Items where Subject is "B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BP Islam. Bahaism. Theosophy, etc > BP1 Islam > BP170.8 Universality of Islam"
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- Library of Congress (157)
- B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion (157)
- BP Islam. Bahaism. Theosophy, etc (157)
- BP1 Islam (157)
- BP170.8 Universality of Islam (157)
- BP1 Islam (157)
- BP Islam. Bahaism. Theosophy, etc (157)
- B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion (157)
Abd Rashid, Adnan (2008) Punishment in the shari'ah: its educational implications for the development of akhlaq. Hamdard Islamicus: Quarterly Journal of Studies and Research in Islam, XXXI (1). pp. 25-32. ISSN 0250-7196
Abdelaziz, Berghout (2016) الرؤية الكونيه الإسلامية والتجديد: دراسة من منظورحضاري. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 983-2957-85-0
Abdul Halim, Siti Norhamimah and Harum, Ahmad Aiman and Jamaludin, Mohammad Aizat and Kartika, Betania (2020) Muslim-friendly railway services: concept and challenges of Malaysian Electric Train Service (ETS). Journal of Halal Industry and Services, 3 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2637-0891
Abdul Manaf, Nor Faridah and Musa, Muhammad Adli (2019) Editorial. Special Issue. Kemanusiaan: The Asian Journal of Humanities, 26 (supp. 1). v-vi. ISSN 1394-9330 E-ISSN 2180-4257
Abdul Rahim, Abdullah Bukhari (2019) Budiman seperti Nabi Musa a.s. Utusan Malaysia. p. 27.
Abdul Rahim, Abdullah Bukhari (2018) Bukan ummati-ummati! Utusan Malaysia.
Abdul Rahim, Abdullah Bukhari (2014) Derma organ satu anugerah kehidupan. Sinar Harian,. p. 6.
Abdul Rahim, Abdullah Bukhari (2019) Hijrah menyerlah kesatuan, rahmat. Utusan Malaysia. p. 23.
Abdul Rahim, Abdullah Bukhari (2019) Nostalgia manis dikenang dalam syurga. Utusan Malaysia. p. 26.
Abdul Rahim, Abdullah Bukhari (2008) Banyak lagi alternatif selain Yoga. Utusan Malaysia. ISSN -
Abdul Rahman, Nur Faraheen and Wan Sulaiman, Wan Shahida and Mohd. Daud, Noor Amali (2018) A critical review of play among children in the light of prophetic traditions. In: 6th International Prophetic Heritage Conference (SWAN) 2018, 2nd-3rd Oct. 2018, Istanbul, Turkey.
Abdul Rahman, Shukran and Ibrahim, Haslina (2019) Cadangan dan penutup. In: Rahmatan lil 'alamin dalam konteks masyarakat kontemporari. MAIWP & KIRKHS, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 228-247. ISBN 978-967-13583-5-1
Abdul Razak, Dzulkifli (2019) Bringing Islamic forum to next level. New Straits Times, 16 February 2019.
Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas (2020) Globalization and Islam. In: Tariffs and the Future of Trade. Greenhaven Publishing, New York, USA, pp. 110-123. ISBN 9781534505469
Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas (2015) Revisiting Iqbal’s philosophical thoughts. In: Pakistani Food Festival 2015, 27th March, 2015, Kababish Restaurant, Star Point Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas (2025) Unity in diversity: living with justice and compassion in God’s world. Potret Online (Media Perempuan Aceh).
Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Fatah Yasin, Raudlotul Firdaus (2024) Al-Ghazali’s intellectual legacy: balancing philosophy, faith, and human nature. IIUM Today.
Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Fatah Yasin, Raudlotul Firdaus (2024) Glimpses into the life of Al-Ghazali. IIUM Today.
Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Fatah Yasin, Raudlotul Firdaus (2024) The essence of the Islamic worldview. Islam on web.
Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Ismail, Nik Ahmad Hisham (2013) Man: a contrastive analysis between Western and Islamic psychologies. In: 3rd Malaysian Psychological Conference, Psychology: Present and Future, 23rd November, 2013, Kampar, Perak Campus. (Unpublished)
Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Laluddin, Hayatullah and M M Yusoff, Mahathir (2022) Iqbal’s antagonism towards Pseudo-Mysticism. Al-Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 6 (2). pp. 81-97. E-ISSN 2600-8432
Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Machouche, Salah (2023) Iqbal: the Renaissance Man from the Muslim world. AHAS KIRKHS, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Machouche, Salah (2023) A discourse on Islamic civilization’s philosophy of coexistence. In: International Conference on Islamic Civilization: Fostering the Philosophy of Coexistence in the 21st Century, 17th August 2023, Al-Syafie Meeting Room, IRK Building, IIUM, Gombak Campus. (Unpublished)
Abdul Razak, Mohd. Abbas and Firdaus, Raudlotul (2016) The spiritual and social aspects of Eid-ul-Fitr celebration in Malaysia. Shas Mosque E-Bulletin, 2 (May- August). pp. 5-6. (Unpublished)
Abdullah, Fatimah (2010) The equality of religions: a preliminary response. Journal of Islam in Asia, 7 (1). pp. 141-155. ISSN 1823-0970
Abdullah Al-Balwi, Musa and Shehu, Fatmir (2018) "موقف الشيخ بكر بن عبد الله أبو زيد من فكرة "وحدة الأديان = The position of Shaikh Bakr Abu Zayd from the concept of “Unity of religions”. Journal of Islam in Asia, 15 (3). pp. 130-154. E-ISSN 2289-8077
Ahmad, Nadzrah (2019) Memahami konsep raḥmatan lil ‘ālamīn melalui kitab-kitab tafsiran al-Qur’ān. In: Rahmatan lil-Alamin Dalam Konteks Masyarakat Kontemporari. MAIWP & KIRKHS, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 52-61. ISBN 978-967-13583-5-1
Ahmad, Nadzrah and Akhmetova, Elmira and Ishak, Mohd Haeqal and Ahmad Nabil, Amir (2017) International Islamic University Malaysia: an assessment of 35 years of unique experience in Islamization of knowledge. In: Rethinking Islamic Education in Europe 2017, 14th-16th Sept. 2017, Bosnia. (Unpublished)
Ahmad Sabri, Hakimah and Shehu, Fatmir Mehdi (2021) Exploring the ethical dimensions and principles of Raḥmatan Lil-ʿĀlamīn in contemporary context. Al-Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 5 (1). pp. 101-119. E-ISSN 2600-8432
Akhmetova, Elmira (2018) Musa Jarullah Bigiyev (1975-1949CE). In: The architects of Islamic civilisation. Pelanduk Publications Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur, pp. 270-276. ISBN 978-967-978-989-8
Akhmetova, Elmira (2017) Restoring Islamic Golden Age: 21st Century Bayt al-Hikmah. In: Forum ‘Towards the Renaissance of Muslim Future Thinkers: Vision TN50 of Malaysia’, IIUM. (Unpublished)
Akhmetova, Elmira (2018) Risale-i Nur's solutions for current social problems. In: 9th International Graduate Conference on Risale-i Nur Studies, 2-6 July, 2018, Istanbul, Turkey. (Unpublished)
Akhmetova, Elmira (2016) Trust. In: KIRKHS IBadah Camp 2016, 18th Nov. 2016, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Akhmetova, Elmira (2017) The nation state and nationalism in the thought of Said Nursi. In: The Companion to Said Nursi Studies. Pickwick Publications, U.S.A., pp. 412-426. ISBN 978-1-4982-9222-1
Ali, Md Yousuf (2016) Human nature and his potentialities attributes towards virtue and morality. Journal of Education and Social Sciences (JESOC), 5. pp. 118-127. E-ISSN 2289-9855
Ali, Md Yousuf (2017) Islamic cosmology/universe in Islam. In: The Islamic worldview: selected essays. International Institute of Islamic Thought East and South East Asia, Batu Caves, Selangor, pp. 195-220. ISBN 9789671562277
Ali, Md Yousuf (2016) Understanding the essence of Islamic civilization: An analysis. In: The 3rd World Conference on Islamic Thought & Civilization (WCIT2016), 18th-20th Oct. 2016, Ipoh, Perak. (Unpublished)
Ali, Md Yousuf and Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas (2017) Globalization and the Muslim world: challenges and prospects. In: The Islamic worldview: selected essays. International Institute of Islamic Thought East and South East Asia, Malaysia, Batu Caves, Selangor, pp. 275-306. ISBN 978-967-15622-7-7
Ali, Md Yousuf and Bakar, Osman (2023) Abul Kalam Azad’s idea of religious pluralism for an inclusive Indian nationalism: a civilizational revisit. Al-Shajarah: Journal of The International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), 28 (2). pp. 343-365. ISSN 1394-6870
Ali, Md. Yousuf (2014) Understanding the essence of Islamic civilization in Maududi's discourse for shaping a prosperous future for humanity. In: 2nd International Conference On Creativity And Innovation For Sustainable Development 2014 (ICCI 2014), 20th-22nd Oct. 2014, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Ali, Mohammed Farid (2020) Forty hadith on leading the way. IIUM Press, KUALA LUMPUR. ISBN 9789674910563
Ali, Mohammed Farid (2021) Imposition of divine obligations (Taklif) as a trust (Amanah) entrusted to mankind and the wisdom behind it: an exposition of Verse 72 & 73 of Al-Ahzab in Shah Wali Allah Al-Dehlawi’s Hujjat Allahi Al-Balighah (Part 1). Journal of Islam in Asia, 18 (2). pp. 159-165. ISSN 1823-0970 E-ISSN 2289-8077
Ali, Nurul Badriyah and Elatrash, Radwan Jamal Yousef (2017) التوجيهات القرآنية: مفهومها ودورها في المجتمع المتجدّد = Quranic directives: their concept and role in the renewed society. At-Tibyan, 2 (1). pp. 167-185. ISSN 2442-594X E-ISSN 2579-5708
Aminudin, Rabi'ah (2019) Konsep rahmatan lil 'alamin dan prinsip tadbir urus yang baik dalam masyarakat majmuk. In: Rahmatan lil 'alamin dalam konteks masyarakat kontemporari. MAIWP & KIRKHS, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 217-227. ISBN 978-967-13583-5-1
Anis, Rehnuma and Hasan, Md. Mahmudul (2020) Faith and practice: Islamic perspectives on Robert Browning. Intellectual Discourse, 28 (1). pp. 129-148. ISSN 0128-4878 E-ISSN 2289-5639
Aroos, Ashker and Ashath, Mohamed and Shehu, Fatmir (2024) A study on reflections of Prophetic Sīrah discourse in pluralistic society: a contextual analysis. DIROSAT: Journal of Education, Social Sciences & Humanities, 2 (3). pp. 167-184. E-ISSN 2985-5497
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2020) Bersedekah wajar diteruskan walaupun dalam situasi wabak. Berita Harian.
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2021) Definition of Ummah. In: Futures Scenario Building Workshop - A Virtual Journey to IIUM 2040. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, p. 164. ISBN 978-967-491-110-2
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2018) Eropah belajar Bahasa Arab, kuasai ilmu Islam. Berita Harian.
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2023) Fiqh al-Ta’ayush: hukum masuk rumah ibadat bukan Islam. In: Persidangan Meja Bulat (Tertutup) Berkenaan Kunjungan ke Rumah Ibadat Bukan Islam, 11 April 2023, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2020) Mengurus khilaf ulama. Utusan Malaysia. p. 22.
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2021) Zionis, Palestin dan Andalusia. Utusan Malaysia, 25 May 2021. p. 23.
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Berghout, Abdul Aziz (2016) مقاربة حضارية لتجديد التعليم الإسلامي المعاصر: تخريج القيادات وتنمية قدرات الإبداع والإبتكار. In: The 1st International Conference on Islam & Contemporary Issues in The Islamic World: Challenges & Way Forward (ICIC-2016), 5th-6th Dec. 2016, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Berghout, Abdul Aziz (2013) Importance of religion, man and knowledge in civilizational development: Views of Malik Bennabi and Sa‘id Nursi. Journal of Islam in Asia, 10 (2). pp. 98-117. ISSN 2289-8077
Berghout, Abdul Aziz (2020) An Islamic model of civilisational development and sustainability: a Maqasidic approach. In: Spirituality and sustainability: experiences of the International Islamic University Malaysia. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 52-64. ISBN 9789674910488
Berghout, Abdul Aziz and Berghout, Zakia (2016) Social relations network in building civilization an analysis of its significance. Journal of Islam in Asia, 13 (2). pp. 152-168. ISSN 2289-8077
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El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2014) Malik Bennabi’s response to Western modernity: contexualizing 'The Qur’anic Phenomenon'. In: The Qur'an, Modernity and Globalization - Studies in Commemoration of Malik Bennabi. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-22. ISBN 978-967-418-333-2
El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2009) Maqasid al-Shari'ah. In: Encyclopaedia of Islamic Economics. Encyclopaedia of Islamic Economics, London, pp. 145-155. ISBN 978-0-95622441-0-9
El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2020) Maqasid al-shari'ah: meaning, scope and ramifications. Al-Shajarah, 25 (2). pp. 263-393. ISSN 1394-6870
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Fatah Yasin, Raudlotul Firdaus and Che Rahim, Nur Aina Mardhiyah (2020) منهج سعيد النورسي في التعامل مع الحاديث المتشابهات في رسائل النور = The methodology of Said Nursi in dealing with Hadith Mutashabihat in "Risale al-Nur" = Metodologi Said Nursi dalam menangani hadith mutashabihat di dalam "Risale al-Nur". Journal of Islam in Asia, 17 (1). pp. 33-65. ISSN 1823-0970 E-ISSN 2289-8077
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Hasan, Md. Mahmudul (2019) Islam and English studies. In: Seminar on 'Islam and English Studies and Writing Academic English', 5th April 2019, Hotel Perdana, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. (Unpublished)
Hasan, Md. Mahmudul (2013) Islam and professionalism: in search of excellence. pp. 1-3.
Hasan, Md. Mahmudul (2014) Islam's encounter with English and Ismail al-Faruqi's concept of Islamic English: A postcolonial reading. The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences (AJISS), 31 (2). pp. 1-21. ISSN 0742-6763
Hasan, Md. Mahmudul (2018) An Islamic reading of Thomas Gray’s “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”. In: Symposium on Contextualization and Relevantization of Religion to the Contemporary World, 5 July 2018, HS Seminar Room, Level 3, HS Building. (Unpublished)
Hasan, Md. Mahmudul (2016) Islamization of English literary studies (Twentieth Century). Project Report. UNSPECIFIED, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Hasan, Md. Mahmudul (2013) Islam’s encounter with women’s rights and feminism: the need for greater engagement of Muslim women. International Journal of Islamic Thought, 2 (1). pp. 81-94. ISSN 1816-689X
Hasan, Md. Mahmudul (2008) Love for Prophet Muhammad (Part One): a profound inspiring love.
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Hasan, Md. Mahmudul (2016) Teaching English literature at IIUM: Islamic perspectives on selected twentieth-century texts. Al-Shajarah, 21 (1). pp. 49-71. ISSN 1394-6870
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Hassan, Nur Jannah (2018) Integrating Qur’anic worldview and natural science: a framework for Islamic secondary schools. In: The 6th Kuala Lumpur International Islamic Studies and Civilisations Conference (KLIISC 2018), 24th-25th March 2018, Hotel Bangi-Putrajaya, Selangor, Malaysia. (Unpublished)
Hassan, Nur Jannah (2018) Natural science and Tawhidic worldview: an integration model. In: IOHK Talk Series On Islam And Other Worldviews No. 1 (I TalkWV 1), 30th November 2018, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Hassan, Nur Jannah (2018) Integrasi pandangan semesta al-Qur'an & sains tabi'i: satu model bagi sekolah menengah Islam. In: Pengenalan Model Qur’ani untuk Pengajaran & Pembelajaran Sains Tabi’i di Sekolah Menengah kepada Unit Kurikulum Ikram-Musleh, 28th September 2018, Seri Kembangan, Selangor. (Unpublished)
Hassan, Nur Jannah (2018) Integrating Qur'anic worldview and natural science: a framework for Islamic secondary schools. Journal of Education And Social Science (JESOC), 9 (3). pp. 121-132. ISSN 2289-9855
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Ibn Ashur, Muhammad al-Tahir (2006) Treatise on Maqasid al-Shari'ah by Ibn Ashur. The International Institute of Islamic Thought, IIIT, London, Washington. ISBN 1565644220 (pbk.), 1565644239 (hbk.)
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Makhluf, Hosam Aldin and Elatrash, Radwan Jamal Yousef (2018) (الإنسان من المنظور القرآني (دراسة تحليلية في قصة آدم = Qur'anic perspective of human being: an analytical study of story of Adam. Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (ARJIHS), 1 (2: Special Issue: Integration between the science of Tafsir Al-Quran and Arabic Language). pp. 1-20. E-ISSN 2600-8394
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Mohammed Hussein Boayo, Suleiman (2011) Culture and civilization: a review of concepts. In: The Islamic worldview, ethics and civilization: issues in contemporary interdisciplinary discourse. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 15-26. ISBN 9789670225630
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