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Items where Year is 2000

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Number of items: 98.


, Suryadi and Ishihara, Teruya and Kadoya, Yutaka and Yamanishi, Masamichi (2000) Beating structure on the spectrally resolved four-wave mixing: polarization dependence. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 69 (7). pp. 2349-2353. ISSN 1347-4073(O), 0031-9015 (P)


-, Suryadi and Ishihara, T. and Ohyama, H. and Kadoya, Y. and Yamanishi, M. (2000) Beat structure in spectrally resolved four-wave mixing under crosslinear polarization in GaAs quantum wells. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures , 7 (3-4). 572 - 575. ISSN 1386-9477


Abd Rahman, Saodah (2000) Anak wajar dididik hidup sederhana. Berita Harian.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2000) Belajar menghormati orang lain. Berita Harian.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2000) Berhati-hati sebelum bermadu. Berita Harian.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2000) Cara bersihkan jiwa perlu diperbaiki. Berita Harian.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2000) Hargai kebebasan. Berita Harian.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2000) Hormati nilai, budaya orang lain. Berita Harian.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2000) Institusi Islam wajar mesra rakyat. Berita Harian.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2000) Islam haramkan suami dera isteri. Berita Harian.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2000) Keikhlasan wanita tidak perlu dipersoal. Berita Harian.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2000) Konsep kehidupan perlu difahami. Berita Harian.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2000) Kritikan jadi panduan laksana tugas. Berita Harian.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2000) Kronisme lemahkan perpaduan ummah. Berita Harian.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2000) Mangsa aniaya sukar bela diri. Berita Harian.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2000) Panduan Imam al-Ghazali mendidik zuriat. Berita Harian.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2000) Pengaruh sekolah Arab kepada masyarakat Melayu. Berita Harian.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2000) Rahmat wanita dicipta Allah. Berita Harian.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2000) Wanita harap keadilan di mahkhamah Syari’ah. Berita Harian.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2000) Wanita perlu berhati-hati sertai persatuan berlandaskan agama. Berita Harian.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2000) Wanita perlu kenal diri sendiri. Berita Harian.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2000) Wanita perlu sedia pikul tugas berat. Berita Harian.

Abdul Majid, Noor Hanita (2000) Plaza adjacent to tall buildings: a thermal comfort refuge in hot humid urban setting. In: Sustainable Environmental Architecture (SENVAR), 23-24 October 2000, Surabaya, Indonesia.

Abdul Majid, Noor Hanita and Sapian, Abdul Razak (2000) Air velocity behaviour at tropical urban plazas adjacent to tall buildings: a case study of Kuala Lumpur. In: Sustainable Environment Architecture (SENVAR), 23-24 October 2000, Surabaya, Indonesia.

Abdul Manaf, Nor Faridah (2000) Islamizing the "feminine, feminist and female" voices in three Malaysian short stories by Anglophone women writers. Intellectual Discourse, 8 (2). pp. 223-236. ISSN 0128-4878 E-ISSN 2289-5639

Abdul Rahim, Asiah (2000) User requirements and design of buildings for the elderly in Malaysia. In: IIUM Research Abstratcts Reports. International Islamic University Malausia, Kuala Lumpur, p. 5. ISBN 1511-9025

Abdul Rahman, Abdul Wahab and Chong, Tan Eng and Abut, Huseyin (2000) Robust speech enhancement using amplitude spectral estimator. In: 2000 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'00), 5-9 June, 2000, Istanbul, Turkey.

Abdul Rani, Mohammed Fauzi (2000) Primary Pulmonary Hypertension. Medical Journal Malaysia, 55 (4). pp. 529-537. ISSN 0300-5283

Akanda, M. Abdus Salam and Ahmed, S. Reaz and Khan, Md. Raisuddin and Uddin, Md. Wahhaj (2000) A finite-difference scheme for mixed boundary value problems of arbitrary-shaped elastic bodies. Advances in Engineering Software, 31. pp. 173-184.

Ali, Mohammad Yeakub and Bohez, E. L. J. (2000) Knowledge-based approach for stretch blow molding. In: International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICoPE) 2000, 21-23 March 2000, Singapore.

Ali, Mohammad Yeakub and Hung, N. P. and Yuan, S. (2000) Simulation of micro-injection molding. In: International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICoPE) 2000, 21-23 March 2000, Singapore.

Ali, Mohammad Yeakub and Hung, Wayne N.P. (2000) Fabrication of micro cavities by micro electrical discharged machining. In: International Conference on Manufacturing (ICM) 2000, 24-26 February 2000, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Ali, Mohammad Yeakub and Hung, Wayne N.P. (2000) Fabrication of three dimensional micro-components – A review. In: 6th Annual Paper Meet & International Conference on Mechanical Engineering in the 21st Century , 17-19 February 2000, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Ashour, Ahmed S (2000) Propagation of guided waves in a fluid layer bounded by two viscoelastic transversely isotropic solids. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 44 (4). pp. 327-336. ISSN 0926-9851

Aung, Htar Htar and Sakamoto, Hirokazu and Akita, Keiichi and Sato, Tatsuo (2000) A case of an Aberrant branch from the posterior brachial cutaneous nerve to the latissimus dorsi: a vestigeal part of the dorsoepitrochlearis? Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica, 76 (6). pp. 347-352. ISSN 0030-154X


Babu Sahib, Hikmatullah (2000) Islamic education in Singapore: past achievements, present dilemma and future directions. In: International Seminar on Islamic Studies in ASEAN: History, Approaches and Future Trends, 25th-28th June 1998, Songkhla University, Pattani Campus, Thailand.

Bhuiyan, Md. Moinul Islam and Unno, Toshinori and Yokoyama, Yoshihiko and Toriyama, Toshiyuki and Sugiyanta, Susumu (2000) Micro connector fabricated by micro process technology. In: International Symposium on Micromechatronics and Human Science, 22-25 Oct 2000, Kawasaki, Japan.


Che Man, Yakoob and Mirghani, Mohamed Elwathig Saeed (2000) Rapid determinations of moisture content in crude palm oil by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Journal Of The American Oil Chemists' Society, 77 (6). pp. 631-637. ISSN 0003-021X


F., Prihandoko and Mohd Ali, Borhanuddin and Habaebi, Mohamed Hadi and V., Prakash (2000) An adaptive End-to-End QoS Management for multimedia applications over wireless ATM network. In: IEEE International Region 10 Conference (TENCON), 24-27 September 2000, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.

Faris, Waleed Fekry (2000) Automotive styling methodologies: lecture notes. Self-published. (Unpublished)


Gamage, Nuwan and Chow, Kuang Ye and Akmeliawati, Rini (2000) Static hand sign recognition using linear projection methods. In: the 4th International Conference on Autonomous Robots and Agents.


Habaebi, Mohamed Hadi and Mohd Ali, Borhanuddin (2000) Adaptive framed pseudo-Bayesian Aloha algorithm with priorities. IET Electronic Letters, 36 (13). pp. 1145-1147. ISSN 0013-5194

Habaebi, Mohamed Hadi and Mohd Ali, Borhanuddin (2000) A new MAC protocol for wireless ATM networks. In: IEEE Region Ten Conference (TENCON 2000), 24th - 27th September 2000, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.

Hashim, Rosnani (2000) Faham behaviorime dan penjelasan tentang perilaku insan: satu analisis kritikal. Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 9 (1). pp. 19-28. ISSN 0127-5-153

Hashim, Rosnani and Abdul Ghani, Abdul Karim (2000) Ekonomi dan pendidikan dari perspektif Islam. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 983-62-5929-5

Hashim, Rosnani and Rossidy, Imron (2000) Islamization of knowledge: a comparative analysis of the conceptions of Al-Attas and Al-Faruqi. Intellectual Discourse, 8 (1). pp. 19-44. ISSN 0128-4878

Hassan, Azmi and Pham, Duc Trung (2000) Optimisation of multi-stage production-inspection stations using genetic algorithm. Journal of Industrial Technology, 9 (2). pp. 59-73. ISSN 0128-4940

Hossain, Ishtiaq (2000) Micro-credit and good governance: models of poverty alleviation. Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science, 28 (1 ). pp. 185-208. ISSN 1568-4849

Hossain, Ishtiaq (2000) Pakistan's October 1999 Military Coup: Its Causes and Consequences. Asian Journal of Political Science, 8 (2). pp. 35-58. ISSN 0218-5377

Hossain, Md. Bellal and Khan, Ahsan Ali and Karim, A.N. Mustafizul (2000) Influence of cutting tool angles on the formation of built-up-edge. In: International Conference on Manufacturing (ICM 2000), 24-26 February, 2000, Dhaka.

Hung, N. P. and Ali, Mohammad Yeakub and Yuan, S. (2000) Producing LIGA-competitive microcomponents. In: International Conference on Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology VI 2000, 22-25 October 2000, California, USA.


Ibrahimy, Muhammad Ibn and Mohd Ali, Mohd Alauddin and Zahedi, Edmond (2000) An algorithm for the ambulatory monitoring of fetal heart rate. In: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2000, 23-28 July, 2000, Chicago, IL .

Islam, Mazharul and Mandal, A.C. (2000) Performance characteristics of VAWT with blade pitching including the dynamic stall and flow curvature effects. Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 28 (1&2). pp. 31-43. ISSN 0379-4318

Ismail, Noraidah and M, Suzana (2000) Sikap terhadap pelajar bermasalah pendengaran di kalangan guru sekolah pendidikan khas = Attitude towards hearing impaired students among special school teachers. In: Simposium Sains Kesihatan Kebangsaan ke 3, 29th-30th April 2000, Kuala Lumpur.

Ismail, Zainudin (2000) آيات وأحاديث الأحكام v2. Univision Press Sendirian Berhad, Selangor. ISBN 983-2155-20-7


JA, Wahab and AA, Fadzil and K, Zainab and AM, Affendi and Muhammad, Naznin (2000) A 2-year prospective study on childhood acute bacterial meningitis in Tengku Ampuan Afzan Hospital, Kuantan, Pahang. A 2-year prospective study on childhood acute bacterial meningitis in Tengku Ampuan Afzan Hospital, Kuantan, Pahang.

Jacob, M. Milburn Ebenezer and Hassan, M S and Mohd Daud, Jamaluddin and Arof, Abdul Kariem (2000) A new cathode material LiCu2O2 for secondary lithium batteries. Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems, 3 (1). pp. 3-7. ISSN 1480-2422

Jubran, B. and Ahmed, Mirghani Ishak and Ismail, Ahmad Faris and Abakar, Y.A (2000) Numerical modelling of a multi-stage solar still. Energy Conversion and Management, 41 (11). pp. 1107-1121. ISSN 0196-8904

Jubran, B.A. and Ismail, Ahmad Faris and Pervez, T. and UNSPECIFIED (2000) Prediction of the performance of a solar water detoxification system under Malaysian climatic conditions. Energy Conversion and Management, 41 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 0196-8904


Kazmi, Yedullah (2000) Historical Consciousness and the Notion of the Authentic Self in the Quran: Towards an Islamic Critical Theory. Islamic Studies, 39 (3). pp. 375-398. ISSN 0578-8072

Khan, Israr Ahmad (2000) Quranic studies : an introduction. Zaman Islam Media , Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 983-40367-0-1

Khan, Nadeem Ullah and Irfan, Naeem and Soomro, Ali Raza (2000) The use of arch as a key component of architecture. Quid-E-Awam University Research Journal of Engineering Science & Technology, 1 (2). pp. 39-44.

Khan, Sher Afghan and Sellappan, Rathakrishnan (2000) Active control of suddenly expanded flow. In: 22nd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (iSTS), 28th May-4th June 2000, Morioka, Japan.


Maleque, Md. Abdul (2000) Effect of mechanical factors on tribological properties of palm oil methyl blended lubricant. Wear, 239. pp. 117-125. ISSN 0043-1648

Mamat, Ismail (2000) Menelusuri warisan kesusasteraan Melayu. Al-Hikmah, 6 (2). pp. 39-42. ISSN 15116832

Mat Daud, Nuraihan and Othman, Normala (2000) Teaching computer ethics in religious classes. Muslim Education Quarterly, 18 (1 (Autumn)). pp. 33-38. ISSN 0267-615X

Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Ismail (2000) Gender reassignment: a legal perspective on rape. The Malayan Law Journal, 4. clxxiv-clxxxi. ISSN 0025-1283

Mohd Nawawi, Norwina (2000) Built environment overseas exposure for architectural students of IIUM. Working Paper. [s.n.]. (Unpublished)

Mohd Nawawi, Norwina (2000) Master planning of 10 existing hospitals in Malaysia under the funding of the Asian Development Bank Loan 980 MAL : a retrospective study. In: XXth Public Health Group Seminar, 16-18 June 2000, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. (Unpublished)


Osman, Halijah and Abd. Hamid, Hamidah and Jafar, Khamisah and Khalid, Madihah and Ismail, Munira and Mohd Nor, Norhalena and Mohamad, Norrani and Abd Hamid, Nor Rahmah and S Amin, Norsarahaida and Ahmad, Rohanin (2000) Kalkulus dan geometri analisis. UTM Press, Johor Baru. ISBN 983-52-0140-4


Pilus, Zahariah (2000) Voicing contrast in word-final stops: A preliminary study of Malay English. LSO Working Papers in Linguistics, 1.


Quddus, S. M. Abdul (2000) Bangladesh’s transition from state to market: problem and prospect of globalisation. The Chittagong University Journal of Arts and Humanities, 16 (1). pp. 103-119. ISSN 1561-1167

Quek, Chai and Abdul Rahman, Abdul Wahab (2000) Real-time integrated process supervision. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 13 (6). pp. 645-658. ISSN 0952-1976


Rahim, Asiah (2000) Barrier free environment for disabled persons to outside buildings: International Islamic University Malaysia as a case study. In: IIUM Research Abstracts Report 2000. Research Centre, International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM), Kuala Lumpur, p. 7. ISBN 1511-9025

Rahman, Mohammad Tariqur and Vandingenen, Anick and De Ley, Marc (2000) Metallothionein Biosynthesis in Human RBC Precursors. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 10 (4). pp. 237-242. ISSN 1015-8987

Rashid, Syed Khalid (2000) Alternative dispute resolution in Malaysia. Kulliyyah of Laws, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur.


Salami, Momoh Jimoh Emiyoka and Mir-Nassiri, Nazim and Sidek, Shahrul Na'im (2000) Design of intelligent multifinger gripper for a robotic arm using a DSP-based fuzzy controller. In: IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON, 24-27 Sep. 2000, Kuala Lumpur.

Salami, Momoh Jimoh Emiyoka and Sidek, Shahrul Na'im (2000) Performance evaluation of the deconvolution techniques used in analyzing multicomponent transient signals. In: Proceedings TENCON 2000, 24-27 Sept 2000, Kuala Lumpur.

Sediono, Wahju (2000) 2D image reconstruction in the stochastic MR-simulation with gridding and back projection method. Jurnal IECI, 2 (2). pp. 35-38. ISSN 1411-2361

Shair Mohamad, Mohd Akram and Hamid, Abdul Ghafur@Khin Maung Sein (2000) Essential cases and materials on International law. Law Centre IIUM, Selangor Darul Ehsan. ISBN 983-40413-2-2

Shogar, Ibrahim (2000) Nazariyyat al-'iqab al-tashri'i baina al-tashkal al-tarikhi wal-wa'i al-maqsudi (نظرية العقاب التشريعي بين التشكل التاريخي والوعي المقصدي). At-Tajdid (التجديد), 4 (8). pp. 194-207. ISSN -

Shuriye, Abdi Omar (2000) Introduction to political science : Islamic and Western perspectives. Ilmiah Publishers Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 983-2571-24-3

Sidek, Shahrul Na'im and Salami, Momoh Jimoh Emiyoka (2000) Design of intelligent braking system. In: Proceedings TENCON 2000, 24-27 Sept 2000, Kuala Lumpur.

Soomro, Ali Raza and Irfan, Naeem and Khan, Nadeem Ullah (2000) On effective thermal comfort information for architects and urban designers. Quid-E-Awam University Research Journal of Engineering Science & Technology, 1 (2). pp. 9-14.

Suja', Balqis (2000) Islamic law in the LCC : local expansion of subclass BP. Other. [s.n.]. (Unpublished)

Syed Abdul Kader, Sharifah Zubaidah (2000) Remedies against the land administration authority. The Malayan Law Journal, 1. cv-cxii. ISSN 0025-1283


Thiagarajah, Sharlene and Mohd. Ali, Borhanuddin and Habaebi, Mohamed Hadi (2000) Circular polarized active microstrip antenna for commercial GPS application. In: IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON, 24th -27th September 2000, Kuala Lumpur .

Thompson, M. J. and Abdul Rahman, Suzanah and Baker, T. G. and Rafferty, J. A and Margison, G. P. and Bibby, M. C (2000) Role of O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase in the resistance of mouse spermatogenic cells to O6-alkylating agents. Journal of Reproduction and Fertility, 119. pp. 339-346. ISSN 0022-4251


Umat, Cila and O, Mazwin and Ismail, Noraidah and SZM, Maisarah (2000) Pengesanan masalah pendengaran oleh ibu bapa dan penggunaan alat bantu pendengaran sekumpulan pelajar cacat pendengaran = Identification of hearing impairment by parents, and hearing aid usage of a group of hearing-impaired children. In: Simposium Sains Kesihatan Kebangsaan ke 3, 29th-30th April 2000, Kuala Lumpur.


Witjaksono, Widowati (2000) Distribusi serotipe Actinobacillus Actinomycetemcomitans pada periodontal=Distribution of Actinobacillus Actinomycetemcomitans Serotype in the Periodontal. Dental Journal, 33 (2). pp. 58-62. ISSN 0852-9027

Witjaksono, Widowati (2000) The effect of toothpaste containing Kayu Sugi Extract on plaque formation. Dental Journal (Majalah Kedoktoran Gigi), 42 (1). pp. 21-24.

Witjaksono, Widowati and , Soekamto (2000) Healing comparison of suturing flap repositioned and applying periodontal pack after the modified widman flap procedure / envelope technique. Dental Journal, 33 (4). pp. 167-169. ISSN 0852-9027


Yaacob, Adli (2000) Kedudukkan mazhab sastera Islam di kalangan mazhab sastera barat. In: Seminar Teori Sastera Islam: Kaedah dan Penerapannya, 26-28 Sept 2000, Hotel Renaissance Palm Garden, Putrajaya. (Unpublished)

Yusof, Faridah and Chow, Keng See (2000) A proteinaceous stimulator of rubber biosynthesis from havea brasiliensis. PI 20002712.

Yusoff, Mohammed and Abdul Majid, Muhamed Zulkhibri (2000) ASEAN currency crises and contagion effects. Asia Pacific Journal of Economics and Business, 4 (2). pp. 22-33. ISSN 1326-8481

Yusoff, Mohammed and Abu Hasan, Fauziah and Abdul Jalil, Suhaila (2000) Globalisation, economic policy, and equity: the case of Malaysia. Documentation. OECD, Paris.


Zain, Ibrahim Mohamed (2000) مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية للشيخ محمد الطاهر بن عاشور (تحقيق و دراسة محمد الطاهر الميساوي (كوالا لمبور: دار الفجروعمان: دار النفائس 1999)). إسلامية المعرفة, VI (23). pp. 129-144.

Zubir, Badri Najib (2000) Departure from communicative norms in the Qur’an: insights from al-Jurjani and al-Zamakhshari. Journal of Qur'anic Studies, 2 (1). pp. 69-81. ISSN 1465-3591 (P) , 1755-1730 (O)

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