IIUM Repository

Dr Aznan Hasan

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Latest Additions

  1. Ishak, Fahrul Irfan and Awang, Mohd Daud and Ab. Rahman, Suhaimi and Hasan, Aznan and Liauw, Johanes Kuniawan (2024) Auditors of Halal foreign certification body using Malaysian Halal standards in Japan: challenges and suggestions. In: Analyzing education, sustainability, and innovation multidisciplinary research perspectives. Springer, Switzerland, pp. 51-55. ISBN 9783031559501
  2. Nasr, Wafa Mohammed Ali and Hasan, Aznan (2024) Examining preference shares from the Shari’ah perspective: a systematic literature review. International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, 17 (4). pp. 621-635. ISSN 1753-8394
  3. Hasan, Aznan and Haron, Muhamad Nasir and Mohammed, Mohd Faysal and Mana, Budeeman (2018) Rescheduling and restructuring of Islamic financing facilities: a Sharīʿah perspective. Other. International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA).
  4. Hasan, Aznan (2019) دور العالم الرقمي وأثره في تحقيق أهداف الاقتصاد الإسلامي. In: مؤتمر الدوحة الخامس للمال الإسلامي, 19-March-2019, قطر. (Unpublished)
  5. Hasan, Aznan and Mohd. Zain, Nor Razinah (2021) Ar-Rahnu: isu dan penyelesaian semasa. Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law, 9 (1). pp. 47-60. ISSN 1985-7454 E-ISSN 2590-4396
  6. Bello, Nabil and Hasan, Aznan (2016) Liquidity Risk Management in Islamic Banks: Issues and Challenges. In: 4th Asean International Conference on Islamic Finance (4th AICIF 2016), 6-8th December 2016, Equatorial Hotel, Melaka. (Unpublished)
  7. Hasan, Aznan and Haron, Muhamad Nasir and Mohamed, Mohd Faysal and Mana, Budeeman (2016) The Concept of Qalb Al-Dayn (Debt Restructuring) and its Contemporary Issues in Islamic Banking Practices. In: 4th ASEAN International Conference on Islamic Finance (AICIF 2016), 6th-8th December 2016, Melaka. (Unpublished)
  8. Hasan, Aznan and Haron, Muhamad Nasir and Mohamed, Mohd Faysal and Mana, Budeeman (2021) Classification of Defaulter in the Payment of Debt in Islamic Banking Practices from Sharī‘Ah Perspective. Al-Shajarah. pp. 85-103. ISSN 1394-6870
  9. Bello, Nabil and Hasan, Aznan (2018) Sukuk issuance for Meeting Basel III Capital Adequacy Requirements: a shariah analysis of Maybank Tier 1 sukuk. In: 6th ASEAN Universities International Conference on Islamic, Finance (6th AICIF), Manila Hotel, Manila. (Unpublished)
  10. Hasan, Aznan and Mohd. Zain, Nor Razinah (2020) Digital Asset and its Regulation in Malaysian Islamic Capital Market. In: 8th ASEAN Universities International Conference on Islamic Finance (AICIF 2020), Indonesia. (Unpublished)
  11. Hasan, Aznan and Saleh, Abdulmajid Obaid Hasan (2019) The role of digital world and its effect in achieving the objective of Islamic economic. In: 5th Doha International Conference on Islamic Finance, Doha, Qatar. (Unpublished)
  12. Sulaiman, Syahnaz and Hasan, Aznan (2021) Waqf-linked unit trust fund: recent development within the Malaysian Islamic capital market framework. In: International Conference on Economics, Entrepreneurship and Management 2021 (ICEEM2021), 28th February 2021, Nilai. (Unpublished)
  13. Sulaiman, Syahnaz and Kamaruddin, Muhammad iqmal hisham and Johari, Fuadah and Hasan, Aznan (2020) Conceptual model of unit trust waqf based on fixed unit trusts structure. In: 4th International Virtual Conference on Zakat, Waqf and Islamic Philantrophy 2020, 17th September 2020, Malaysia (Virtual).
  14. Sulaiman, Syahnaz and Hasan, Aznan and Shafii, Zurina (2019) Contemporary structuring of corporate waqf via Islamic real estate investment trusts (i-reits): is it viable? In: Shariah Governance And Assurance In Islamic Financial Sectors. USIM Press, Bandar Baru Nilai, pp. 254-272. ISBN 978-967-440-666-0
  15. Sulaiman, Syahnaz and Hasan, Aznan and Mohd Noor, Azman (2019) Unit Trust Waqf: in the light of contemporary Fatwa = Unit amanah: sorotan fatwa semasa. Al-Qanatir: International Journal of Islamic Studies, 13 (2 (Special Edition)). pp. 1-13. E-ISSN 2289-9944
  16. Hasan, Aznan and Sulaiman, Syahnaz (2016) PELABURAN SECARA PENGUMPULAN DANA MASYARAKAT (CROWDFUNDING) DAN ISU-ISU SYARIAH YANG BERKAITAN. Jurnal Muamalat (9). pp. 22-36. ISSN 1985-6156
  17. Sulaiman, Syahnaz and Hasan, Aznan (2017) The Strategy of Sustainable Waqf Development and Investment from the Perpective of Shariah. Jurnal Syariah, 24 (2). pp. 237-270. ISSN 0128-6730 E-ISSN 0127-1237
  18. Sulaiman, Syahnaz and Hasan, Aznan (2020) Integrated Approach of Unit Trust and Waqf as Sustainable Investment Conceptual Model in the Covid-19 Era. In: 3rd International Seminar on Islam and Science 2020 (SAIS 2020), 15 October 2020, Malaysia.
  19. Hasan, Aznan and Sulaiman, Syahnaz and Mohd Noor, Azman (2018) Pembangunan Wakaf Kontemporari Menerusi Kerangka Konseptual Wakaf Unit Amanah: Sorotan Fatwa Semasa. Jurnal Muamalat (11). pp. 55-74. ISSN 1985-6156
  20. Sulaiman, Syahnaz and Hasan, Aznan (2017) Dynamism of Waqf of Unit Trusts from Shariah Perspective. Shariah Journal, 25 (2). pp. 157-186. ISSN 0128−6730 E-ISSN 0127-1237

Most Viewed Items

Item titleViews
1Ar-Rahnu: isu dan penyelesaian semasa2112
2البنوك الإسلامية بين المعايير الشرعية والقوانين المطبقة: تجربة ماليزيا1100
3Resolusi syariah oleh majlis penasihat shariah Bank Negara Malaysia: tinjauan perspektif undang-undang1082
4Rescheduling and restructuring of Islamic financing facilities: a Sharīʿah perspective1035
5The Concept of Qalb Al-Dayn (Debt Restructuring) and its Contemporary Issues in Islamic Banking Practices1016
7Complying with the requirements for issuance of SRI sukuk: the case of Khazanah’s Sukuk Ihsan901
8Pembangunan Wakaf Kontemporari Menerusi Kerangka Konseptual Wakaf Unit Amanah: Sorotan Fatwa Semasa865
9Classification of defaulters in the payment of debt in Islamic banking practices839
10The potential of sharī'ah-compliant equity crowdfunding as a source of fund for new entrepreneurs in Malaysia836
11الحالات القانونية لتصفية شركات المساهمة العامة في القانون اليمني وفي ضؤ الفقه الإسلامي833
12A mini guide to Islamic derivative816
13Kehendak Shariah dalam akta perkhidmatan kewangan Islam 2013 (Akta 759): satu tinjauan812
14Transformasi Pembangunan Harta Wakaf Menerusi Mekanisme Dana Amanah Hartanah Islam805
15Modus operandi of the Islamic money market: a proposal for holistic shariah adaptation783
16The Application of choice of law and choice of forum clauses to Islamic banking and Financial Cross Border Transactions782
17Waqf-linked unit trust fund: recent development within the Malaysian Islamic capital market framework773
18مفهوم نظام حوكمة شركات المساهمة: النظرة القانونية مقارنة بالشريعة الإسلامية = Corporate Governance in Shareholding Companies: Comparing Legal Perspective and Position of Shari’ah 760
19Unit Trust Waqf: in the light of contemporary Fatwa = Unit amanah: sorotan fatwa semasa750
20الحكومة الشرعية في المؤسسات المصرفية الإسلامية في مختلف الولايات القضائية: دراسة تحليلية مقارنة738
21الرقابة الداخلية في شركات المساهمة ومهامها في الإشراف على أعمال مجلس الإدارة في ظل قواعد الحوكمة: دراسة قانونية في القانون البحريني مقارنة بالشريعة الإسلامية = Internal control in the joint stock companies and their duties in supervising the work of the board of directors under the rules of governance: a legal study in Bahraini law in comparison to Islamic law736
22An integrated approach of unit trust and waqf as a sustainable investment conceptual model in the Covid-19 era721
23Unlocking the Value of Waqf Assets via Islamic Real Estate Investment Trusts (Islamic REIT): A Deliberation on the Preliminary Framework719
24Digital Asset and its Regulation in Malaysian Islamic Capital Market717
25Shari'ah compliant liquid commodity market: {an expositional study on Bursa Suq al-Sil'ah in Malaysia}711
26Classification of Defaulter in the Payment of Debt in Islamic Banking Practices from Sharī‘Ah Perspective709
27Transformasi pembangunan hartanah wakaf703
28Dinamisme pembangunan harta wakaf menerusi mekanisme amanah pelaburan hartanah Islam (Islamic Real Estate Investment Trust I-REIT) di Malaysia693
29The quest for effective regulation of Islamic money market: an appraisal of the applicable laws in Malaysia682
30Legal Documentations on Sukuk Wakalah bi al-Istithmar679