Nor Diana Mohd Mahudin
Department of Psychology
My research work has been focused on understanding the nature, process, and outcomes of passenger crowding on trains and investigating different demand management options to mitigate this issue. Working in collaboration with several teams, my recent work extends into the study of related settings, such as overcrowding at large public gatherings (e.g., Hajj), in which we are particularly interested in whether crowd behaviour plays a role in evacuation planning and overall crowd management. We have also used measurements of physiological parameters to study how people respond to different types of environment, especially in terms of restorative experiences and cognitive performance. Apart from these areas, my work collaborations extend to investigating religiosity, occupational ergonomics anmore...
My research work has been focused on understanding the nature, process, and outcomes of passenger crowding on trains and investigating different demand management options to mitigate this issue. Working in collaboration with several teams, my recent work extends into the study of related settings, such as overcrowding at large public gatherings (e.g., Hajj), in which we are particularly interested in whether crowd behaviour plays a role in evacuation planning and overall crowd management. We have also used measurements of physiological parameters to study how people respond to different types of environment, especially in terms of restorative experiences and cognitive performance. Apart from these areas, my work collaborations extend to investigating religiosity, occupational ergonomics and safety, work and women’s well-being, as well as development and evaluation of interventions. Within these collaborations, we have developed two copyrighted scales, i.e., the Rail Passenger Crowding (RPC) scale and the IIUM Religiosity Scale (IIUMRelS). To know more about a particular strand of my work, see my portfolio at Enquiries for research and professional collaborations are welcomed.
Ph.D. (Applied Psychology) University of Nottingham, UK;
M. Sc. in Ergonomics, Loughborough University, UK;
B. HSc. (Psychology) International Islamic University Malaysia (First Class Honours);
Ergonomics Trained Person (ETP)/ Recognised Person: Advanced Ergonomics Risk Assessment;
Ergonomics Trained Person (ETP)/ Recognised Person: Initial Ergonomics Risk Assessment;
Certified Translator: Sijil Penterjemahan Am, Institut Terjemahan & Buku Malaysia (ITBM)
Latest Additions
- Nor Zaidi, Sarah Lynn Aliah and Mohd Mahudin, Nor Diana (2024) The roles of media literacy, emotional intelligence, and digital intelligence in predicting psychological well-being. Southeast Asian Media Studies Journal, 6 (1). pp. 47-66. E-ISSN 2718-9236
- Mohd Yunos, Mardhiah and Mohd Mahudin, Nor Diana (2024) Talent management, organisational commitment, and turnover intention: implications for psychological well-being in the construction industry. Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia (The Malaysian Journal of Psychology), 38 (4). pp. 51-65. ISSN 2289-8174
- Rosli, Nurul Syafiqah Fa’im and Mohd Mahudin, Nor Diana (2024) One more episode won’t hurt! How stress, social interaction anxiety, and loneliness relate to binge-watching behaviours among university students. Journal of Communication, Language and Culture, 4 (1). pp. 1-20. ISSN NA E-ISSN 2805-444X
- Mohd Mahudin, Nor Diana and Syed Lokhikmal Hakim, Sharifah Amirah Fikriyyah (2023) Climate anxiety as a public health issue: an exploratory study of climate anxiety in Malaysian youth and their beliefs about government responses to climate change. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine (MJPHM), 23 (3). pp. 86-98. ISSN 1675-0306 E-ISSN 2590-3829
- Muhd Fauzi, Nur Raihan and Mohd Mahudin, Nor Diana (2023) Is mindfulness a cure for burnedout parents? the relationships between parental burnout, parental mediation strategies, and mindfulness. International Journal of Social Policy and Society (IJSPS), 19. pp. 160-181. ISSN 2811-4140 E-ISSN 2811-4574
- Mohd Mahudin, Nor Diana and Janon, Nazariah Shar'ie (2023) The current landscape of ethical Artificial Intelligence in Islam: a systematic review of recent evidence. In: Islamic-Spiritual Psychology in South-East Asia, Virtual. (Unpublished)
- Mohd. Mahudin, Nor Diana (2023) Mengarusperdanakan peranan wanita dalam sektor pengangkutan. Dewan Masyarakat, 60 (8). pp. 22-23. ISSN 0419-0386
- Awang, Nurul Afiqah and Mohd Mahudin, Nor Diana (2023) Flourishing and learning engagement: the importance of personal best goals. International Journal of Education and Training (InjET), 9 (1). pp. 1-9. E-ISSN 2462-2079
- Mohd Mahudin, Nor Diana and Janon, Nazariah Shar'ie and Musa, Mohd Noor (2022) Policy for Digital Citizenship - Findings from the Family Digital Citizenship in Pandemic Recovery: Prospects, Challenges, and Policy Study. Policy Paper. Institut Masa Depan Malaysia (MASA), Malaysia.
- Mohd. Mahudin, Nor Diana and Fauzaman, Jusmawati and Mohd. Taib, Maisarah (2022) Restoring soul in the study of self in psychology: an applied maqasid approach to educational policies. In: Strategic Research Programme (SRP2020) Symposium, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Unpublished)
- Mohd Mahudin, Nor Diana and Janon, Nazariah Shar'ie (2022) Lock, talk, or stop? measuring how parents mediate their young children’s use of digital devices in the Malaysian context. e-JURNAL IPPTAR, 1 (1). pp. 1-25. ISSN 2785-874X
- Mohd Mahudin, Nor Diana (2022) Staying at the Crease: Psychology, Psychologist, and Policy Research in Digital Citizenship. In: The 19th International Postgraduate Research Colloquium (IPRC 2022), Virtual. (Unpublished)
- Mohd Mahudin, Nor Diana (2021) Reactance - on why we need to maintain istiqamah more than ever. In: Staying Safe and Staying Sane: Reflections During COVID19 Pandemic. IIUM and Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 105-114. ISBN 9789671981207
- Rizkina, Nya' Soraya and Mohd Mahudin, Nor Diana (2022) I’ve got enough on my plate! the mediating role of job demands in the relationship between psychosocial safety climate and job satisfaction. Human Factors and Ergonomics Journal (HFEJ), 7 (1). pp. 19-37. E-ISSN 2590-3705
- Muhd Fauzi, Nur Raihan and Mohd Mahudin, Nor Diana (2021) Mobile device use by young children: a pilot study of its relationship with parental burnout, parental mediation strategies, mindfulness, and children's self-regulation. In: Inter-Islamic University Forum on Psychology Forum (IIUCP Forum) 2021, 19 - 20 November 2021, Bandung, Indonesia.
- Yustika Sari, Erlina and Mohd Mahudin, Nor Diana (2021) Ergonomics and remote learning: an assessment of risk factors in International Islamic University Malaysia. In: Inter-Islamic University Forum on Psychology Forum (IIUCP Forum) 2021, 19 November - 20 November 2021, Bandung, Indonesia.
- Lukman, Annisa Della and Mohd Mahudin, Nor Diana (2021) Servant leadership: a proposal to examine its relationships with perceived organizational support and turnover intention among employees of full-dining restaurants in Malaysia. In: Inter-Islamic University Forum on Psychology Forum (IIUCP Forum) 2021, Virtual. (Unpublished)
- Mohd Mahudin, Nor Diana and Janon, Nazariah Shar'ie (2021) Too young too digital: how Malaysian parents mediate their young children's internet and digital device use. Media Matters, 4. pp. 67-80.
- Mohd Mahudin, Nor Diana and Zaabar, Nur Ilham Amirah (2021) Workload, Burnout, Emotional States, and Job Performance of Government Employees: An Exploratory Investigation From The Third Wave of COVID-19. Human Factors and Ergonomics Journal (HFEJ), 6 (2). pp. 34-48. E-ISSN 2590-3705
- Mustafa, Siti Nur Musfirah and Mohd Mahudin, Nor Diana (2021) Psychological and social effects of COVID-19: investigating task setbacks, burnout, withdrawal behaviour, and perceived organisational support among telework employees in Malaysia. International Journal of Social Policy and Society (IJSPS), 18 (S1). pp. 44-63. ISSN 1823-0865