1 | Pentafsiran baharu Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan dan pelaksanaannya pasca 2020 | 4064 |
2 | Liberalisasi pendidikan dan cabarannya dalam kontek pendidikan Islam di Malaysia | 3920 |
3 | Kurikulum pendidikan dari perspektif Islam dalam konteks pendidikan di Malaysia | 3183 |
4 | Falsafah penyelidikan pendidikan dari perspektif Islam : konsep dan matlamat | 3134 |
5 | A hyphenated identity: fostering national unity through education in Malaysia and Singapore | 2754 |
6 | Pendeta Za'ba : education for the upliftment of the Malays | 2498 |
7 | Keberkesanan program "falsafah untuk kanak-kanak" terhadap kemahiran membaca dan berfikir kritis: kajian kes di sebuah sekolah rendah | 2350 |
8 | Isu-isu mutakhir dalam pembaharuan pendidikan Islam di Malaysia | 2243 |
9 | The reformation of Muslim education In Malaysia: ensuring relevance and overcoming challenges | 1949 |
10 | Philosophy in the Islamic tradition: implications for the philosophy for children(P4C) Program | 1849 |
11 | Higher education curriculum development for Islamization of knowledge | 1799 |
12 | Rethinking Islamic Education in facing the challenges of the twenty-first century | 1753 |
13 | Islamization of knowledge: a comparative analysis of the conceptions of Al-Attas and Al-Faruqi | 1692 |
14 | Keberkesanan program "Falsafah untuk Kanak-Kanak" terhadap kemahiran membaca dan berfikir kritis: kajian kes di sebuah sekolah rendah | 1681 |
15 | Holistic integrated curriculum and its theoretical framework: implications for contemporary educational system | 1661 |
16 | Muslim private higher educational institutions in Malaysia: issues and challenges | 1629 |
17 | Traditional Islamic education in Asia and Africa: a comparative study of
Malaysia’s Pondok, Indonesia’s Pesantren and Nigeria’s traditional madrasah | 1628 |
18 | Hamka : intellectual and social transformation of the Malay world | 1579 |
19 | Pengurusan pendidikan untuk sekolah berkesan daripada perspektif Islam | 1565 |
20 | Mendalami makna kisah-kisah menarik daripada Nasruddin Hoca
| 1558 |
21 | Munshi Abdullah : an early critic of Malay language, culture and society | 1538 |
22 | Balancing cultural plurality and national unity through education: the case study of Malaysia | 1534 |
23 | Intellectualism in higher Islamic traditional studies: implications
for the curriculum | 1532 |
24 | Sarah : the budding thinker | 1514 |
25 | Investigation on the teaching of critical and creative thinking in Malaysia
| 1502 |
26 | Revitalization of philosophy and philosophical inquiry in Muslim education: the way forward | 1481 |
27 | Konsep ilmu dalam Islam | 1472 |
28 | Pendidikan pra sekolah Islam | 1468 |
29 | Ekonomi dan pendidikan: peranan institusi wakaf | 1416 |
30 | The effects of debate competition on critical thinking among Malaysian second language learners | 1391 |