Items where Subject is "BPK Islamic law. Shari'ah. Fiqh"
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- Library of Congress (483)
- BPK Islamic law. Shari'ah. Fiqh (483)
A. Jamal, Az Zahara (2019) Commodifying human body for the life survival in Islamic legal perspective: the case of organ purchase among refugees. In: The Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy 2019 Official Conference Proceedings 2019, 21-23 March 2019, Tokyo, Japan.
Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2023) Saling bersatu hadapi pencabar enakmen jenayah syariah. Berita Harian, MukaSepuluh (21 Ogos 2023). p. 10.
Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2024) Usah persoal kuasa budi bicara pengampunan Seri Paduka. Berita Harian, MukaSepuluh (10hb Februari 2024). p. 10.
Ab Razak, Mohamed Rashid (2022) Kumpulan, individu hina Islam perlu kena hukum maksimum. Berita Harian. p. 11.
Ab Razak, Mohamed Rashid (2024) Tindakan tegas, siasatan telus noktahkan provokatif terhadap Islam. Berita Harian, MukaSepuluh (20hb Mac 2024). p. 10.
Abd Mutalib, Aofa and Karim, Fatimah (2025) Causes of divorce in Yala Province, Thailand: impacts and suitable solutions. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh Studies, 9 (1). pp. 46-62. E-ISSN 2600-8408
Abdel Shafy, Mohamed Abdelfatah and Ghalia, Bouhedda and Ibrahim Mohamed, Hossam El Din (2023) الاعتبار المقاصدي لانفرادات المتقدمين من المجتهدين في الاجتهاد الجماعي المعاصر. In: دراسات أصولية وفقهية معاصرة / Contemporary Usuli and Fiqhi Studies. IIUM Press, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-30.
Abdul Rashid, Khairuddin and Hasan, Sharina Farihah and Sahari, Noorul Huda (2024) The presence of syubhah in the procurement process and provisions of construction contracts. Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law, 12 (3). pp. 620-632. ISSN 1985-7454 E-ISSN 2590-4396
Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas (2023) Remembering Prof Sayed Sikandar Shah Haneef. Islam on Web: The Window to Islam, 24 March 2023.
Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Machouche, Salah (2023) A review of al-Qaradawi’s book “Islam: the future civilization”. In: Yusuf al-Qaradawi Conference, 21st January 2023, Main Auditorium, IIUM Gombak. (Unpublished)
Abdullah, Muhamad Mu'izz and Awang, Abdul Bari and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri (2023) Illegitimate child inheritance: an analysis from syariah perspective. International Journal of Islamic Thought, 24. pp. 133-144. ISSN 2232-1314 E-ISSN 2289-6023
Abdullah, Muhamad Mu`Izz and Awang, Abdul Bari and Hj Ibrahim, Badruddin (2020) Konsep wisayah daripada perspektif syariah: analisis pelaksanaannya di Majlis Agama Islam Negeri. Journal of Muwafaqat, 3 (2). pp. 1-21. E-ISSN 2600-8939
Abdullah, Muhamad Muizz and Awang, Abdul Bari and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri (2024) حقيقة الوصاية من وجهة نظر الشريعة الإسلامية: أحكامها وانتهاؤها ومبطلاتها = The Islamic entrustment (al-Wisayah) concept from shariah perspective: its provisions, termination and invalidations. Al-Qanatir International Journal of Islamic Studies, 33 (6). pp. 515-540. E-ISSN 2289-9944
Abdullah, Nurul Aqilah and Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2024) Prophetic guidance on debt incurrence (al-Istiqrāḍ) in al-Ṣaḥīḥayn. Journal of Hadith Studies, 9 (2). pp. 173-182. E-ISSN 2550-1488
Abu Bakar, Ibrahim and Man, Sa'adan (2022) Knowledge and readiness analysis of consumers to the implementation of mandatory Malaysia Halal Certification Scheme (MHCS). In: Seminar Hukum Islam Semasa Peringkat Antarabangsa Ke-11 2022, 18-19 October 2022, Online. (Unpublished)
Abu Bakar, Ibrahim and Man, Sa'adan (2024) The academic and religious scholars’ opinion on mandatory implementation of Malaysia Halal Certification Scheme (MHCS). In: International Conference on Islam in Malay World (ICON IMAD XIII) - Persidangan Antarabangsa Islam di Alam Melayu, 30th-31st July 2024, Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus.
Abu Bakar, Ibrahim and Man, Sa'adan (2023) The readiness evaluation on food industries to implement mandatory Malaysia halal certification scheme (MHCS). International Journal of Allied Health Sciences (IJAHS), 7 (5). pp. 202-210. E-ISSN 2600-8491
Abu Hassan, Muhammad Ikram (2023) Fardu ain/kifayah. Pendidik, 2023 (1). pp. 7-8. ISSN 3009-1020
Abuelgasim, Manahil and Ghalia, Bouhedda and Mansour, Saad eldin (2022) مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية وأهميتها في الحدّ من النزاعات الأسرية في تفعيل التحكيم. Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge And Human Sciences (ARJIHS), 6 (1). pp. 280-308. E-ISSN 2600-8394
Abushereeda, Masoud Jaralla and Badi, Jamal Ahmed Bashier and Khaled, Nashwan Abdo (2023) تطور القضايا الصوفية عبر القرون = The evolution of Sufi matters throughout the centuries. Journal of Islamic Contemporary Studies, 4 (1). pp. 18-44. E-ISSN 2735-1858
Adam Sa'ad, Auwal (2022) Shariah and the international treaties on commercial dispute settlements: an appraisal. Journal of Shariah Law Research (JSLR), 7 (1). pp. 1-20. ISSN 2462-2206 E-ISSN 2462-2230
Adam Sa'ad, Auwal and Abubakar, Adamu and Hasan, Aznan and Abubakar, Usman (2022) Islamic smart city innovation, concept, application and Shari’ah parameters: a theoretical assessment and technological advancement in artificial intelligence. Global Journal of Researches in Engineering: J General Engineering, 22 (1). ISSN 2249-4596 E-ISSN 0975-5861
Adam Sa'ad, Auwal and Aishath, Muneeza and Haron, Razali and Anwar, Hassan (2022) Sukuk structure for deficit financing during Covid-19 crisis. Economic Studies Journal. E-ISSN 1319-1616 (In Press)
Adam Sa'ad, Auwal and Ali, Nuhu and Adamu, Kabiru (2024) دور منصات التمويل الْماعي الإسلامي في تمويل الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في المملكة العربية السعودية = The role of Islamic crowdfunding platforms in financing SMEs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies (JJAIS), 7 (1). pp. 310-328. ISSN 978-248-0479
Adnan, Ieman Huda and Adnan, Ieman Sofiyya and Mohd Yusoff, Syarah Syahira and Hassan, Rusni (2024) Financial abuse in domestic violence: a Shariah perspective. In: 3rd International Conference on Islamic Economics 2024 (3rd ICONIE 2024), Holiday Hotel in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina.
Ahmad, Abdul Sham and Mohamad Diah, Nurazzura and Wan Chik, Wan Yusof and Abd Rahim, Badruel Hairiel (2022) Maqāṣid al-sharī’ah and sport: what it means to the practising muslims. Journal of Fatwa Management and Research, 28 (1). pp. 16-31. ISSN 2232-1047 E-ISSN 0127-8886
Ahmad Bustami, Tajul Aris (2024) Conflict of jurisdiction between Malaysian civil and syariah courts in the issuance of declaration of death: a way forward. Al-Kashaf: Research Journal for Social Sciences, 4 (3 (Special Issue)). pp. 68-77. ISSN 2790 –8798 E-ISSN 2790–8801
Ahmad Fadzlillah, Nurrrulhidayah and Mohd Sukri, Siti Jamilah and Othman, Rashidi and Rohman, Abdul and Mat Jubri@Shamsuddin, Mustafa (2022) Concept and guidelines of consuming Halal-Tayyiban food from Islamic and health perspectives: a meaningful lesson from COVID-19 outbreak. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 12 (5). pp. 169-182. ISSN 2224-4441 E-ISSN 2226-5139
Akosile, Tesleem Olajuwon Isa and Mohd. Zain, Nor Razinah and Engku Ali, Engku Rabiah Adawiah and Kassim, Salina (2022) Islamic equity financing as a financial inclusion enabler: Nigeria in spectrum. In: 10th ASEAN International Conference on Islamic Finance 2022 (AICIF-10): The Role of Islamic Banking and Islamic Social Finance for Economic Sustainability, 6th to 8th December 2022, Double Tree by Hilton Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Unpublished)
Al-Melahi, Abdellah Ali Ahmed and Adam Sa'ad, Auwal and Syed Jaafar Alhabshi, Syed Musa (2022) Developing repayment risk management model of Qarḍ al-Ḥasan financing for SMEs in Islamic banks. In: International Conference on Business and Technology ICBT 2021, 6-7 November 2021, Istanbul. (In Press)
Aldosari, Mohammed Benayan and Arif, Arif Ali and Zakariyah, Habeebullah (2023) الضوابط الفقهية المتعلق بالدائن دراسة تحليلية = The Islamic Jurisprudential principles related to the creditor: an analytical study. Journal of Islamic Shariah, 3 (1). pp. 25-56. E-ISSN 2773-5915
Aldosari, Mohammed Benayan and Arif, Arif Ali and Zakariyah, Habeebullah (2023) التدابير الوقائية والاحترازية للحدث في قانون الأحداث القطري والفقه الإسلامي: دراسة تحليلية = Preventive and precautionary measures for 'the child' between the Qatari child law and the Islamic jurisprudence: an analytical study. Al-Hikmah International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 6 (2). pp. 155-189. E-ISSN 2637-0581
Alhamadin, Yousef Y K and Elshobake, Mohammed R M (2024) Harmonisation of shari’ah and international humanitarian law rules for the protection of Palestinian journalists in armed conflicts. In: Harmonisation of Shari‘ah and Civil Law: Progress and Achievements. Centre for Islamisation (CENTRIS), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), pp. 268-285.
Ali, Jawwad and Siddiqi, Yousuf Azim and Mohamad, Nor Asiah and Hassan, Rusni (2023) Shari’ah Heterogeneity of Indian Islamic Waqf Law (IIWL) and Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institution (AAOIFI) standard: a comparative study in light of classical rulings. Journal of Islamic Finance, 20 (1). pp. 96-108. ISSN 2289-2109 E-ISSN 2289-2117
Ali, Md Rahmat and Amanullah, Muhammad (2025) مقصد حفظ المال في الشريعة الإسلامية وتطبيقاته عند ابن نجيم الحنفي: دراسة تحليلية = The purpose of saving money in Islamic law and its applications according to Ibn Nujaym al-Hanafi: an analytical study. Al-Qanatir International Journal of Islamic Studies, 34 (1). pp. 181-204. E-ISSN 2289-9944
Ali, Mohammed Farid (2022) Principles of issuing fatwa an annotated translation and edition of Sharh 'Uqud Rasm al-Mufti of Muhammad Amin Ibn Abidin al-Shami. Dar Al Wahi Publication, Kuala Lumpur. (In Press)
Ali, Mohammed Farid and Adekunle, Daoud Ballogun (2022) Lack of Amanah (Trust) and its implications in governance: issues of corruption in Malaysia. Epistemology, 11 (12). E-ISSN 2663-5828 (In Press)
Ali Tajuddin, Hanifah Haydar and Hussin, Nasimah (2022) Harmonising criminal justice system. In: Shari’ah and Common Law: The Challenge of Harmonisation. De Gruyter Studies in Global Asia, 4 (1). De Gruyter, Deutsch, pp. 195-205. ISBN 978-3-11-076668-4
Alias, Ahmad Zoolhelmi and Sulaiman, Maliah and Mohd Ariffin, Noraini and Abu Bakar, Intan Suryani (2023) Malaysian takaful reporting from a maqasid shariah perspective. Journal of Islamic Philanthropy & Social Finance, 5 (1). pp. 1-9. E-ISSN 2590-3942
Alio, Mohamed Sheikh (2024) Family: social interaction and marriage. In: Ethics and Fiqh of Contemporary Issues. IIUM Press, pp. 200-250.
Alshaikh, Hamad Farooq and Zakariyah, Habeebullah (2024) الإجارة المنتهية بالتمليك بين المعايير الشرعية للأيوفي والقانون المدني البحريني :دراسة شرعية قانونية = Ijārah Al-Muntahiyyah Bi Al-Tamlīk between AAOIFI Shariah standards and Bahraini Civil Law: a shariah and legal study. Al-Qanatir:International Journal of Islamic Studies., 33 (1). pp. 137-173. E-ISSN 2289-9944
Amanullah, Muhammad (2022) Prophet’s (pbuh) struggles to overcome the challenges of establishing the rights of women during the Makkan period. In: International Sirah Conference, 12-13 Oct 2022, Bahawalpur pakistan. (Unpublished)
Amanullah, Muhammad (2022) Shari`ah ruling and important benefits of recitation of Salah upon the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. In: SAP SEMINAR - 2022 OF THE DEPARTMENT OF FIQH AND USUL Al-FIQH, 21/09/2022, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Amhimmid, Abdulbari Almabrouk and Negasi, Mohamed Ibrahim (2023) الوسيلة العقابية لمكافحة الفساد المالي في الشريعة الإسلامية وتطبيقاتها في القانون الليبي = The punitive means to combat financial corruption in Islamic law and its applications in Libyan law. Al-Qanatir International Journal of Islamic Studies, 30 (1). pp. 209-234. E-ISSN 2289-9944
Amuda, Yusuff Jelili and Ali Mohamed, Ashgar Ali (2022) Trusts: the Islamic perspective. In: Equity & Trusts in Malaysia: Law & Practice. Sweet & Maxwell, Thomson Reuters, Subang Jaya, Selangor, pp. 639-650. ISBN 978-967-2723-16-5
Anwarul Haq, Amiri and Ghalia, Bouhedda and Sitiris, Miszairi (2024) تجربة ماليزيا في حوكمة المؤسسات المالية الإسلامية: دراسة تحليلية = Malaysia’s experience in the governance of Islamic financial institutions: an analytical study. Al-Hikmah International Journal for Islamic Studies & Human Sciences, 7 (4). pp. 100-144. E-ISSN 2637-0581
Arawan, Nawawi and Ghalia, Bouhedda and Sitiris, Miszairi (2022) استئجار الأرحام عند مسلمي بانكوك؛ أسبابه وأضراره وحلوله: دراسة فقهية ميدانية / Commercial surrogacy for Muslims of Bangkok, its causes, harms and solutions: a jurisprudential field study. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh Studies, 6 (2). pp. 45-58. E-ISSN 2600-8408
Arifin, Abdul Gafur (2022) Peran Ulul Amri dalam perspektif Maqasid Hifzu al-Din. Majalah gontor media perekat umat, March 2022 (11). pp. 48-49. ISSN 9786029588316
Aros Emiteg, Naser and Hj Ibrahim, Badruddin (2022) الوضع القانوني للأطفال المجندين في النزاعات المسلحة / Legal status of recruited children in armed conflict. مجلة العلوم االقتصادية واإلدارية والقانونية (Journal of Economic, Administrativeand Legal Sciences), 6 (1). pp. 120-141. ISSN 2522- 3372
Arshad Islam, Islam (2022) Multifaith Relationships and Civilization-Building in India’s Muslim States and Societies. In: Indianization of Islam: State and Society. The world Muslim Communities Council, Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates, pp. 9-59.
Awang, Abdul Bari and Abdul Halim, Asma' (2024) مسؤولية الوارث وحق الدائن في التركة: رؤية فقهية = The heir’s responsibility and creditor’s right in inheritance: jurisprudence study. Journal of Fatwa Management and Reserach, 29 (1). pp. 108-128. ISSN 2232-1047 E-ISSN 0127-8886
Awang, Abdul Bari and Abdul Halim, Asma' (2024) التطبيق العملي لتدبير ديون الميت: ماليزيا أنموذجا = The practices of managing the inheritance debts: a case study of Malaysia. Dirasat: Shari’a and Law Sciences, 51 (4). pp. 28-42. ISSN 1026-3748 E-ISSN 2663-6239
Awang, Abdul Bari and Md Harun, Ahmad Syahir and Awang Hamat, Mohd Afandi and Sitiris, Miszairi (2025) Al-Rahn from an Islamic jurisprudential perspective. Al-hikmah: International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 8 (1). pp. 1-14. E-ISSN 2637-0581
Azalan, Maryam Syahidah and Abdul Ghani, Radiah (2023) Natural product as chemoprevention from Maqasid Shariah perspective: a narrative review. Revelation and Science, 13 (2). pp. 7-29. ISSN 2229-9645 E-ISSN 2229-9947
Azzam, Musoffa and Ghalia, Bouhedda and Artalim Zaim, Muntaha (2023) Five cases of fatwa’s change in Majlis Tarjih Muhammadiyah. Jurnal Transformatif (Islamic Studies), 7 (1). pp. 59-74. ISSN 2580-7056 E-ISSN 2580-7064
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2023) Fiqh al-Ta’ayush: hukum masuk rumah ibadat bukan Islam. In: Persidangan Meja Bulat (Tertutup) Berkenaan Kunjungan ke Rumah Ibadat Bukan Islam, 11 April 2023, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2022) Ikut hadis, tinggal mazhab? In: Konvensyen Pegawai-Pegawai Agensi Agama Islam Peringkat Negeri Sembilan, 21 September 2022, Seremban. (Unpublished)
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2023) Pengenalan Wakaf di Maghribi dan Universiti al-Qarawiyyīn. In: The I-Waqf-GWC Talk Series No 2 2023, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Badi, Jamal Ahmed Bashier (2022) اعتبار مآلات الأقوال والأفعال في الشريعة الإسلامية ودورها في مكافحة الإرهاب الإلكتروني. In: مؤتمر الإرهاب الإلكتروني المستجدات وسبل المكافحة, 6-8 December 2022, الجامعة الإسلامية بالمدينة المنورة. (Unpublished)
Badrul Hisham, Raihanah and Tukiran, Nur Azira and Jamaludin, Mohammad Aizat (2024) Placenta in cosmetic products: an analysis from Shariah and legal perspective in Malaysia. ESTEEM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 8 (1). pp. 194-206. E-ISSN 2600-7274
Bahaaeldin Abdalla Taha, Mariam and Elshobake, Mohammed R M (2024) عبء الإثبات في قرينة النشر الإلكتروني وفق القانون الماليزي والشريعة الإسلامية = The burden of proof in the presumption of electronic publishing under Malaysian law and Islamic law. Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, 8 (1). pp. 100-131. E-ISSN 2600-8394
Bahaaeldin Abdalla Taha, Mariam and Elshobake, Mohammed R M (2024) مفهوم القرينة طبقاً للمادة ١١٤(أ) من قانون الإثبات الماليزي على ضوء الشريعة الإسلامية = The concept of “al-Qarinah” according to Section 114/A of the Malaysian Evidence Act in light of Islamic law. Al-Qanatir International Journal of Islamic Studies, 33 (4). pp. 386-401. E-ISSN 2289-9944
Baharudin, Mohammad Hidir and Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila and Mohyin, Nur Affah (2021) Inheritance of house unit on Waqf land from Islamic and Malaysian law perspectives. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 11 (2). pp. 114-128. ISSN 2226-5139 E-ISSN 2224-4441
Boukerroucha, Halima and Soualhi, Asma Akli (2020) الوساطة القضائىة القضايا الأسرية في ماليزيا : تحد ياتالتطبيق، وأفاق التطوير. Journal of Islam in Asia, 17 (3). pp. 1-39. ISSN 1823-0970 E-ISSN 2289-8077
Busari, Saheed Abdullahi and Jaiyeoba, Haruna Babatunde and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri (2022) Interest rate versus profit rate in the light of Islamic maxim: al-ibratu fil uqūdi lil maqāsidi wa ma’ānī lā lil alfāzi wal mabani. Journal of Emerging Economies & Islamic Research, 10 (3). pp. 79-90. E-ISSN 2289-2559
Busari, Saheed Abdullahi and Md Sawari, Mohd Fuad and Rokis, Rohaiza and Amanullah, Muhammad and Mohamadali, Noor Azizah (2025) Digital entrepreneurship empowerment for asnaf zakat families from the B-40 Muslims in Malaysia. In: Contemporary Issues in Qiwamah within the Family Institution. Contemporary Fiqh Research Unit, KIRKHS, IIUM and Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 74-86.
Busari, Saheed Abdullahi and Najeem, Adewale Sharaf and Suleiman, Hassan (2023) دور الوصية الواجبة في تحقيق استدامة كفالة أيتام كوفيد:19- دراسة مقاصدية = The role of the obligatory will (waṣiyyah) to achieve sustainable sponsorship of COVID-19 orphans: a maqāṣidic study. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh Studies, 7 (3). pp. 89-99. E-ISSN 2600-8408
Che Harun, Nurul Hanan and Karim, Fatimah (2024) Marital dissolution due to sexual disability in Selangor Shariah Court: a legal juristic study. Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, 8 (1). pp. 25-44. E-ISSN 2600-8394
Chin, Alexis Heng Boon and Muhsin, Sayyed Mohamed and Ahmad, Mohd Faizal (2023) Islamic perspectives on elective ovarian tissue freezing by single women for non-medical or social reasons. Asian Bioethics Review, 15 (3). pp. 335-349. ISSN 1793-8759 E-ISSN 1793-9453
Dadkhoda, Somayeh and Amanullah, Muhammad and Mohamed, Hossam El-Din Ibrahim (2024) المشاكل الأسرية في جنوب إيران والمناهج المتبعة لحلها: دراسة ميدانية = Family problems in southern Iran and the approaches used to solve them: a field study. Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, 8 (2). pp. 72-94. E-ISSN 2600-8394
Din, Rosma and Yaacob, Adli (2020) تطور كتابة قصة سيدينا يوسف عليه السلام في الأدب الملايوي. In: 7th Online International Conference on Postgraduate Research: Special Edition (7th Online ICPR 2020), 27 October 2020, Kajang, Selangor.
Ebady, Hosamuddin and Amanullah, Muhammad (2022) طبيق نظام الزكاة في الحد من مشكلة الفقر في ولاية جوزجان الأفغانية وبيان الآثار المترتبة على ذلك / The application of the zakat system to reduce the problem of poverty in the Afghan province of Jowzjan and its effects. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh Studies, 6 (2). pp. 84-106. E-ISSN 2600-8408
Eletrebi, Mahamed Fathy and Suleiman, Hassan (2023) المقاصد الدعوية للمؤلفة قلوبهم في ماليزيا. In: International Seminar on Da’wah IV (ISOD IV) 2023, 21st November 2023, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.
Eletrebi, Mahamed Fathy and Suleiman, Hassan and Abdelrahman Mohamed, Walīd Mohamed (2023) دور الأمة في تفعيل فروض الكفاية وعلاقته بمقاصد الشريعة: دراسة من منظور الشريعة = National collective responsibility (fard kifāyah) and its relationship with the purposes of sharia: a study from the perspective of shariah. Al-Maqasid: International Journal of Maqasid Studies and Advanced Islamic Research, 4 (1 (2023)). pp. 53-68. E-ISSN 2735-1149
Eletrebi, Mohamed Fathy and Suleiman, Hassan (2022) دور شركة العنان بين مقاصد الأموال وإدارة الأعمال: دراسة تحليلية وصفية = The role of Sharikah al-ʿAnān (cooperative partnership) between property goals and work management: an analytical-descriptive study. International Journal of Maqasid Studies and Advanced Islamic Research, 3 (2). pp. 32-48. E-ISSN 2735-1149
Elshobake, Mohammed R M and Harara, Mohammed M K (2024) Harmonisation of shari’ah and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). In: Harmonisation of Shari‘ah and Civil Law: Progress and Achievements. Centre for Islamisation (CENTRIS), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), pp. 286-310.
Elshobake, Mohammed R M (2024) التهرب من ضريبة الدخل في القانون الفلسطيني على ضوء الشريعة الإسلامية = Income tax evasion in Palestinian law in the light of Islamic law. Al-Qanatir International Journal of Islamic Studies, 33 (5). pp. 392-415. E-ISSN 2289-9944
Elshobake, Mohammed R M (2024) Rights and freedoms in the Constitution of Madinah in the light of international human rights law. In: WACANA PENGAJIAN ISLAM KONTEMPORARI. Penerbit Universiti Islam Melaka (PENERBIT UNIMEL_, pp. 117-137.
Elshobake, Mohammed R M (2024) العلاقة بين الزكاة والضريبة في الفقه الإسلامي والقانون الفلسطيني = The relationship between zakat and tax in Islamic jurisprudence and Palestinian law. Wahdat-ul Ummah, 12 (23). pp. 210-245. ISSN 2348-5051
Elshobake, Mohammed R M and Alashqar, Muath Mohammed (2024) Bibliometric analysis of published literature on international humanitarian law from Islamic perspective. Muallim Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 8 (4). pp. 36-53. E-ISSN 2590-3691
Elshobake, Mohammed R. M. (2022) التأصيل الشرعي للحوكمة وواقع تطبيقها في فلسطين. In: 2nd International Conference on Islamic Contemporary and Management (ICICM 2022), Regency Grand Ballroom, The Putra Regency Hotel, Kangar, Perlis. (Unpublished)
Elshobake, Mohammed R. M. (2024) Bibliometric analysis of published literature on women's rights from Islamic perspective. The International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), VIII (XII). pp. 491-505. ISSN 2454-6186
Elshobake, Mohammed R. M. (2023) التأمين التعاوني: ضوابطه الشرعية ومعيقاته العملية = Cooperative insurance: its Shariah controls and practical obstacles. وحدة الأمة, 10 (20). pp. 260-293. ISSN 2348 5051
Elshobake, Mohammed R. M. (2023) Good governance in Islamic law and the reality of its application in Palestine. Journal of Ilahiyat Researches, 1 (60). pp. 26-35. ISSN 2458-7508 E-ISSN 2602-3946
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Zainul Abidin, Mohd Asri and Abdul Halim, Tajul Urus and Ramle, Muhamad Rozaimi and Ibrahim, Basri and Abdul Rahman, Zaharuddin and Mohd Noor, Azman and Dahaman @ Dahlan, Mohd Akram and Che Abdullah, Ahmad Sufian and Mokhtar, Ahmad Wifaq and Syed Kamal Bharin, Syed Abu Bakar and Mat Sin, Muhammad Lukman and Japakiya, Ismail Lutfi and Abdul Rahman, Aidil and Abdul Ghani, Muhammad Khidhir (2024) Hukum zakat wang tunai (mal mustafad) yang diperoleh daripada pusaka, wasiat dan hibah. Policy Paper. Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perlis.
Zainul Abidin, Mohd Asri and Abdul Halim, Tajul Urus and Ramle, Muhamad Rozaimi and Ibrahim, Basri and Abdul Rahman, Zaharuddin and Mohd Noor, Azman and Dahaman @ Dahlan, Mohd Akram and Che Abdullah, Ahmad Sufian and Mokhtar, Ahmad Wifaq and Syed Kamal Bharin, Syed Abu Bakar and Mat Sin, Muhammad Lukman and Rasmin, Zaitun and Abdul Rahman, Aidil and Abdul Ghani, Muhammad Khidhir (2024) Fatwa ajaran sesat berunsur batiniah. Policy Paper. Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perlis.
Zainul Abidin, Mohd Asri and Abdul Halim, Tajul Urus and Ramle, Muhamad Rozaimi and Ibrahim, Basri and Abdul Rahman, Zaharuddin and Mohd Noor, Azman and Dahaman @ Dahlan, Mohd Akram and Che Abdullah, Ahmad Sufian and Mokhtar, Ahmad Wifaq and Syed Kamal Bharin, Syed Abu Bakar and Mat Sin, Muhammad Lukman and Rasmin, Zaitun and Abdul Rahman, Aidil and Abdul Ghani, Muhammad Khidhir (2024) Fatwa berkaitan GISB Holdings Sdn. Bhd. Policy Paper. Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perlis.
Zainul Abidin, Mohd Asri and Abdul Halim, Tajul Urus and Ramle, Muhamad Rozaimi and Ibrahim, Basri and Abdul Rahman, Zaharuddin and Mohd Noor, Azman and Dahaman @ Dahlan, Mohd Akram and Che Abdullah, Ahmad Sufian and Mokhtar, Ahmad Wifaq and Syed Kamal Bharin, Syed Abu Bakar and Mat Sin, Muhammad Lukman and Rasmin, Zaitun and Abdul Rahman, Aidil and Abdul Ghani, Muhammad Khidhir (2024) Hukum melafazkan talak melebihi satu. Policy Paper. Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perlis.
Zainul Abidin, Mohd Asri and Abdul Halim, Tajul Urus and Ramle, Muhamad Rozaimi and Ibrahim, Basri and Abdul Rahman, Zaharuddin and Mohd Noor, Azman and Dahaman @ Dahlan, Mohd Akram and Che Abdullah, Ahmad Sufian and Mokhtar, Ahmad Wifaq and Syed Kamal Bharin, Syed Abu Bakar and Mat Sin, Muhammad Lukman and Rasmin, Zaitun and Abdul Rahman, Aidil and Abdul Ghani, Muhammad Khidhir (2024) Hukum melakukan aktiviti jual beli dan seumpamanya waktu jumaat. Policy Paper. Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perlis.
Zainul Abidin, Mohd Asri and Abdul Halim, Tajul Urus and Ramle, Muhamad Rozaimi and Ibrahim, Basri and Abdul Rahman, Zaharuddin and Mohd Noor, Azman and Dahaman @ Dahlan, Mohd Akram and Che Abdullah, Ahmad Sufian and Mokhtar, Ahmad Wifaq and Syed Kamal Bharin, Syed Abu Bakar and Mat Sin, Muhammad Lukman and Rasmin, Zaitun and Abdul Rahman, Aidil and Abdul Ghani, Muhammad Khidhir (2024) Hukum memberikan daging korban kepada orang bukan Islam. Policy Paper. Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perlis.
Zainul Abidin, Mohd Asri and Abdul Halim, Tajul Urus and Ramle, Muhamad Rozaimi and Ibrahim, Basri and Abdul Rahman, Zaharuddin and Mohd Noor, Azman and Dahaman @ Dahlan, Mohd Akram and Che Abdullah, Ahmad Sufian and Mokhtar, Ahmad Wifaq and Syed Kamal Bharin, Syed Abu Bakar and Mat Sin, Muhammad Lukman and Rasmin, Zaitun and Abdul Rahman, Aidil and Abdul Ghani, Muhammad Khidhir (2024) Hukum menarik lafaz talak secara taklik. Policy Paper. Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perlis.
Zainul Abidin, Mohd Asri and Abdul Halim, Tajul Urus and Ramle, Muhamad Rozaimi and Ibrahim, Basri and Abdul Rahman, Zaharuddin and Mohd Noor, Azman and Dahaman @ Dahlan, Mohd Akram and Che Abdullah, Ahmad Sufian and Mokhtar, Ahmad Wifaq and Syed Kamal Bharin, Syed Abu Bakar and Mat Sin, Muhammad Lukman and Rasmin, Zaitun and Abdul Rahman, Aidil and Abdul Ghani, Muhammad Khidhir (2024) Hukum perbomohan dan sihir. Policy Paper. Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perlis.
Zainul Abidin, Mohd Asri and Abdul Halim, Tajul Urus and Ramle, Muhamad Rozaimi and Ibrahim, Basri and Abdul Rahman, Zaharuddin and Mohd Noor, Azman and Dahaman @ Dahlan, Mohd Akram and Che Abdullah, Ahmad Sufian and Mokhtar, Ahmad Wifaq and Syed Kamal Bharin, Syed Abu Bakar and Mat Sin, Muhammad Lukman and Rasmin, Zaitun and Abdul Rahman, Aidil and Abdul Ghani, Muhammad Khidhir (2024) Hukum rujuk dengan jimak. Policy Paper. Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perlis.
Zainul Abidin, Mohd Asri and Abdul Halim, Tajul Urus and Ramle, Muhamad Rozaimi and Ibrahim, Basri and Abdul Rahman, Zaharuddin and Mohd Noor, Azman and Dahaman @ Dahlan, Mohd Akram and Che Abdullah, Ahmad Sufian and Mokhtar, Ahmad Wifaq and Syed Kamal Bharin, Syed Abu Bakar and Mat Sin, Muhammad Lukman and Rasmin, Zaitun and Abdul Rahman, Aidil and Abdul Ghani, Muhammad Khidhir (2024) Larangan sebarang binaan di atas kubur. Policy Paper. Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perlis.
Zainul Abidin, Mohd Asri and Abdul Halim, Tajul Urus and Ramle, Muhamad Rozaimi and Ibrahim, Basri and Abdul Rahman, Zaharuddin and Mohd Noor, Azman and Dahaman @ Dahlan, Mohd Akram and Che Abdullah, Ahmad Sufian and Mokhtar, Ahmad Wifaq and Syed Kamal Bharin, Syed Abu Bakar and Mat Sin, Muhammad Lukman and Rasmin, Zaitun and Abdul Rahman, Aidil and Abdul Ghani, Muhammad Khidhir (2024) Menaik taraf perkuburan diRaja Arau. Policy Paper. Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perlis.
Zainul Abidin, Mohd Asri and Abdul Halim, Tajul Urus and Ramle, Muhamad Rozaimi and Ibrahim, Basri and Abdul Rahman, Zaharuddin and Mohd Noor, Azman and Dahaman @ Dahlan, Mohd Akram and Che Abdullah, Ahmad Sufian and Mokhtar, Ahmad Wifaq and Syed Kamal Bharin, Syed Abu Bakar and Mat Sin, Muhammad Lukman and Rasmin, Zaitun and Abdul Rahman, Aidil and Abdul Ghani, Muhammad Khidhir (2024) Pendirian terhadap perbezaan dalam aqidah ahl al-sunnah wa al-jamā'ah & pendirian kepelbagaian ahl sunnah wa al-jamā'ah berkaitan tazkiyah al-nafs. Policy Paper. Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perlis.
Zainul Abidin, Mohd Asri and Abdul Halim, Tajul Urus and Ramle, Muhamad Rozaimi and Ibrahim, Basri and Abdul Rahman, Zaharuddin and Mohd Noor, Azman and Dahaman @ Dahlan, Mohd Akram and Che Abdullah, Ahmad Sufian and Mokhtar, Ahmad Wifaq and Syed Kamal Bharin, Syed Abu Bakar and Mat Sin, Muhammad Lukman and Rasmin, Zaitun and Abdul Rahman, Aidil and Abdul Ghani, Muhammad Khidhir (2024) Penetapan kadar zakat fitrah negeri Perlis bagi tahun 1445H 2024M. Policy Paper. Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perlis.
Zainul Abidin, Mohd Asri and Abdul Halim, Tajul Urus and Ramle, Muhamad Rozaimi and Ibrahim, Basri and Abdul Rahman, Zaharuddin and Mohd Noor, Azman and Dahaman @ Dahlan, Mohd Akram and Che Abdullah, Ahmad Sufian and Mokhtar, Ahmad Wifaq and Syed Kamal Bharin, Syed Abu Bakar and Mat Sin, Muhammad Lukman and Rasmin, Zaitun and Abdul Rahman, Aidil and Abdul Ghani, Muhammad Khidhir (2024) Wali perkahwinan seorang janda. Policy Paper. Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perlis.
Zainul Abidin, Mohd Asri and Abdul Halim, Tajul Urus and Ramle, Muhamad Rozaimi and Ibrahim, Basri and Abdul Rahman, Zaharuddin and Mohd Noor, Azman and Dahaman @ Dahlan, Mohd Akram and Che Abdullah, Ahmad Sufian and Mokhtar, Ahmad Wifaq and Syed Kamal Bharin, Syed Abu Bakar and Mat Sin, Muhammad Lukman and Rasmin, Zaitun and Japakiya, Ismail Lutfi and Abdul Rahman, Aidil and Abdul Ghani, Muhammad Khidhir (2024) Fatwa berkaitan pernikahan ahli GISB Holdings Sdn. Bhd. Policy Paper. Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perlis.
Zainul Abidin, Mohd Asri and Abdul Halim, Tajul Urus and Ramle, Muhamad Rozaimi and Ibrahim, Basri and Mohd Noor, Azman and Dahaman @ Dahlan, Mohd Akram and Che Abdullah, Ahmad Sufian and Mokhtar, Ahmad Wifaq and Syed Kamal Bharin, Syed Abu Bakar and Mat Sin, Muhammad Lukman and Rasmin, Zaitun and Japakiya, Ismail Lutfi and Abdul Ghani, Muhammad Khidhir (2024) Fatwa pelantikan hakam dari kalangan wanita. Policy Paper. Jabatan Mufti Negeri Perlis.
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