IIUM Repository

A.Prof Dr. Adli Yaacob





Associate Professor Dr. Adli Bin Yaacob, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, P.O. Box 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur. Academic Qualification Bachelor degree in Arabic Language and Literature from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in 1995 respectively. Master degree in ‘Comparative Literature’ from University of Leeds, United Kingdom in 1997. Ph.D. in ‘Comparative Islamic Literature (Arabic Literary Studies) from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in 2005. Expertise Literary theory, Comparative Literature, Comparative Islamic Literature, History of Arabic Literature, Rhetoric of the Quran and Sunnah, History of Malay Islamic Literature. Research Interest more...

1-Bachelor degree in Arabic Language and Literature from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in 1995 respectively. 2-Master degree in ‘Comparative Literature’ from University of Leeds, United Kingdom in 1997. 3-Ph.D. in ‘Comparative Islamic Literature (Arabic Literary Studies) from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) in 2005

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Latest Additions

  1. Yaacob, Adli and Ishaq, Yang Lei (2025) نشأة المقالة في الأدب العربي قديما وحديثا = The emergence of the article in Arabic literature: ancient and modern eras. Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, 8 (2). pp. 95-106. E-ISSN 2600-8394
  2. Din, Rosma and Yaacob, Adli (2024) The evolution of the story of Prophet Yusuf (PBUH) in Malay literature and the influence of Arabic literature. International Journal of Social Sciences and Human Research, 7 (10). pp. 7694-7703. ISSN 2644-0679 E-ISSN 2644-0695
  3. Yaacob, Adli and Rosly, Nurul Hidayah (2024) الشعر الحر بين العرب والملايو: دراسة مقارنة. In: 9th International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature 2024 (ICALL2024), 22nd - 23rd October 2024, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  4. Yaacob, Adli (2024) Polemik sastera Islam. In: Ensiklopedia Sastera Melayu. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 306-307. ISBN 978-983-62-9828-7
  5. Yaacob, Adli (2022) Pendidikan estetika dari pendekatan Tawhid dan gagasan persuratan baru sebagai model teori sastera Islam yang ideal cetusan Mohd. Affandi Hassan = An aesthetic education of Tawhidic approach and new narrative paradigm as ideas as a model of an ideal theory of Islamic literature by Mohd Affandi Hassan. In: 2nd International Virtual Conference on Social Sciences, Education and Innovation 2022, 26 February 2022, -. (Unpublished)
  6. Yaacob, Adli (2015) Konsep sastera Islam mengikut Nasr El Din Ahmad Hussein = The concept of Islamic literature according to Nasr El Din Ahmad Hussein. In: 5th International Conference on Humanities, Social Sciences and Technology 2021 (5th IRCHST 2021), 11-12 December 2021, -. (Unpublished)
  7. Yaacob, Adli and Hashim, Mohd. Hafizul Faiz (2015) Usaha islah dan tajdid Syed Syeikh al-Hadi menerusi karya Hikayat Faridah Hanum. In: Nadwah Ulama Nusantara (NUN) VI (The 6th Symposium of Ulama in Malay Archipelago), 9 & 10 June 2015, Klana Resort, Negeri Sembilan.
  8. Yaacob, Adli (2017) Falsafah dan konsep sastera Islam. In: International Conference on Islamic, Education and Law (ICIEL, 2017), 1 - 2 April 2017, Ancasa Residence, Port Dickson.
  9. Yaacob, Adli (2021) Konsep sastera Islam oleh Tan Sri Prof. Dr. Mohd. Kamal Hassan = The concept of Islamic literature by Tan Sri Prof. Dr. Mohd. Kamal Hassan. In: 3rd Penang International Multidisciplinary Conference 2021 (3rd PIMC 2021, 25-26 SEPTEMBER 2021), 25-26 September 2021, Penang, Malaysia. (Unpublished)
  10. Yaacob, Adli (2016) Falsafah dan konsep sastera Islam oleh Uthman El Muhammady. In: 6th International Conference on Global Business & Social Entrepreneurship, 7-8 December 2016, Kota Bharu, Kelantan. (Unpublished)
  11. Yaacob, Adli and Ahamad, Hafiz Fadli (2020) الهرمينوطيقي والتأويل : المقارنة في منهج تفسير المعاني (Hermunetiki wa al ta'wil: al-muqaranah fi manhaj tafsir al-maani). In: 1CALL 2020 IIUM, 22-23 December 2020, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
  12. Yaacob, Adli and Badawi, Gamal (2017) الحداثة وأثر الغربي في الأدب العربي = Al-Hadassah wa atharu al-Gharbi fi al-adabi al-'Arabi. In: اللغة العربية و ادابها و ثقافتها في المملکة العربية بين السعودية و ماليزيا. Fakulti Pengajian Islam Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, pp. 471-496. ISBN Not available
  13. Yaacob, Adli and Badawi, Gamal (2017) Nashatu al Maqal wa Izdiruhu fi al Adab al Arabi = نشأة المقال وإزدهاره في الأدب العربي. In: مقاربات فيالألسينيات و التعليم و الأدب (أبحاث محکمة المؤتمر اللغة العربية وتحدياتها في القرن الحادي و العشرين). IIUM Press, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 495-515.
  14. Yaacob, Adli and Kassim, Siti Nadhirah (2015) Sheikh Waliyullah al-Dahlawi and his kitab hujjatul al-Baligah. In: المؤتمر العالمي الخامس للغة العربية وادابها مقاربات في الليسانيات والأدبيات بين التقليد والتجديد, 7-9 December 2015, IIUM, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur.
  15. Yaacob, Adli and Hashim, Mohd. Hafizul Faiz (2016) Falsafah dan konsep sastera Islam oleh Hamka: satu tinjauan ringkas terhadap beberapa karyanya. In: International Conference on Teaching Arabic Language and Literature to Non Arabic Speakers (IConTALL 2016), 30 October 2016, Kelantan, Malaysia.
  16. Yaacob, Adli (2018) Konsep sastera Islam oleh Kassim Ahmad. In: International Conference On Global Business And Social Sciences (ICGBSS 2018), 13-14 Oct 2018, Putrajaya, Malaysia.
  17. Yaacob, Adli (2019) اثر التراث العربي و الغربي في الادب الملايوي = The influence of Arabic and Western tradition in the Malay literature. Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies, 10 (2). pp. 254-272. ISSN 2180-1665 E-ISSN 2637-1073
  18. Yaacob, Hakimah and Yaacob, Adli (2022) Legal effects of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). In: HYBRID INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: CURRENT TRENDS IN ISLAMIC TECHNOLOGY, 9-JUNE-2022, BRUNEI DARUSSALAM. (Unpublished)
  19. Yaacob, Hakimah and Yaacob, Adli (2022) Artificial Intelligence (AI) and human rights violations. In: Hybrid International Conference: Current Trends in Islamic Technology, 9-JUNE-2022, Brunei Darussalam. (Unpublished)
  20. Yaacob, Hakimah and Yaacob, Adli (2022) Fintech Laws in Regulatory Landscape of Brunei Darussalam: issues and challenges. In: Hybrid International Conference: Current Trends in Islamic Technology, 9-JUNE-2022, Brunei Darussalam. (Unpublished)

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