1 | Ar-Rahnu: isu dan penyelesaian semasa | 2112 |
2 | البنوك الإسلامية بين المعايير الشرعية والقوانين المطبقة: تجربة ماليزيا | 1100 |
3 | Resolusi syariah oleh majlis penasihat shariah Bank Negara Malaysia: tinjauan perspektif undang-undang | 1082 |
4 | Rescheduling and restructuring of Islamic financing facilities: a Sharīʿah perspective | 1035 |
5 | The Concept of Qalb Al-Dayn (Debt Restructuring) and its Contemporary Issues in Islamic Banking Practices | 1016 |
7 | Complying with the requirements for issuance of SRI sukuk: the case of Khazanah’s Sukuk Ihsan | 901 |
8 | Pembangunan Wakaf Kontemporari Menerusi Kerangka Konseptual Wakaf Unit Amanah: Sorotan Fatwa Semasa | 865 |
9 | Classification of defaulters in the payment of debt in Islamic banking practices | 839 |
10 | The potential of sharī'ah-compliant equity crowdfunding as a source of fund for new entrepreneurs in Malaysia | 836 |
11 | الحالات القانونية لتصفية شركات المساهمة العامة في القانون اليمني وفي ضؤ الفقه الإسلامي | 833 |
12 | A mini guide to Islamic derivative | 816 |
13 | Kehendak Shariah dalam akta perkhidmatan kewangan Islam 2013 (Akta 759): satu tinjauan | 812 |
14 | Transformasi Pembangunan Harta Wakaf Menerusi Mekanisme Dana Amanah Hartanah Islam | 805 |
15 | Modus operandi of the Islamic money market: a proposal for holistic shariah adaptation | 783 |
16 | The Application of choice of law and choice of forum clauses to Islamic banking and Financial Cross Border Transactions | 782 |
17 | Waqf-linked unit trust fund: recent development within the Malaysian Islamic capital market framework | 773 |
18 | مفهوم نظام حوكمة شركات المساهمة: النظرة القانونية مقارنة بالشريعة الإسلامية = Corporate Governance in Shareholding Companies: Comparing Legal Perspective and Position of Shari’ah | 760 |
19 | Unit Trust Waqf: in the light of contemporary Fatwa = Unit amanah: sorotan fatwa semasa | 750 |
20 | الحكومة الشرعية في المؤسسات المصرفية الإسلامية في مختلف الولايات القضائية: دراسة تحليلية مقارنة | 738 |
21 | الرقابة الداخلية في شركات المساهمة ومهامها في الإشراف على
أعمال مجلس الإدارة في ظل قواعد الحوكمة: دراسة قانونية في القانون
البحريني مقارنة بالشريعة الإسلامية = Internal control in the joint stock companies and their duties in supervising the work of the board of directors under the rules of governance: a legal study in Bahraini law in comparison to Islamic law | 736 |
22 | An integrated approach of unit trust and waqf as a sustainable investment conceptual model in the Covid-19 era | 721 |
23 | Unlocking the Value of Waqf Assets via Islamic Real Estate Investment Trusts (Islamic REIT): A Deliberation on the Preliminary Framework | 719 |
24 | Digital Asset and its Regulation in Malaysian Islamic Capital Market | 717 |
25 | Shari'ah compliant liquid commodity market: {an expositional study on Bursa Suq al-Sil'ah in Malaysia} | 711 |
26 | Classification of Defaulter in the Payment of Debt in Islamic Banking Practices from Sharī‘Ah Perspective | 709 |
27 | Transformasi pembangunan hartanah wakaf | 703 |
28 | Dinamisme pembangunan harta wakaf menerusi mekanisme amanah pelaburan hartanah Islam (Islamic Real Estate Investment Trust I-REIT) di Malaysia | 693 |
29 | The quest for effective regulation of Islamic money market: an appraisal of the applicable laws in Malaysia | 682 |
30 | Legal Documentations on Sukuk Wakalah bi al-Istithmar | 679 |