722
Ibrahim, Siti Noorjannah and Abdul Rahman, Farah and Rosli, Syaza (2017) Characterization of screen printed Ag-PDMS flexible electrode for electrical muscle stimulation (EMS). Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 5 (4). pp. 295-303. ISSN 2089-3272
Ibrahimy, Muhammad Ibn and Reaz, Mamun Bin Ibne and Hussain, S. (2009) Hardware prototyping of an efficient encryption engine. In: Proceedings of the Seminar on Research Findings 2008. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 421-430. ISBN 9789833855780
Idres, Moumen (2011) Compressor models. In: Selected topics in aerospace engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 34-39. ISBN 9789674181451
Idres, Moumen (2011) Surge and rotating stall. In: Selected topics in aerospace engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 40-47. ISBN 9789674181451
Idres, Moumen and Kafafy, Raed Ismail (2011) Design of an autopilot for an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 59-68. ISBN 9789670225685
Idres, Moumen and Labanie, Mohamed and Okasha, Mohamed Elsayed Aly Abd Elaziz (2018) Transient flow in a compressor blade row for a periodic vibration motion. In: International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing and Materials Engineering (ICAMME 2017), 8th–9th August 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Idres, Moumen and Mohd Nizum, Ahmad Hazwan and Wan Mohamad Fathi, Wan Muhammad Adam and Okasha, Mohamed (2022) Optimization of fuel economy for a multimode plug-in hybrid electric vehicle using Atkinson thermodynamic cycle engine. Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, 93 (2). pp. 148-159. ISSN 2289-7879
Idres, Moumen and Mohd Nizum, Ahmad Hazwan and Wan Mohamad Fathi, Wan Muhammad Adam and Okasha, Mohamed Elsayed Aly Abd Elaziz (2021) Optimization of fuel economy for a multimode plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. In: 5th International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Aerospace Engineering 2021 (ICMAAE'21), 22-23 Jun 2021, Virtual. (Unpublished)
Idres, Moumen and Saiful Azmi, Muhamad Adi Muqri (2021) Computational prediction of the performance map of a transonic axial flow compressor. In: 5th International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Aerospace Engineering 2021 (ICMAAE'21), 22 - 23 June 2021, Virtual. (Unpublished)
Ihsan, Sany Izan and Hrairi, Meftah and Khalifa, Othman Omran (2013) Course Continual Quality Improvement (CQI) implementation of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) in engineering education: the Kulliyyah of Engineering, IIUM experience. In: International Conference on Engineering Education 2013, 22nd-25th Dec. 2013, Madinah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Iis, Sopyan (2011) Thermal analysis on hydroxyapatite synthesis through mechanochemical method. IFMBE proceedings, 35. pp. 108-111. ISSN 16800737
Iman, Hafiz and Alang Rashid, Nahrul Khair (2016) Probabilistic model of laser range finder for three dimensional grid cell in close range environment. IIUM Engineering Journal, 17 (1). pp. 63-82. ISSN 1511-788X E-ISSN 2289-7860
Iqbal, A. and Shafie, Amir Akramin and Khan, Md. Raisuddin (2011) Designing human robot interaction for emotionally expressive robotic head AMIR-iii. In: Mechatronics Book Series: Robotics and Automation. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 32-37. ISBN 9789674181529
Ishak, Norazah and Khan, Ahsan Ali (2011) Recent developments in EDM. In: Manufacturing management from basic machining to quality product. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 46-52. ISBN 9789674181659
Islam, Maidul and Okasha, Mohamed Elsayed Aly Abd Elaziz and Idres, Moumen and Mansor, Hasmah (2018) Trajectory tracking of quaternion based quadrotor using model predictive control. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE), 7 (4.13). pp. 125-128. ISSN 2227-524X
Islam, Md. Rafiqul and Dao, Hassan and Zayuod, Al Hareth (2009) Rain fade slope analysis for terrestrial microwave link in Malaysia. In: 9th IEEE Malaysia Malaysia International Conferennce on Communications, 15-17 December 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Islam, Shayla and Hassan Abdalla Hashim, Aisha and Habaebi, Mohamed Hadi and Abdullah, Azween and Hasan, Mohammad Kamrul (2016) A numerical evaluation on multi-interfaced fast handoff scheme: impact of rising link switching delay for a high speed car. Advanced Science Letters, 22 (10). pp. 2804-2808. ISSN 1936-6612 (In Press)
Islam, Shayla and Hassan Abdalla Hashim, Aisha and Saeed, Rashid Abdelhaleem and Khalifa, Othman Omran and Hasan, Mohammad K. and Mahmoud, Omer and Daoud, Jamal Ibrahim and Hameed, Shihab A. (2011) Mobility management schemes in NEMO to achieve seamless handoff: a qualitative and quantitative analysis. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5 (6). pp. 390-402. ISSN 1991-8178
Ismail, Ahmad Faris and Mahmood, Iskandar Al-Thani and Pervez, Tasneem (2011) Automation of pump test rig system. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM '01, ICOM '05, and ICOM '08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 3-16. ISBN 9789670225685
Ismail, Ahmad Faris and Shuriye, Abdi Omar and Adam, Ibrahim A. H. (2009) The concept of Itqan and its role in Muslim professional life. In: Ethics of engineering education. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 99-105. ISBN 9789833855674
Ismail, Norfarah Nadia and Md Yusoff, Nur Izzi and Md. Husain, Nadiah and Mat, Jamaludin and Ali, Maisarah (2019) The application of CAP-SASW method in determination of sub-surface profile of flexible taxiway in the airport. In: 10th Malaysian Road Conference & Exhibition 2018, 29th-31st October 2018, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Ismail Khan, Zuhani and Islam, Md. Rafiqul (2011) Smart antenna design: An overview. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 486-492. ISBN 9789670225685
Ismail L., ladipo and Abdul Muthalif, Asan Gani (2012) Active dynamic vibration absorber for broadband control of a multi-mode system: Simulation and experimental verification. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 31 (3). pp. 159-173. ISSN 0263-0923
Iwan S., Mahmud and Wijaya, Andika Aji and Martono, Wahyudi (2011) State feedback control tuning for flexible joint manipulator using PSO with constraint. In: Mechatronics book series – selected papers from ICOM’01, ICOM’05 and ICOM’08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 215-222. ISBN 9789670225685
Izuddin, Ismah and Kamaruddin, Mohd. Hanif and Nordin, Anis Nurashikin (2011) Modeling of the reliability baseline for process control monitoring kerf structures. In: 2011 IEEE Regional Symposium on Micro and Nanoelectronics (RSM), 28-30 September, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.
Ja'afar, Ja'afar Nuhu and Mel, Maizirwan and Abdul Karim, Mohamed Ismail and Syed Hassan, Sharifah and Idreis, Aini (2011) The study of NDV Titer using different cell lines in T-Flask culture. In: Recent Development of Microcarrier For Cell Culture Engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 159-170. ISBN 9789674180096
Jamal, N.A. and Anuar, Hazleen and Razak, S.B.A. (2011) Modification of tensile and impact properties of crosslinked rubber toughened nanocomposites via electron beam irradiation. Canadian Journal on Scientific & Industrial Research, 2 (3). pp. 95-101.
Jamal, Nur Ayuni and Othman, Maizatulnisa and Anuar, Hazleen and Yusof, Farazila and Ahmad Nor, Yusilawati and Khalid, Khalisanni and Zakaria, Muhamad Nazarudin (2018) Preliminary development of porous aluminum via powder metallurgy technique. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 49 (4). pp. 460-466. ISSN 0933-5137
Jamal, Parveen and Alam, Md. Zahangir and ., Nur Aneem Fadza (2011) Isolation and screening of potential microorganism for bioremediation of hydrocarbon contaminated sites. In: Current research and development in biotechnology engineering at IIUM (volume 1). IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 106-112. ISBN 9789674181505
Jamal, Parveen and Azmi, Saiful Mohammad Nizam and Amid, Azura (2013) Development and improvement of anti-gout property from aqueous-methanol extract of morinda elliptica using central composite design. In: International Conference on Biotechnology Engineering (ICBioE 2013), 2 – 4 Jul 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Jamal, Parveen and Azmi, Saiful Mohammad Nizam and Amid, Azura (2011) Qualitative and quantitative analysis of anti-gout from Carica papaya leaves. In: Current Research and Development in Biotechnology Engineering at IIUM (volume II). IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 306-315. ISBN 9789674181512
Jamal, Parveen and Mel, Maizirwan and Abdul Karim, Mohamed Ismail and Ahmad Raus, Raha (2011) Optimization of process parameters using response surface design on distribution coefficient of lactic acid. In: Bioprocessing of Lactic Acid by Fermentation Technique. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, pp. 125-139. ISBN 9789674180935
Jamal, Parveen and Mel, Maizirwan and Abdul Karim, Mohamed Ismail and Othman, Siti Fatiha (2011) Effect of process parameters on distribution coefficient of lactic acid by using Alamine 336. In: Bioprocessing of Lactic Acid by Fermentation Technique. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, pp. 113-123. ISBN 9789674180935
Jamal, Parveen and Munjid, Monawar and Al-Khatib, Ma'an Fahmi Rashid (2013) Systemic study for dye decolorization using biosurfactants and biomass. In: International Conference on Biotechnology Engineering (ICBioE 2013), 2 – 4 Jul 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Jamal Ibrahim, Daoud (2011) The derivatives. In: Calculus with single variable. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 67-91. ISBN 9789674181956
Jamaluddin, Aida Nabila and Saad, Siti Asmahani and Masjuki, Siti Aliyyah and Wan Hassan, Wan Nur Firdaus and Che Deraman, Siti Noratikah and Md. Husain, Nadiah (2025) Physical and mechanical properties of green cementless mortar incorporating waste paper sludge ash. IIUM Engineering Journal, 26 (1). pp. 57-68. ISSN 1511-788X E-ISSN 2289-7860
Jamaluddin, Mohd Jamil Aizat and Amid, Azura (2017) Production of intracellular recombinant bromelain by Escherichia coli BL21-AI using shake flask and stirred tank bioreactor. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-418-492-6
Jamaludin, Roslan and Shihab, A. Hameed and Noordin, Mohamad Fauzan (2009) Ethical requirement in quality software engineering projects. In: Ethics of Engineering Education. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 43-51. ISBN 9789833855674
Jameel, Ahmad Tariq and Maalim, Kauthar Yusuf and Yusof, Faridah (2019) Relative characterization of immobilized beta-glucosidase on calcium-alginate and acid functionalized-multiwalled carbon nanotubes peel. Jurnal Teknologi, 81 (3). pp. 1-10. ISSN 0127-9696
Jami, Mohammed Saedi and Muyibi, Suleyman Aremu and Embong, Nur Salihah (2011) Enhancing the dewaterability of sludge from wastewater treatment plant. In: Current research and development in biotechnology engineering at IIUM (volume 1). IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 194-199. ISBN 9789674181505
Jami, Mohammed Saedi and Muyibi, Suleyman Aremu and Idris Oseni, Munirat (2011) Production of process water from biologically treated Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) using ultrafiltration membrane. In: Recent advances in bioenvironmental engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 118-153. ISBN 9789670225852
Jasni, Farahiyah and Shafie, Amir Akramin (2012) Van Der Pol Central Pattern Generator (VDP-CPG) model for quadruped robot. In: 1st International Conference on Intelligent Robotics, Automation and Manufacturing (IRAM) 2012, 28-30th November 2012, Kuala Lumpur.
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Khalifa, Othman Omran and Htike@Muhammad Yusof, Zaw Zaw and Khan, Imran Moez (2009) Fuzzy-Based Path Analysis. In: Post-ICONIP'09 Workshop on Advances in Intelligent Computing, Dec 7, 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
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Khan, Md. Raisuddin (2011) Multiple hexapod robots and collaborative communication: a survey. In: Mechatronics Book Series: Robotics and Automation. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 86-93. ISBN 9789674181529
Khan, Md. Raisuddin (2009) Optimal design and modelling of complaint micro-linkage mechanism. In: Proceedings of the Seminar on Research Findings. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 405-420. ISBN 9789833855780
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Khan, Sheroz and Khalifa, Othman Omran and Abdul Salam, Azuki (2011) Traffic light sequencing - an element of adaptability. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05, and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 32-37. ISBN 9789670225685
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Mahmoud Ahmed, Gharib Subhi and Othman, Raihan (2011) Limits and continuity. In: Calculus with single variable. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 43-66. ISBN 9789674181956
Mahmud, Mudrikah Sofia and Mohd Daud, Farah Diana and Sarifuddin, Norshahida and Mohd Zaki, Hafizah Hanim and Nordin, Norhuda Hidayah and Mohammad, Nur Farahiyah (2024) Partial replacement of silica nanoparticles in cement paste for CO2 regeneration capture application. IIUM Engineering Journal, 25 (2). pp. 299-308. ISSN 1511-788X E-ISSN 2289-7860
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Malek, H. and Khalifa, Othman Omran and Mohd Ali, M.A. (2011) A study of independent component analysis applicability to fetal heart rate detection using photolethysmogarph. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 288-193. ISBN 9789670225685
Maleque, Md. Abdul and Adebisi, Adetayo A. (2011) Thermal profile analysis of composite brake rotor. In: Advances in materials engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 165-171. ISBN 9789674181673
Maleque, Md. Abdul and Sarker, Dyuti (2010) Materials for bicycle frame system - a case study on the development of selection method. In: The third international conference on structure, processing and properties of materials, 24 - 26 February, 2010, Dhaka.
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Mansor, Siti F. and Abdul Muthalif, Asan Gani and Zaman, Nurul 'I (2011) Vibration based predictive maintenance: common rotating machinery faults and their signatures. In: Mechatronics Book Series: System design and Signal Processing - Volume 2. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 30-37. ISBN 9789674181321
Mansur, Masriah and Kamaruzzaman, Zetty Ain and Ahmarofi, Ahmad Afif and Cheng, Jack Kie and Abdul Rahman, Hamirahanim and Masri, Khairil Azman and Abdul Rahim, Nadirah and Shariff, S.Sarifah Radiah (2022) Linking integrity with road pricing cause and effect model: a system dynamics simulation approach. Journal of Governance and Integrity, 5 (3). pp. 370-381. ISSN 2600-7479 E-ISSN 2600-786X
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Martono, Wahyudi and Jalani, Jamal (2011) Design and implementation of fuzzy logic controller for intelligent gantry crane system. In: Mechatronics book series – selected papers from ICOM’01, ICOM’05 and ICOM’08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 173-179. ISBN 9789670225685
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Mel, Maizirwan and Abdul Karim, Mohamed Ismail and Faivdullah, Fairin Huda (2011) Case study 3: optimization of coenzyme Q10 production in biorector. In: Taguchi Method in Bioprocess Engineering : Case Studies. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 89-102. ISBN 9789674180766
Mel, Maizirwan and Abdul Karim, Mohamed Ismail and Hashim, Yumi Zuhanis Has-Yun and Ahmad Nor, Yusilawati (2011) The growth culture of BRIN-BD11 producing insulin in different type of microcarriers. In: Recent Development of Microcarrier for Cell Culture Engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 97-109. ISBN 9789674180096
Mel, Maizirwan and Abdul Karim, Mohamed Ismail and Jamal, Parveen and Mohamed Salleh, Mohamad Ramlan and Zakaria, Ruzi Aini (2011) Case study 2: process optimization of lactic acid production in fermenter. In: Taguchi Method in Bioprocess Engineering : Case Studies. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 75-87. ISBN 9789674180766
Mel, Maizirwan and Abdul Karim, Mohamed Ismail and Jamal, Parveen and Mohd Salleh, Mohammad Ramlan and Abdullah, Rohane (2011) Determination of critical pO2 level and process online monitoring of lactic acid fermentation by Lactobacillus rhamnosus. In: Bioprocessing of lactic acid by fermentation technique. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, pp. 63-72. ISBN 9789674180935
Mel, Maizirwan and Abdul Karim, Mohamed Ismail and Jamal, Parveen and Mohd Salleh, Mohammad Ramlan and Zakaria, Ruzi Aini (2011) Efect of pO2 level on the Fermentation of Lactobacillus rhamnosus. In: Bioprocessing of lactic acid by fermentation technique. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, pp. 37-50. ISBN 9789674180935
Mel, Maizirwan and Abdul Karim, Mohamed Ismail and Jamal, Parveen and Mohd Salleh, Mohammad Ramlan and Zakaria, Ruzi Aini (2011) Effect of different process conditions on lactic acid production by Lactobacillus rhamnosus. In: Bioprocessing of Lactic Acid by Fermentation Technique. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, pp. 73-82. ISBN 9789674180935
Mel, Maizirwan and Abdul Karim, Mohamed Ismail and Jamal, Parveen and Mohd Salleh, Mohammad Ramlan and Zakaria, Ruzi Aini (2011) Process optimization of lactic acid fermentation in bioreactor. In: Bioprocessing of Lactic Acid by Fermentation Technique. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 51-62. ISBN 9789674180935
Mel, Maizirwan and Abdul Karim, Mohamed Ismail and Mohd. Salleh, Hamzah (2011) The kLa evaluation of recombinant Escherichia coli fermentation producing β-glucuronidase enzyme. In: Bioprocessing of recombinant E.Coli producing β- glucuronidase enzyme. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 63-71. ISBN 9789674180102
Mel, Maizirwan and Abdul Karim, Mohamed Ismail and Yob, Nor Jannah and Samsury, Intan Zahra and Salleh, Hamzah Mohd. (2011) Optimization of crossflow nanofiltration for separation and concentration of β-glucuronidase enzyme. In: Bioprocessing of recombinant E.Coli producing β- glucuronidase enzyme. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 93-100. ISBN 9789674180102
Mel, Maizirwan and Abdul Karim, Mohamed Ismail and Yusof, Faridah (2011) Case study 5: analysis of process capability and quality of monoclonal antibody production in biorector. In: Taguchi Method in Bioprocess Engineering : Case Studies. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 133-149. ISBN 9789674180766
Mel, Maizirwan and Abdul Karim, Mohamed Ismail and Yusof, Faridah and Jimat, Dzun Noraini and Mohd Nur Lubis, Hamadah (2011) Case study 4: improvement of clarification and separation process for hybridoma cell supernatant. In: Taguchi Method in Bioprocess Engineering : Case Studies. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 103-112. ISBN 9789674180766
Mel, Maizirwan and Abdul Karim, Mohd Ismail and Mat sa'ud, Azini and Mohd. Salleh, Hamzah (2011) Control strategy of fed-batch fermentation of E.coli producing recombinant β-glucuronidase. In: Bioprocessing of recombinant E.Coli producing β- glucuronidase enzyme. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 49-61. ISBN 9789674180102
Mel, Maizirwan and Abdulkarim, Mohd Ismail and Mohd Salleh, Mohammad Ramlan and Mohammad Amin, Noraini Alamin (2011) Optimization of media for lactobacillus rhamnosus fermentation for lactic acid production. In: Bioprocessing of Lactic Acid by Fermentation Technique. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 25-36. ISBN 9789674180935
Mel, Maizirwan and Arifin, Mohd Azmir (2011) Culture medium. In: Introduction to cell culture for engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 35-46. ISBN 9789674180713
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Mel, Maizirwan and Arifin, Mohd Azmir and Sohif, Hajar Naemah and Syed Hassan, Sharifah (2011) Optimization of process conditions for high cell density proliferation of DF-1 cells in bioreactor. In: Recent Development of Microcarrier For Cell Culture Engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 141-148. ISBN 9789674180096
Mel, Maizirwan and Mohd. Salleh, Hamzah and Abdul Karim, Mohd Ismail and Jamil, Herry Hidayat (2011) Media optimization for fermentation of recombinant Escherichia Coli using response surface methodology. In: Bioprocessing of recombinant E.Coli producing β- glucuronidase enzyme. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-19. ISBN 9789674180102
Mel, Maizirwan and Mohd. Salleh, Hamzah and Abdul Karim, Mohd Ismail and Mior Rashidi, Mior Haslem (2011) Improvement of recombinant E.coli fermentation producing β-glucuronidase enzyme by Taguchi's design. In: Bioprocessing of recombinant E.Coli producing β- glucuronidase enzyme. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 21-36. ISBN 9789674180102
Mel, Maizirwan and Mohd. Salleh, Hamzah and Abdul Karim, Mohd Ismaill and Osman, Mohd. Syazwan (2011) Cell disruption of recombinant E. coli producing β- Glucuronidase by high pressure homogenizer. In: Bioprocessing of recombinant E.Coli producing β- glucuronidase enzyme. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 83-92. ISBN 9789674180102
Mel, Maizirwan and Mohd. Salleh, Hamzah and Zainal Abidin, Norhafizah and Abdul Karim, Mohd Ismail and Ismail, Ahmad Fauzi (2011) Crossflow microfiltration of recombinant Escherichia coli producing β-glucuronidase enzyme. In: Bioprocessing of recombinant E.Coli producing β-glucuronidase enzyme. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 73-82. ISBN 9789674180102
Mel, Maizirwan and Nadir, Najiah (2011) Design of experiments Using Taguchi's approach. In: Taguchi Method in Bioprocess Engineering : Case Studies. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 17-29. ISBN 9789674180766
Mel, Maizirwan and Nadir, Najiah (2011) Introduction to Taguchi Method. In: Taguchi Method in Bioprocess Engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-15. ISBN 9789674180766
Mel, Maizirwan and Nadir, Najiah (2011) Response surface methodology design for bioreactor operation. In: Experimental Methods in Modern Biotechnology. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 155-169. ISBN 9789670225869
Mel, Maizirwan and Nadir, Najiah (2011) Taguchi on quality improvement. In: Taguchi Method in Bioprocess Engineering : Case Studies. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 113-131. ISBN 9789674180766
Mel, Maizirwan and Nadir, Najiah (2011) Taguchi robust design creation by STATISTICA software. In: Taguchi Method in Bioprocess Engineering : Case Studies. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 31-58. ISBN 9789674180766
Mel, Maizirwan and Sopyan, Iis and Ahmad Nor, Yusilawati (2011) Cell attachment study of chicken fibroblast cell (DF-1) using Ceramic microcarrier granule in bioreactors. In: Recent Development oF Microcarier for Cell Culture Engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 131-140. ISBN 9789674180096
Mel, Maizirwan and Sopyan, Iis and Fadli, Ahmad (2011) Biocompatibility of porous hydroxyapatite microcarrier for vero cell culture application. In: Recent Development of Microcarrier for Cell Culture Engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 43-50. ISBN 9789674180096
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Mirghani, Mohamed Elwathig Saeed and Ahmed, I. A. and Muyibi, Suleyman Aremu and Daoud, Jamal Ibrahim and Mikail, Maryam Abimbola (2011) Potential of Nahar seed oil extract as antimicrobials. In: Current research and development in biotechnology engineering at IIUM (volume II). IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 74-81. ISBN 9789674181512
Mirghani, Mohamed Elwathig Saeed and Al-Khatib, Ma'an Fahmi Rashid (2011) Evaluation on quality of heat resistance chocolate. In: Current research and development in biotechnology engineering at IIUM (Volume III). IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 116-124. ISBN 9789674181444
Mirghani, Mohamed Elwathig Saeed and Kabbashi, Nassereldeen Ahmed and Jamal, Parveen and Abdullah, H. A. (2011) Exploit of Malaysian mango kernel extract as antibacterial agent. In: Current research and development in biotechnology engineering at IIUM (volume II). IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 90-100. ISBN 9789674181512
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Mohamad , Zahraru Hilall and Shuriye, Abdi Omar (2011) Al-Kindi on pharmacology. In: Contributions of early Muslim scientists to engineering sciences and related studies. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 103-109. ISBN 9789674181574
Mohamed, Ruziana and Mamat, M. H. and Malek, Mohd Firdaus and Ismail, Ahmad Syakirin and Mohd Yusoff, Marmeezee and Mohd Noor, Asiah and Khusaimi, Zuraida and Rusop, Mohamad (2018) Effect of different coating layer on the topography and optical properties of ZnO nanostructured. In: 8th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2017, NANO-SciTech 2017, 24 -27 February 2017, NANO-SciTech 2017; Selangor; Malaysia.
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Mohammad , Yeakub Ali and Mohamad Ashraf, Asfana Banu and Abdul Wahab, Adibah and Abdul Rahman, Nur Atiqah (2011) Investigation of minimum chip thickness in micro end milling of PMMA: Experiment and analysis 800 µm diameter tool. In: Manufacturing management from basic machining to quality product. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 11-17. ISBN 9789674181659
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Mridha, Shahjahan (2011) Composite coating on titanium alloy using high power laser. In: Advances in materials engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 45-49. ISBN 9789674181673
Mridha, Shahjahan (2009) Impact behaviors of epoxy/glass fiber composites at subzero and elevated temperatures. In: Proceedings of the Seminar on Research Findings 2008. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 383-395. ISBN 9789833855780
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Mridha, Shahjahan (2011) Quality of Cu Film electrodeposited on silicon wafer using different current densities. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 373-380. ISBN 9789670225685
Mridha, Shahjahan and Idriss, A.N.M. and Maleque, Md. Abdul and -, Suryanto and A. Mohamad Al-Batt’hi, Souad (2012) Effect of voltage on the consolidation of TiC particulates on steel substrate fused by TIG welding arc. International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (IJMME), 7 (1). pp. 48-53. ISSN 1823-0334
Mridha, Shahjahan and Shiau, Khee Tang (2011) Measurement of moisture absorption in Borophosphosilicate Glass (BPGS) films. In: Advances in materials engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 50-57. ISBN 9789674181673
Muda, Rahsidi Sabri and Md Amin, Mohamad Faiq and Mohd Khidzir, Ainul Bahiah and Tukiman, Izawati and Mohd. Hussain, Mohd. Ramzi (2021) Knowledge Transfer in People-Centered Dam-Related Disaster Program in Cameron Highlands. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 24 (1). pp. 37-46. ISSN 2462-1943
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Muhida, Riza and Mohd Zaid, Suhaimi and Martono, Wahyudi and Muhida, Rifki and Legowo, Ari and Priantoro, Akhmad Unggul (2011) Development of mobile Photovoltaic robot for exploring disaster area. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 338-345. ISBN 9789670225685
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Sidek, Shahrul Na'im and Zakaria , Muhammad Iqbal and Abdul Aziz, Ahmad Ridwan (2011) EOG measurement, conditioning and motion control of wheel chair system. In: Mechatronics engineering projects: theory and applications. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 98-112. ISBN 9789674181925
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Sopyan, Iis and ., Ahmad Fadli (2011) Effect of yolk addition on protein foaming-consolidation porous alumina-calcium phosphate composite. In: Advances in materials engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 109-114. ISBN 9789674181673
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Sopyan, Iis and Che Murad, Mardziah and Singh, Ramesh (2012) Fabrication of porous ceramic scaffolds via polymeric sponge method using sol-gel derived strontium doped hydroxyapatite. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 117-19. pp. 829-832. ISSN 1660-9336
Sopyan, Iis and Haruman, Esa and Sutjipto, Agus Geter Edy and Muhida, Riza (2011) Selection of materials and design specification for hip oint prosthesis. In: Mechatronics book series: Selected papers from ICOM'01, ICOM'05 and ICOM'08. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, pp. 386-393. ISBN 9789670225685
Sopyan, Iis and Mardziah, M. and Ahmad , Zuraida (2011) Fabrication of porous ceramic scaffolds via polymeric sponge method using sol-gel derived strontium doped hydroxyapatite powder. In: 5th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, BIOMED 2011, 20-23 June 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Sopyan, Iis and Syed Abu Bakar, Sharifah Adzila and Abd Shukor, Mohd Hamdi (2011) Effect of milling time on mechanochemically synthesized nanohydroxyapatite bioceramics. In: Advances in materials engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 149-154. ISBN 9789674181673
Sopyan, Iis and Syed Abu Bakar, Sharifah Adzila and Abd Shukor, Mohd Hamdi (2011) Morphological analysis of mechanochemically synthesized nanohydroxyapatite bioceramics. In: Advances in materials engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 155-159. ISBN 9789674181673
Sulaeman, Erwin (2011) Approximate function for far-field kernel function of oscillating non-planar lifting surfaces. In: Selected topics in aerospace engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 158-161. ISBN 9789674181451
Sulaeman, Erwin (2011) Approximate function for near-field kernel function of non-planar lifting surfaces. In: Selected topics in aerospace engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 152-157. ISBN 978-967-418-145-1
Sulaeman, Erwin (2011) Bending stiffness matrix of non-prismatic beam elements. In: Selected topics in aerospace engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 99-104. ISBN 978-967-418-145-1
Sulaeman, Erwin (2011) Formulation of kernel function for aerodynamic loading on air vehicle. In: Selected topics in aerospace engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 105-110. ISBN 9789674181451
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Sulaeman, Erwin (2011) Overview of dynamics of flexible air vehicle. In: Selected topics in aerospace engineering. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 76-82. ISBN 9789674181451
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Sutjipto, Agus Geter Edy and Hisyam, Anwaruddin and Salim, Nurjannah and Ab Rahim, Mohd Hasbi and Legowo, Ari and Ani, Mohd Hanafi (2019) Development of inert ceramic for industrial application based on ternary phase diagram of potassiun oxide-aluminum oxide-silicon dioxide. In: 2019 Advances in Science and Engineering Technology International Conferences (ASET), 26 Mar - 10 Apr 2019, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
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Syed Meera, Zahir Hussain and Adesta, Erry Yulian Triblas (2011) Crashing a project in PERT/CPM network. In: Manufacturing management from basic machining to quality product. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 91-98. ISBN 9789674181659
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