Items where Division is "International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC)" and Year is 2023
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Bakar, Osman and Baharuddin, Azizan, eds. (2023) Islam-Buddhism Eco Dialogue (IBED): application of religion and science to ecology and sustainability. Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM), Vajrayana Buddhist Council of Malaysia (VBCM), Tibetan Buddhist Culture Centre of Malaysia (TBCC), Centre for Civilisational Dialogue (UMCCD), UM, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-983-3070-57-2
Nasir, Mohamad Nasrin, ed. (2023) Manuscript studies in the 21st Century. Penerbit UKM, Bangi. ISBN 9786294861053
Mohd Israil, Khaliq Ahmad and Abdelaziz, Berghout, eds. (2023) SDG 18 spirituality, values and culture for humanising sustainable development: a future worldview. ISTAC, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-9379-75-4
Özay, Mehmet, ed. (2023) A classical book and its content: masā’il al-muhtadī li İkhwānil mubtadī (the guide for the right path for beginners). ISTAC-IIUM Publications, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-9379-73-0
Abdelaziz, Berghout and Saoudi, Ouahiba (2023) Family empowerment and role transformation: observations on the importance of religion. Al-Burhān: Journal of Qurʾān and Sunnah Studies, 7 (2). pp. 1-15. E-ISSN 2600-8386
Abdul Khaiyom, Jamilah Hanum (2023) Can dietitian be effective in using CBT for dietary behaviour change? In: 28th Malaysian Dietitians’ Association National Conference 2023 (MDA 2023), 12-13 June 2023, The Vertical, CCEC, Bangsar South. (Unpublished)
Abdul Khaiyom, Jamilah Hanum and Abdul Aziz, Amani Fadzlina and Md. Rosli, Ahmad Nabil and Bahari, Che Amnah and Abdullah, Nur Sakinah Thomas (2023) ACT For Life: the development and user engagements of mobile application for prevention and management of psychological distress. In: 10th World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies (WCCBT 2023), 01-04 June 2023, Seoul, Republic of Korea. (Unpublished)
Abdul Khaiyom, Jamilah Hanum and Abdul Aziz, Amani Fadzlina and Md. Rosli, Ahmad Nabil and Bahari, Che Amnah and Abdullah, Nur Sakinah Thomas (2023) Development and user engagements of i-ACT For Life mobile application for prevention and management of psychological distress. In: 10th World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies (WCCBT 2023), 01-04 June 2023, Seoul, Republic of Korea. (Unpublished)
Abdul Khaiyom, Jamilah Hanum and Abdul Aziz, Amani Fadzlina and Md. Rosli, Ahmad Nabil and Bahari, Che Amnah and Abdullah, Nur Sakinah Thomas (2023) A randomized controlled trial of cloud-based instant messaging i-ACT for Life for at-risk young adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. In: 10th World Congress of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies (WCCBT 2023), 01-04 June 2023, Seoul, Republic of Korea. (Unpublished)
Al Walid, Kholid and Darnawan, Darmawan and D. Barra, Ni'mah Umm Hani and Norman, Nurul Ain (2023) Al-'Ilm Al-Ḫudhūri: philosophical epistemology and sufism common ground. Jurnal Fuaduna, 7 (2). pp. 111-122. ISSN 2614-8137 E-ISSN 2614-8129
Ali, Md Yousuf and Bakar, Osman (2023) Abul Kalam Azad’s idea of religious pluralism for an inclusive Indian nationalism: a civilizational revisit. Al-Shajarah: Journal of The International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), 28 (2). pp. 343-365. ISSN 1394-6870
Ali Sakun, Syakira and Berghout, Abdelaziz (2023) The Impact of Sayyed Qutb's Understanding of Al Hakimiyyah in approaching the concept of civilisation: an analytical critical study. Journal of Islam in Asia, 20 (3). pp. 138-171. ISSN 2289-8077
Bakar, Osman (2023) Beza Hadhari Abdullah Badawi dengan Madani Anwar Ibrahim. Sumberkini, 21 January 2023.
Bakar, Osman (2023) Foreword. In: Tracing Persian Sufi Literature in Hamzah Fansuri’s Writings. The Other Press, Petaling Jaya, ix-xii. ISBN 9789670957500
Bakar, Osman (2023) Introductory speech. In: Islam-Buddhism Eco Dialogue (IBED): Application of Religion and Science to Ecology and Sustainability. Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM), Vajrayana Buddhist Council of Malaysia (VBCM), Tibetan Buddhist Culture Centre of Malaysia (TBCC), Centre for Civilisational Dialogue (UMCCD)., Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-983-3070-57-2
Bakar, Osman (2023) Islamic philosophy, Prophetic Intelligence, and the AI agenda. In: The Muslim 500: the world's 500 most influential Muslims. The Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre, pp. 197-201. ISBN 978-9957-635-69-5
Bakar, Osman (2023) Ke arah memperluaskan wawasan dan agenda pendidikan umat Islam Kampuchea: sebuah saranan strategik. In: Strategi Pembangunan Masyarakat Kampuchea. Ikatan Pembangunan Muslim Selangor - ASMAK, Kajang, pp. 144-164. ISBN 978-623-8091-17-1
Bakar, Osman (2023) Khonghucu dan Kebudayaan Tiongkok di Asia Tenggara -Perspektif Muslim. International Media.
Bakar, Osman (2023) Misinterpretations of syariah may lead to violence. New Straits Times, 10 March 2023. p. 11.
Bakar, Osman (2023) Muhammad the ultimate leader: from Western business perspectives by Daud Batchelor. Al-Shajarah. pp. 190-196. ISSN 1394-6870
Bakar, Osman (2023) My Say: Islam and youth empowerment in Malaysia Madani. The Edge Malaysia. pp. 1-4.
Bakar, Osman (2023) My Say: addressing the lacuna in youth education. The Edge Malaysia, 20 March 2023. pp. 48-49.
Bakar, Osman (2023) Quranic ecology: key ideas. In: Islam-Buddhism Eco Dialogue (IBED): Application of Religion and Science to Ecology and Sustainability. Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM), Vajrayana Buddhist Council of Malaysia (VBCM), Tibetan Buddhist Culture Centre of Malaysia (TBCC), Centre for Civilisational Dialogue (UMCCD), UM, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 25-38. ISBN 978-983-3070-57-2
Bakar, Osman (2023) The genesis of Islamic science: the contribution of classical Indian science revisited. Al-Shajarah, 28 (1). pp. 175-185. ISSN 1394-6870
Bakar, Osman (2023) The middle way is antidote to extremism. New Straits Times, 31 March 2023.
Bakar, Osman and Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad and Wan Mamat, Wan Ali @ Wan Yusoff (2023) Colonialism in the Malay Archipelago: civilisational encounters. Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia, 179 (2). pp. 275-278. ISSN 0006-2294 E-ISSN 2213-4379
Bakar, Osman and Uktambek, Sultonov and Avazbek, Ganiyev (2023) Central Asian Waqf studies during colonial soviet, and independence periods: a literature review. Al-Shajarah: Journal of The International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), 28 (1). pp. 97-117. ISSN 1394-6870
Bakar, Osman and Uktambek, Sultonov and Avazbek, Ganiyev (2023) Central Asian Waqf studies during colonial, Soviet, and independence periods: a literature review. Al-Shajarah, 28 (1). pp. 97-117. ISSN 1394-6870
Baraami, Ahmed Salim Said and Abdelaziz, Berghout (2023) مفهوم الملكات وأهميتها في العمران البشري من خلال رؤية ابن خلدون = The significance of competencies in human association according to Ibn Khaldun = Kepentingan kompetensi dalam persatuan manusia berdasarkan pendekatan Ibn Khaldun. Journal of Islam in Asia, 19 (2). pp. 31-56. E-ISSN 2289-8077
Baraami, Khalid Ali Bakhit and Abdelaziz, Berghout (2023) صفات القيادة الجيدة ودورها في تطوير الإدارة في الفكر الإسلامي: دروس مستفادة من نموذج عبد الملك بن مروان = Qualities of good leadership and its role in the development of management in Islamic thought: “lessons learned from the model of 'Abd Al-Malik Ibn Marwan" = Kualiti kepimpinan yang baik dan peranannya dalam pembangunan pengurusan dalam pemikiran Islam: "pengajaran yang dipetik daripada model 'Abd Al-Malik Ibn Marwan. Journal of Islam in Asia, 20 (2). pp. 138-167. E-ISSN 2289-8077
Cusi, Mariet Rosnaida Cabrera and Berghout, Abdul Aziz (2023) Millennial Muslims and use of Cyber-Islam: a case study of Bilal Philips and Mufti Menk on Twitter and their Impacts. Journal of Islam in Asia, 20 (2). pp. 372-408. ISSN 1823-0970 E-ISSN 2289-8077
El-Muhammady, Ahmad and Said, Jamaliah and Zakaria, Nor Balkish (2023) Penambahbaikan program pemulihan tahanan keganasan di Malaysia. Policy Paper. MOHA, Putrajaya.
Firdaus, Achmad and Mohd. Israil, Khaliq Ahmad (2023) Islamic business and performance management: the Maslahah-Based Performance Management System. Islamic Business and Management, 1 (1). Routledge, New York. ISBN 978-1-032-48822-6
Hasgim @ Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi (2023) Kedaulatan Malaysia: governan utama negara. Abad Sinergi Sdn. Bhd. & Penerbit UMP, Selangor, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-5473-53-1
Hashim @ Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi (2023) Analisis Hukum Kanun Pahang dari aspek ciri perlembagaan moden = Analysis of the Law of the Pahang Code from the aspect of modern constitutional features. BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences, 6 (4). pp. 220-233. E-ISSN 2600-9080
Hashim @ Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi (2023) The Constitutional position of continental shelf in Malaysia: the case of the Malay states. Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law, 11 (1). pp. 142-153. ISSN 1985-7454 E-ISSN 2590-4396
Hashim @ Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi (2023) DBP dan pemartaban amalan (polisi) Bahasa Melayu. Jendela DBP.
Hashim @ Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi (2023) Fahami polemik sebenar undang-undang jenayah syariah. Berita Harian, 21 November 2023.
Hashim @ Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi (2023) Hak Negeri Melayu ke atas pelantar benua: kajian kes Malaysia mengikut analisis jurisprudens watan = Malay States’ rights to the continental shelf: Malaysian case study according to Watanic jurisprudence analysis. Journal of the Malaysian Parliament, 3. pp. 170-193. ISSN 2773-4897 E-ISSN 2773-4900
Hashim @ Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi (2023) Henti jadikan isu 3R jenaka, momokan tarik sokongan. Berita Harian, 19 July 2023.
Hashim @ Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi (2023) Jalan tengah isu kalimah Allah. Dewan Tamadun Islam, 18 May 2023.
Hashim @ Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi (2023) Johor moden sambung legasi Kesultanan Melayu Melaka. Berita Harian, 7hb November 2023 (Rencana). p. 12.
Hashim @ Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi (2023) Judi dalam talian memudaratkan ketenteraman awam. Utusan Malaysia, 16 October 2023. p. 18.
Hashim @ Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi (2023) Keperlembagaan Seksyen 498 Kanun Keseksaan: analisis jurisprudens watan = Constitutionality of Section 498 of The Penal Code: watanic jurisprudence analysis. Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law, 11 (2). pp. 405-419. ISSN 1985-7454 E-ISSN 2590-4396
Hashim @ Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi (2023) Konsep kepelbagaian etnik di Malaysia. Dewan Masyarakat.
Hashim @ Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi (2023) Kumpulan Sulu tiada asas tuntut aset, wilayah Malaysia. Berita Harian, 30 June 2023.
Hashim @ Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi (2023) Mahkamah Persekutuan boleh semak keputusan kes kalimah. Berita Harian, MukaSepuluh (18 Mei 2023). p. 10.
Hashim @ Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi (2023) Malaysia perlu bertindak balas atas tindakan melampau pihak Sulu. Berita Harian, 6 Jun 2023.
Hashim @ Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi (2023) Perubahan landskap politik tuntut keterbukaan semua. Berita Harian, MukaSepuluh (13 Ogos 2023). p. 10.
Hashim @ Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi (2023) Prerogatif dan hak pembesar memerintah dalam hal ehwal tanah. Dewan Masyarakat, 5. pp. 36-37. ISSN 9770419038444
Hashim @ Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi (2023) 'Rawat' kelemahan POCA cegah judi dalam talian. Berita Harian, 16 October 2023. p. 12.
Hashim @ Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi and Maarof, Zulfadli (2023) Keabsahan Kesultanan Johor Moden sebagai pelestari perdu legasi Kesultanan Melayu mMelaka menurut jurisprudens watan = The legitimacy of the Modern Johor Sultanate as the core heir of the Malay Sultanate Legacy viewed from Watanic jurisprudence. BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences, 6 (3). pp. 245-261. E-ISSN 2600-9080
Hashim @ Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi and Zakaria, Zulayti and Salamun, Hailan (2023) Asas falsafah negara bangsa Malaysia sejahtera. Abad Sinergi Sdn. Bhd. & Penerbit UMP, Selangor, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-5473-58-6
Jaffer, Usman and Che Mohd Nassir, Che Mohd Nasril and Ahmed, Mohamed Ayaaz and Ahmad H Osman, Rahmah and Abdul Malik, Aleeya Aesya and Alba, Mohd Shahril Aidil and Ab Rahim, Muhammad Akmal Hakim and Hasbi, Dinah Jazmina and Mohamad, Mardhiyah (2023) The perceived psychological well-being of LGBTQ individuals in Malaysia. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 8 (52). pp. 793-812. E-ISSN 0128-164X
Jaffer, Usman and Che Mohd Nassir, Che Mohd Nasril and Ahmed, Mohamed Ayaaz and Ahmad H Osman, Rahmah and Adam, Abdul Muhaimin and Mohd Khair, Faqyhah and Muzafar, Muhammad Mujahid Danial and Rosman, Nur Anis Zahra and Abdu Aziz, Nur Musfirah (2023) Medication adherence: understanding the challenges among the elderly. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 8 (52). pp. 865-874. E-ISSN 0128-164X
Jaffer, Usman and Che Mohd Nassir, Che Mohd Nasril and Ahmed, Mohamed Ayaaz and Ahmad H Osman, Rahmah and Ilias, Muhammad Hafiz Khuzaifiz and Mohd Yusoff, Muhammad A’limu Al-Ssalam and Khuzairi, Izzati Fathini and Jaafar, Aliana Aishah and Abdul Manan, Nur Athilah Iwani and Zakaria, Siti Aisyah Najwa (2023) Resilience and well-being among orphans in Malaysia: a multidimensional perspective. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 8 (52). pp. 854-864. E-ISSN 0128-164X
Jaffer, Usman and Che Mohd Nassir, Che Mohd Nasril and Ahmed, Mohamed Ayaaz and Ahmad H Osman, Rahmah and Md Zaini, Muhammad Uzaini Zahini and Termizy, Muhammad Ammar and Mustaffa, Batrisya Afifa and Fakhruzzaman, Nur Hidayah and Mohd Razani, Nurul Arisya and Mohd Tarmizi, Nurul Batrisyia (2023) The lifestyle of single mothers in the east coast of Malaysia: the impact on their health and wellbeing. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 8 (52). pp. 784-792. E-ISSN 0128-164X
Jaffer, Usman and Che Mohd Nassir, Che Mohd Nasril and Ahmed, Mohamed Ayaaz and Ahmad H Osman, Rahmah and Mohamad Asri, Muhammad Syaheed and Muhamad, Faizah and Tarmizi, Farzana and Mohd Idris, Nur Najwa (2023) Exploring morality among orphans: a study of akhlaq and social standards in Pusat Jagaan Hembusan Kasih Sayang. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 8 (52). pp. 773-783. E-ISSN 0128-164X
Jaffer, Usman and Che Mohd Nassir, Che Mohd Nasril and Ahmed, Mohamed Ayaaz and Ahmad H Osman, Rahmah and Mohd Abas, Muhammad Dhiyauddin and Ridzuan Hon, Muhammad Lutfi and Yusafawi, Nur Anis Suffiah and Baharuddin, Nur Arifah Zahidah and Ahmad Mugni Labib, Nur ‘Arifah 'Adilah (2023) Integrative healthcare approaches for children with special needs: a holistic study on challenges and solutions. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 8 (52). pp. 813-828. E-ISSN 0128-164X
Jaffer, Usman and Che Mohd Nassir, Che Mohd Nasril and Ahmed, Mohamed Ayaaz and Ahmad H Osman, Rahmah and Mohd Darwis, Nur Hidayati and Mohamad Yusaini, Nur Syaqirah Natasha and Rusli, Siti Sarah and Zul Alam, Siti Zulaikha and Yusof, Muhammad Afiq Ikmal and Shahrul, Ilham Syahmi (2023) Exploring moral development and ethical understanding in children with learning disabilities: a study of teaching ethics and akhlaq in special needs education. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling, 8 (52). pp. 745-758. E-ISSN 0128-164X
Jaffer, Usman and Che Mohd Nassir, Che Mohd Nasril and Ahmed, Mohamed Ayaaz and Ahmad H.Osman, Rahmah and Ahmad Kamari, Ahmad Afif and Kamarudin, Nurain Fatini and Juvono, Nur Athirah and Mat Arif, Nurul Aidasyafikah and Zulkarnain, Sofya Umairah (2023) The evaluation of the quality of life (QOL) among senior citizens living at an old age home on the Malaysian East Coast. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling (IJEPC), 8 (52). pp. 839-853. E-ISSN 0128-164X
Jaffer, Usman and Che Mohd Nassir, Che Mohd Nasril and Ahmed, Mohamed Ayaaz and Ahmad H.Osman, Rahmah and Azman, Muhammad Amir Zaim and Shah Hiran, Muhammad Nurshakirin and Yazid, Nur Fatihah and Zaidi, Anis Suffiana and Mohammad, Nur Ain Nabilah (2023) Exploring the well-being of special needs children in Malaysia: a study at Sekolah Kebangsaan Pendidikan Khas Kuantan. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling (IJEPC), 8 (52). pp. 829-838. E-ISSN 0128-164X
Jaffer, Usman and Che Mohd Nassir, Che Mohd Nasril and Ahmed, Mohamed Ayaaz and Ahmad H.Osman, Rahmah and Mohd Zaki, Muhammad Zul Hairri Amir and Azeman, Haziq Iqbal and Mohd Muzamir, Nurul Sharfina and Md Reshad, Husna Zahirah and Aminondin, Sofea 'Aisyah (2023) Examining psychological distress in orphan children. International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling (IJEPC), 8 (52). pp. 759-772. E-ISSN 0128-164X
Jahan, Mst. Rownok and Osmani, Noor Mohammad and Sulaiman, Kabuye Uthman and Uddin, Akram (2023) The role of women in achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) in Islam: an analysis of gender equality and women empowerment in the modern world. Al-Burhan: Journal of Qur'an and Sunnah Studies, 7 (2). pp. 110-124. E-ISSN 2600-8386
Kazeem, Akeem Olayinka and Shehu, Fatmir Mehdi (2023) Analyzing John H. Hick’s religious pluralism and its implications from Islamic ethical perspectives. Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization, 13 (2). pp. 178-194. ISSN 2075-0943 E-ISSN 2520-0313
Khaliq, Zaid and Mohd. Israil, Khaliq Ahmad and Alam, Mohammad Shekaib (2023) Integrating Shariah-Based training methods in Malaysian Shariah Compliance 56-66 Hospitals (MSCH). Journal of Islamic Management Studies, 6 (2). pp. 56-66. E-ISSN 2600-7126
Khan, Muhammad Kalim Ullah and Bakar, Osman (2023) Afghan and Pakistani Taliban: a comparative study of their political ideology and religious affiliations. Al-Shajarah: Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), 28 (2). pp. 259-280. ISSN 1394-6870
Mohamad Nasir, Mohamad Nasrin (2023) Book review of Wahhabism and the rise of New Salafist: theology, power & Sunni Islam. The Muslim World Book Review, 43 (3). pp. 54-56. ISSN 0260-3063
Mohamad Nasir, Mohamad Nasrin (2023) Toleration and justice two important ingredients for societal harmony. New Straits Times, 20 January 2023.
Mohamad Nasir, Mohamad Nasrin (2023) Toleration and justice. two important ingredients for societal harmony. The New Straits Times, 20 Jan 2023.
Mohamad Nasir, Mohamad Nasrin (2023) A study of the reinterpretation of the Quran in a seventeenth-century Malay sufi text written by al-Raniri. Islamic Studies, 62 (4). pp. 453-469. ISSN 0578-8072 E-ISSN 2710-5326
Mohammed Insaf, Mohammed Ghous and Mohamed Mahsoom, Abdul Rauff and Muhammad Sharief, Muhammad Hafiz and Ali, Asem Shehadeh Saleh (2023) ظاهرة الاقتراض اللغوي في اللغة التاميلية من اللغة العربية = The phenomenon of linguistic borrowing in the Tamil language from the Arabic Language = Fenomena peminjaman linguistik dalam bahasa Tamil daripada bahasa Arab. Journal of Islam in Asia, 20 (3). pp. 172-196. E-ISSN 2289-8077
Mohd Bajury, Mimi Sintia and Salleh, Fauzilah and Abdullah, Kamarulnizam and Md Dahlan, Nuarrual Hilal and Abdullah, Berhanundin and El-Muhammady, Ahmad and Roslam, Aini Fatihah and Muhammad Aziz, Mohd Iskandar (2023) Marital rape in Malaysia: a discourse on human rights perspective. Journal of Public Security and Safety, 16 (2). pp. 131-151. ISSN 2289-4624
Mohd Israil, Khaliq Ahmad (2023) Editorial Notes. Journal of Islamic Management Studies, 6 (1). pp. 1-2. E-ISSN 2600-7126
Mohd Israil, Khaliq Ahmad (2023) Shared values (vision) for good governance in the pursuit of sustainable economic growth. In: SDG 18 Spirituality, Values and Culture for Harmonising Sustainable Development: A Future Worldview. ISTAC-IIUM Publications, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 317-338. ISBN 978-983-9379-75-4
Mohd Israil, Khaliq Ahmad and Abdelaziz, Berghout (2023) The book in perspective. In: SDG 18 Spirituality, Values and Culture for Harmonising Sustainable Development: A Future Worldview. ISTAC-IIUM Publications, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 1-20. ISBN 978-983-9379-75-4
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2023) 45 years after release of 'Orientalism', nothing much has changed. New Straits Times.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2023) Aim for inclusivity and reasonableness in our discourse. New Str, 24 Jan 2023.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2023) Art in Islam: a conscious translation from world of ideas to language of form. New Straits Times.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2023) Art in cultural diplomacy: the 'jiwa' between and among nations. New Straits Times.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2023) The Avatar of 1786: decolonizing the Penang story. Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia (Penerbit USM), Georgetown, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-461-664-9
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2023) The British Museum operates by plunder. New Straits Times.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2023) Countering the Western canon: another way of knowing about journalism and media. Penerbit UPSI, Tanjung Malim, Perak. ISBN 978-967-2799-86-3
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2023) Genealogical Consciousness, Identity and Honesty in a Malay Family. In: Roots Living Heritage. Universiti Malaya Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 53-69. ISBN 978-967-488-250-1
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2023) Genosid di Gaza: koyak dan bakar buku dari kampus Barat. Bebas News.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2023) Indonesia unmoved by expressions of remorse, apology by Dutch PM over its independence linked violence. New Straits Times.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2023) Malay studies needs a new narrative. New Straits Times.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2023) Not remembering the past but aiming for progress. New Straits Times.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2023) Orwell's observations on anti-Semitism can help tackle Islamophobia. New Straits Times.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2023) Prosa terpinggir: esei dari 2004-2021. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-49-3799-7
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2023) Tanah Air: spirit, expression, geography. Apakhabartv.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2023) Translating ideas into form in the 'search for perfection'. New Straits Times.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2023) UiTM communication school merger, press freedom & expression: not merely academic. Apakhabartv.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2023) We've not done justice to Ibn Khaldun's 'Muqaddima'. New Straits Times.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2023) Writing Kedah history: a shameful belief toward Thailand’s chauvinistic nationalism. Bebas News.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad and Akgun, Tayfun (2023) Beginnings of modern history studies in Malaysia: a bibliometric study of the journal of the historical society, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur (1960-1969/1970). Sejarah: Journal of History Department, Universiti Malaya, 32 (1). pp. 111-127. ISSN 1985-0611 E-ISSN 2756-8253
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad and Akgun, Tayfun (2023) The consciousness of Turkiye in Malaysia Ottoman history in Malaysian secondary history textbooks (1989-2022). Al-Shajarah, 28 (2). pp. 281-313. ISSN 1394-6870
Mohd. Israil, Khaliq Ahmad (2023) Editorial notes. Journal of Islamic Management Studies, 6 (2). pp. 1-2. E-ISSN 2600-7126
Muhammad Uthman El-Muhammady, Ahmad El-Muhammady (2023) A ‘Blue Ocean’ for marginalised radical voices: cyberspace, social media and extremist discourse in Malaysia. In: New Media in the Margins: Lived Realities and Experiences from the Malaysian Peripheries. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, pp. 163-192. ISBN 978-981-19-7140-2
Muhammad Uthman El-Muhammady, Ahmad El-Muhammady (2023) Managing the returning foreign terrorist fighters and their families: Malaysian experience. Policy Paper. The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT).
Nasir, Mohamad Nasrin (2023) Overview of manuscript studies in the 21st century. In: Manuscript Studies in the 21st Century. Penerbit UKM, Bangi, pp. 17-34. ISBN 9786294861053
Norman, Nurul Ain (2023) Food for thought: rethinking of the renewal and reform of Islamic thought. ISTAC Highlights, Jan-March 2023 (1). p. 19. ISSN 2990-9244 E-ISSN 2990-9236
Norman, Nurul Ain and Berghout, Abdul Aziz and Harun, Khairul Nishak and Hassan, Zuraida (2023) ISTAC-IIUM Annual Report 2021-2022. ISTAC-IIUM Publication, ISTAC-IIUM. ISBN ISSN 3009-1225
Shaharudin, Mir Azrul and El-Muhammady, Ahmad (2023) Linkages between alumni around the world and their alma mater: alumni relations division, IIUM. In: International Islamic University Malaysia at 40: Leading The Way. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 141-153. ISBN 9789674913267
Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi (2023) POCA diperlukan segera untuk mencegah jenayah. Dewan Masyarakat, Bil. 12/2023. pp. 16-19.
Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi (2023) Seksyen 498 cegah perbuatan ditegah agama, adat Melayu. Berita Harian. p. 10.
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Özay, Mehmet (2023) Berkesinambungan: bagasi damai Iran-Arab Saudi dan China., 6 April 2023.
Özay, Mehmet (2023) “Cheng Ho, the Admiral of Ming Dynasty and the engagements with the littoral states in the Indian Ocean”. In: Sixth Zhenghe Forum 2023.International Conference on Zehghe Voyages and the Unofficial History of Chinese-Southeast Asian Relations, 10 JANUARY 2023, ISTAC. (Unpublished)
Özay, Mehmet (2023) Continuity between Secularization in Late Ottoman and Laicism in the Republic of Turkey through socio-political change. In: 1st International Conference on Sociology of Religion», Faculty of Social Science UIN North Sumatra & ASAGI Parapat Lake View, 21-23 June 2023, Parapat, Medan North Sumatra Indonesia. (Unpublished)
Özay, Mehmet (2023) FGD Bahas Sosok H Mohammad Said Menuju Pahlawan Nasional. Waspada. pp. 1-2.
Özay, Mehmet (2023) H. Mohd. Said: his journalism and intellectual life. In: Virtual Seminar on the Commemoration of the 28th Year of the Demise of Haji Mohd. Said,, 15 May 2023, Virtual. (Unpublished)
Özay, Mehmet (2023) Koeli kontrak and systemic changes inquiries: an advocacy of Mohd. Said against Dutch Capitalist Economy. In: «Islamic History and Heritage: Remembering the Past, Remaking the Future», 23-24 August 2023, Banda Aceh, Indonesia. (Unpublished)
Özay, Mehmet (2023) Malaysian-Turkish politics and civilization: exploring new perspectives. In: ISOGOC IV, 4th International Seminar on Government & Civilization, 21-22 October 2023, Istanbul, Turkiye (Online). (Unpublished)
Özay, Mehmet (2023) Mengenang 28 tahun H. Mohd. Said. pp. 1-3.
Özay, Mehmet (2023) The Ottomans and the Malay world relations. ISTAC-IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-9379-74-7
Özay, Mehmet (2023) Resolving conflicts through peaceful dialogue. New Straits Times, 17 January 2023.
Özay, Mehmet (2023) Resolving conflicts through peaceful dialogue. New Straits Times, 17 January 2023.
Özay, Mehmet (2023) Retno Marsudi & perubahan paradigma., 10 October 2023.
Özay, Mehmet (2023) Some reflections of socio-political changes in Turkey in Vernacular Press in the Archipelago, 1920-1940. In: The Ottomans and the Malay World: Contemporary Reflections on History, Culture, and Economy,, 14-15 October 2023, ISTAC-IIUM. (Unpublished)
Özay, Mehmet (2023) Sultan Abdul Hamid II bertemu Habib Abd al-Rahman? Waspada, 20 January 2023. B3-B3. ISSN 0215-3017
Özay, Mehmet (2023) An overview on Ottoman manuscript collection in the Sayyid Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas Library. Studia Islamika, 30 (2). pp. 235-259. ISSN 0215-0492 E-ISSN 2355-6145
Özay, Mehmet (2023) The phenomenon of social change and its epistemological sources in the Ottoman State and early Republican era. In: “The Role of Philisophy in Boosting Religious Intuition in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kediri (IAIN Kediri), Jawa Timur. (Unpublished)
Özay, Mehmet (2023) The problem in historical epistemology of Ottoman-Malay world relations. In: The Middle East and the Malay World: Contemporary Issues and Future Challenges. Gerakbudaya Enterprise, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, pp. 51-78. ISBN 978-967-0076-26-3
Özay, Mehmet and Agustono, BUdi (2023) Preliminary view on journalistic and intellectual life of Mohammad Said (MS): a discourse on anti-colonial struggle. Journal of Tamaddun, 18 (2). pp. 247-262. ISSN 1823-7517 E-ISSN 2289-2672
Özay, Mehmet and Deliana, Nia (2023) Indonesia: Nahdhlatul Ulama’s dual identity on the global stage. Politics Today. pp. 1-3.