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Falsafah dan konsep sastera Islam oleh Shahnon Ahmad

Yaacob, Adli (2017) Falsafah dan konsep sastera Islam oleh Shahnon Ahmad. In: International Conference on Islamic Education and Law (ICIEL 2017), 1-2 April 2017, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. (Unpublished)

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Abstrak Kajian ini secara khusus mendalami konsep sastera Islam yang digagaskan oleh Shahnon Ahmad. Istimewanya konsep yang digagaskan oleh Shahnon ialah; beliau tidak hanya bercakap dari segi teori semata mata tetapi bagaimana semestinya teori itu ditatbiqkan oleh para sasterawan. Pembinaan ' Konsep sastera Islam' mengikut Shahnon berdasarkan beberapa fakta penting antaranya; pertama; bagaimana ingin menerapkan Islam kedalam tulisan kreatif, kedua; apakah ciri ciri penting untuk melahirkan kesusasteraan Islam di Malaysia, ketiga; apakah faktor faktor yang menghalang penghayatan Islam di Malaysia khususnya dalam bidang tulisan kreatif, keempat;apakah kesan kepada sasterawan apabila terpengaruh dengan racun sekuler dan bagaimana mengatasinya, kelima;nilai imaginasi mengikut Islam dan apakah yang membezakanya dengan fahaman sekuler, keenam; pendisiplinan kearah melahirkan sasterawan Islam prolifik. Melalui proses pendisiplinan ini shahnon menekankan beberapa cara untuk melahirkan sasterawan yang prolifik iaitu pertama; dua faktort yang melibatkan pembinaan keperibadian sasterwan itu sendiri. Faktor pertama; menekankan kefahaman yang betul tentang insan, kewujudannya dan berpegang kepada sumber asasi yang benar. Faktor kedua; gigih dalam kehidupan intelektualnya, sentiasa berusaha meningkatkan kreativitinya supaya terarah kepada kecemerlangan. Kedua; dua faktor yang melibatkan penghasilan karya. Faktor pertama; menguasai keadah pencerakaan dan kepuisian. Faktor kedua; penguasaan bahasa berkaitan dengan kaedah menyampaikan sesuatu. Menerusi konsep yang digagaskan oleh Shahnon jelas ia bersifat teori dan praktikal. Seolah olah konsep ini seakan hampir sempurna setelah diperdebatkan dalam rangka ingin mencari kesempurnaan' konsep’ oleh para ilmuwan dan sasterawan sejak sedekad ini. Kata kunci: Tulisan kreatif, sastera Islam, penghayatan Islam, racun sekuler, nilai imaginasi dalam Islam, pendisiplinan, penulis Islam prolifik, pencerekaan dan kepuisian. Abstract The study is dedicated to dwell on the concept of Islamic literature by Shahnon Ahmad who also proposed on how the theory should be applied by the writers. Islamic literature according to Shahnon is based on several aspects; first: on how to assimilate Islam in creative writing; second: the characteristics of an Islamic literature in the Malaysian context; third: the factors that prevent incorporating Islam in creative writing in Malaysia; fourth: the solutions to overcome the intoxication of secularism of a creative genre writer in Malaysia; fifth:the issue of imaginative element in Islam and its differences from the secular definition; sixth: the disciplines needed to produce prolific Islamic writer. The factors to produce Islamic writer according to him revolve around the building of an Islamic character of the writer through: first: the emphasis on the correct conception about the existence of Man and his knowledge resources; second: his dedication in his intellectual endeavour for excellence. Another two factors as outlined by Shahnon revolve around the efforts to produce cerative works; first: mastery of poetic skills; second: mastery of language and its effective delivery. It is obvious from his conception that his approach was both theoretical and applied in nature. The comprehensiveness of his proposal seems to be the answer to the ongoing debate on finding an overarching concept for Islamic literature. Keywords: creative writing, Islamic literature, Internalization of Islam, secularism, the position of imagination in Islam, disciplines, prolific Islamic writer, poetic and analytical skills

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Plenary Papers)
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > B Philosophy (General)
B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BH Aesthetics
BPL Islamic education
BPL Islamic education > BPL27 Aims and objectives of education. Sustainable education
BPN Islamic art and architecture
B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BT Doctrinal Theology
L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education
P Language and Literature > PI Oriental languages and literatures
P Language and Literature > PJ Semitic
Kulliyyahs/Centres/Divisions/Institutes (Can select more than one option. Press CONTROL button): Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences > Department of Arabic Language and Literature
Depositing User: A.Prof Dr. Adli Yaacob
Date Deposited: 30 May 2022 09:31
Last Modified: 30 May 2022 09:31
URI: http://irep.iium.edu.my/id/eprint/98077

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