IIUM Repository

Prof. Dr Ahasanul Haque


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Latest Additions

  1. Haque, A K M Ahasanul and Agarwal, Khushbu (2024) Effectiveness of social media marketing as a sustainable futuristic tool for consumer decision-making process. In: Sustainable Strategic Business Infrastructure Development and Contemporary Digital Practices in Industry 5.0. Apple Academic Press, Taylor and Francis Group, New York, United States, pp. 289-300. ISBN 978-1-77491-626-1
  2. Uddin, Md Nazim and Haque, A K M Ahasanul and Nahar, Lutfun (2024) The management of outreach and poverty reduction in microfinance institutions in South Asia. In: 15th Global Islamic Marketing Conference, October 1-3, 2024, Tunisia.
  3. Haque, A K M Ahasanul and Bah, Aissatou Fatoumata and Uddin, Md Nazim and Maruf, Tarekol Islam (2024) Analyzing the underlying factors of counterfeit mobile phone purchases: a Malaysian consumer study. In: 15th Global Islamic Marketing Conference, October 1-3, 2024, Tunisia.
  4. Uddin, Md Nazim and Haque, A K M Ahasanul and Anis, Zohurul (2024) The challenges and opportunities of COVID-19 for Islamic microfinance institutions in Bangladesh. In: 14th Global Islamic Marketing Conference, September 27-29, 2023, Tbilisi –Georgia.
  5. Uddin, Md Nazim and Haque, A K M Ahasanul and Nuruzzaman, Md. and Nahar, Lutfun (2024) Impact of sustainability mediated by corporate governance in extra large size microfinance institutions of Bangladesh. In: 14th Global Islamic Marketing Conference,, September 27-29, 2023, Tbilisi –Georgia.
  6. Nayan, Fatima Kanis and Sarker, Md Atiqur Rahman and Haque, A K M Ahasanul (2024) Empowering female doctors for sustainable health management in Bangladesh: a spiritual perspective. In: Islamic Operation Management: Theories and Applications. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London, United Kingdom, pp. 322-339. ISBN 9781032266077
  7. Haque, A K M Ahasanul and Kabir, Sardar Md Humayun and Rahman, Mohammad Moshiur (2024) Factors influencing sustainable halal supply chain management: an Islamic viewpoint. In: Islamic Operation Management: Theories and Applications. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 134-148. ISBN 978-1-032-26607-7
  8. Mokhtar, Aida and Haque, A K M Ahasanul, eds. (2024) Islamic advertising: the Malaysian perspective. Inthought Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  9. Haque, A. K. M. Ahasanul and Chowdhury, Naila Anwar and Islam, Md Asadul and Hossain, Md Shahadat and Sarker, Md Atiqur (2024) Tracing the route to organisational performance through expatriate leadership effectiveness: the role of emotional, cultural and spiritual intelligence. International Journal of Business Excellence, 34 (1). pp. 31-51. ISSN 1756-0047 E-ISSN 1756-0055
  10. Haque, A. K. M. Ahasanul and Barry, Moussa and Jan, Muhammad Tahir (2024) An analysis of the factors affecting university students intention to use mobile commerce: an extended TPB. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH IN ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES, 13 (2). pp. 89-107. E-ISSN 2226-3624
  11. Haque, A. K. M. Ahasanul and Barry, Moussa and Jan, Muhammad Tahir (2024) Mobile commerce adoption in Malaysia: a conceptual framework. Open Journal of Economics and Commerce, 5 (1). pp. 4-12. ISSN 2638-549X
  12. Barry, Moussa and Haque, A. K. M. Ahasanul and Jan, Muhammad Tahir (2024) Factors influencing the intention to use m-commerce in Malaysian: an extended IS success model. International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences, 13 (2). pp. 957-969. ISSN 2252-8814 E-ISSN 2722-2594
  13. Barry, Moussa and Haque, A. K. M. Ahasanul and Jan, Muhammad Tahir (2024) From expectancy to acceptance: the impact of performance and effort expectations on mobile commerce intentions. SRIWIJAYA INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, 8 (1). pp. 65-86. ISSN 2581-2904 E-ISSN 2581-2912
  14. Haque, A. K. M. Ahasanul and Abd Manaf, Noor Hazilah and Uddin, Md Nazim and Akther, Naznin and Mokhtar, Aida (2024) Enhancing community health sustainability through the use of Maqasid Al-Shariah theory. International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding, 6 (2). pp. 159-179. ISSN 2055-0944 E-ISSN 2055-0952
  15. Barry, Moussa and Haque, A. K. M. Ahasanul (2024) Examining the determinants of mobile commerce adoption through UTAUT: a structural equation modelling. Scope, 14 (2). pp. 1603-1619. ISSN 1177-5653 E-ISSN 1177-5661
  16. Haque, A K M Ahasanul and Chowdhury, Naila Anwar and Maulan, Suharni and Islam, Md Asadul and Sarker, Md Atiqur (2024) Configuring the effect of multidimensional retail service quality and perceived value on customer loyalty towards retailers in Malaysia: mediated by customer satisfaction and trust. International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 46 (4). pp. 492-519. ISSN 1744-2370 E-ISSN 1744-2389
  17. Rahman, Mohammad Moshiur and Haque, A. K. M. Ahasanul (2024) Analysis of tourists' risk perceptions in tour destination selection: Bangladesh ecotourism perspective. Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, 56 (4). pp. 1493-1503. ISSN 2065-0817 E-ISSN 2065-1198
  18. Haque, A. K. M. Ahasanul and Afroza, Kaniz and Kabir, Sardar Md Humayun and Maruf, Tarekol Islam (2024) Students’ satisfaction towards cafeteria foods: evidence from Malaysian public universities. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 16 (2). pp. 192-210. ISSN 1753-5255 E-ISSN 1753-5263
  19. Anis, Md Zohurul and Haque, A. K. M. Ahasanul and Mustaffa, Nur Fariza (2024) Antecedents of customer loyalty in private commercial banks of Bangladesh. International Journal of Innovative Research and Publications, 4 (9). pp. 20-32. E-ISSN 2785-826X
  20. Haque, A. K. M. Ahasanul and Akther, Naznin and Khan, Irfanuzzaman and Agarwal, Khushbu and Uddin, Md Nazim (2024) Artificial intelligence in retail marketing: research agenda based on bibliometric reflection and content analysis (2000–2023). Informatics, 11 (4). pp. 1-30. E-ISSN 2227-9709

Most Viewed Items

Item titleViews
1Factors influencing the use of e-wallet as a payment method among Malaysian young adults2487
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3Key success factors of online food ordering services: an empirical study1147
4Study on consumer perception towards online ticketing in Malaysia 1136
5Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction towards E-shopping in Malaysia1081
6Choice criteria for mobile telecom operator: empirical investigation among Malaysian customers1050
7Factors influencing employee performance in the organization: an exploratory study of private organization in Bangladesh 1031
8Non-Muslim consumers’ perception toward purchasing halal food products in Malaysia1023
9Assessing the impact of advertisement towards Malay consumers: an empirical study of fast food restaurants in Malaysia1021
10Consumers purchase intention of halal brand products in Bosnia and Herzegovina: extension version of theory planned behaviour1013
11Is Bangladeshi RMG sector fit in the global apparel business? analyses the supply chain management1006
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29The effect of different media ads on consumer’s purchase intension: a pragmatic exploration on the Bangladeshi fast food industry911
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