Items where Subject is "H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > HF5001 Business. Business Administration > HF5387 Business ethics"
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- HF5001 Business. Business Administration (376)
- HF5387 Business ethics (376)
- HF5001 Business. Business Administration (376)
- HF Commerce (376)
- H Social Sciences (376)
Abadi, Kurnia Rahman and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2018) The influence of organizational technology strategy on sustaining ethical business strategies for shariah compliant micro finance institutions in Indonesia. UNSPECIFIED. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Abdul Kadir, Mohd Ali Bahari and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2021) History and Development of Social Entrepreneurship. In: A Contemporary Theory of Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Wealth Creation. Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, IIUM, pp. 20-31. ISBN 978-967-2621-93-5
Abdul Kadir, Mohd Ali Bahari and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2021) Social Entrepreneurship Development in Malaysia. In: A Contemporary Theory of Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Wealth Creation. Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, IIUM, IIUM, pp. 32-36. ISBN 978-967-2621-93-5
Abdul Kadir, Mohd Ali Bahari and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2016) Social entrepreneurship, social entrepreneur and social enterprise: a review of concepts, definitions and development in Malaysia. Journal of Emerging Economies and Islamic Research, 4 (2). pp. 54-70. ISSN 2289-2559
Abdul Manaf, Abdul Halim and Mohamed, Sulaiman and Othman, Abdul Kadir and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2022) Organizational justice, job satisfaction and Islamic spirituality among Malaysian SME employees. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 9 (1). pp. 259-271. ISSN 2288-4637 E-ISSN 2288-4645
Abdul Razak, Arbaiah and Ismail, Yusof and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2023) Integrating ‘Sejahtera’: a holistic approach at agoda. IIUM Journal of Case Studies in Management, 14 (1). pp. 27-31. ISSN 2810-2327 E-ISSN 2710-7175
Abdul Razak, Dzuljastri and Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi and Abdullah, Sarwar (2025) Unveiling the determinant of humanized business intention among Malaysia SMEs. Administrative Sciences, 15 (2). pp. 47-64. ISSN 2076-3387
Abdul Razak, Dzuljastri and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2021) Humanizing education: achieving sustainable development goals through m-kitchen in aid for needy in the covid 19 pandemic. In: Economics and management sciences: reflections on humanizing education. Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 59-73. ISBN 978-967-26219-1-1
Abdul Razak, Dzuljastri and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2021) Humanizing education: sabr in teaching principles and practice of management. In: Economics and management sciences: reflections on humanizing education. Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 29-36. ISBN 978-967-26219-1-1
Abdul Wahid, Nur Kamariah and Wan Husain, Wan Rohaida (2023) The limited-edition or what they call "Scarcity Marketing": propaganda or a promotional strategy through "FOMO" thinking. IIUM Journal of Case Studies in Management, 14 (2). pp. 49-52. ISSN 2810-2327 E-ISSN 2710-7175
Abdul-Latif, Samshul-Amry and Abdul-Talib, Asmat-Nizam (2015) Boycott and racism: a loaf of bread is just a loaf of bread. Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, 5 (6). pp. 1-3. ISSN 2045-0621
Abdul-Talib, Asmat-Nizam and Abdul Latif, Samshul Amry and Zakaria, Norhayati (2011) Gloria Jean's coffee in Malaysia. Emerging Markets Case Studies, 1 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2045-0621
Abdullah, Kalthom and Haque, A. K. M. Ahasanul and Ahmed, Faruk and Shafiq, Ali (2016) Towards devising a fundamental theory of Islamic advertising. In: International Malaysia Halal Conference 2016 (IMHALAL 2016), 20th-21st October 2016, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Abdullah, Moha Asri (2018) Halalpreneurs among immigrants and their business prospects in Malaysia. In: International Conference on Halal Innovation in Products and Services 2018 (i-CHIPS 2018), 13th-14th July 2018, Haat Yai, Songkhla, Thailand. (Unpublished)
Abdullah, Moha Asri (2020) Understanding halal entrepreneurship: concepts and essentiality. In: International Discussion Forum on Islamic Economics on Halalpreneurship, 24th September 2020, Jogjakarta, Indonesia. (Unpublished)
Abdullah, Moha Asri and Azam, Md Siddique (2019) Halal entrepreneurship from Maqasid-al-sharia’h perspective: inseparable concept for Halalpreneurs. In: Global Halal Sphere Conference 2019, 21st- 22nd August 2019, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Abdullah, Moha Asri and Azam, Siddique (2020) Halal entrepreneurship from Maqasid-al-Sharia’h perspective: an inseparable concept for Halalpreneurs. Food Research, 4 (Suppl. 1). pp. 34-42. E-ISSN 2550-2166
Abdullah, Moha Asri and Azam, Siddique (2021) Halal entrepreneurship: concept and business opportunities. In: Entrepreneurship. IntechOpen, UK, pp. 86-109. ISBN 978-1-83881-003-0
Abdullah, Shamsul Nahar (2013) Factors affecting gender diversity in Malaysia. In: Second Asian Business Research Conference 2013, 6-7 October, 2013, Burj Al Arab, Dubai.
Abdullah, Shamsul Nahar (2013) The independent directors of Malaysian listed firms and their busyness. In: 2nd Applied International Business Conference (AIBC 2013), 7th-8th Dec. 2013, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
Abdullah, Shamsul Nahar and Che A Halim, Nur Fajrina and Puat Nelson, Sherliza (2014) The impact of new regulations on earnings management among Malaysian listed firms. In: World Business, Finance and Management Conference, 8th-9th December 2014, Rendevous Hotel, Auckland, New Zealand.
Abdullah, Shamsul Nahar and Che A Halim, Nur Fajrina and Puat Nelson, Sherliza (2014) The impact of new regulations on earnings quality among Malaysian firms. International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting, 22 (2). pp. 21-68. ISSN 0128-006
Abdullah , Shamsul Nahar (2013) Gender, ethnic and age diversity and performance of large Malaysian firms (Kepelbagaian jantina, kumpulan etnik, dan umur dalam lembaga pengarah firma besar di Malaysia dan prestasi). Jurnal Pengurusan dan Kepimpinan Pendidikan, 38. pp. 27-40. ISSN 1511-4147
Abdullah, Shamsul Nahar (2014) The causes of gender diversity in Malaysian large firms. Journal of Management & Governance, 18 (4). pp. 1137-1159. ISSN 1385-3457 E-ISSN 1572-963X
Abu Bakar, Nur Barizah and Azman, Sariati (2007) Role of stakeholders of a business entity: An Islamic paradigm. Journal of ISEFID (Islamic Economics Forum for Indonesia Development), 6 (1). pp. 28-44.
Ahmad, Anisah and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2023) The influence Sejahtera socio-economic factors on purchasing of Kuala Lumpur affordable houses among middle income earners. SEJAHTERA CONSUMERISM, KENMS, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-26351-3-0
Ahmad, Anisah and Sarif, Suhaimi Mhd (2019) Ta’awun and infaq in sustaining affordable housing among lower income earners in Malaysia. In: 3rd International Conference on Zakat, Waqf and Islamic Philanthropy (ZAWFI), 30th-31st October 2019, Shah Alam, Selangor. (Unpublished)
Ahmad, Anisah and Sarif, Suhaimi Mhd (2019) The influence of Ta’awun and Infaq in sustaining affordable housing among lower income earners in Malaysia. In: Pemerkasaan Filantropi Islam di Malaysia. IKAZ ACIS UITM, Shah Alam Selangor, pp. 193-201. ISBN 978-967-1329-86-3
Ahmad, Maslina (2014) The impact of ex-auditors' employment with audit clients of perceptions of auditor independence. In: Global Conference of Business and Social Science, 15th-16th December 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Ahmad, Maslina (2015) The impact of ex-auditors' employment with audit clients on perceptions of auditor independence in Malaysia. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 172. pp. 479-486. ISSN 1877-0428
Ahmad, Maslina and Abdirahman, Sadik and Annuar, Hairul Azlan (2020) Women on boards and firm performance in Malaysia - post implementation period. In: 6th International Conference on Accounting, Business and Economics 2020 (ICABEC), 16th-17th December 2020, Kuala Nerus, Terengganu. (Unpublished)
Ahmad, Maslina and Abu Bakar, Nur Barizah (2008) Survival of the fittest - lessons from enron and other corporate scandals. Accountants Today, 21 (4). pp. 22-24. ISSN 1394-1763
Ahmad Dahlan, Abdul Rahman and Alias, Majdan and Ahmad H.Osman, Rahmah and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Jaapar, Ghazali and Man, Saupi and Abdul Razak, Dzuljastri and Mohd Ali, Noor Azian and Mohamadali, Noor Azizah and Mahri, Nurhafizah and Ismail, Amelia Ritahani and Abdul Kadir, Andi Fitriah and Mansor, Hafizah and Mohd Nor, Rizal and Ismail, Ahsiah and Ahmad Puzi, Asmarani and Zulkifli, Izyani and Saruchi, Sarah Athirah and Murdipi, Rafiqa and Ahmad, Maznah and Dwi Handayani, Dini Oktarina and Mohammed, Siti Asma and Abdul Hamid, Zabeda and Mohd Zain, Nor Razinah and Abdul Rahman, Rozailin and Md Nor, Norzaliza (2022) Empowered batch 3 IIUM mkitchen students. mKitchen, KICT IIUM Gombak. ISBN 978-967-26569-7-5
Ahmad Dahlan, Abdul Rahman and Alias, Majdan and Ibrahim, Jamaludin and Ahmad H.Osman, Rahmah and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Jaapar, Ghazali and Man, Saupi and Abdul Razak, Dzuljastri and Mohamad Ali, Noor Azian and Abdul Aziz, Normaziah and Mohamadali, Noor Azizah and Mahri, Nurhafizah and Ismail, Amelia Ritahani and Abdul Kadir, Andi Fitriah and Mansor, Hafizah and Mohd Nor, Rizal and Ismail, Ahsiah and Ahmad Puzi, Asmarani and Zulkifli, Izyani and Saruchi, Sarah Athirah and Murdipi, Rafiqa and Ahmad, Maznah and Handayani, Dini Oktarina Dwi and Mohammed, Siti Asma (2022) Batch 3 IIUM mkitchen students. mKitchen, IIUM Gombak. ISBN 978-967-26569-6-
Ahmad Dahlan, Abdul Rahman and Alias, Majdan and Ibrahim, Jamaludin and Ahmad H.Osman, Rahmah and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Jaapar, Ghazali and Man, Saupi and Abdul Razak, Dzuljastri and Mohamad Ali, Noor Azian and Abdul Aziz, Normaziah and Mohamadali, Noor Azizah and Mahri, Nurhafizah and Ismail, Amelia Ritahani and Abdul Kadir, Andi Fitriah and Mansor, Hafizah and Mohd. Nor, Rizal and Ismail, Ahsiah and Ahmad Puzi, Asmarani and Zulkifli, Izyani and Saruchi, Sarah Athirah and Murdipi, Rafiqa (2022) MKitchen IIUM students integrate food with budi sejahtera. mKitchen Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology (KICT), IIUM. ISBN 978-967-26569-3-7
Ahmad Dahlan, Abdul Rahman and Alias, Majdan and Ibrahim, Jamaludin and Ahmad H.Osman, Rahmah and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Jaapar, Ghazali and Man, Saupi and Abdul Razak, Dzuljastri and Mohd Ali, Noor Azian and Abdul Aziz, Normaziah and Mohamadali, Noor Azizah and Mahri, Nurhafizah and Ismail, Amelia Ritahani and Abdul Kadir, Andi Fitriah and Mansor, Hafizah and Mohd Nor, Rizal and Ismail, Ahsiah and Ahmad Puzi, Asmarani and Zulkifli, Izyani and Saruchi, Sarah Athirah and Murdipi, Rafiqa (2022) Budi Ramadan mKitchen IIUM students. mKitchen KICT, IIUM. ISBN 978-967-26569-4-4
Ahmad Dahlan, Abdul Rahman and Alias, Majdan and Ibrahim, Jamaludin and Ahmad H.Osman, Rahmah and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Jaapar, Ghazali and Man, Saupi and Abdul Razak, Dzuljastri and Mohd Ali, Noor Azian and Abdul Aziz, Normaziah and Mohamadali, Noor Azizah and Mahri, Nurhafizah and Ismail, Amelia Ritahani and Abdul Kadir, Andi Fitriah and Mansor, Hafizah and Mohd Nor, Rizal and Ismail, Ahsiah and Ahmad Puzi, Asmarani and Zulkifli, Izyani and Saruchi, Sarah Athirah and Murdipi, Rafiqa and Ahmad, Maznah and Dwi Handayani, Dini Oktarina and Mohammed, Siti Asma (2022) Readings on Sejahtera MKitchen Entrepreneurship. mKitchen KICT IIUM, IIUM. ISBN 978-967-26569-5-1
Ahmad Dahlan, Abdul Rahman and Alias, Majdan and Ibrahim, Jamaludin and Ahmad H.Osman, Rahmah and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Jaapar, Ghazali and Man, Saupi and Abdul Razak, Dzuljastri and Mohd Ali, Noor Azian and Mohamadali, Noor Azizah and Abdul Aziz, Normaziah and Mahri, Nurhafizah and Ismail, Amelia Ritahani and Abdul Kadir, Andi Fitriah and Mansor, Hafizah and Mohd Nor, Rizal and Ismail, Ahsiah and Ahmad Puzi, Asmarani and Zulkifli, Izyani and Saruchi, Sarah Athirah and Murdipi, Rafiqa and Ahmad, Maznah and Handayani, Dini Oktarina Dwi and Mohammed, Siti Asma and Abdul Hamid, Zabeda and Mohd. Zain, Nor Razinah and Abdul Rahman, Rozailin and Md Nor, Norzaliza (2023) mKitchen™ towards Masyarakat Madani. mKitchen KICT IIUM, KENMS IIUM Gombak Malaysia. ISBN 9789672656999
Ahmad Dahlan, Abdul Rahman and Alias, Majdan and Ibrahim, Jamaludin and Ahmad H.Osman, Rahmah and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Jaapar, Ghazali and Man, Saupi and Mohd Ali, Noor Azian and Mohamadali, Noor Azizah and Mahri, Nurhafizah and Ismail, Amelia Ritahani and Abdul Kadir, Andi Fitriah and Mansor, Hafizah and Mohd Nor, Rizal and Ismail, Ahsiah and Zulkifli, Izyani and Saruchi, Sarah Athirah and Murdipi, Rafiqa and Ahmad, Maznah and Handayani, Dini Oktarina Dwi and Mohammed, Siti Asma and Abdul Hamid, Zabeda and Mohd Zain, Nor Razinah and Abdul Rahman, Rozailin and Md Nor, Norzaliza and Abdul Razak, Dzuljastri and Abdul Aziz, Normaziah and Ahmad Puzi, Asmarani (2023) Rumah Makan mKitchen for Free Food Distribution. mKitchen, KICT IIUM, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-26569-8-2
Ahmad Dahlan, Abdul Rahman and Alias, Majdan and Ibrahim, Jamaludin and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Jaapar, Ghazali and Man, Saupi and Abdul Razak, Dzuljastri and Mohd Ali, Noor Azian and Abdul Aziz, Normaziah and Mohamadali, Noor Azizah and Mahri, Nurhafizah and Ismail, Amelia Ritahani and Abdul Kadir, Andi Fitriah and Mansor, Hafizah and Mohd. Nor, Rizal and Ismail, Ahsiah and Ahmad Puzi, Asmarani and Zulkifli, Izyani and Ahmad H.Osman, Rahmah (2022) MKitchen training and development. Mkitchen, KICT IIUM Gombak, IIUM. ISBN 978-967-26569-2-0
Ahmad Dahlan, Abdul Rahman and Alias, Majdan and Ibrahim, Jamaludin and Ahmad H.Osman, Rahmah and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Jaapar, Ghazali and Man, Saupi and Abdul Razak, Dzuljastri and Mohd Ali, Noor Azian and Mohamadali, Noor Azizah and Abdul Aziz, Normaziah and Mahri, Nurhafizah and Ismail, Amelia Ritahani and Abdul Kadir, Andi Fitriah and Mansor, Hafizah and Mohd. Nor, Rizal (2021) Budiman Mahallah kitchen. mKitchen, IIUM Gombak. ISBN 9789672656906
Ahmad Dahlan, Abdul Rahman and Alias, Majdan and Ibrahim, Jamaludin and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Jaapar, Ghazali and Man, Saupi and Abdul Razak, Dzuljastri and Mohd Ali, Noor Azian and Abdul Aziz, Normaziah and Mohamadali, Noor Azizah and Mahri, Nurhafizah and Ismail, Amelia Ritahani and Abdul Kadir, Andi Fitriah and Mansor, Hafizah and Mohd Nor, Rizal (2021) Budi Mkitchen for flood victims. mKitchen, Gombak. ISBN 978-967-26569-1-3
Ahmed Haji, Abdifatah and Mohd Ghazali, Nazli Anum (2013) A longitudinal examination of intellectual capital disclosures and corporate governance attributes in Malaysia. Asian Review of Accounting, 21 (1). pp. 27-52. ISSN 1321-7348
Al-Muzaiqer, Mohammed Ali Hussein and Abdul Hamid, Fatima and Ahmad, Maslina (2021) Royal family members and financial reporting timeliness: evidence from UAE. UNIMAS Review of Accounting and Finance, 5 (1). pp. 1-20. E-ISSN 2590-3543
Ali, Adam and Sharoni, Iqbal and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2020) Sejahtera defensive strategies at Co-op IIUM. Discussion Paper. IIUM, IIUM. (Unpublished)
Alkoud, Saleh and Majeed, Isam and Zainudin, Dolhadi and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2024) Future research directions and global research trends of applying artificial intelligence in human resources using bibliometric analysis. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 14 (4). pp. 1354-1377. E-ISSN 2225-8329
Alkoud, Saleh and Zainudin, Dolhadi and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2023) Challenges, barriers, and obstacles facing virtual teams: a conceptual study. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13 (4). pp. 1473-1487. ISSN 2222-6990 E-ISSN 2308-3816
Alkoud, Saleh and Zainudin, Dolhadi and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2023) Exploring the roles of social presence practices in enhancing virtual teams performance in the higher education sector in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 13 (4). pp. 1462-1472. ISSN 2308-3816 E-ISSN 2222-6990
Alkoud, Saleh and Zainudin, Dolhadi and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2024) Virtual team performance research: a bibliometric analysis using VOSviewer. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 13 (4). pp. 660-680. E-ISSN 2226-3624
Amran, Noor Afza and Ku Ismail, Ku Nor Izah and Aripin, Norhani and Hassan, Norlaili and Abd Manaf, Kamarul Bahrain and Abdullah , Shamsul Nahar (2014) Women directors involvement in Malaysia. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8 (5). pp. 226-231. ISSN 1991-8178
Anifowose, Mutalib and Hamdan, Hamdino and Annuar, Hairul Azlan (2018) Proposed governance principle and procedure for a university endowment fund. In: The 2nd Islamic Management Development Conference (IMDeC 2018) : The Evolution of Islamic Management, 27 & 28 June 2018, Kedah, Malaysia. (Unpublished)
Anor Salim, Farah Akmar and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Maidin, Ainul Jaria (2015) Kesan undang-undang, norma dan nilai etika dari Tauhid paradigm terhadap keusahawanan dan masyarakat Malaysia. In: Kematangan sosial ke arah masyarakat harmoni. Akademi Penyelidikan HALUAN, Bandar Baru Bangi Selangor, pp. 39-47. ISBN 9789671073193
Anor Salim, Farah Akmar and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Maidin, Ainul Jaria (2014) The effect of legal, norms and ethical values from Tawhidic paradigm on harmonious SME entrepreneurship and Malaysian society. In: SEMAI VI - Seminar Pembangunan Modal Insan ke-6 (6th National Seminar of Human Capital Development), 29th September 2014, Bangi, Selangor. (Unpublished)
Ariffin, Muhammad Irwan and Tahir, Ibrahim Nuhu (2022) Economic concepts and ideas of Al-Bukhārī: an analysis of the book of sales in Ṣaḥīḥ Al-Bukhārī. The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research, 19 (1). pp. 1-20. ISSN 1823-075X E-ISSN 0126-5954
Azan, Zaliza and Hamid, Zarinah and Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2019) Factors sustaining social enterprises from the tawhidic paradigm in Malaysia. International Journal of Islamic Business, 4 (2). pp. 51-60. E-ISSN 0127-662X
Azan, Zaliza and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2017) The chronological development of the theory of the firm, theory of entrepreneurship and theory of social entrepreneurship. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7 (3). pp. 713-720. ISSN 2222-6990
Azan, Zaliza and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2017) A contemporary theory of social entrepreneurship from Tawhidic paradigm: a conceptual study. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7 (3). pp. 392-400. ISSN 2222-6990
Basri, Badrul Shahri and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2024) The effect of ulū al-albāb-driven competitive intelligence (CI) on the organisational performance of the institutions of higher learning (HLIs) in Malaysia: moderated by organisational factors. Online Journal of Islamic Management and Finance, 4 (2). pp. 18-50. E-ISSN 2785-9398
Basri, Syazwan and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2016) Flexible and focused: the experience of Poly Glass Fibre (M) Berhad. Meso Publishing, Gombak. ISBN 978-967-14735-0-4
Benjasom, Husnee and Sarif, Suhaimi Mhd (2012) Managing global business environment with tawhidic paradigm for the betterment of Muslim ummah. In: IIUM 1st International Postgraduate Research Conference, 20-22 February 2012, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur.
Bilal Shah, Syed and Nik Abu Bakar, Nik Hajar Samihah and Kamarun-Niza, Hanis Solehah and Abdul Manan, Afifah Syahirah and Ahmad Sukri, Nurul Imanina and Ahmad Zaidi, Siti Sarah and Muhammad, Nurul Hanis and Zhang, Lu and Fayez, Mohammad Nasher and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2020) Enabling synergy through ta’aruf in strategic planning with Ulul albab approach for Masjid Tepi Sungai. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Che Abdul, Amir Faisal and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2023) A survey on the importance of public-private partnership program in Malaysia: public practitioners' perspective. Journal of Economics and Sustainability, 5 (2). pp. 1-24. E-ISSN 2637-1294
Che Abdul, Amir Faisal and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Nik Mat, Nik Hziman (2024) Public private partnership and financial implication to government: a case study from Malaysia. Information Management and Business Review, 16 (3(S)). pp. 372-384. ISSN 2220-3796
Che Mohd Salleh, Marhanum and Abdullah, Nurdianawati Irwani and Razali, Siti Salwani (2012) Building agent-customer relationship in the Takaful industry: a framework of Islamic relationship marketing. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, 4 (1). pp. 81-97. ISSN 0128-1976
Che Mohd Salleh, Marhanum and Abdullah, Nurdianawati Irwani and Razali, Siti Salwani (2013) The relationship of Takaful agents’ Islamic ethical behaviour towards customers’ satisfaction, trust and commitment: a preliminary analysis. Journal of Islamic Finance and Business Research, 2 (1). pp. 77-88.
Feras, Qawasmeh and Fontaine, Rodrigue Ancelot Harvey (2021) Using superordinate goals to enhance social integration among students. International Journal of Human Potentials Management, 3 (1). pp. 25-43. E-ISSN 2653-0074
Firdaus, Achmad and Mohd. Israil, Khaliq Ahmad (2023) Islamic business and performance management: the Maslahah-Based Performance Management System. Islamic Business and Management, 1 (1). Routledge, New York. ISBN 978-1-032-48822-6
Firmansah, Yayan and Abdul Hamid, Zabeda and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2023) Exceeding workplace-related issues: psychological contract breach and its effects as experienced by Indonesian academics. REVENUE: Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Islam, 4 (1). pp. 83-110. ISSN 2715-825X E-ISSN 2829-2944
Firmansah, Yayan and Abdul Hamid, Zabeda and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2024) The contents of Indonesian Muslim academics’ psychological contract: a case study at the University of Darussalam Gontor. IIUM Journal of Case Studies in Management, 15 (1). pp. 85-95. ISSN 2810-2327 E-ISSN 2710-7175
Fontaine, Rodrigue (2010) Social traps and ethical dilemmas: an Islamic perspective. In: International conference on Leadership and Management in Islamic Education 2010, 26-27December 2010, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru . (Unpublished)
Fontaine, Rodrigue Ancelot Harvey (2018) Developing spiritual intelligence: some new evidence. International Journal of Islamic Management and Business, 7 (1). pp. 95-107. ISSN 2520-4874 E-ISSN 2413-2330
Fontaine, Rodrigue Ancelot Harvey (2020) Islamic management: the power of Qur'anic thinking. Akademi Sinergi Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789671416822
Fontaine, Rodrigue Ancelot Harvey (2011) Management models from an Islamic perspective. In: Spirituality in Management from an Islamic perspective. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 287-315. ISBN 978-967-0225-41-8 / 9789675272943
Fontaine, Rodrigue Ancelot Harvey (2018) Surah Al-Nisa’: some lessons for Muslim business leaders based on the works of Khaled and Khan = Surah Al-Nisa : beberapa pelajaran untuk pemimpin perniagaan Muslim berdasarkan tafsiran Khaled dan Khan. Journal of Islam in Asia, 15 (3 Special Issue: Integration of Islamic Revealed Knowledge into Humanities and Social Sciences). pp. 315-336. E-ISSN 2289 8077
Fontaine, Rodrigue Ancelot Harvey (2022) Sūrah Al-Ar’áf: lessons For Muslim business leaders. Journal of Islamic Management Studies, 4 (1). pp. 10-22.
Fontaine, Rodrigue Ancelot Harvey (2019) Sūrah al-Ma’idah: some lessons for Muslim business leaders = Sūrah al-Ma’idah: beberapa pengajaran untuk pemimpin perniagaan Muslim. Journal of Islam in Asia, 16 (3). pp. 395-415. E-ISSN 2289 8077
Fontaine, Rodrigue Ancelot Harvey (2019) Three kinds of Muslim managers: lessons from the Qur'an. Journal of Islamic Management Studies, 2 (2). pp. 67-79. ISSN 2600-7126
Fontaine, Rodrigue Ancelot Harvey (2018) The philosophical foundations of Islamic management. International Journal of Economics Management and Accounting, 26 (1). pp. 207-226. E-ISSN 2462-1420
Fontaine, Rodrigue Ancelot Harvey and Aljuneidi, Diaa Musa Diab (2025) Using adult learning to develop an Islamic corporate culture: a simulation with IIUM management students. Journal of Islamic Management Studies, 8 (1). pp. 42-54. E-ISSN 2600-7126
Fontaine, Rodrigue Ancelot Harvey (2011) Positive deviance and Islamic leadership. IIUM Journal of Economics and Management Sciences, 19 (1). pp. 63-76. ISSN 1394-7680
Gerinsa, Muhammad Mikhail and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2019) The influence of ukhuwwah in the dynamic interplay of technological change and competitive advantage for business sustainability: the case of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia. International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 18 (6). pp. 21-29. ISSN 2289-1552
Gerinsa, Muhammad Mikhail and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2019) The influence of ukhuwwah in the dynamic interplay of technological change and competitive advantage for business sustainability: the case of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia. In: 8th Kuala Lumpur International Islamic Studies and Civilisations (KLiISC 8) 2019, 23rd- 24th February, 2019, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor.
Hamzah, Hanisah and Ismail, Yusof (2011) Business ethics in the internet and online databases. In: Business Ethics Through Student Lenses. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 19-28. ISBN 978-967-418-184-0
Hamzah, Hanisah and Ismail, Yusof (2011) Introduction to business ethics. In: Business Ethics Through Student Lenses. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-967-418-184-0
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Ismail, Yusof and Awang, Abdul Bari and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2019) Sustaining good perceptions towards recipients of zakat under the category of riqab. In: 1st Kedah International Zakat Conference 2019 (KEIZAC 2019), 4-5 August 2019, Menara Zakat, Lembaga Zakat Negeri Kedah, Malaysia. (Unpublished)
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Ismail, Yusof and Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi (2024) Keutamaan dalam tema terjemahan dalam Bahasa Malaysia: persepsi motivasi dan perencat di kalangan bakal penterjemah akademik. In: Penterjemahan di Malaysia: Cabaran dan Pengalaman Mutakhir. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 63-78. ISBN 978-967-491-328-1
Ismail, Yusof and Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi (2011) The role of Tawhidic paradigm in the transformation of management system. In: Seminar Transformasi Sistem Pengurusan Islam di Malaysia 2011, 30 September-2 October, 2011, PWTC Kuala Lumpur.
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Ismail, Yusof and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2024) Recruiting the case writers. IIUM Journal of Case Studies in Management, 15 (1). pp. 54-61. ISSN 2810-2327 E-ISSN 2710-7175
Ismail, Yusof and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2021) Relating students' academic disciplines to five pillars of Islam. In: Kedah International Zakat Conference 2021 (i-KEIZAC 2021), 17-18 August 2021, Virtual.
Ismail, Yusof and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Azan, Zaliza (2017) Good governance of social entrepreneurship from Maqasid Al-Shari’ah. In: 3rd Kuala Lumpur International Islamic Studies and Civilisations Conference, 25th-26th February 2017, Kuala Lumpur.
Ismail, Yusof and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Azan, Zaliza (2017) Good governance of social entrepreneurship under Maqasidi approach. In: 6th International Conference on Islamic Jurisprudence (ICIJ2017), 21st-23rd February 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Unpublished)
Ismail, Yusof and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ishak, Mohd Izzuddin (2017) Social entrepreneurship as internally driven development. In: 3rd International Conference on Qalb-Guided Leadership in Higher Education Institutions 2017 (iQALB 2017), 5th-6th December 2017, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan.
Ismail, Yusof and Sarif, Suhaimi Mhd (2011) Availability of literature on engineering ethics in the Internet. IIUM Engineering Journal, 12 (5). pp. 219-229. ISSN 1511-788X
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Madjid Riyadi, Noerma and Ismail, Yusof (2011) Comprehension of core topics. In: Business Ethics Through Student Lenses. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 9-18. ISBN 978-967-418-184-0
Madjid Riyadi, Noerma and Ismail, Yusof (2011) Teaching of business ethics. In: Business Ethics Through Student Lenses. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 39-48. ISBN 978-967-418-184-0
Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi (2018) Development of vision, missions and objectives as foundation for business excellence. In: Workshop for Organizational Excellence for Digital Economy, 14 March 2018, Kuching Sarawak. (Unpublished)
Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi (2024) Kisah Taman Desa Gemilang. Persatuan Penduduk Taman Desa Gemilang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-629-99400-0-5
Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2022) Effect of Ta’awun (mutual cooperation) and Sejahtera leadership on sustaining community engagement. Online Journal of Islamic Management and Finance, 2 (2). pp. 1-21. E-ISSN 2785-9398
Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2025) Humanising governance and management with spirituality. In: Islamic Finance and Sustainable Development: Balancing Spirituality, Values and Profit. Islamic Business and Finance Series . Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London, United Kingdom, pp. 154-174. ISBN 978-1-032-80382-1
Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2023) SDG 18 and humanising governance and management: spirituality and management putting into practice a holistic model. In: SDG 18 Spirituality Values and Culture for Humanising Sustainable Development: A Future Worldview. ISTAC, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 243-316. ISBN 978-983-9379-75-4
Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Abdul Wahid, Mohamad Fikri (2022) Love and care practices in sustaining brotherhood and unity. In: Pre 'Ibadah Camp Propositions on Humanizing Education with Brotherhood and Unity. Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences IIUM, IIUM, pp. 69-80. ISBN 9789672621959
Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Abdul Wahid, Mohammad Fikri (2024) Enhancing the sustainability of fundraising for community free food kitchens through ta’awun (mutual cooperation). Global Business and Management Research: An International Journal, 16 (2s). pp. 477-487. E-ISSN 1947-5667
Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Muhammad Zein, Fuad and Firmansah, Yayan (2024) Influence of Tawhidic paradigm in training and development practices of Islamic universities. In: International Conference on Islamic Human Resources Management, 6-7 August 2024, UNIDA Gontor Indonesia.
Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2024) Impact of ulu al-albab 5S on competitive advantage of small and medium enterprises. In: 4th International Conference on Human Resource Development (ICHRD 2024), 27 August 2024, Johor Bahru.
Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2021) Influence of hikmah practical wisdom on crowdfunding. In: International Conference On Contemporary Islamic Studies (ICIS 2021), 8th June 2021, Virtual.
Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2023) Influence of tarbiyyah in consumer education and advocacy in empowering individual consumers for efficient consumer protection. Online Journal of Islamic Management and Finance, 3 (2). pp. 1-17. E-ISSN 2785-9398
Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2022) Ta’awun (mutual cooperation) among community members in sustaining Infaq (perpetual charitable contribution) for community agriculture projects. In: International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities 2022 (TICSSH 2022), Online. (Unpublished)
Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Zainudin, Dolhadi and Yahya, Rohaziah and Firmansah, Yayan (2024) Role of taqwa and entrepreneurship national policies in enhancing entrepreneurship education at higher education institutions in Malaysia. International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 33 (1). pp. 44-59. E-ISSN 2289-1552
Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi and Juhdi, Nurita and Abdul Sabian, Nur Arfifah and Mustaffa, Nur Fariza and Suib, Fatin Husna and Yahya, Rohaziah (2024) Influence of ta’abudi, ihsan and ukhuwwah on human resource management. Sejahtera Consumerism Department of Business Administration KENMS IIUM, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-26351-6-1
Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi and Maidin, Ainul Jaria and Ibrahim, Jamaludin and Ahmad Dahlan, Abdul Rahman (2019) Effects of anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing law on innovation of mobile payment systems in Malaysia. In: Emerging Issues in Islamic Finance, Law and Practice in Malaysia. Emerald Publishing Limited, Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK, pp. 117-128. ISBN 978-1-78973-546-8
Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi and Yahya, Rohaziah (2024) Impact of Ulū al-Albāb on innovation and customer loyalty through knowledge transfer in ICT firms. In: 1st International Conference on Islamic Studies, Islamic Finance and Management 2024 (ICIFAM 2024), 9th June 2024, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Virtual Conference).
Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi and Yahya, Rohaziah (2024) Impact of ulū al-albāb on innovation and customer loyalty through knowledge transfer in ICT firms. International Journal of Islamic Studies, Islamic Finance and Management, 2 (1). pp. 18-27. E-ISSN 3009-0067
Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2020) Sustainable Development Student Projects with Sejahtera Lestari Orientation. Project Report. IIUM, IIUM. (Unpublished)
Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi and Ismail, Yusof (2021) Influence of sejahtera ulū al-albāb approach on strategic planning for sustainability. International Journal of Zakat and Islamic Philanthropy, 3 (2). pp. 71-80. ISSN 2682-7530 E-ISSN 2672-7471
Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi and Ismail, Yusof (2021) Influence of ta’awun (mutual cooperation) for infaq (charitable funding) in sustaining community vegetable gardens. International Journal of Zakat and Islamic Philanthropy, 3 (2). pp. 81-91. ISSN 2682-7530 E-ISSN 2672-7471
Mhd Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi and Yahya, Rohaziah (2020) A tawhidic paradigm approach on qualitative research in management. Journal of Islamic Management Studies, 3 (2). pp. 59-68. ISSN 2600-7126
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2021) Business ethics from tawhidic paradigm. In: Guest Lecture at International Program of Management and Business Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogjakarta Indones, 16 June 2021, Virtual. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2021) Change the world. In: RCE Greater Gombak: Journey towards Holistic Community Transformation. Sejahtera Centre for Sustainability and Humanity IIUM, IIUM Kuala Lumpur, pp. 97-110. ISBN 9789671940822
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2020) Chin Lurus Enterprise: A charity business? IIUM Journal of Case Studies in Management. pp. 28-32. E-ISSN 2710-7175
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2023) Community engagement journey at Kampung Sungai Pusu, Gombak. In: ACTS Agents of Change Towards Sustainability Journey of Making a Difference: From Whole Person to Whole Society Transformation. Sejahtera Centre for Sustainability and Humanity IIUM, IIUM Gombak, pp. 98-105. ISBN 978-967-19408-3-9
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2020) Consumerism with Tawhidic paradigm activism through “change the world” project. Research Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2020) Effect of industrial revolution on strategic management capabilities with Tawhidic paradigm among companies in Malaysia. Research Report. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2019) Effect of ukhuwwah driven social cohesiveness in governing quality innovation for sustainable development goals. International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 18 (6). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2289-1552
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2018) Effects of Tawhidic paradigm dynamism in qualitative research. In: 6th Kuala Lumpur International Islamic Studies and Civilisation, 24-25 March 2018, Hotel Bangi Putrajaya, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2018) Effects of Tawhidic paradigm dynamism in qualitative research. Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 9 (3). pp. 66-72. ISSN 2289-9855
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2018) Effects of strategic Ta'awun on sustainable, entrepreneurial and urbanised smart society in Muslim world. In: 6th Kuala Lumpur International Islamic Studies and Civilisation Conference, 24th-25th March 2018, Selangor, Malaysia.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2018) Effects of strategic Ta'awun on sustainable, entrepreneurial and urbanised smart society in Muslim world. Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 9 (3). pp. 40-46. ISSN 2289-9855
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2018) Effects of ta’awun in sustaining ethical and socially responsible Managers for sustainable competitive advantage. Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 10 (2). pp. 27-36. ISSN 2289-9855
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2020) Effects of ulū al-albāb on strategies practiced by companies for sustainable competitive advantage. Research Report. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2015) Fastabiqul khairat driven corporate philanthropy as sustainable business practices for organizational resilience. International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 7 (2). pp. 23-32. ISSN 2289-1552
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2018) Generic competitive strategies from a Qur’anic perspective. Journal of Islamic Management Studies, 2 (1). pp. 24-34. ISSN 2600-7126
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2017) Good nerves Murabbi with Tawhidic Paradigm for Khaira Ummah Society 5.0. International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 14 (5). pp. 26-34. ISSN 2289-1552
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2015) Harmonizing wisdom in social business enterprises. In: Victoria Business Conclave and International Conference On Commerce And Management 2015, 26th November 2016, Hotel Dynasty Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2021) Humanizing education: Sabr in teaching Principles and Practice of Management. In: Economics and management sciences: reflections on humanizing education. Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 29-36. ISBN 978-967-26219-1-1
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2013) Integrating acquired knowledge development in business administration with Islamicisation: the Ulū al-Albāb approach. In: First World Congress on Integration and Islamicisation of Acquired Knowledge, 23-25 August 2013, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2016) Islam as the driving force for humanity and world peace. In: The 2nd Kuala Lumpur International Islamic Studies & Civilizations Conference (KLiISC 2), 8th-9th Oct. 2016, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2021) Islamic business ethics from Maqasidh al-Shariah. In: Guest Lecture at International Program of Management and Business, 30 June 2021, Virtual. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2016) Kaedah Fastabiqul Khairat untuk mempertahankan kebingkasan perniagaan. In: Integriti Pemangkin Generasi Yang Mapan. Akademi Penyelidikan HALUAN Malaysia, Bandar Baru Bangi Selangor, pp. 163-181. ISBN 978-967-2016-24-3
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2016) Managing companies with ukhuwwah approach as business core catalyst for sustainability. In: Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference (KLIBEL 9), 16th-17th April 2016, Kuala Lumpur.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2016) Managing companies with ukhuwwah approach as business core catalyst for sustainability. International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 9 (2). pp. 7-12. ISSN 2289-1552
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2020) Post COVID19 impact – economic, social, psychological, political, scientific & technological, economic & cyber crime. In: Management of Frozen World & Melting Economies (Series of Thematic Webinars), 4 May 2020, India. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2022) Recent Contribution of Islamic Finance and Economics: a case study of Malaysia into Halal Industry of Sejahtera & Humanizing Approach. In: Webinar International Conference Recent Contribution of Islamic Finance and Economic, 24 September 2022, Online. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2021) Reflection of Sabr in Teaching Principles and Practice of Management. In: Humanizing education reflection on concepts, attributes, roles and sustainability with selected attributes of true believers in the Quran and Sunnah. Meso Publishing, Gombak, pp. 37-44. ISBN 978-967-19814-6-7
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2015) Stickiness in consumer protection through Halal certification. In: 19th MACFEA National Seminar (MACFEA2015), 19th-20th November 2015, Palm Garden Hotel, Putrajaya.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2016) Strategic management lessons from surah al-Kahfi. In: 2nd Kuala Lumpur International Islamic Studies and Civilisations (KLiiSC2 2016), 8th-9th Oct. 2016, Kuala Lumpur.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2019) Strategic ta’awun and fastabiqul khairat partnerships for sustainable competitive advantage among small and medium enterprises in the Muslim world. Asian Academy of Management Journal, 24 (Supp. 1). pp. 125-139. ISSN 1394-2603 E-ISSN 2180-4184
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2016) Strengthening companies’ competitive position from Tawhidic paradigm: the case of selected Bursa Malaysia listed companies. In: 2nd Kuala Lumpur International Islamic Studies and Civilisations (KLiiSC2 2016), 8th-9th Oct. 2016, Kuala Lumpur.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2017) Sustaining corporate philanthropy through fastabiqul khairat. In: Contemporary Issues on Zakat, Waqf and Islamic Philanthrophy. Academy of Contemporary Islamic Studies (ACIS) UiTM, Shah Alam, Malaysia, pp. 393-396. ISBN 978-967-0171-80-7
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2020) Sustaining knowledge through unity among people. Discussion Paper. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2014) Tawhidic paradigm and organizational policy and strategy practices. South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law, 5 (2). pp. 28-35. ISSN 2289-1560
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2018) Ta’awun in sustaining ethical and socially responsible managers for sustainable competitive advantage. In: 10th Kuala Lumpur International Communication, Education, Language & Social Science Conference (KLiCELS 2017) & 7th Kuala Lumpur International Islamic Studies and Civilisations Conference (KLiiSC 2018), 21-22 July 2018, Putrajaya, Selangor.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2013) Utilitarianism approach in ethical decision making among Malaysian social entrepreneurs. In: Seminar Hasil Penyelidikan Sektor Pengajian Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan 2013, 2 & 3 July 2013, EDC Hotel, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2015) Wisdom of Ulū al-Albāb in sustaining human resource development in Muslim world. In: International Conference on Human Resource Development, 5-7 April 2015, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Skudai Johor.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2019) The challenge of stickiness in contributing to Sustainable Development Goals 2030 through zakat institutions in Malaysia. In: 1st Kedah International Zakat Conference 2019 (KEIZAC 2019), 4-5 August 2019, Menara Zakat, Lembaga Zakat Negeri Kedah, Malaysia. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2019) The challenge of stickiness in the empowerment of children, women, the elderly and persons with disabilities. In: Putrajaya International Conference on Children, Women, the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities, 6 July 2019, Bangi Resort Hotel. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2017) The effects of Qalb with Tawhidic paradigm in strategic planning of higher education institutions. In: 3rd International Conference on Qalb-Guided Leadership in Higher Education Institutions 2017 (iQALB 2017, 5th-6th December 2017, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2018) The effects of Qalb with Tawhidic paradigm in strategic planning of higher education institutions. Tinta Artikulasi Membina Ummah (TAMU), 4 (1). pp. 34-46. E-ISSN 2289-960X
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2014) The effects of tawfik on ethical decision making process: the case of micro and small businesses in Malaysia. In: 2nd International Conference on Management from Islamic Perspective (ICMIP-2 2014), 19-20 August 2014, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2018) The influence of Islamic spirituality in sustaining ethical consumer decision making. In: The 22nd Malaysian Consumer and Family Economics Association (MACFEA) International Conference 2018 (MACFEA 2018), 30th-31st October 2018, Shah Alam, Selangor. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2018) The influence of Qur’anic ethics on responsible research for sustainable performance. In: 7th Kuala Lumpur International Islamic Studies and Civilisations Conference, 21-22 July 2018, Hotel Bangi Putrajaya, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2018) The influence of Qur’anic ethics on responsible research for sustainable performance. Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 10 (2). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2289-9855
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2014) The influence of Tawhidic paradigm in sustaining the training of soul preachers (Murabbi) for harmonious society (Ummah). In: National Seminar on Human Capital Development (SEMAI VI), 29 September 2014, Bandar Baru Bangi Selangor. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2015) The influence of israelites narratives in business research from islamic perspectives. International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 8 (2). pp. 42-51. ISSN 2289-1552
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2016) The influence of taqwa in sustainable capacity building. In: Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference (KLIBEL 9), 16th-17th April 2016, Kuala Lumpur.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2016) The influence of taqwa in sustainable capacity building. South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law, 9 (2). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2289-1560
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2018) A study on Ulū Al-Albāb approach of life-long philanthropy among knowledge work. In: Second International Conference on Zakat, Wakaf and Islamic Philanthropy (ZAWFI '18), 10th-11th October 2018, Shah Alam, Selangor.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2015) A tawhidic-linked experience of strategic management from the lessons of hajj pilgrimage. International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 6 (2). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2289-1552
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2018) The ulū al-albāb approach of life-long philanthropy among knowledge workers. In: Application of Islamic philanthropy. UiTM Press, Shah Alam, Selangor, pp. 141-152. ISBN 978-967-363-566-5
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi (2013) A unified theory of the firm from Tawhidic paradigm. In: 1st World Congress on Integration and Islamicisation of Acquired Human Knowledge (FWCII 2013), 23-25 August 2013, Prince Hotel & Residence, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Azan, Zaliza (2016) A contemporary theory of social entrepreneurship from Tawhidic paradigm. In: Third International Halal Conference, 21-22 November 2016, Shah Alam. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Benjasom, Muhammad Husnee (2012) Business, the environment and sustainability: an Islamic perspective. In: ASEAN Entrepreneurship Conference (AEC 2012), 5 - 6 November 2012, Kuala Lumpur.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Benjasom, Muhammad Husnee (2013) Creating, nurturing and building conducive environment for lifelong learning in Malaysia: The Ulū Al-Albāb approach. In: 1st World Congress on Integration and Islamicisation of Acquired Human Knowledge (FWCII 2013), 23-25 August 2013, Prince Hotel & Residence, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Hidayatullah, Rakhmad Agung and Firmansah, Yayan (2025) Madam Kitchens feeding with Iman. IIUM Journal of Case Studies in Management, 16 (1). pp. 156-166. ISSN 2810-2327 E-ISSN 2710-7175
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2021) Actionable remedial strategies in response to awareness of some collective and institutional Islamic concepts. International Journal of Zakat and Islamic Philanthropy, 3 (2). pp. 61-70. ISSN 2682-7530 E-ISSN 2672-7471
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2013) Applying Ulū al-Albāb approach in sustaining knowledge assets of social enterprises. In: 1st World Congress on Integration and Islamicisation of Acquired Human Knowledge (FWCII 2013), 23-25 August 2013, Prince Hotel & Residence, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2022) Effect of ta’awun (mutual cooperation) among private school teachers in sustaining sejahtera occupational safety and health environment = Kesan ta’awun (kerjasama bersaling) kalangan guru-guru sekolah swasta bagi mengekalkan persekitaran sejahtera keselamatan pekerjaan dan kesihatan. The Sultan Alauddin Sulaiman Shah Journal (JSASS), 9 (2). pp. 53-63. ISSN 2462-1692 E-ISSN 2289-8042
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2023) Harmonizing Islamic finance, digitalization, entrepreneurship and sustainable development goals. South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law, 30 (2). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2289-1560
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2024) Impact of empowerment, entrepreneurship and skill enhancement initiatives on poverty alleviation for asnaf zakat. International Journal of Zakat and Islamic Philanthropy, 6 (1). pp. 29-38. ISSN 2682-7530 E-ISSN 2672-7471
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2022) Influence of Ta'awun (Mutual Cooperation) among community members in enhancing zakat compliance behaviour. In: Zakat and Islamic Social Finance: the way forward. Pusat Pungutan Zakat (PPZ-MAIWP), pp. 121-132. ISBN 978-967-2959-09-0
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2024) Influence of Ulū Al-Albāb on innovation through knowledge transfer among ICT firms. Online Journal of Islamic Management and Finance, 4 (2). pp. 1-17. E-ISSN 2785-9398
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2023) Influence of taqwa in enhancing the resilience of small businesses. International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 30 (2). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2289-1552
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2023) Influence of ta’awun (mutual cooperation) in sustaining creativity and innovation among entrepreneurship development centres of universities in Malaysia. Online Journal of Islamic Management and Finance, 3 (1). pp. 1-19. E-ISSN 2785-9398
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2021) Introduction. In: A Contemporary Theory of Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Wealth Creation. Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 12-19. ISBN 978-967-2621-93-5
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2017) Managing academic rights, duties and accountability from tawhidic paradigm. Journal of Islamic Management Studies, 1 (1). pp. 29-42.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2016) Mengurus dasar dan strategi organisasi secara Islam. Akademi Pengurusan YaPEIM (AKADEMI), Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-12262-3-0
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2021) Perceived motivators and inhibitors among prospective academic translators. In: Seminar Penterjemahan Kebangsaan, 27 March 2021, Virtual. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2011) Spirituality in business ethics from an Islamic perspective. In: Spirituality in management from Islamic perspectives. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 119-154. ISBN 9789670225418
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2019) Sustaining knowledge management development of the ulū al-albāb approach. International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 18 (6). pp. 37-44. ISSN 2289-1552
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2019) Takmil wal istikmal complementarity in sustaining community support agriculture for vegetable farming in Malaysia. In: Southeast Asia Vegetable Symposium 2019, 9th-11th July 2019, Melaka. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2015) Tawhidic paradigm and economic policies on halal tourism for sustainable wealth creation in Malaysia. In: International Conference on Natural Resources, Tourism And Services Management 2015, 14-16 April 2015, Promenade Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2019) Ulū al-albāb approach in sustaining absorptive capacity for innovative behavior among knowledge workers in Malaysia. In: IIUM International Conference on Business Management (IICBM 2019), 10th-11th July 2019, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2013) The effect of spirituality on social entrepreneurship from Islamic perspective. In: First World Congress on Integration and Islamicisation of Acquired Knowledge, 23-25 August 2013, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2013) The effects of tawhidic paradigm in managing business and the natural environment sustainability. In: First World Congress on Integration and Islamicisation of Acquired Knowledge, 23-25 August 2013, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2024) The impact of taqwa on ethics and competitive advantage in Malaysian SMEs. Online Journal of Islamic Management and Finance, 4 (1). pp. 1-19. E-ISSN 2785-9398
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2015) The influence of ulū al-albāb in social accounting for community-interest corporations. In: 6th IIUM International Accounting Conference VI (INTAC VI), 28th-29th Oct. 2015, IIUM Gombak, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2014) The roles of business firms in protecting natural environment: an Islamic perspective. In: National Conference on Consumption Ethics, 4th-5th December 2014, UKM Bangi Selangor.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Abdul Razak, Dzuljastri (2021) Imaginary transformation of budi from process perspective. In: Budi and Sejahtera Leadership in Economics and Management Sciences with Tawhidic Paradigm and Maqasid al-Shari'ah. Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 85-92. ISBN 978-967-2621-94-2
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Abdul Sabian, Nur Arfifah (2013) A unified theory of the firm from tawhidic worldview: the views of mu’amalat management and economics scholars. In: Seminar Hasil Penyelidikan Sektor Pengajian Tinggi Kementerian Pendidikan 2013, 2 & 3 July 2013, EDC Hotel, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Abdul Wahid, Mohamad Fikri (2024) Stone Hotel and the fight over minimum wages. IIUM Journal of Case Studies in Management, 15 (1). pp. 62-72. ISSN 2810-2327 E-ISSN 2710-7175
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Abdul Wahid, Mohammad Fikri (2023) Rise of the family cafe: a journey of resilience and community. IIUM Journal of Case Studies in Management, 14 (2). pp. 53-61. ISSN 2810-2327 E-ISSN 2710-7175
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Azan, Zaliza (2017) Effects of Maqasid al-Shariah for ethical decision making among social entrepreneurs. Journal of Islamic Management Studies, 1 (1). pp. 1-14.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Azan, Zaliza (2017) Transformational leadership with rahmatan lil ‘alamin in university born of social enterprises. In: 3rd International Conference on Qalb-Guided Leadership in Higher Education Institutions 2017 (iQALB 2017), 5th-6th December 2017, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Yahya, Rohaziah (2023) Aligning tarbiyyah education with digital age learning environments. In: 6th International Seminar on Tarbiyah, Yogjakarta, Indonesia. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Yahya, Rohaziah (2023) Cergas Subuh Enterprise: nurturing Islamic principles and ethnic values. IIUM Journal of Case Studies in Management, 14 (2). pp. 9-20. ISSN 2810-2327 E-ISSN 2710-7175
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Yahya, Rohaziah (2023) Lalu Sekejap Enterprise: embracing ethical practices and digital transformation. IIUM Journal of Case Studies in Management, 14 (2). pp. 30-36. ISSN 2810-2327 E-ISSN 2710-7175
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Yahya, Rohaziah and Nabi, Ashiqun (2022) Empowering ta’awun (mutual cooperation) among private school teachers in sustaining sejahtera occupational safety and health environment. Journal of Islamic Management Studies, 4 (2). pp. 26-36. E-ISSN 2600 7126
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Yahya, Rohaziah and Nabi, Ashiqun (2022) Influence of Ta’awun (mutual cooperation) and Sejahtera leadership in sustaining community engagement. Journal of Islamic Management Studies, 5 (2). pp. 3-19. E-ISSN 2600-7126
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2022) Business continuity with budi, knowledge and hikmah. Journal of Islamic Management Studies, 4 (1). pp. 38-48. ISSN 2600-7126
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2021) Cooperative behaviour (ta’awun) in edu-action. In: Cooperative (Ta’awun) Behaviour in Transforming Sejahtera Society through Education in Action (Edu-Action). Meso Publishing, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 6-8. ISBN 9789671981405
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2023) Impact of ta'awun (mutual cooperation) practices on responsible consumerism movement. Journal of Islamic Management Studies, 6 (2). pp. 35-44. E-ISSN 2600-7126
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2021) Influence of practical wisdom and piety (Taqwa) on sustaining the challenges of post COVID-19. In: 23rd Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference, 27 Mar 2021, Bangi Selangor.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2022) Influence of ta'awun (mutual cooperation) in empowering social enterprises in the post pandemic covid-19. South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law, 26 (2). pp. 19-25. E-ISSN 2289-1560
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2023) Influence of ta'awun (mutual cooperation) in sustaining innovation alliances. International Journal of Islamic Business, 8 (1 (2023)). pp. 15-40. E-ISSN 0127-662X
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2024) Influence of ulūl albāb on sustaining competitive advantage of small businesses in Malaysia. Advanced International Journal of Business, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, 6 (19). pp. 39-53. E-ISSN 2682-8545
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2021) Prophetic Seerah approach on qualitative research in management. In: International Conference and Muktamar on Prophetic Sunnah (ICMAS 2021), 28th-29th January 2021, Kuantan, Pahang. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2023) Research sejahtera consumerism. Sejahtera Consumerism Department of Business Administration KENMS IIUM, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-26351-5-4
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2023) Responsible consumerism. Sejahtera Consumerism, Department of Business Administration, KENMS, IIUM, IIUM Gombak. ISBN 976-967-26351-4-7
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Nabi, Ashiqun and Ferdaus, Tasnim (2022) The impact of transnational culture on countering terrorism in muslim countries: a critical explanation from tawhidic paradigm. IIUC Business Review, 7-8. pp. 47-60. ISSN 1991-380X
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Nabi, Ashiqun and Jahan, Nusrat (2022) Responsibility of family towards teaching ethics and morality for sustainable development in Bangladesh: A critical explanation from the Tawhidic paradigm. IIUC Business Review, 7-8. pp. 31-46. ISSN 1991-380X
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Sarwar, Abdullah Al-Mamun (2014) The effects of tawhidic paradigm paradigm on social entrepreneurship education. In: Second International Conference on Management from Islamic Perspective (ICMIP-2 2014), 19-20 August 2014, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Sarwar, Abdullah Al-Mamun and Azam, S. M. Ferdous (2021) Social Entrepreneurship and Its Role on Building Societal Values in Malaysia. In: A Contemporary Theory of Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Wealth Creation. Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, IIUM, IIUM, pp. 61-73. ISBN 978-967-2621-93-5
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Sarwar, Abdullah Al-Mamun and Ismail, Yusof (2015) The Influence of tawhidic paradigm in managing firms for sustainable competitive advantage: a Malaysian case. Asian Journal of Management Sciences & Education (AJMSE), 3 (7). pp. 15-24. ISSN 2186-845X (O), 2186-8441 (P)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Sarwar, Abdullah Al-Mamun and Ismail, Yusof (2013) Practice of social entrepreneurship among the Muslim entrepreneurs in Malaysia. In: First World Congress on Integration and Islamicisation of Acquired Knowledge, 23-25 August 2013, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Syed Ahmad, Sharifah Fazirah and Zainudin, Dolhadi and Ismail, Yusof and Firmansah, Yayan (2024) Influence of industrial relations with ukhuwwah (brotherhood), ‘adl (justice) and ihsan (benevolence) among Islamic universities. Information Management and Business Review, 16 (3(I)(S)). pp. 482-494. ISSN 2220-3796
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Yahya, Rohaziah and Ismail, Yusof and Abdul Wahid, Mohamad Fikri (2024) Salmah's entrepreneurial journey with passion, faith, and community support. IIUM Journal of Case Studies in Management, 15 (2). pp. 81-90. ISSN 2810-2327 E-ISSN 2710-7175
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Yahya, Rohaziah and Ismail, Yusof and Abdul Wahid, Mohamad Fikri (2024) Tawakkal resilience in perniagaan sejuk beku keluarga. IIUM Journal of Case Studies in Management, 15 (2). pp. 73-80. ISSN 2810-2327 E-ISSN 2710-7175
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2020) Consumerism with Tawhidic paradigm activism with the community in the neighbouring masajid. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2020) Effects of SDG vegetables gardening on ukhuwwah and ta’awun among higher education communities of practice. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2022) Influence of budi bicara (discretionary virtue) in strategic planning of business enterprises. Journal of Islamic Management Studies, 4 (1). pp. 23-29. ISSN 2600-7126
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2020) Managing Ta'awun in post normal times with spirituality: the case of social enterprises in Malaysia. In: Managing Ta'awun in Post Normal Times. Meso Publishing, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 4-22. ISBN 978-967-14735-1-1
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2019) Managing in clearing garden type 1 with Sabr min al Iman. Portfolio. International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2019) Strategic renewal with Tajdid approach on community vegetable garden. Project Report. International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2019) Sustaining good health through the consumption of cosmos candatus Ulam Raja from KENMS vegetable garden. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi (2020) Ulū al-Albāb vegetable garden. In: 5 MT (Minutes Talk) Competition, IKRAM Akademia Convention, 18th January 2020, Serdang, Selangor. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi and Ismail, Yusof (2021) Influence of ta’awun in project management and funding through financial literacy in sustaining community vegetable gardens. In: International Conference on Islamic Financial Literacy (ICiFIL 2021), 7-8 July 2021, Online.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi and Ismail, Yusof (2020) Sejahtera, ulū al-albāb and competing paradigms in qualitative research. In: 4th UUM International Qualitative Research Conference (QRC 2020), 1st-3rd December 2020, Sintok, Kedah.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi and Ismail, Yusof (2020) Taqwa (piety) approach in sustaining Islamic philanthropy for social businesses. In: 2nd International Conference of World Academy of Islamic Management, 17 October 2020, Kuala Lumpur (Online). (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi and Ismail, Yusof (2020) Taqwa (piety) approach in sustaining Islamic philanthropy for social businesses. Journal of Islamic Management Studies, 3 (1). pp. 58-68. ISSN 2600-7126
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi and Ismail, Yusof (2020) A Tawhidic paradigm approach to encourage responsible consumptions. In: 2nd International Conference of World Academy of Islamic Management, 17 October 2020, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi and Ismail, Yusof and Firmansah, Yayan (2024) Industrial Relations with ukhuwwah (brotherhood), ‘adl (justice), and ihsan (benevolence). In: International Conference on Islamic Human Resources Management, 6-7 August 2024, UNIDA Gontor Indonesia.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi and Ismail, Yusof and Firmansah, Yayan (2024) Influence of ihsān (benevolence) on sustaining industrial relations practices at Islamic universities in southeast Asia. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Management Practices, 7 (28). pp. 83-93. E-ISSN 2600-8750
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi and Ismail, Yusof and Yahya, Rohaziah (2025) Perniagaan Muafakat with tawakkal (reliance on Allah) and ummatic (collectiveness). IIUM Journal of Case Studies in Management, 16 (1). pp. 76-88. ISSN 2810-2327 E-ISSN 2710-7175
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi and Yahya, Rohaziah (2020) Effect of taqwa (piety) on Islamic philanthropy for social development. In: 4th International Virtual Conference on Zakat, Waqf and Islamic Philanthropy, 17th September 2020, Shah Alam, Selangor. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi and Yahya, Rohaziah (2020) Humanising strategic planning through Ulū Al-Albāb approach in post normal times for sustainable performance. In: Managing Ta'awun in Post Normal Times. Meso Publishing, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 23-43. ISBN 978-967-14735-1-1
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi and Yahya, Rohaziah (2020) Strategic planning with ulū al-albāb approach. Journal of Islamic Management Studies, 3 (1). pp. 48-57. ISSN 2600-7126
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi and Yahya, Rohaziah (2020) Tawhidic paradigm approach on qualitative research in management. In: 2nd International Conference of World Academy of Islamic Management, 17th-18th October 2020, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Dolhadi and Yahya, Rohaziah and Ismail, Yusof (2025) Unity in uncertainty with tawakkal for Green Company workers' fight for justice with Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja Perkilangan Perusahaan Makanan. IIUM Journal of Case Studies in Management, 16 (1). pp. 89-97. ISSN 2810-2327 E-ISSN 2710-7175
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zainudin, Suhaimi and Ismail, Yusof (2021) Strategic planning with sejahtera ulū al-albāb approach for sustainability. In: 2nd Kedah International Zakat Conference 2021 (KEIZAC 2021), 17-18 August 2021, Online.
Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Zakariyah, Luqman and Mohd Noor, Azman (2018) Financial reporting in tabung masjid management driven by Maqasid Al-Shariah in Malaysia. The Islamic Quarterly Journal of Islamic Perspectives, 62 (1 (Special Volumes)). pp. 103-123. ISSN 0021-1842
Mhd.Sarif, Suhaimi (2013) The roles of business firms in the natural environment protection for business sustainability : an Islamic perspective. In: 10th Asian Academy of Management Conference 2013, 23-25 August 2013, Bayview Beach Resorts, Batu Feringgi, Penang.
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