Items where Division is "Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences > Department of Usul al-Din and Comparative Religion" and Year is 2022
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Abdul Halim, Zainul Abidin and al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman and Zulkefli, Ahmad Arif and Mohd Zawawi, Abdullah Zawawi (2022) Analisis kritis terhadap karya ilmiah “pemikiran akidah Syaikh Nāẓim al-Qubruṣī menurut Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah”: kajian perbahasan Waḥdah al-Wujūd dan tauhid. Afkar, 24 (1). pp. 65-116. ISSN 1511-8819 E-ISSN 2550-1755
Abdul Jalil, Mohd Noh and Alias, Majdan and Abdul Rahman, Shukran and Abdul Manan, Kamaruzzaman and al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman and Mamat, Ismail and Ahmad, Che Mahzan and Jusoh, Che' Razi and Elias @ Mayah, Aliza and Mohd Sobri, Mohd Helmi and Borhan, Lihanna and Samsudin, Sofiah and Ismail, Khamsiah (2022) Youth and mosque: exploring the views of youth on mosque activities in Gombak, Selangor. Al-Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 6 (1). pp. 131-149. E-ISSN 2600-8432
Abdul Jalil, Mohd. Noh (2022) Digital entrepreneurship and da’wah opportunities. e-TIJARI, 2 (05). p. 1. E-ISSN 2773-5788
Abdul Jalil, Mohd. Noh (2022) Promoting diversity via local wisdom. IIUM Today, 7 September 2022.
Abdul Manan, Kamaruzzaman and Abdul Jalil, Mohd Noh and al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman and Borhan, Lihanna and Alias, Majdan and Abdul Rahman, Shukran and Ismail, Khamsiah (2022) The role of mass media as a channel to learn about Islam among muslims in Gombak. Intellectual Discourse, 30 (1). pp. 187-212. ISSN 0128-4878 E-ISSN 2289-5639
Abeebllahi Obalowu, Issah and Abdul Rahim, Adibah and Bolanle, Yusuf Basirat (2022) Post-divorce parenting responsibility for custody of the children: a comparative study between Shariah and Nigerian law. Al-Hikmah: International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 5 (6). pp. 150-179. E-ISSN 2637-0581
Abeebllahi Obalowu, Issah and Abdul Rahim, Adibah and Bolanle, Yusuf Basirat (2022) مفهوم الحضانة وأحقيتها بعد الطلاق دراسة مقارنة بين القانون النيجيري والشريعة الاسلامية = The concept of custody and its entitlement after divorce: a comparative study between Nigerian law and shariah. Ulum Islamiyyah: The Malaysian Journal of Islamic Sciences, 34 (2). pp. 1-23. ISSN 1675-5936 E-ISSN 2289-4799
Ahmad, Masitoh (2022) The practice of giving in Islam and Buddhism: its impact on man’s spiritual well-being. Al-Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 6 (4 (Special Issue)). pp. 69-87. E-ISSN 2600-8432
Al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2022) Bahaya pemikiran Takfīrī terhadap ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah di Malaysia (the threat of Takfīrī thought on the sunnites in Malaysia). TAFHIM: IKIM Journal of Islam and the Contemporary World, 15 (2). pp. 111-146. ISSN 2231-7015 E-ISSN 2637-0921
Al-Awaid, Yusuf Ali and Ushama, Thameem (2022) The Role of Planning in State Affairs in Islamic Civilization: An Analytical Study of the Model of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab. Journal of Islam in Asia, 19 (2). pp. 151-191. ISSN 1823−0970 E-ISSN 2289-8077
Al-Braami, Musllam Nasib Saaid and Altabaa, Homam (2022) "الأوقاف ودورھا في الحضارة الإسلامیةَّ "وقف عثمان بن عفان نموذجًا. Journal of Islam in Asia, 19 (2). pp. 98-148. ISSN 1823-0970 E-ISSN 2289-8077
Ali, Muhammad Mumtaz (2022) Why is the Quran- the guidance for mankind. Radiance Viewsweekly, LX (27). pp. 64-68.
Ali, Muhammad Mumtaz and Hasan, Md Maruf (2022) New age in contemporary globalism: an Islamic response. Law, Policy and Social Science, 1 (1). pp. 47-57. E-ISSN 2948-3964
Ali, Muhammad Mumtaz and Siddiqui, Naseeb Ahmed (2022) The Islamic root of sympathy based morality: a case study of Adam Smith, Darwin and their relation with the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). AFKAR Journal of Islamic and Religious Studies, 6 (1). pp. 15-32. ISSN 2616-9223 E-ISSN 2616-8588
Ali Matooq Altamimi, Abdulla and Shehu, Fatmir (2022) Ibn Taymiyyah’s position on the distortion of the wording of the Torah and the Gospel (Arabic). Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (ARJIHS), 6 (2). pp. 98-121. E-ISSN 2600-8394
Aminul Islam, Mohammad and Ushama, Thameem (2022) Zakir Naik‘s techniques in comparative theological discourse: some reflections. Al-Itqān - Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 6 (4). pp. 5-23. E-ISSN 2600-8432
Bahari, Che Amnah (2022) A recollection of a positive Qur‘ānic character: Maryam bint ʿImrān. Al-Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 6 (4). pp. 47-68. E-ISSN 2600-8432
Delagic, Lejla and Ushama, Thameem (2022) Alija Izetbegović ‘s contributions to socio-political and religious thought. Hamdard Islamicus, 45 (4). pp. 29-52. ISSN 0250-7196 E-ISSN 2789-8490
Farid, Irfan Taufik and Mohd Amin, Wan Mohd Azam (2022) تهذيبَاألخالقَعندَالراغبَاألصفهاني. Al-Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 6 (1). pp. 165-193. E-ISSN 2600-8432
Farid, Irfan Taufik and Mohd Amin, Wan Mohd Azam (2022) تهذيب األخالق عند يحيى بن عدي بناء على قوى اإلنسان الثالث = Refinement of characters according to Yaḥyā Ibn ʿAdī based on three faculties of human soul. Al-Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 6 (2). pp. 133-177. E-ISSN 2600-8432
Gōkbulut, Zehra and Shehu, Fatmir Mehdi (2022) Exploring Sufi Majālis as a tradition of writing tafsīr in the seventeenth century Ottoman caliphate. al-Risalah Journal, 6 (1). pp. 22-37. E-ISSN 2600-8394
Hassan @ Mohamed, Nor Jana and Ahmad, Nadzrah and Muhammad Uthman El-Muhammady, Asma (2022) Psycho-spiritual states of emotions and their interventions within Qur’ānic narratives = Keadaan emosi psiko-spiritual dan intervensinya dalam naratif Al-Qur'ān. Al-Hikmah: International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 5 (4). pp. 46-70. E-ISSN 2637-0581
Ibrahim, Haslina (2022) Hamka’s daʿwah reform: Islamisation of self, education, and institution. Al-Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 6 (4 (Special Issue)). pp. 25-46. E-ISSN 2600-8432
Iqbal, Masud and Ushama, Thameem (2022) Chattogram hill tracts under the alleged threat: an overview. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 9 (11). pp. 105-118. ISSN 2055-0286
Jamaludin, Najiah Athirah and Mohd Amin, Wan Mohd Azam (2022) The essentiality of social justice: an analysis from three Abrahamic faiths Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Al-Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 6 (2). pp. 5-20. E-ISSN 2600-8432
Md Yusoff, Mohammad Yusri Yubhi and Ushama, Thameem (2022) Maḥmūd Shaltūt's Wasaṭiyyah approach to Al-Azhar reform. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 9 (10). pp. 56-70. ISSN 2055-0286
Mohamed Ibrahim, Nada Abdelrahman and Ahmad, Masitoh (2022) الأسباب المؤدية إلى وجود مشاعر سلبية تجاه الإلو عند المراىقين المسلمين ومظاىرىا والحلول المقترحة لها = Driving factors for having the feeling of resentment towards God among Muslim adolescents: its phenomena and solutions. Al-Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Stud, 6 (4 (Special Issue)). pp. 149-174. E-ISSN 2600-8432
Mohamed Razak, Fatima Afra and Ushama, Thameem (2022) Bodu Bala Sena’s charges against muslims after the Sri Lankan civil war. International Journal of Innovative Research and Knowledge, 7 (11). pp. 15-29. ISSN 2213-1356
Mohamed Razak, Fatima Afra and Ushama, Thameem (2022) Buddhist-Muslim religious co-existence in Sri Lanka - a historical analysis. Al-Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 6 (1). pp. 87-109. E-ISSN 2600-8432
Mohammad, Saud and Abdul Rahim, Adibah (2022) Exploring Abul Hasan ʽAli Nadwi's views on distinctive features of Islamic civilization. IIUC Studies, 19 (1). pp. 159-168. ISSN 1813-7733 E-ISSN 2408-8544
Mohd Amin, Wan Mohd Azam (2022) Ibn Khaldūn’s concept of science of crafts (‘Ilm al-ṣanā’i‘) and the discourse of the integration of knowledge. Al-Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 6 (1). pp. 31-48. E-ISSN 2600-8432
Mohd Daud, Noor Amali (2022) The issue of intellectual and civilizational decadence: an analysis of Syeikh Muhammad al-Ghazzāli’s discourse. Jurnal Usuluddin, 50 (2). pp. 123-140. ISSN 1394-3723 E-ISSN 0128-0708
Mohd Nor, Nur Suriya and Pitafi, Noor Ahmad (2022) New Atheism and the ethics of new millennium. Al-Itqān Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 6 (1). pp. 111-129. E-ISSN 26008432
Mohd Yusof, Nazri and Jasni, Muhammad Jasfizal and Musa, Ramli and Mohamad, Hasbullah (2022) Development and validation of the Muslim Prayer Ability Scale (MPAS) among patients’ with diabetic foot problem. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 18 (Supp 19). pp. 16-21. ISSN 1675-8544 E-ISSN 2636-9346
Mughal, Muhammad Junaid and Ali, Muhammad Mumtaz and Tahir, Muhammad (2022) A critical study of the views of Sayyed Hossein Nasr on the philosophical foundation of Islamic science. Trames, 26. pp. 141-156. ISSN 1406-0922 E-ISSN 1736-7514
Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam @ Zulkifli (2022) Expository outlines of Islamic Da'wah: an overview on its objectives, sources and those called to Islam (Madʿu). Al-Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 6 (1). pp. 5-30. E-ISSN 2600-8432
Muhammad, Akilu Aliyu and Mohd Daud, Noor Amali (2022) Kenneth Cragg’s assertion on the notion of incarnation in the Qur’ān: a critical appraissal. Al-Itqan Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 6 Special Issue (4). pp. 89-105. E-ISSN eISSN:26008432
Rashid, Ungaran (2022) The understanding of peace in a culturea case study of Sundanese worldview in building peace and its analysis from the Qur‘ānic perspective. Al-Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 6 (1). pp. 49-71. E-ISSN 2600-8432
Shehu, Fatmir Mehdi (2022) Exploring ʿIrfān ʿAbdulḤamīd Fattāḥ’s methodology in the study of Judaism and Christianity. Al-Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 6 (1). pp. 73-86. E-ISSN 2600-8432
Syahmi bin Zainudin, Muhammad Zamir and Ushama, Thameem (2022) The Concept of Papal Infallibility in Christianity and ‘Iṣmah (Sinlessness) in Islam: A Comparative Study. Journal of Islam in Asia, 19 (2). pp. 258-288. E-ISSN 2289-8077
Ushama, Thameem (2022) Caring for the wellbeing of a neighbour. New Straits Times, 20 April 2022.
Ushama, Thameem (2022) Critical elements of religious extremism during early Islamic civilisation: a critical study of select concepts. Al-Shajarah: Journal of The International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), 27 (1). pp. 123-151. ISSN 1394-6870
Ushama, Thameem (2022) Knowing 'this man' is a helpful thing. New Straits Times, 23 September 2022.
Ushama, Thameem (2022) Prophet Muhammad's trust in 'Others' a historical fact. New Straits Times, 17 June 2022.
Ushama, Thameem (2022) Reflections on principles for sustainable peace. New Straits Times, 10 April 2022.
Ushama, Thameem (2022) Sustainability through the lens of Islam. New Straits Times, 25 February 2022.
Ushama, Thameem (2022) Sustainability through the lens of Islam. New Straits Times, 25 February 2022.
Usman Ghani, Syed Mohamed and Ushama, Thameem (2022) The role of Islamic political parties in an Islamic state - an analysis of Jamaat-e-Islami. Al-Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 6 (2). pp. 21-40. E-ISSN 2600-8432
Zulkefli, Ahmad Arif and Rozali, Muhammad Hafizi and Meerangani, Khairul Azhar and Abdul Hamid, Mohammad Fahmi and Kamarudin, Nurul Ain and Zulkefli, Ahmad Luqman (2022) Peranan Al-Juzuli (M. 870H) dalam penyatuan ummah berdasarkan Kitab ʿAkidah Al-Juzuli [The Role Of Al-Juzuli (D. 870H) in the unification of the ummah based on ʿAkidah Al-Juzuli]. International Journal of Advanced Research in Islamic Studies and Education, 2 (4). pp. 106-114. E-ISSN 2785-9088
Abdul Khaiyom, Jamilah Hanum and Abdul Aziz, Amani Fadzlina and Md Rosli, Ahmad Nabil and Bahari, Che Amnah and Abdullah, Nur Sakeenah Thomas (2022) i-ACT for life (versi Bahasa Melayu): modul pencegahan dan pengurusan tekanan yang mengintegrasikan elemen Kerohanian Islam dan terapi penerimaan dan komitmen (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy - ACT). Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-19812-3-8
Abdul Khaiyom, Jamilah Hanum and Abdul Aziz, Amani Fadzlina and Md Rosli, Ahmad Nabil and Bahari, Che Amnah and Abdullah, Nur Sakinah Thomas (2022) i-ACT for life: a prevention module featuring integrated elements of Islamic Spirituality and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-19812-6-9
Abdul Khaiyom, Jamilah Hanum and Abdul Aziz, Amani Fadzlina and Md Rosli, Ahmad Nabil and Bahari, Che Amnah and Abdullah, Nur Sakinah Thomas (2022) i-ACT for life: a prevention module featuring integrated elements of Islamic Spirituality and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) - Practitioner's Manual. Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN ISBN 978-967-19812-5-2
Abdul Khaiyom, Jamilah Hanum and Abdul Aziz, Amani Fadzlina and Md Rosli, Ahmad Nabil and Bahari, Che Amnah and Abdullah, Nur Sakinah Thomas (2022) ACT for life (versi Bahasa Melayu): modul pencegahan dan pengurusan tekanan yang berasaskan Terapi Penerimaan dan Komitmen (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy - ACT). Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-19812-4-5
Abdul Rahim, Adibah (2022) Fundamentals of Islamic Aqidah. International Islamic Thought, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-445-493-7
Abdul Rahim, Adibah and Md, Yousuf Ali (2022) Modern Muslim thinkers: dimensions of thought and reforms. Perbadanan Kota Buku, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-445-502-6
Ali, Muhammad Mumtaz (2022) Islamic research. theory, methodology and thesis writing: a milestone for sustainable development. Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-2795-07-0
Rashid, Ungaran and Mohd Amin, Wan Mohd Azam and Ahmad, Masitoh (2022) Kristianisasi di Tanah Melayu-Malaysia: sejarah, isu dan cabaran dakwah Islamiah. Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-19812-2-1
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2022) الأحزاب المستلزمة والأوراد الملتزمة لشحاذة الجامعة الإسلامية. Akademi Jawi Malaysia, Selangor. ISBN 978-967-2422-32-7
Book Chapter
Shehu, Fatmir Mehdi (2022) Introduction: the contemporary reality and the meaning of "Religion". In: Religion, Governance and Sustainable Development: Contemporary Studies from the Muslim World. AbdulHamid AbuSulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia, pp. 1-19. ISBN 978-967-19771-1-8
Proceeding Paper
Abdul Jalil, Mohd. Noh (2022) Promoting diversity via local wisdom: a study of selected Classical Malay texts. In: One Day Open Theme Seminar Under SAP-4, 2022, Al-Shafie Meeting Room, IRK Building. (Unpublished)
Abdul Jalil, Mohd. Noh (2022) Synergising academics and local community in empowering societal change: the way forward. In: International Seminar on the Roles of Universities in Responding to Psychosocial Issues in Community (ISRUPIC 2022), HS Seminar Room, AHAS KIRKHS, IIUM. (Unpublished)
Abdul Khaiyom, Jamilah Hanum and Md Rosli, Ahmad Nabil and Bahari, Che Amnah and Abdullah, Nur Sakinah Thomas and Abdul Aziz, Amani Fadzlina (2022) An Islamic psychospiritual-acceptance and commitment-based prevention intervention program for at-risk young adults in Covid-19 pandemic (SPI21-052-0052). In: Symposium of Iiit-Strategic Research Project (SRP) 2020 “Applied Maqasid Studies”, 10 Dec 2022, Gombak Malaysia. (Unpublished)
Abdul Rahim, Adibah (2022) Islam liberal and its ideological challenges to Muslim's beliefs and practices: an analysis. In: Seminar on Scholarship Advancement Program, 3rd October 2022, IIUM. (Unpublished)
Al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2022) Menjawab tuduhan Wahdah Al-Wujud terhadap Syeikh Nazim al-Haqqani. In: Multaqa Ilmuan Islam Bersama SS Mufti Negeri Perak, 2-3 Aug 2022, Ipoh. (Unpublished)
Ali, Muhammad Mumtaz (2022) 1st International Conference Seerat-un- Nabi. In: 1st International Conference Seerat-un- Nabi, 12-13 October 2022, Pakistan. (Unpublished)
Ali, Muhammad Mumtaz (2022) Global and regional epidemics and their effects. In: 1st International Conference on Global Epidemic Environment & Medical Laws in the light of Seerat-e-Tayyaba, Pakistan. (Unpublished)
Ali, Muhammad Mumtaz (2022) Islam and Modernization. In: International Conference on Islam and Modernzation (ICIM 2022), Pakistan. (Unpublished)
Shehu, Fatmir Mehdi (2022) Characteristics of Islam. In: IIIT Students Training and Educational Programme, 4 June 2022, IIUM. (Unpublished)
Shehu, Fatmir Mehdi (2022) Investigating Ismāʿīl Rājī al-Fārūqī’s methodology in the study of Christianity through selected textual analysis from his Christian ethics. In: One Day Open Theme Seminar Under SAP-4, 2022, 03 October 2022, Al-Shafie Meeting Room, IRK Building. (Unpublished)
Shehu, Fatmir Mehdi (2022) The role of Muslim identity in managing cultural diversity among CIS countries: Qur’anic approach in the light of Inna Akramakum ‘Inda-Allah Atqākum. In: 5 FORUM of SCHOLARS FROM THE CIS COUNTRIES: The Past and Future of Islamic Thought in the CIS Countries: Prospects for Reforms and Integration of Knowledge, 1-8th August, TRYP by Wyndham Istanbul Basin Ekspres Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey. (Unpublished)
Zulkefli, Ahmad Arif (2022) Pemurnian fakta berkenaan akidah ahli hadis Asha'irah Maturidiyyah, ahli hadis Hanabilah Hasyawiyyah, ahli hadis Hanabilah Mufawwidah. In: Seminar Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah Manhaj Akidah Majoriti Ahli Hadis, Online. (Unpublished)
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2022) Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah: Sejarah Kemunculan dan Kedudukannya dalam Islam. In: Perbincangan Meja Bulat (RTD) Keperluan Mengadakan Peruntukan Dalam Undang-Undang Tubuh Negeri Yang Menjelaskan Kedudukan Fahaman/Ajaran Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah Sebagai Agama Islam Yang Diamalkan dan Dianuti Dalam Negeri Selangor, 25 May 2022, Shah Alam. (Unpublished)
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2022) Ikut hadis, tinggal mazhab? In: Konvensyen Pegawai-Pegawai Agensi Agama Islam Peringkat Negeri Sembilan, 21 September 2022, Seremban. (Unpublished)
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2022) Naratif fakta Ahli Sunnah Wa al-Jamaah metode sifat 20 al-Asyairah dan al-Maturidiah mendepani penyelewengan akidah Mujassimah: kajian terhadap kitab turath ulamak akidah Imam al-Sanusi dan al-Bayhaqi RA. In: 2022 International Ahl al-Sunnah Wa al-Jama'ah Scholars Conference, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2022) Penjelasan Isu-Isu Tarekat Naqsyabandiah Aliyyah. In: Seminar Isu-Isu Semasa Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah, 21 August 2022, Seremban. (Unpublished)
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2022) Prinsip akidah ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah. In: Kursus Profesionalisme Pendakwah Bertauliah Negeri Selangor Bil. 1, Selangor. (Unpublished)
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2022) Salah faham Wahdah al-Wujud di Malaysia. In: Simposium Pendidikan Islam (Tasawuf dan Tarekat), 29 November 2022, Lumut, Perak. (Unpublished)
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2022) Tasawuf Sunni di alam Melayu. In: Hai'ah al-Ulama Perak, 21-22 Feb 2022, Sungkai, Perak. (Unpublished)