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التطبيق العملي لنظرية امللكة اللغو ية فيتعلم اللغة العربية = The practical application of Malakah Theory in the learning of Arabic Language

Che Haron, Sueraya and Abdullah, Nurazzelena and Salim al Rawahi, Mohammed Mabrook and Mohammed Alobeidani, Mohammed Juma and Ahmat Syafri, Norazman (2024) التطبيق العملي لنظرية امللكة اللغو ية فيتعلم اللغة العربية = The practical application of Malakah Theory in the learning of Arabic Language. Ijaz Arabi: Journal of Arabic Learning, 7 (2). pp. 470-483. ISSN 2620-5912 E-ISSN 2620-5947

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Learning Arabic requires a practical approach and theory to ensure the desired results. This research explores the theory presented by Ibn Khaldun, "Linguistic faculty theory," which integrates the Arabic language into the learner's core until it becomes second nature. This paper used qualitative research methods to collect and analyze data by reviewing the literature on the subject, such as magazines, books, and others. The results revealed that the entire theory can be summarized into three main stages: input, storage, and output. The process begins with listening to Arabic, followed by memorization and practice. Ibn Khaldun based his theory on the belief that language serves the primary purpose of communication. By following the stages correctly, learners can ensure that the received language is as sound and pure as the language being expressed. The study calls for the widespread adoption of this theory across educational institutions through reforming curricula and teaching methodologies and enhancing extracurricular activities and educational facilities. The integration of a strong, pure, and solid Arabic language culture should also be considered when designing the Arabic language program, in addition to providing opportunities and an environment to practice it.

Item Type: Article (Journal)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Malakah; Ibn Khaldun; Linguistic; Arabic
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education
L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB2361 Curriculum
Kulliyyahs/Centres/Divisions/Institutes (Can select more than one option. Press CONTROL button): Kulliyyah of Education > Department of Language & Literacy
Date Deposited: 12 Jun 2024 09:00
Last Modified: 25 Feb 2025 12:31
URI: http://irep.iium.edu.my/id/eprint/112599

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