Items where Division is "International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC)" and Year is 2022
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Al-Braami, Musllam Nasib Saaid and Altabaa, Homam (2022) "الأوقاف ودورھا في الحضارة الإسلامیةَّ "وقف عثمان بن عفان نموذجًا. Journal of Islam in Asia, 19 (2). pp. 98-148. ISSN 1823-0970 E-ISSN 2289-8077
Bakar, Osman (2022) Book Review: Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics, Vol 2: The Mind. Al-Shajarah: Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), 27 (1). pp. 200-204. ISSN 1394-6870
Bakar, Osman and Khan, Muhammad Kalim Ullah (2022) Religious authority, Iftā’ culture, and Sectarianism in modern Pakistan: the impact of its intra-Islamic pluralism. Al-Shajarah: Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), 27 (1). pp. 53-75. ISSN 1394-6870
Berghout, Abdul Aziz (2022) Role of worldview in family empowerment plans: proposed Islamic integrated framework. Journal of Islam in Asia, 19 (2). pp. 316-346. ISSN 1823-0970 E-ISSN 2289-8077
Berghout, Abdul Aziz (2022) Special article AbdulHamid AbuSulayman civilizational education for transformation. Journal of Education and Muslim Societies, 3 (2). pp. 4-13. ISSN 2641-0044 E-ISSN 2641-0052
Berghout, Abdul Aziz and Taha Ali, Yosria Ibrahim (2022) البنية الأخلاقية في التراث الإسلامي المبكر دراسة مقارنة بين الإمام والماوردي والأصفهاني والغزالي = The ethics structure in the early Islamic heritage: a comparative study between Imam, Al-Mawardi, Al-Isfahani and Al-Ghazali. AL-RISALAH: JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC REVEALED KNOWLEDGE AND HUMAN SCIENCES (ARJIHS), 6 (2). pp. 71-97. E-ISSN 2600-8394
Jaffer, Usman and Che Mohd Nassir, Che Mohd Nasril and Ahmad H. Osman, Rahmah and Abd. Razak, Abdul Latif and Allie, Nasreen and Ahmed, Mohamed Ayaaz and Jalaludin, Mohamad Afiudin and Mohd Kadri, Nursyuhaidah (2022) The moderating effects of religious and spiritual coping on the relationships of religiosity and spirituality with depression among medical and health science students. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 9 (8). pp. 28-40. ISSN 2515-8260
Jaffer, Usman and Che Mohd Nassir, Che Mohd Nasril and Ahmad H. Osman, Rahmah and Abd. Razak, Abdul Latif and Allie, Nasreen and Ahmed, Mohamed Ayaaz and Jalaludin, Mohamad Afiudin and Mohd Kadri, Nursyuhaidah (2022) The relationships of religiosity, spirituality, religious and spiritual coping with depression among medical and health science students. Jisuanji Jicheng Zhizao Xitong / Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 28 (12). pp. 393-407. ISSN 1006-5911
Jaffer, Usman and Che Mohd Nassir, Che Mohd Nasril and Ahmad H. Osman, Rahmah and Stevenson, Bruce and Ahmed, Mohamed Ayaaz and Jalaludin, Mohamad Afiudin and Mohd Kadri, Nursyuhaidah (2022) Translation priming in Malay-Arabic bilinguals. Journal of Northeastern University, 25 (4). pp. 2238-2252. ISSN 1005-3026
Jaffer, Usman and Che Mohd Nassir, Che Mohd Nasril and Ahmad H.Osman, Rahmah and Abdul Razak, Abdul Latif and Allie, Nasreen and Ahmed, Mohamed Ayaaz and Jalaludin, Mohamad Afiudin and Mohd Kadri, Nursyuhaidah (2022) The Mediating Roles Of Religious And Spiritual Coping Between Religiosity, Spirituality, And Depression Among Medical And Health Science Students. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 09 (08). pp. 1209-1223. ISSN 2515-8260
Mohamed Sabri, Mansour and Jamil, Khairil Husaini and Abd Al-Hamid, Ahmed Jomaa (2022) The European source of gunnery practical knowledge in Kitāb al-ʿIzz wa al-Manāfiʿ li al-Mujāhidīn fī Sabīl Allāh bi al-Madāfiʿ. Al-Shajarah: Journal of The International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), 27 (2). pp. 263-288. ISSN 1394-6870
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2022) A. Samad Ismail Post-Graduate School of Journalism, a fitting tribute. New Straits Times, 10 October 2022.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2022) Arshad Ayub: kita kehilangan keberanian memecah paradigma pemikiran, membina inteligentsia bangsa. Bebas News, 15 June 2022.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2022) Cadangan untuk Kolej Komunikasi dan Pengajian Media UiTM dan Kursi A Samad Ismail. Bebas News, 31 December 2022.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2022) Cendekiawan tanpa pendirian: Usman Awang mengenai peranan intelektual. Bebas News.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2022) Early cultural invasion in the Malay Archipelago. New Straits Times.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2022) Fikir pejalan kaki: kunci kepada mengatasi ‘masalah pengangkutan awam’. Bebas News, 13 November 2022.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2022) Hari Guru 2022: penindasan di Penang Free School dekad 1970an. Bebas News, 18 May 2022.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2022) How early Malay literature portrayed Russia and Russians. New Straits Times.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2022) Ibn Khaldun's biography: unveiling global history and the sociology of modern civilization. Al-Shajarah, 27 (2). pp. 5-35. ISSN 1394-6870
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2022) Imej pemisah Melayu: Selatan Thai atau Utara Semenanjung Tanah Melayu? Bebas News, 10 May 2022.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2022) Isu penggabungan Fakulti Komunikasi UiTM; 50 tahun pengajian komunikasi di Malaysia dan penerusan media Melayu. Bebas News, 11 October 2022.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2022) Kesedaran Tanah Air adalah kewatanan kita. Bebas News, 28 April 2022.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2022) Menceritakan kewartawanan sebelum zaman media sosial: kita mudah lupa. Bebas News, 24 April 2022.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2022) Pak Sako: putera merdeka merentasi zaman. Bebas News, 1 September 2022.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2022) Penjenamaan semula orang Melayu. Bebas News, 2 August 2022.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2022) Pindaan Akta DBP: menangani dua negara bangsa dalam sebuah negara Malaysia? Bebas News, 29 June 2022.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2022) Politics without political parties. New Straits Times, 17 November 2022.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2022) Revisiting Merantau with a sense of Minangness: cultivating the field of Malay media studies. Jurnal Pengajian Media Malaysia, 24 (2). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1511-2284 E-ISSN 2231-8143
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2022) The Suluk are natives of Sabah, but their narrative is absent. New Straits Times, 20 August 2022.
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2022) Sumbangan keretapi dalam gerakan kesedaran sejarah dan alam Melayu. Bebas News, 20 August 2022.
Mohd. Israil, Khaliq Ahmad (2022) Book review: principles of marketing from an Islamic perspective. Journal of Islamic Management Studies, 5 (2). pp. 58-60. E-ISSN 2600-7126
Mohd. Israil, Khaliq Ahmad (2022) Editorial Notes. Journal of Islamic Management Studies, 4 (2). pp. 1-2. E-ISSN 2600-7126
Mohd. Israil, Khaliq Ahmad (2022) History and growth of Islamic management thought. Journal of Islamic Management Studies, 5 (2). pp. 47-57. E-ISSN 2600-7126
Sapiee, Radzi and Bakar, Osman (2022) Scientific history in pre-modern civilizations: a critical review. Al-Shajarah, 27 (2). pp. 351-369. ISSN 1394-6870
Wan Mamat, Wan Ali @ Wan Yusoff and Ali, Abdul Rahman (2022) From decolonization to ethno-nationalism: a study of Malaysia’s school history syllabuses and textbooks 1905-2020. Al-Shajarah, 27 (2). pp. 417-421. ISSN 1394-6870
Yusuf, Imtiyaz (2022) Nūr Muḥammadī, Muhammadan light, and Amitābha/Amida Buddha, the Buddha of infinite light - a muslim's comparative theological perspective. Buddhist-Christian Studies, 42 (Annual one issue per year). pp. 347-358. ISSN 0882-0945 E-ISSN 1527-9472
Özay, Mehmet (2022) Mohd. Said, sang patriot pena. demi kebenaran dan keadilan, 18 Aug 2022.
Özay, Mehmet (2022) Sikap global Türkiye dan G20. Waspada, 9 December 2022.
Özay, Mehmet (2022) Türkiye: role model for underdeveloped, developing countries. New Straits Times, 14 December 2022.
Özay, Mehmet and Saifuddin, Muhammad (2022) A preliminary discussion on the notion of nationalism in Weber’s thought: Max Weber and his cogitation of nationalism. İnsan & Toplum - Journal of Humanity & Society, 12 (3). pp. 25-46. ISSN 2146-7099 E-ISSN 2602-2745
Ermağan, İsmail and Özay, Mehmet and Keyvan, Özlem Zerrin, eds. (2022) Dünya siyasetinde asya-pasifik 5. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara, Turkiye. ISBN 978-625-427-676-7
Bakar, Osman (2022) Environmental wisdom for Planet Earth: the Islamic heritage. Centre for Civilisational Dialogue, University of Malaya, and Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789672795001
Khaliq, Ahmad (2022) Islamic management practices in financial institutions: case studies from Islamic economics, banking and finance. Islamic Business and Finance Series . Routledge-Taylor & Francis Group, New York. ISBN 978-1-032-15358-2
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2022) Tanah Air: passing through the Malay Archipelago. ISTAC-IIUM Publications, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-9379-68-6
Book Chapter
Bakar, Osman (2022) Kata Pengantar. In: Manusia dan Alam Tabii: Kemelut Ruhani Manusia Moden ("Man and Nature: The Spiritual Crisis in Modern Man" by S.H. Nasr). Translated by Khairul Anam; Edited by Alina Abdullah (Original work published in 1968). Inisiatif Buku Darul Ehsan, Kuala Lumpur, xii-xx. ISBN 9789672672319
Bakar, Osman (2022) New Preface. In: Environmental Wisdom for Planet Earth: The Islamic Heritage. Centre for Civilisational Dialogue, University of Malaya, and Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur, vii-viii. ISBN 9789672795001
Bakar, Osman (2022) The clash of artificial and natural intelligences: will it impoverish wisdom? In: The Muslim 500: The World’s 500 Most Influential Muslims, 2023. The Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre, Amman, Jordan, pp. 218-222. ISBN 978-9957-635-64-0
Bakar, Osman (2022) The concept of human microcosm: Exploring possibilities of a synthesis of traditional and modern biomedicine. In: Islam and Biomedicine. Philosophy and Medicine, 137 (1). Springer Cham, pp. 63-77. ISBN 978-3-030-53800-2
El-Muhammady, Ahmad and Jalil, Abdullah and Wahab, Muhammad Rashidi (2022) Memahami potensi ancaman keganasan siber di Malaysia. In: Jenayah Siber di Malaysia: Impak Leluasa Internet. Institut Keselamatan Awam Malaysia, Putrajaya, Malaysia, pp. 15-27. ISBN 9789672609827
Jalil, Abdullah and Wahab, Muhammad Rashidi and El-Muhammady, Ahmad (2022) Fahaman sesat dan menyeleweng di media sosial: ancaman dan cabaran. In: Jenayah Siber di Malaysia: Impak Leluasa Internet. Institut Keselamatan Awam Malaysia (IPSOM), Putrajaya, Malaysia, pp. 143-158. ISBN 9789672609827
Mohd Noor Merican, Ahmad Murad (2022) Malay Letters from the Archipelago, 1771 – 1794: Kedah and Southeast Asia as Global History. In: Arrivals, conflict & transformation in maritime Southeast Asia, 1400s-1800s Added Title Arrivals, conflict and transformation in maritime Southeast Asia, 1400s-1800s. National Historical Commission of the Phillippines. ISBN ISBN 978-971-538-361-5
Wan Mamat, Wan Ali @ Wan Yusoff (2022) Tan Sri Omar Mohd Hashim: peminat manuskrip Melayu. In: Tan Sri Omar Mohd Hashim: Dalam Kenangan. Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 34-43. ISBN 978-967-26355-0-5
Yusuf, Imtiaz Ahmed Shaukat (2022) Muslims as Thailand’s largest religious minority. In: Routledge Handbook of Islam in Southeast Asia. Routledge, New York, NY:, pp. 234-249. ISBN 9780367225377
Yusuf, Imtiyaz (2022) Ismail Raji al-Faruqi. In: The Encyclopaedia of Islam: Three. The Encyclopaedia of Islam, 2022-6 (Three). Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 37-41. ISBN 978-90-04-46463-6
Özay, Mehmet (2022) Asya Pasifik bölgesi uzerine kısa bir değerlendirme. In: Dünya Siyasetinde Asya Pasifik. Nobel Akademik Yayincilik, Ankara, Turkiye, xxxvii-xliv. ISBN 978-625-427-676-7
Özay, Mehmet (2022) Pasifik savaşi Japon işgali sürecinde Sumatra adasi’nda açe’nin siyasal rolü = The political role of ace in the island of Sumatra during the Japanese occupation in the pacific war. In: Dunya Siyasetinde Asya Pasifik 5. Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık, Ankara, Turkiye, pp. 111-135. ISBN 978-625-427-676-7
Proceeding Paper
El-Muhammady, Ahmad (2022) Empowering the role of Civil Society Organisations in the context of National Action Plan for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (NAPPCVE). In: Policy Brief and Launch Webinar on National Action Plan for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism, 24 February 2022, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Unpublished)
El-Muhammady, Ahmad (2022) Engaging expert in public sector: personal experience as consultant to the government agencies and international organization. In: Organizational Management Symposium 2022, 24 January 2022, Online. (Unpublished)
El-Muhammady, Ahmad (2022) Terror landscape threats, challenges & response: South East Asia overview – terrorists systems: methods, capabilities & drivers. In: International Counter Terrorism Conference 2022, 17-22 Jan 2022, Virtual. (Unpublished)
El-Muhammady, Ahmad (2022) Youth roles in sustaining peace post-Covid-19 as a global citizen. In: Virtual Youth Advocacy Sharing Session : Youth Leadership for Peaceful and Inclusive Society in the Post-Pandemic World, 25 February 202, Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished)
El-Muhammady, Ahmad (2022) The state of radicalization, extremism, and violent extremism in Malaysia, 2021-2022. In: ISIS Malaysia Roundtable Discussion on Terrorism and Violent Extremism in Malaysia in conjunction with the UNODC Counter-Terrorism Team Visit to Malaysia, 18 February 2022, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Unpublished)
Nasir, Mohamad Nasrin (2022) Menentang Panteisme: tafsiran ayat-ayat spiritual dalam Fathul Mubin Tulisan Al-Raniri. In: Seminar Antarabangsa Manuskrip Melayu 2022, 24 November 2022, Online.
Özay, Mehmet (2022) The problem of ‘Historical Epistemology’ in Ottoman Malay-World relations. In: The Middle East and the Malay world: Contemporary Issues and Future Challenges, 19 October 2022, University Malaya Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)