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Ab Hamid, Ahmad Rauyani (2024) Pelan penggantian sedia pentadbir IPT berwibawa. Berita Harian, Komentar (12hb Februari 2024). p. 11.

Ab Rahman, Syakir Amir (2023) Program sukarelawan mahasiswa wajar beri Impak kepada masyarakat. Berita Harian, Komentar (5hb September 2023). p. 11.

Abd Hamid, Siti Rafiah and Syed Hassan, Sharifah Sariah and Ismail, Nik Ahmad Hisham (2012) Teaching quality and performance among experienced teachers in Malaysia. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 37 (11). pp. 85-103. ISSN 0313-5373

Abd Rahim, Badruel Hairiel and Mohamad Diah, Nurazzura (2018) Raising disabled heroes in sport: challenges and prospects. International Journal for Studies on Children, Women, Elderly And Disabled, 5. pp. 252-257. ISSN 0128-309X

Abdalla, Erfan (2022) الملكة اللغوية بين الاكتساب والتعلم قراءة نقدية The language faculty between acquisition and learning a critical review. IIUM Journal of Educational Studies, 10 (2). pp. 1-28. ISSN 2289-8085

Abdul Rahim, Abdullah Bukhari (2024) AI HUG: racun terbaharu menjangkiti umat Islam. Utusan Malaysia, Gaya (Agama) (6hb September 2024). p. 23. ISSN 2716-6694

Abdul Rahman, Shukran (2020) University distance learning during Covid-19 pandemic. IslamiCity.

Abdul Rashid, Adnan (2011) A Comparative Study of the English Language Performance of Islamic Studies and Education Students in KIRKHS and INSTED. Sosiohumanika: Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, 4 (1). pp. 49-66. ISSN 1979-0112

Abdul Razak, Dzulkifli (2019) Academics and intellectual honesty. The Sun, 17 April 2019 (7274PP2644/12/2012(031195)). p. 9.

Abdul Razak, Dzulkifli (2021) Angkara media sosial kepada remaja. Utusan Malaysia (1 April 2021).

Abdul Razak, Dzulkifli (2019) Charting a new trajectory. New Straits Times, 28 June 2019.

Abdul Razak, Dzulkifli (2020) Education at risk from second wave. New Straits Times, 11 August 2020.

Abdul Razak, Dzulkifli (2019) Education for nation-building. The Sun Daily, 10 Dec 2019.

Abdul Razak, Dzulkifli (2020) Educational leadership in realising the digital economy. New Straits Times, 20 November 2020.

Abdul Razak, Dzulkifli (2023) Menggalas berat kejayaan PPPM menjelang 2025. Utusan Malaysia, Rencana (31 Ogos 2023). p. 15. ISSN 2716-4464

Abdul Razak, Dzulkifli (2019) A Merdeka wish for peace. New Straits Times, August 30, 2019.

Abdul Razak, Dzulkifli (2019) 'Sejahtera' for quality education. New Straits Times, February 4, 2019.

Abdul Razak, Dzulkifli (2019) Time to dive in and clean up. New Straits Times, March 26, 2019.

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas (2021) Book review: the secret of childhood by Maria Montessori. IIUM Today, 15 August 2021.

Abdul Wahab, Roslan and Mat Dangi, Mohamad Ridhuan and Abdul Latif, Nurul Ezhawati and Mad, Salina and Mohd. Noor, Rohana (2017) Technology-based accounting education: evidence on acceptance and usage. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (8). pp. 7737-7741. ISSN 1936-6612 E-ISSN 1936-7317

Abdullah, Fadzidah and Mohd. Yaman, Maheran and Sanusi, Aliyah Nur Zafirah and Asif, Nayeem and Salim, Farha (2021) Significant design attributes for outdoor learning environment in higher learning institutions. Journal of Architecture, Planning and Construction Management (JAPCM), 11 (1). pp. 91-99. ISSN 2231-9514 E-ISSN 2462-2222

Abdullah, Fadzidah and Azmin, Aida Kesuma and Salleh, Nurul Hamiruddin (2014) Developing graduates’ collaboration skill based on Islamic perspective through integrated multi-disciplinary course in the built environment. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity (IJSSH), 4 (2). pp. 117-121. ISSN 2010-3646

Abdullah, Hazlina and Abdullah, Norhana and Abdullah, Liza and Abdul Ghani, Noor Amili and Md Zamin, Ainul Azmin and Kassim, Rosnani (2017) An analysis of parents' perception on the importance of homework: a case study in Malaysia. Science International, 29 (2 (March-April : Section B)). pp. 389-393. ISSN 1013-5316

Abdulwahab Aldaba, Abdulmajid Mohammed and Mohd Ali, Hairuddin and Alshuhumi, Said R. A. and Paramboor, Jafar (2021) Influence of participatory decision making on job satisfaction: the moderating effect of staff experience. IIUM Journal of Educational Studies (IJES), 9 (4). pp. 58-76. ISSN 2289-8085

Abu, Harlinna and Mohamed Ludin, Salizar and Sowtali, Siti Noorkhairina (2020) The effects of early educational intervention on patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS): a review. Malaysian Journal of Medical Research, 4 (2). pp. 39-48. E-ISSN 2550-1607

Abu Sufi, Mohd. Khairul and Idrus, Faizah (2021) A preliminary study on localising the CEFR written production descriptor to Malaysian Higher Education context. Asian Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences, 3 (2). pp. 1-15. E-ISSN 2682-8502

Ahmad, Che Mahzan (2014) From Noise to Bruit in Organization Communication: Roaming with French Knowledge/Theory. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, 19 (9). pp. 1226-1234. ISSN 1990-9233 E-ISSN 1999-8147

Ahmad, Noorlila and Abu Bakar, Abu Yazid (2023) Utilizing Japanese community engagement understanding Malaysian traditional music therapy for children with special needs. JAPANEDU: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Bahasa Jepang, 8 (2). pp. 117-123. ISSN 2776-4478 E-ISSN 2528-5548

Al-Amin, Abul Quasem and Alam, Gazi Mahabubul and Othman, Abdul Jalil (2011) An analysis of animal health and veterinary facilities in coping the climate change in Bangladesh: what education system can offer for the benefit. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. ISSN 1683-9919

Al-Muqdad, Al-Baraa Ibrahim and Mohamed Ahmed Abdalla, Erfan Abdeldaim (2025) تحديات تعليم اللغة العربية لوارثيها من أبناء اللَّاجِئِين السُّوريِّين بتُرْكِيا من مَنْظورِ الْمُعَلِّمينَ Challenges of teaching Arabic to its heirs among Syrian refugee children in Turkey from the perspective of teachers. IIUM Journal of Educational Studies, 13 (1). pp. 81-109. ISSN 2289-8085

Alias, Norlidah and Rosman, Fuziah and Abd. Rahman, Mohd.Nazri and Dewitt, Dorothy (2015) The potential of video game in Malay language learning for foreign students in a public higher education institution. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 176. pp. 1220-1227. ISSN 1877-0428

Aung, Khin Thandar (2020) Emergency preparedness: supporting continuity of teaching and learning in nursing education (a mini review). International Journal of Advanced Research in Education and Society, 2 (3). pp. 41-45. E-ISSN 2682-8138

Aung, Khin Thandar and Abdul Razak, Rafiza and Mohamad Nazry, Nor Nazrina (2023) Development of MOOC module on risk communication in global health emergencies for nurses. Medicine and Health, 18 (1 (Suppl)). p. 31. ISSN 1823-2140 E-ISSN 2289-5728

Aung, Khin Thandar and Abdul Razak, Rafiza and Mohd Nazry, Nor Nazrina and Mohd Ali, Noor Azizah (2023) Exploring the needs for developing mooc module on risk communication in global health emergencies for continuing nursing education programme: a qualitative study. Borneo Journal of Medical Sciences, 17 (2). pp. 4-17. ISSN 1985-1758 E-ISSN 2710-7353

Aung, Khin Thandar and Mohd Ali, Noor Azizah and Musa@ Mohd Zaid, Muniyati and Shaharzan, Nurul Jannah and Abdul Razak, Rafiza and Mohamad Nazry, Nor Nazrina (2024) Short communication paper: " strengthening continuing nursing education: a comprehensive module using moocs for effective risk communication in global health emergencies". International Journal of Modern Education (IJMOE), 6 (21). pp. 29-36. E-ISSN 2637-0905

Ayodele, Lasisi Abass and Mohd Ali, Hairuddin (2015) Achieving sustainability in Nigerian higher education institutions: responsive role of the leaders. Advance in the Multidiscplinary and Scientific Research, 1 (2). pp. 9-16. ISSN 2167-1710

Badzis, Mastura and Garba, Rabiu (2019) Parenting Children with Hearing Impairment: The Milieu of Parents’ Practices and Experiences. Intellectual Discourse, 27 (S1#2 (2019)). pp. 899-921. ISSN 0128-4878 (Print) E-ISSN 2289-5639 (Online)

Basmenj, Fazlollah Agamohamadi and Sorooshian, Sharyar and Ismail, Md Yusof (2013) Comparative study on quality awards. Advances in Environmental Biology, 7 (13). pp. 4032-4034. ISSN 1995-0756 E-ISSN 1998-1066

Chafai, Yasmine and Abd. Hamid, Siti Rafiah and Ibrahim, Mohd Burhan (2023) The relationship between academic achievement and motivation among secondary school pupils in selected Arab schools in Malaysia. Al-Qanatir International Journal of Islamic Studies, 30 (1). pp. 70-79. E-ISSN 2289-9944

Che Haron, Sueraya (2013) The teaching methodology of Arabic speaking skills: learners’ perspectives. International Education Studies, 6 (2). pp. 55-62. ISSN 1913-9020

Daud, Nadwah and Abdul Kadir, Sabihah (2020) التخاطب مع القرآن : مدى افادته في الطلاقة في الكلام باللغة العربية لغة ثانية. Lisanudhad, 7 (1). pp. 33-55. ISSN 2356-1998 E-ISSN 2527-6360

Elsayed, Tarek Mohamed Ali and Jamshed, Shazia Qasim and Elkalmi, Ramadan Mohamed Mahmod and Alshami, Abdulkareem Mohammed and Shamsudin, Siti Hadijah and Othman, Noordin (2015) Malaysian community pharmacistsʼ perceptions of and barriers to the first year of mandatory continuous education: a nationwide exploratory study. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 7 (6). pp. 826-835. ISSN 1877-1297

Fathil, Fauziah and Oktasari, Wiwin (2017) Religious education and containment of radical elements: The case of pondok schools in Malaysia. UMRAN - International Journal of Islamic and Civilizational Studies, 4 (1-1 :Special Issue on Islamic Education in Indonesia and Nusantara). pp. 60-70. E-ISSN 2289-8204

H.,, Jamil and Wahab,, A. Y. A and Razak, A.R.A and Al -saari, Nurhidayu (2020) Exploring the internationalization strategy of higher education institutions and halal food ecosystem in Malaysia. Food Research, 4 (4 (Suppl.4) (2020)). pp. 145-150. E-ISSN 2550-2166

Hashim, Junaidah (2008) Competencies acquisition through self-directed learning among Malaysian managers. Journal of Workplace Learning, 20 (4). pp. 259-271. ISSN 1366-5626

Hashim, Rosnani (2000) Faham behaviorime dan penjelasan tentang perilaku insan: satu analisis kritikal. Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 9 (1). pp. 19-28. ISSN 0127-5-153

Hashim, Rosnani and Ahmad Rufai, Saheed and Mohd Nor, Mohd Roslan (2011) Traditional Islamic education in Asia and Africa: a comparative study of Malaysia’s Pondok, Indonesia’s Pesantren and Nigeria’s traditional madrasah. World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization, 1 (2). pp. 94-107. ISSN 2225-0883

Ibrahim, Siti Noorjannah and Jusoh, Ahmad Zamani and Abdul Malik, Noreha and Asnawi, Ani Liza and Mazalan, S. (2018) Characterization of respiratory conditions using labVIEW and digital spirometer. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 10 (1). pp. 66-73. ISSN 2502-4752 E-ISSN 2502-4760

Idrus, Faizah and Nik Abdul Rahman, Nik Suryani and Hussein, Suhailah and Rais, Haniza (2021) Adolescents develop their identities amidst adversities. Advances in Social Science Research Journal, 8 (1). pp. 504-519. ISSN 2055-0286

Ismail, Halim and Abdul Razak, Fahmi Zaidi and Mustapha, Ramlan and Mokhtar, Nazatul Akmar and Abdul Rahman, Asmadi and Sh Othman, Sh Mohd Firdaus (2023) Religious knowledge and practices among Malaysian aborigines: a preliminary study. Journal of Islamic, Social, Economics and Development, 8 (56). pp. 165-172. E-ISSN 0128-1755

Ismail, Khamsiah and Mohamad Shukri, Muhamad Farhan and Badzis, Mastura and Ssekamanya, Siraje Abdallah (2016) The prospect of implementing safety education in Malaysian primary schools: from the perspective of school administrators. European Journal of Social Sciences Education and Research, 6 (2). pp. 45-67. ISSN 2411-9563 E-ISSN 2312-8429

Ismail, Nik Ahmad Hisham and A.M., Marzuki and K.M., Basha and Zubairi, Ainol Madziah and Nordin, Mohamad Sahari (2009) Undergraduate students' sense of efficacy, satisfaction with, and use of information technology. Educational Awakening : Journal of the Educational Sciences, 1 (3). pp. 73-79. ISSN 1675-8692

Ismail, Nik Ahmad Hisham and Ahmad Sudan, Salmi and Nik Abdul Rahman, Nik Suryani and Ssekamanya, Siraje Abdallah (2012) Islamic preventive measures on premarital teen sex: a religious model. Academic Research International (ARInt.), 3 (2). pp. 427-443. ISSN 2223-9553 (O), 2223-9944 (P)

Ismail, Nik Ahmad Hisham and Jaafar, Jamilah (2013) Effective and Ordinary Teachers: Voices of Male Students Toward Their Teachers. Jurnal Pengurusan dan Kepimpinan Pendidikan, 25 (01). pp. 105-117. ISSN 1511-4147

Ismail, Sarimah and Kadir, Normah and Pusiran, Arif Kamisan and Zen, Irina Safitri and Khan, Aqeel (2019) The importance of menu variety experience for public health sustainability at higher education institution. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 10 (9). pp. 1851-1855. ISSN 0976-0245 E-ISSN 0976-5506

Ismail, Taufik and M. Fadzlillah, Zulkhairi and Abdullah, Ramlee and Baharuldin, Halida and Sahrir, Muhammad Sabri (2018) Tinjauan tahap pengetahuan, pemahaman dan pengamalan melalui program latihan pemantapan kerohanian dalam kalangan Pelatih Skim Latihan 1-Malaysia Tabung Haji (TH). Jurnal Sultan Alaudin Sulaiman Shah, 5 (1). pp. 206-222. ISSN 2462-1692 E-ISSN 2289-8042

Ismawi, Hidayatul Radziah and Abdul Ghani, Azril Shahreez and Wan Omar, Wan Fatein Nabeila and Wan Salleh, Wan Muhamad Salahudin and Mustapar, Nurulhasanah (2024) Mentorship matters: a survey-based qualitative analysis of preclinical medical student perspectives on the mentor-mentee programme, International Islamic University Malaysia. Medicine & Health, 19 (Suppl. 5). p. 45. ISSN 1823-2140 E-ISSN 2289-5728

Khalid, Madihah and Saad, Supiah and Mohd Kamalludeen, Rosemaliza and Ismail, Nurul Hassanah (2018) Teaching Islamic values through problem solving in mathematics: a case study. Al-Shajarah, Special Issue (Special Issue: Education, 2018). pp. 217-239. ISSN 1394-6870

Krishnapillai, Ambigga and Lugova, Halyna and Haque, Mainul and Suthahar, Ariaratnam and Abdul Aziz, Aznida Firzah and Hasan Maziz, Mohammad Nazmul and Shridhar Patil, Sapna and Daher, Aqil M and Muhammad Ali, Suhaila and A. Rahman, Nor Azlina and A Rahman, Nor Iza and Chowdhury, Kona and Sharma, Paras and Etando, Ayukafangha and Kumar, Santosh and Abdullah, Adnan and Shahwan, Moyad and Godman, Brian (2022) The shock of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on health professionals’ education: A pilot qualitative study in Malaysia. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. pp. 1-10. ISSN 2231-3354

Kunalan, Hemathy and Mohd Ali, Hairuddin and Nordin, Mohamad Sahari (2019) Evidence of relationships between teaches’ leadership style practices for learning and student academic press/emphasis. Journal of Social Sciences Research., 8 (2 ( Special Issue )). pp. 208-214. ISSN 2277-3878

Md Noor, Nor Azian and Kareem, Poopla and Khalid, Nursyahidah (2023) The relationship between emotional intelligence on students' productivity in selected Malaysia higher education institutions in the Post-Covid-19 pandemic. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business, Humanities and Education, 8 (1). pp. 43-58. ISSN 2550-1496

Mohamed, Shafizan (2020) A letter to my students… Let’s do this together! IIUM Today, 11th October 2020.

Mohamed Ludin, Salizar (2022) Implementation of psychological first aid for school (PFA-S) programme to improve school counsellors’ mental health knowledge and literacy via prevention, early intervention among children & adolescent following COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Care Scholars, 5 (3). pp. 1-4. E-ISSN 2600-898X

Mohamed Osman, Mariana and Bachok, Syahriah and Ahmad Thani, Siti Nur 'Alia and Ibrahim, Mansor (2015) Regenerating physical development of non-conventional (religious) education in Perak. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 170. 215 -224. ISSN 1877-0428

Mohd Ali, Hairuddin and Ayodele, Lasisi Abass (2018) Balanced scorecard for future sustainability of Malaysian higher education institutions. The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences. pp. 1-13. ISSN 2357-1330

Mohd Ali, Hairuddin and Yangaiya, Salisu Abba (2015) Investigating the influence of distributed leadership on school effectiveness: a mediating role of teachers' commitment. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 5 (1 S1). pp. 163-174. ISSN 2239-978X

Mohd Ali, Hairuddin and Yangaiya, Salisu Abba (2015) Distributed leadership and empowerment influence on teachers organizational commitment. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4 (1 S1). pp. 73-84. ISSN 2281-3993 E-ISSN 2281-4612

Mohd Badrol, Siti Hajar and Wok, Saodah (2020) The influence of social media usage on quality time spent with family among IIUM students. International Journal of Modern Trends in Social Sciences (IJMTSS), 3 (14). pp. 1-20. E-ISSN 2600-8777

Mohd Yushaa, Nur Syazwani and Syed Khuzzan Alhabshi, Sh Mazlina and Hanid, Mahanim (2021) Gamification elements and its impact on students. Journal of Technology and Operations Management, 16 (2). pp. 62-75. ISSN 2590-4175

Mokhtar, Aida (2023) ‘Be happy and proud of how far you’ve gotten even with disabilities,’ says IIUM graduate with autism, Nur Aliyah. IIUM Today, 10th December 2023. (Unpublished)

Mubark Hamed AL-Saighi, Hanaa and Ahmed Mohamed, Ismaiel Hassanein (2020) Behavioral problems of the hearing-impaired students in the Sultanate of Oman: teachers perspective study = المشكلات السلوكية للطلبة المعاقين سمعيا من وجهة نظر معلميهم في سلطنة عمان. International e-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, IV (16). pp. 392-406. ISSN 2411-183X E-ISSN 2411-183X

Muhammad, Mizan (2024) Program pembelajaran berasaskan pekerjaan 'talian hayat' pesara ATM. Berita Harian, Rencana (9hb Oktober 2024). p. 12.

Nasef, Mohamed Mahmoud and Faris, Waleed Fekry (2010) Teaching engineering ethics: a necessary measure for engineering capacity building in Arab countries. International Journal of Arab Culture, Management and Sustainable Development, 1 (4). pp. 318-325. ISSN 1753-9420 (O), 1753-9412 (P)

Nik Mohamed, Mohamad Haniki and Shamsudin, Siti Hadijah and Jamshed, Shazia Qasim (2014) Pharmacy education symposium: a need of time. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3 (8). pp. 1276-1280. ISSN 2278-4357

Paramboor, Jafar (2024) Addressing Secularism in Educational Space: Three Practical Steps. Al-Adhkar: An Annual Religion, Literary, Educational, and Social Magazine.

Prabawani, Bulan and Hadi, Purwanto and Zen, Irina Safitri and Afrizal, Teuku and Purbawati, Dinalestari (2020) Education for sustainable development as diffusion of innovation of secondary school students. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 22 (1). pp. 84-97. E-ISSN 1691-5534

Raja Azhar, Raja Farahhana and Mohd Yusoff, Mohamed Nadzri and Zainuddin, Zainul Ibrahim (2018) Reflective approaches in medical education. Implications on medical imaging. Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, 16 (2). pp. 1-12. ISSN 1540-580X

Raja Farahhana Binti Raja Azhar, Raja Farahhana and Zainuddin, Zainul Ibrahim (2017) Reflective approaches in medical imaging education: An initial review. International Journal Of Allied Health Sciences, 1 (1).

Ramli, Rashida Nasuha and Lotfie, Maskanah Mohammad and Md Zamin, Ainul Azmin (2020) Effects of dual-language programme (DLP) on the usage of English adjectives at primary school level in Malaysia. Social and Management Research Journal, 17 (2). pp. 263-288. ISSN 1675-7017 E-ISSN 0128-1089

Rusly, Roslan (2024) Jangan sampai pembuli jadi mangsa siber. Utusan Malaysia, Rencana (18hb Julai 2024). p. 15.

Saad, Mohammad Azannee and Mohd Jan, Jariah and Wahid, Ridwan (2020) Problems following topic shift in interactions with repaired cleft children. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 10 (1). pp. 184-193. ISSN 2301-9468 E-ISSN 2502-6747

Saad, Supiah and Ismail, Khamsiah and Abd Hamid, Siti Rafiah (2014) Knowledge of learning disabilities among pre-service and in-service trainee teachers in Malaysia. IIUM Journal of Educational Studies, 2 (2). pp. 22-39. ISSN 2289-8085

Said, Mohamed Mohamed Tolba (2018) Islamic Education on Science, Peace, and Development in Thought of Said Nursi. Jurnal Studi Al-Qur’an, 14 (2). pp. 109-122. ISSN 0126-1648 E-ISSN 2239-2614

Said, Mohamed Mohamed Tolba and Umachandran, Krishnan and Don, Abdul Ghafar (2018) Innovation In Islamic Education. Hayula:Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Studies, 2 (2). pp. 117-128. ISSN 2549-0761 E-ISSN 2548-9860

Said Aljabri, Abdullah Humaid and Sahrir, Muhammad Sabri (2020) واقع استخدام تكنولوجيا السبورة الذكية يف معاهد العلوم اإلسالمية بسلطنة عمان The reality of using smart board technology in Islamic Science institutes in Oman. Journal of Human Development and Education for specialized Research (JHDESR), 6 (3). pp. 213-246. E-ISSN 2462-1730

Salleh, Mohamad Johdi (2018) Educational leadership model: an Islamic perspective. Al-Shajarah, Special Issue (Special Issue: Education, 2018). pp. 49-69. ISSN 1394-6870

Salleh, Mohamad Johdi (2011) Effective E-Learning approaches to teaching and learning of Islamic history and civilization in Malaysia and the Muslim World. Journal of Islam in Asia, Spcl (3). pp. 399-419. ISSN 1823-0970

Sanusi, Zainal Abidin (2023) Tiba masa tamatkan polemik ranking. Utusan Malaysia, Rencana (21hb November 2023). p. 14. ISSN 2716-6694

Sarudin, Isarji (2019) Program IPT punca pengangguran? Utusan Malaysia, UIAM Berhujah. p. 14.

Siddiquee, Tahir Abdul Rahman and Abdullah, Fadzidah and Sanusi, Aliyah Nur Zafirah and Hasan, Mohd Khalid (2023) The paradigm shift from traditional to blended learning methodology in architecture education. Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology, 33 (1). pp. 75-91. E-ISSN 2462-1943

Ssekamanya, Siraje Abdallah and Badzis, Mastura and Ismail, Khamsiah (2017) Allah wants you to be rich: foundations of Muslim career development in al-Ghazālī's Iḥyā’ ‘Ulūm al-Dīn. Al-Shajarah, 2017 (Special Issue). pp. 131-155. ISSN 1394-6870

Suleiman, Hassan and Ali Hassan, Elsayed Makki Elbishr and Elhag, Ibrahim Babikir and Eletrebi, Mohamed Fathy and Al Muhsin, Muhammad Anas (2021) The impact of choosing the appropriate e-method in teaching arabic & Islamic studies to non-native speakers between the semantic role and learners' culture. Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology, 18 (1). pp. 4266-4273. ISSN 1567-214x

Surajo, Aminu Zubairu and Karim, A.H.M Zehadul (2017) An assessment of black axe confraternity cult in Nigeria: Its impact on the university educational system. South Asian Anthropologist, 17 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 0257-7348

Syd Badaruddin, Syarifah Nuratikah and Ahmad, Salmiah and Altalmas, Tareq, M.K. and Salami, Momoh Jimoh Emiyoka and Nik Hashim, Nik Nur Wahidah and Embong, Abd Halim and Kamarudin, Safiah (2017) Analysis of formant frequencies of the correct pronunciation of Quranic alphabets between kids and adults. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 25 (6). pp. 1370-1379. ISSN 1990-9233 E-ISSN 1999-8147

Syed Azman, Syarifah Zafirah and Borhan, Lihanna and Shahril, Roziana (2022) Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) as main intervention for autistic children. IIUM Journal of Human Sciences, 4 (1). pp. 69-77. E-ISSN 2682-8731

Yaakub, Muhamadul Bakir and Othman, Khatijah (2018) Virtualizing the fundamental aspects of ‘Al-Wasatiyyah’: an exploratory revision. The Social Sciences, 13 (2). pp. 399-404. ISSN 1818-5800 E-ISSN 1993-6125

Zainuddin, Zainul Ibrahim (2017) Integration and Islamisation in allied health disciplines. International Journal Of Allied Health Sciences, 1 (1).

Zainuddin, Zainul Ibrahim (2018) Integration of Islamic perspectives into medical imaging curriculum: an outcome based education approach. The International Medical Journal Malaysia, 17 (Special Issue 1). pp. 23-30. ISSN 1823-4631

Zulkifli, Hafizhah and Hashim, Rosnani (2020) Philosophy for Children (P4C) in improving critical thinking in a secondary moral education class. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 19 (2). pp. 29-45. ISSN 1694-2493 E-ISSN 1694-2116

Zulkifli, Zahidah and Abdul Molok, Nurul Nuha and Abd Rahim, Noor Hayani and Talib, Shuhaili (2020) Cyber security awareness among secondary school students in Malaysia. Journal of Information Systems and Digital Technologies, 2 (2). pp. 28-41. E-ISSN 2682-8790

al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2021) Peranan wanita dalam keilmuan Islam. Utusan Malaysia, 03 August 2021. p. 22.


Hussain, Mohd. Yusof, ed. (2009) Islamization of Human Sciences, 2nd ed. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789675272080

Abdul Ghani, Rozina (2017) The patterns of negotiation of meaning in synchronous computer-mediated classroom discussions. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-418-566-4

Aung, Khin Thandar and Ahmad, Norfadzilah and Saiful Suhardi, Mohd Iman and Mohd Ali, Noor Azizah and Mohd Fadzil, Suhaiza (2024) A handbook "risk communication during global health emergencies for nurses". Eliva Press, Republic of Moldova, Europe. ISBN 978-99993-1-621-7

Bakar, Osman (2019) Al-Ghazali Chair of Islamic Thought Inaugural Lecture: advancing comparative epistemology and civilisational and futures studies. ISTAC-IIUM Publications, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-983-9379-64-8

Hashim, Rosnani (2012) Sarah : the budding thinker. Centre for Philosophical Inquiry in Education (CPIE) IIUM, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-10986-0-8

Idrus, Faizah (2023) Empowering students' leadership skills through the R.E.A.D project. Penerbit UPSI, Tanjong Malim, Perak. ISBN 978-629-7524-04-7

Ismail, Ainun Mardiah and Samsudin, Sofiah (2017) The Al Baghdadi method an in-depth introduction. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-418-617-3

Langgulung, Hasan (1986) Pengenalan tamadun Islam dalam pendidikan. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur.

Mat Rani, Ruzaimi and Othman, Rashidi and Mohd Jaladin, Aidaliza Aga (2012) Perspective creative : two point perspective. Words & Visual Press Pte Ltd , Singapore. ISBN 9789810710590

Mohd Ali, Hairuddin and Zulkifli, Inas and Ayodele, Lasisi Abass (2016) Strategic leadership practices as determinants for peak education. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Singapore. ISBN 978-3-659-92865-9

Nazir, Faridah and Abdul Kadir, Zaharilah and Liew, Fee Lan (2018) Masalah pembelajaran spesifik: disleksia, diskalkulia, disgrafia. Tomodachi Sdn. Bhd., Kajang, Selangor, pp. 1-208. ISBN 978-967-2123-55-2

Rahaman, Farjana and Abdul Rahim, Asiah and Abdullah, Fadzidah (2018) Inclusive educational environment for children with autism in Malaysia primary schools: addressing the issue of way finding. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-418-654-8 (In Press)

Rozali, Nur Fadhilah and Mohd. Yaman, Maheran and Abdullah, Fadzidah (2018) Exploring the relevancy of outdoor classroom for adaptive problem-based learning (PBL) among students in selected Malaysian universities. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-418-642-5 (In Press)

Zainal, Nor Zuraida and Gill, Jesjeet Singh and Mohd Yasin, Mohd Azhar and Husain, Maruzairi and Baharuddin, Azlin and Nik Jaafar, Nik Ruzyanei and Ibrahim, Normala and Ohnmar Naing, Noorjan @ Khin and Kiat, Ang Jin and Hamdie Yusoff, Eizwan and Razali, Salmi and Mat Zin, Nora Mat Zin (2021) Psychiatry postgraduate training in Malaysia : training curriculum. Majlis Dekan Fakulti Perubatan Universiti Awam Malaysia MERDU, Fakulti Perubatan, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia npmcmy@gmail.com, MERDU, Fakulti Perubatan, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia npmcmy@gmail.com.

Zainal, Nor Zuraida and Gill, Jesjeet Singh and Nik Jaafar, Nik Ruzyanei and Baharudin, Azlin and Ohnmar Naing, Noorjan @ Khin and Kiat, Ang Jin and Ibrahim, Normala and Yasin, Mohd Azhar and Husain, Maruzairi and Yusoff, Eizwan Hamdie and Razali, Salmi and Silim, Ummi Adzlin and Misllan, Noormazita and Mat Zin, Nora (2021) Psychiatry postgraduate training in Malaysia : guide for applications. Majlis Dekan Fakulti Perubatan Universiti Awam Malaysia MERDU, Fakulti Perubatan, Universiti Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia npmcmy@gmail.com.

Book Chapter

Abd Hamid, Siti Rafiah (2021) Schooling and unequal achievement. In: Sociology of education with an Islamic perspective. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 139-159. ISBN 978-967-491-049-5

Abd Rahim, Badruel Hairiel and Mohamad Diah, Nurazzura (2023) Young female goalball competitors in Klang Valley school: the narrative and lesson learned of becomingness. In: Women in Different Physique: Their Struggles Matter. Partridge Publishing, Singapore, pp. 223-243. ISBN 978-1-5437-7277-7

Abd Razak Al-Hafiz, Afareez and Ismail, Nik Ahmad Hisham (2016) Mental health amongst undergraduate students at IIUM. In: Spiritual, Religion and Coping. Studies on Psychological Well-Being From Educational Perspective. Institut Terjemahan dan Buku Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 45-78. ISBN 978-967-460-209-3

Abd. Rokis, Rohaiza and Wok, Saodah and Zubairi, Ainol Madziah and Dzulkifli, Mariam Adawiah and Abdul Rahman, Shukran and Saidin, Aznan Zuhid and Md Ghalib, Mohd. Feham and Tunku Mohd Mokhtar, Tunku Mohar and Zul Kepli, Mohd Yazid and Wan Husain, Wan Rohaida (2013) Discussions and recommendations. In: Tracer Study 2013 First Degree and Post-Graduates. Alumni and Career Service Division, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 327-359. ISBN 978-967-10826-5-2

Abdul Malik, Faridah (2011) Metacognitive strategies of ESL learners with different listening abilities: a case study. In: Language Studies In the Muslim World. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 127-144. ISBN 978-967-0225-23-4

Abdul Razak, Dzulkifli Rahmatan lil 'alamin dari sudut Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan. In: Rahmatan lil 'alamin dalam konteks masyarakat kontemporari. MAIWP & KIRKHS, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 117-126. ISBN 978-967-13583-5-1

Abdullah, Fadzidah (2012) Perlaksanaan Reka Bentuk Sejagat untuk Orang Kurang Upaya dalam pembangunan Sebagai memenuhi Tuntutan Islam. In: Perancangan bandar dari Perspektif Islam. Perpustakaan negara malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 180-193. ISBN 978-983-46-1144-6.

Ahmad Sudan, Salmi and Ismail, Nik Ahmad Hisham and Ssekamanya, Siraje Abdallah (2016) Exploring parent-child relationships of Malay-female adolescents who had engaged in pre-marital sex. In: Spiritual, Religion and Coping. Studies on Psychological Well-Being From Educational Perspective. Institut Terjemahan dan Buku Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 79-95. ISBN 978-967-460-209-3

Allow, Ahmed Kaid Naji and El Sersi, Magdi (2018) Philosophy of nature: physiology. In: Introduction to basic medical sciences: anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, microbiology, parasitology, pathology and pharmacology. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 53-61. ISBN 978-967-418-484-1

Aung, Khin Thandar and Abdul Razak, Rafiza and Mohamad Nazry, Nor Nazrina (2023) Commentary paper: enhancing transformative learning in nursing education through Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). In: Compilation of Research Papers On SSH (Social Sciences & Humanities) - June 2023. MNNF Publisher, Senawang, Negeri Sembilan, pp. 1-6.

Azzudin, Muna and Othman, Roslina (2011) Al Biruni- The great Islamic scientist. In: Project on Islamic edutainment and Islamic systems. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, pp. 33-43. ISBN 9789674181048

Baba, Sidek (2010) 1Malaysia: pendidikan asas transformasi negara sejahtera. In: 1Malaysia menjana negara sejahtera dan bahagia menjelang 2020. Penerbitan Ilham Baru, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 155-163. ISBN 9789675642241

Bsharat, Tahani and Sheikh Ahmad, Ismail (2025) Facilitating English Language teaching through AI- based drama in Palestine. In: Enhancing Learning Experiences With Digital Tools: AI, ChatGPT, and Virtual and Augmented Reality. IGI Global . IGI Global Scientific Publishing, Hershey, Pennsylvania New York, New York Beijing, China, pp. 217-247. ISBN 9798369398111

Hashim, Che Noraini (2014) Teaching and learning approaches of Prophet Muhammad PBUH for effective teaching pedagogy. In: Issues in values-based education in Malaysia. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-25. ISBN 9789674183110

Hashim, Che Noraini and Langgulung, Hasan (2014) Islamic religious curriculum in Muslim countries: the experiences of Indonesia and Malaysia. In: Issues in values-based education in Malaysia. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 26-48. ISBN 9789674183110

Hashim, Che Noraini and Langgulung, Hasan (2014) The Muslim world and the west: the role of educational institutions in building bridges in the context of Malaysia. In: Issues in values-based education in Malaysia. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 49-67. ISBN 9789674183110

Hashim, Che Noraini and Sundani, Faisal (2014) Factors that drive parents to enrol their children in Islamic private school: a case study of Sekolah Rendah Islam Al-Amin Gombak, Selangor. In: Issues in values-based education in Malaysia. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 112-129. ISBN 9789674183110

Hashim, Che Noraini and Syed Hassan, Sharifah Sariah (2014) Factors influencing privacy disclosure among adolescents in social network sites (SNSs). In: Issues in values-based education in Malaysia. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 90-111. ISBN 9789674183110

Hashim, Che Noraini and Syed Hassan, Sharifah Sariah and Razikin, Mohyani and Abdul Rashid, Adnan and Yusof , Mohd Yusnan (2014) Educational leadership practices model among teachers in Malaysian secondary school. In: Issues in values-based education in Malaysia. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 68-89. ISBN 9789674183110

Hashim, Rosnani (2011) Developing capacities for critical thinking and philosophical reasoning in schools. In: The Role of Universities in Promoting Dialogue through Philosophy. Centre for Civilisational Dialogue, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 11-22. ISBN 978-983-3070-35-0

Hassan, Nor Jannah (2012) Revivalism in contemporary Islamic education in Malaysia: a case study of the International Islamic School. In: Muslim Revivalism In Contemporary Society. Muslim Studies Series (2). LEGAS, Toronto, Canada, pp. 95-118. ISBN 978-1-897493-37-3

Hassan, Nur Jannah (2016) Integrating the Qur'anic worldview with the natural sciences: answering the call for Islamic secondary schools. In: Islamic Perspectives on Science and Technology Selected Conference Papers. Springer, Singapore, pp. 303-324. ISBN 978-981-287-777-2

Hj. Yaakub, Muhamadul Bakir and Othman, Khatijah (2010) Strategi kearah kebajikan anak-anak dari perspektif Islam. In: Penilaian Psikososial Kanak-Kanak: Isu-isu Kebajikan dan Perkembangan. Universityi Utara Malaysia, Malaysia, pp. 135-144. ISBN 978-967-5311-51-2

Hussien, Suhailah (2021) Sociological perspectives on family. In: Sociology of education with an Islamic perspective. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 68-84. ISBN 978-967-491-049-5

Hussien, Suhailah (2024) The supervisory team and making it work. In: Postgraduate Supervision: Practical Applications in Nurturing Future Scholars and Professionals. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 171-186. ISBN 978-967-491-412-7

Ismail, Halim and Daud, Mohd Noor (2017) Skim agihan zakat asnaf al-ghārimīn di institusi-institusi zakat di Malaysia. In: Memperkasa Kutipan Dan Agihan Zakat Di Malaysia. Penerbit USIM, Negeri Sembilan, pp. 11-21. ISBN 978-967-440-385-0

Ismail, Nik Ahmad Hisham and Fong, Chan Kwai (2016) Religion and spirituality in chronic illnesses: a case study of three living related kidney transplant recipients. In: Lifespan Issues Studies on Psychological Well-Being From Educational Perspective. Institut Terjemahan dan Buku Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 27-47. ISBN 978-967-460-205-5

Ismail, Nik Ahmad Hisham and Rahath House, Yousef (2016) Elite education and education for social progression. In: Selected Readings in Educational Leadership: The Challenges and Issues in Muslim Educational Institutions. Institut Terjemahan dan Buku Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 81-94. ISBN 978-967-460-202-4

Jamaludin, Rosashrakiah and Mahmud, Murni (2011) Mus'ab 'Umayr: the great martyr of the muslim nation. In: Project on Islamic Edutainment and Islamic Systems. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 29-32. ISBN 978-967-418-104-8

Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2024) Living with a Cerebral Palsy hero. In: Special Parents, Special Children in the New Norm - Surviving the spectrum: inspirational stories by parents of special needs kids Persatuan. Persatuan Sokongan Ibu Bapa Anak-Anak Istimewa (Support Association for Parents of Special Needs Children) (SUPPORT), online, pp. 105-114.

Orcullo, Daisy Jihan and Ismail, Nik Ahmad Hisham (2016) Parental divorce and its effects on the psychological well-being of children. In: Lifespan Issues Studies on Psychological Well-Being From Educational Perspective. Institut Terjemahan dan Buku Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 125-159. ISBN 978-967-460-205-5

Orcullo, Daisy Jihan and Ismail, Nik Ahmad Hisham (2016) The effect of parental divorce on the psychological well-being of muslim youth: implications for counseling and psycho-theraphy. In: Lifespan Issues Studies on Psychological Well-Being From Educational Perspective. Institut Terjemahan dan Buku Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 167-199. ISBN 978-967-460-205-5

Othman, Azam (2021) Concluding remarks. In: Sociology of education with an Islamic perspective. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 160-164. ISBN 978-967-491-049-5

Othman, Azam (2021) Political forces influencing education and schools. In: Sociology of education with an Islamic perspective. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 102-112. ISBN 978-967-491-049-5

Othman, Azam (2021) Understanding the sociology of education. In: Sociology of education with an Islamic perspective. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 6-19. ISBN 978-967-491-049-5

Othman, Azam and Md. Sidek, Suzana Suhailawaty (2021) Cultural plurality, national unity and education in Malaysia. In: Sociology of education with an Islamic perspective. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 113-127. ISBN 978-967-491-049-5

Rahath House, Yousef (2021) Sociological perspectives on schooling. In: Sociology of education with an Islamic perspective. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 20-31. ISBN 978-967-491-049-5

Ramdane, Tahraoui and Souad, Merah (2021) Islamic perspective on schooling and education. In: Sociology of education with an Islamic perspective. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 32-49. ISBN 978-967-491-049-5

Souad, Merah and Ramdane, Tahraoui (2021) Technological development influencing education and the school. In: Sociology of education with an Islamic perspective. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 128-138. ISBN 978-967-491-049-5

Souad, Merah and Ramdane, Tahraoui (2021) Theories on education and schooling. In: Sociology of education with an Islamic perspective. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 50-67. ISBN 978-967-491-049-5

Zakaria, Noor Azura and Noordin, Mohamad Fauzan (2011) Organizational learning. In: Cases in knowledge management & information retrieval. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 7-12. ISBN 9789674180508

Zejno, Bukuri and Ismail, Nik Ahmad Hisham and Shehu, Fatmir Mehdi (2016) Plagiarism in academic writing among students of higher learning institutions in Malaysia. In: Instructional technology issues and challenges. Institut Terjemahan dan Buku Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 121-138. ISBN 978-967-460-204-8

Zubairi, Ainol Madziah and Wan Husain, Wan Rohaida (2013) Unemployement pattern. In: Tracer Study 2013 First Degree and Post-Graduates. Alumni and Career Service Division, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 327-359. ISBN 978-967-10826-5-2

Proceeding Paper

Abbas, Fathelrahman A. and Babikir, Mohamed O. and Mirghani, Mohamed Elwathig Saeed and Kabbashi, Nassereldeen Ahmed (2011) Why ethics in research are crucial? In: 2nd International Conference on Professional Ethics and Education in Engineering ( ICEPEE’11), Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

Abdul Rahim, Zurahani and Brown, P. Margaret (2015) Systematic phonics intervention and its impact on the development of phonics skills and speech perception among children with hearing loss using spoken language. In: International Social and Behavioural Sciences Conference 2015 (ICSB 2015, 20th-21st Dec. 2015, Johor Bharu, Johor. (Unpublished)

Abdul Rahman, Shukran and Shuib, Munir (2011) Graduate employability and graduateness: an overview of concepts, interpretations and emerging issues. In: "2nd International Conference on Humanities, Historical and Social Sciences, (CHHSS 2011)", 21-23 October 2011, Cairo. (Unpublished)

Abdul Rashid, Aneesa and Ismawi, Hidayatul Radziah (2019) View and visits of articles on neglected tropical diseases in the Malaysian Medical Gazette (MMG) website. In: 21st Annual IMAM Scientific Conference - Healthcare in the Digital Era, 17th Oct 2020 - 19th Oct 2019, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. (Unpublished)

Abdullah, Fadzidah (2019) Collaborative learning at international level for architecture education. In: Special Lecture on 'Collaborative Learning at International Level at Department of Architecture, Aligarh Muslim University, India, 19th. February 2019, Aligarh, India. (Unpublished)

Abdullah, Fadzidah and Abdul Majid, Noor Hanita and Numen, Ibrahim and Azmin, Aida Kesuma and Abdul Rahim, Zaiton and Denan, Zuraini and Sisman, Muhammet Emin (2018) Case study on perspicacity of collaborative learning experiences. In: International Conference on Architecture and Civil Engineering (ICACE 2017), 8th-9th May 2017, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.

Abdullah, Fadzidah and Azmin, Aida Kesuma and Kassim, Mohd Hisyammudin and Sanusi, Aliyah Nur Zafirah (2016) Go virtual: exploring the potential of adaptive e-learning platform for dissemination of achitectural knowledge. In: International Conference on Architecture & Built Environment (ICABE 2016), 5th & 6th October 2016, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Abdullah, Fadzidah and Kassim, Mohd Hisyammudin and Awang, Arita Hanim and Hussain, Mohd Hizam and Abd Razak, Mohd Raziff (2020) Teachers’ perspicacity on the implementation of Snoezelen room for emotional therapy of autistic children. In: ADVED 2020: 6th International Conference on Advances in Education, 5th-6th October 2020, Istanbul, Turkey.

Adam, Zalika (2008) برنامج تعليم اللغة العربية لأغراض السياحة في ماليزيا " دراسة تحليلية للحاجات ". In: Barnamij Ta`lim allughah al-A`rabiyyah li aghradh siyahiyyah, 2-5 November 2008, Alminiya university Egypt. (Unpublished)

Ahmad Abdul Wanis Ibrahim, Umniya and Yaakub, Muhamadul Bakir (2017) فلسفة الوسطية: دراسة مقارنة بين الفكر اليوناني والفكر الإسلامي. In: 6th International Conference on Arabic Language & Literature (iCALL 2017), 24th-26th October 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ahmad H.Osman, Rahmah (2018) How learning technologies are transforming studies at IIUM? In: The Digital Campus and Learning Transformation 2018, 14th-16th August 2018, Singapore. (Unpublished)

Akhmetova, Elmira (2016) МУСА БИГИЕВ: ЖИЗНЬ И ИДЕЯ РЕФОРМЫ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ = MUSA BIGIEV (1875-1949): Life and ideas to reform education. In: International Research and Practice Conference on Tatar Linguistics in The Context of Eurasian Humanities, 1st-4th Nov. 2016, Kazan, Russia.

Aung, Khin Thandar (2020) Emergency preparedness: supporting continuity of teaching and learning in nursing education (a mini review). In: International Multidisciplinary Conference on Education, Innovation and Social Sciences (IMCEIS2020), 12th September 2020, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Aung, Khin Thandar (2016) How to run simulation? In: Training of Trainer's Workshop on Simulation in Nursing Education, 18th-19th Feb. 2016, Kuantan, Pahang. (Unpublished)

Eissa, Manar and Khalid, Madihah (2017) The Use of Quranic and Prophetic Teaching Methods (QPTMs) in Teaching Non-Religious Subjects in Islamic International Schools in Malaysia. In: International Conference on Lifelong Learning for Islamic Education (ICLLIE) 2017, 4th-5th December 2017, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. (Unpublished)

Engku Ibrahim, Engku Haliza (2008) The problem in Problem-Based Learning (PBL). In: International Language Conference 2008, 3rd-5th March 2008, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Galvan, Jo Ann Andoy and Ramalingam, Prabhagari Nair and Patil, Sapna Shridhar and Shobri, Muhammad Aminul Syahmi and Chidambaram, Kumarappan and Sahrir, Muhammad Sabri and Chinna, Karuthan (2019) Association between emergency caesarean section, earlier order of birth, high parental age gap and autism spectrum disorder among Malaysian children: a case-control study. In: 7th Asian Congress of Health Psychology (ACHP 2019), 19 - 21 Sept 2019, Sabah, Malaysia.

Hashim, Junaidah and Wok, Saodah (2009) Cultural influences on self-directed learning readiness among selected university students. In: International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 2009 (ICTLHE09), 23-25 November 2009, Legend Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.

Hassan, Mohd. Kamal (2016) Qalb (Virtue)-Guided Leadership in higher education institutions: strategy and sustainability. In: 2nd World Islamic University Leaders Summit 2016 (WICULS 2016), 14th-15th Nov. 2016, Bandar Enstek, Negeri Sembilan. (Unpublished)

Hassan, Nur Jannah (2020) Integration of virtues and morality in education for a sustainable future. In: TLP Wisdom Foundation Educational Webinar Series, 21st May - 4th June 2020, Hyderabad, India. (Unpublished)

Hassan, Nur Jannah (2020) Translating the Vision and Mission of the IIUM. In: Insan Sejahtera Training of Trainers 1 & 2 - Insan Sejahtera Workshops, 2019 - 2021, IIUM, Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Hassan, Nur Jannah (2014) Integration of the Qur’anic worldview with the curricula of the natural sciences: answering the long call for (Islamic) secondary schools. In: International Conference on Developing Synergies Between Islam and Science & Technology for Mankind's Benefit, 1-2 October 2014, Petaling Jaya. (Unpublished)

Husain, Ainin Soffia and Othman, Roslina (2018) Information dissemination model for scholars on cryptocurrencies. In: 4th International Conference on Information Retrieval and Knowledge Management: Diving into Data Sciences, CAMP 2018, 26 - 28 March 2018, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah; Malaysia.

Ismail, Khamsiah and Abd Hamid, Siti Rafiah (2015) An integrative approach in treating complete food refusal in children: a case study. In: 5th International Conference on Social Sciences - Prishtina Edition (ICSS 2015), 10th-11th April 2015, ILIRIA College, Prishtina.

K, Al-Ammar, fawziah and Ahmed Mohamed, Ismaiel Hassanein and Nordin, Mohamad Sahari and Ismail, Khamsiah (2013) Factorial invariance of the moral character of Muslim personality scale: confirmatorv factor analvsis of Yemeni and Malaysian teachers. In: International Conference on Teacher Education in the Muslim World 2013 (ICTEM 2013), 12th-14th November 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Khalid, Haniza (2018) Higher education’s contributions towards Malaysia’s SDG agenda: alternative futures to consider. In: Seminar on Relocating Higher Education For Sustainable Development Goals From Campus to the Community, 9th January 2018, Bukit Jambul, Pulau Pinang. (Unpublished)

Mat So'od, Noor Fatehah and Abdullah, Fadzidah (2012) The study of school-in-hospital in pediatric wards for children with medical needs in Malaysia. In: 1st International Conference on Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Built Environment 2012 (ICITSBE 2012), 16-17 April 2012, Sri Iskandar, Perak.

Mat So’od , Noor Fatehah and Abdullah, Fadzidah (2012) The study of school-in-hospital for children with medical needs in Malaysia. In: 2012 International Conference on Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Built Environment (ICITSBE 2012), 16-17 April 2012, UiTM Perak, Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Mohamad Diah, Nurazzura and Abd Rahim, Badruel Hairiel (2019) Participation in paralympic sports: What it means to female student-athletes with disabilities. In: 3rd International Conference on Special Education (ICSE 2019), 13 -15 July 2019, Surabaya, Indonesia.

Mohamed, Shafizan and Wok, Saodah and Wan Mohd Ghazali, Wan Norshira and Mohd Nasir, Nur Shakira (2021) Kanak-kanak, kemiskinan dan literasi digital: ke arah masa depan digital yang positif. In: Persidangan Kependudukan Kebangsaan 2021 (PERKKS 2021), Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Mohd Ali, Hairuddin (2017) Future sustainability of Kulliyyah of Education, International Islamic University Malaysia: The Way Forward. In: Seminar Nasional Majlis Dekan Pendidikan Universiti Awam 2017, 13th-15th December 2017, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. (Unpublished)

Mohd Ali, Hairuddin and Ayodele, Lasisi Abass (2017) Balanced scorecard for sustainability of Malaysian Higher Education Institutions: Myth or facts? In: 3rd Asia International Conference (AIC 2017), 9th-10th December 2017, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Mohd Ali, Hairuddin and Yangaiya, Salisu Abba (2015) Investigating the influence of distributed leadership on school effectiveness: a mediating role of teachers' commitment. In: 5th International Conference on Social Sciences - Prishtina Edition (ICSS 2015), 10-11 April 2015, ILIRIA College, Prishtina.

Mohd Ali, Hairuddin and Yangaiya, Salisu Abba (2015) Distributed Leadership and Empowerment Influence on Teachers Organizational Commitment. In: 4th International Conference on Social Sciences, 27 February 2015, Bucharest, Romania.

Mohd Ramli, Aimillia (2012) Decolonising and Islamicising the study of English Literature: an argument for a comparative paradigm. In: International Conference on Colonialism and Decolonization: Challenges and Prospects ICCD 2012, 17-19 April 2012, ISTAC. (Unpublished)

Mohmad Rouyan, Norazan and Ahmed Mohamed, Ismaiel Hassanein and Sheikh Ahmad, Ismail and Zainuddin, Ahmad Marzuki and Abu Bakar, Kaseh (2010) Using a design based research approach to provide reading strategy training for learners of arabic: a work in progress. In: Languages for the 21st Century: Training, Impact & Influence, 1-2 September 2010, The Edge, University of Sheffield.

Nafisat Afolake, Adedokun-Shittu and Sheikh Ahmad, Ismail and Tunku Ahmad, Tunku Badariah and Othman, Joharry (2012) The deployment of ICT facilities in teaching and learning in higher education: a mixed method study of its impact on lecturers and students. In: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EDMEDIA) 2012, 26-29 June 2012, Denver, Colorado USA.

Nazir, Faridah (2021) Kit tutur baca warna digital (kit tbwd). In: E-seminar penyelidikan dan inovasi dalam pendidikan (e-spedip2021) peringkat kebangsaan, 14-15 September 2021, Virtual. (Unpublished)

Nazir, Faridah and Saad, Mazni and Mohd Yunos, Amril Zalha Ramli (2021) APLIKASI MOODLE KIT MAYA MARI MEMINTAL DWIBAHASA. In: 2nd Malaysian Association of Applied Linguistics International Conference (MAALIC2021), 8-10th September 2021, ONLINE.

Nik Abdullah, Nik Md. Saiful Azizi and Badzis, Mastura and Sani, Badariah and Fatah Yasin, Mohammad Dhiya'ul Hafidh (2021) A situational analysis among therapy practitioners in autism rehabilitation centres in Perlis: a preliminary study. In: International Conference on Islam Contemporary and Management (ICICM2021), 29th-30th November 2021, Kuala Perlis, Perlis and Hybrid. (Unpublished)

Othman, Khadijah and Ramli, Noriah and Hashim, Yumi Zuhanis Has-Yun (2016) Transferring Halal knowledge and consumerism to the Orang Asli community. In: International Conference on Knowledge Transfer (ICKT 2015), 1st-3rd Dec. 2015, Putrajaya.

Othman, Rashidi and Mohd Hassan, Norazian and Mohd Zaifuddin, Fatimah Azzahra (2012) Carotenoid diversity in 22 species of Malay traditional ulam. In: PharmaTech 2012 : International Conference and Exhibition on Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical and Cosmeceutical Technology, 20-21 November 2012, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.

Pathan, Al-Sakib Khan and Hassan, Md. Mehedi (2005) E-Learning: can it help the education in Bangladesh? In: Eleventh International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS 2005), 5-7 September, 2005, Banff Springs Hotel, Banff, Canada. (Unpublished)

Quddus, S. M. Abdul (2015) Professionalism in teaching. In: Workshop on "Professionalism in Teaching", 20th March 2015, IISM (S) Hall. (Unpublished)

Rais, Haniza and Kassim, Siti Kholijah (2011) Challenges among IIUM counseling practicum counselors: play therapy as a tool of collecting data. In: 6th International Qualitative Research Convention, Malaysia (QRAM), 13th – 15th November 2011, Putrajaya Marriott. (Unpublished)

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