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Abdel Salam, El Fatih Abdullahi (2014) Iraq's democratic moment. By Foulath Hadid. London. Hurst & Company, 2012. Pp. 338. ISBN: 9781849042185. The Muslim World Book Review, 35 (1). pp. 36-38. ISSN 0260-3063

Abdul Karim, Asar and Ghalia, Bouhedda and Jusoh, N. Marniwati (2014) Islamic regulations of woman's work outside home. In: One-Day Symposium on Women for Malaysian Development: Beyond 2020, 27th Feb. 2014, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Ahmad, Md Yazid and Muhammad Husni, Ahmad and Mohamed Said, Noor Lizza (2014) Pembahagian harta sepencarian dalam poligami menurut undang-undang keluarga Islam. In: Isu syariah & undang-undang. Jabatan Syariah, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Bangi, Selangor, pp. 92-106. ISBN 1511-3434

Al-Khayrabadi, Mohammed Abul Lais (2014) السنة النبوية والتحديات العصرية. In: المؤتمر العالمي للسنة النبوية والتحديات تاعصرية, 10-11 Sept. 2014, Gadong, Brunei Darussalam. (Unpublished)

Arif, Arif Ali (2014) مقومات الثقافة الإسلامية. In: مؤتمر مكة المكرمة الخامس: الثقافة الإسلامية.. الأصالة والمعاصرة, 28-30 Sep. 2014, مكة المكرمة .

Arif, Arif Ali (2014) مسائل شرعية في الأموال والبنوك الإسلامية (masail syar'iyah fi al-amwal wa al-bunuk al-Islamiyah). سلسلة بحوث فقهية محكمة (2). Fajar Ulung Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-0414-93-5

Arif, Arif Ali and Ismail, Ardawan Mustafa (2014) الإفتاءُ بين الانضباط والانفلات دراسة أصولية تحليلية في ضوء الواقع المعاصر. المجلة الدولية للبحوث الاسلامية والانسانية المتقدمة-جهار, 4 (6). pp. 22-37.

Arif, Arif Ali and Ismail, Ardawan Mustafa (2014) الإفتاء بين الانظباط والانفلات؛ دراسة أصولية تحليلية في ضوء الواقع المعاصر. المجلة الدولية للبحوث الإسلامية والإنسانية المتقدمة, 4 (6). pp. 22-37. ISSN 2231-8968 (O), 2314-7113 (P)

Arif, Arif Ali and Maulud, Rizkar Sulaiman (2014) قانون تقييد تعدد الزوجات في إقليم كردستان العراق دراسة تحليلية فقهية في ضوء الواقع المعاصر = Polygamy restriction law in the Kurdistan region of Iraq: a jurisprudential analysis of contemporary realitis = Sekatan undang-undang poligami di Wilayah Kurdistan di Iraq: satu analisis yurisprudensi mengenai realiti kontemporari. مجلة الإسلام في آسيا (Majallah al-Islam fi Asia) , 11 (1). pp. 70-103. ISSN 1823-0970

Arif, Arif Ali (2014) Masa'il mu'asirah fi al-fiqh al-Islami. Fajar Ulung Sdn. Bhd,, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. ISBN 9789670618357

Awang, Abdul Bari and Awang Abd. Rahman @ Jusoh, Amilah and Razak, Ummi Fairuz (2014) Zakat perniagaan dalam institusi perbankan di Malaysia. In: 5th International Conference on Islamic Jurisprudence in the 21st Century 2014 (ICIJ2014), 23rd-25th September 2014, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Awang Hamat, Mohd Afandi and Abd Halim, Syakirah (2014) Principle of khiyar al-ru’yah and Its application according to Islamic law as proposed by Muslim jurists. In: 5th International Conference on Islamic Jurisprudence in the 21st Century 2014 (ICIJ2014), 23rd-25th September 2014, CAC, IIUM, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Azman, Mohd Noor and Saidatol Akma, Mohd Yunus and Haron, Muhammad Nasir (2014) Build, operate and transfer (BOT) contract and its models from a Sharī‛ah perspective. Arab Law Quarterly , 28. pp. 366-391. ISSN 0268-0556(P), 1573-0255(O)


Dengini, Kurorso and El-Seoudi, Abdel Wadoud Moustafa Moursi and Muhammad Husni, Ahmad (2014) المشكلات الأسرية المعاصرة وحلها في ضوء مقاصد الشريعة = Contemporary family problems and their solutions in the light of purposes of Islamic law. Islamiyyat, 36 (1). pp. 71-80. ISSN 0126-5636 E-ISSN 1234-5678


El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2014) Malik Bennabi’s response to Western modernity: contexualizing 'The Qur’anic Phenomenon'. In: The Qur'an, Modernity and Globalization - Studies in Commemoration of Malik Bennabi. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-22. ISBN 978-967-418-333-2

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2014) الشيخ محمد الطاهر ابن عاشور وقضايا الإصلاح والتجديد في الفكر الإسلامي المعاصر : رؤية معرفية ومنهجية = al-Syeikh Muhamad al-Tahir ibn 'Ashur wa-qadhaya al-islah wa-al-tajdid fi al-fikr al-Islami al-Ma'asir: ru'yah ma'rafiyah wa-manhajiyah. al-Tajdid , 18 (35). pp. 203-232. ISSN 1823-1926


Ghalia, Bouhedda (2014) مراعاة بُعد "التدرج" في قيام المالية الإسلامية وتطويرها دراسة تحليلية في ضوء مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية= Mura'at bu'da "al-tadarruj" fi qiyam al-maliyah al-islamiyah wa-tatwiruha dirasah tahliliyah fi dhau'i maqasid al-syari'ah al-Islamiyah. In: 5th International Conference on Islamic Jurisprudence in the 21st Century 2014, 23th - 25th September 2014, Kuala Lumpur . (Unpublished)


Haneef, Sayed Sikandar Shah (2014) Reproductive technology: ethical dilemma of Muslim legalistic opinions. The Malayan Law Journal, 4. i-xi. ISSN 0025-1283

Haneef, Sayed Sikandar Shah (2014) Selected women`s legal right in the family: a critical analysis of the Muslim feminist discourse. In: Third International Conference on Human Rights and Peace & Conflict in Southeast Asia, 15th-16th October 2014, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Haneef, Sayed Sikandar Shah (2014) The use of DNA to nail male enjoyer of sex: a contemporary analysis from Islamic legal perspective. In: International Conference on Law, Policy and Social Justice (ICLAPS 2014), 10th-11th September 2014, Penang. (Unpublished)

Haneef, Sayed Sikandar Shah (2014) Muslim discourse on international human rights: the problem of harmonization = Wacana Islam mengenai hak asasi manusia antarabangsa: masalah pengharmonian. Journal of Islam in Asia, 11 (1). pp. 161-185. ISSN 1823-0970


Ishak, Mohd. Shuhaimi and Haneef, Sayed Sikandar Shah (2014) Reproductive technology: a critical analysis of theological responses in christianity and Islam. Zygon- Journal of Religion & Science, 49 (2). pp. 396-413. ISSN 0591-2385

Ishak, Mohd. Shuhaimi and Haneef, Sayed Sikandar Shah (2014) Sex reassignment technology: the dilemma of transsexuals in Islam and Christianity. Journal of Religion and Health, 53 (2). pp. 520-537. ISSN 0022-4197 (P), 1573-6751 (O)

Ismail, Zainudin and Md. Sawari, Mohd. Fuad (2014) المقاصد الشرعية في قاعدة "الأصل في المعاملات الإباحة" ومستثنياتها = Maqasid al-shari'ah fi qa'idah "al-asl fi al-mu'amalat al-'ibahah" wa-mustathnayatiha. In: 5th International Conference on Islamic Jurisprudence in the 21st Century 2014 (ICIJ2014), 23rd-25th September 2014, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur.


Kalibi, Yusuf Atiyah and Muhammad Husni, Ahmad and Fakhri, Anwar (2014) منظومة الحكم في الإسلام أصل اعتقادي أم فرعي اجتهادي؟. Journal of Islamic and Human Advanced Research (JIHAR), 4 (11). pp. 38-51. ISSN 2314-7113 E-ISSN 2231-8968

Kalibi, Yusuf Atiyah and Muhammad Husni, Ahmad and Fakhri, Anwar (2014) مشروعية إنشاء الأحزاب السياسية للأقليات الدينية في الإسلام. Journal of Islamic and Human Advanced Research- JIHAR, 4 (1). pp. 50-58. ISSN 2314.7113 E-ISSN 2231.8968

Kheir , Abdalla Mohamed Adam and El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir and Omar, Zakaria (2014) ألفاظ اللغات غير العربية في القرآن الكريم من منظور الدراسات اللغوية الحديثة = Alfaz al-lughat ghyr a-'Arabiyah fi al-Qur'an al-Karim min manzur al-dirasat al-lughawiyah al-hadithah. At-Tajdid (التجديد), 18 (36). pp. 11-42. ISSN 1823-1926


Laluddin, Hayatullah and Abdul Manap, Norhoneydayatie and Mohd. Shariff, Ahmad Azam and Muhammad Husni, Ahmad and Mohd. Kusrin, Zuliza and Ibrahim, Ibnor Azli and Abdul Manap, Nazura (2014) The contract of marriage and its purposes from Islamic perspective. Asian Social Science, 10 (2). pp. 139-144. ISSN 1911-2025 (O), 1911-2017 (P)


Malik, Maszlee (2014) Ihsani social capital: a conceptual exploration to faith-inspired social capital. International Journal of Education and Social Sciences ( IJESS ), 1 (2). pp. 62-68. ISSN 2222-7865

Malik, Maszlee (2014) Islahi social capital: a conceptual approach towards faith-based development and poverty alleviation. Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies, 7 (03). pp. 33-48. ISSN 1881-8323

Malik, Maszlee (2014) Islamic movement and human rights: Pertubuhan Jamaah Islah Malaysia’s involvement in the “Abolish Internal Security Act Movement,” 2000-2012. Intellectual Discourse, 22 (2). pp. 139-165. ISSN 0128-­4878 (P) 2289­-5639 (O)

Malik, Maszlee (2014) Iḥsānī social capital: an exploration into faith-inspired unique model. International Journal of Islamic Thought (3). pp. 5-18. ISSN 1816-689X

Malik, Maszlee (2014) Menuju sejahtera meraih bahagia. Grup Buku Karangkraf Sdn. Bhd. , Shah Alam, Selangor. ISBN 9789678604420

Malik, Maszlee (2014) Religion and governance: new typology, a philosophical inquiry. Kulliyyah Research Bulletin, 5 (1). pp. 9-11. ISSN 0128-8121

Malik, Maszlee (2014) Risalah Pemuda Muslim. Telaga Biru, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789673881680

Malik, Maszlee (2014) An interview with Dr. Rashid Ghannouchi. Kulliyyah Research Bulletin, 5 (2). pp. 1-4. ISSN 0128-8121

Malik, Maszlee and Mat, Hamidah (2014) Pious approach to development: social capital and pertubuhan Jamaah Islah Malaysia (JIM). World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization, 3 (4). pp. 107-118. ISSN 2225-0883

Malik, Maszlee and Sulaiman, Syarafuddin (2014) Hammas dan briged al-Qassam. PTS Millennia Sdn. Bhd., Batu Caves, Selangor. ISBN 9789674112981

Man, Saupi and Mahmud, Mek Wok (2014) Larasan bahasa al-Quran dalam mendidik wanita zaman global: pendekatan Bahasa Arab. In: Ilmuwan wanita Islam: globalisasi dan hak wanita. Persatuan Ulama' Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 163-178. ISBN 978-983-2306-18-4

Mat Jubri@Shamsuddin, Mustafa (2014) مجالات الإتِّباع من خلال مفهوم السنة التقريرية: دراسة تطبيقية = Majalat al-ittiba' min khilal mafhum al-sunnah al-taqririyah: dirasat tatbiqiyah. In: International Seminar Wahyu Nabawi (SWAN 2014), 26th - 27th November 2014, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan.

Mat Jubri@Shamsuddin, Mustafa (2014) السنة وقواعد إتباعها = Maxims in following al-Sunnah. In: المؤتمر العالمي للسنة النبوية والتحديات تاعصرية, 10-11 Sept. 2014, Gadong, Brunei Darussalam. (In Press)

Mat Jubri@Shamsuddin, Mustafa (2014) أثر الظروف الطارئة في عقد الرهن في الفقه الإسلامي = Unforeseen circumstances and its effect on mortgage contract in Islamic jurisprudence. In: 6th Islamic Banking Accounting and Finance Conference 2014 (IBAF2014), 23-24 Sept. 2014, Negeri Sembilan. (In Press)

Mat Jubri@Shamsuddin, Mustafa (2014) أثر المكان في الاجتهاد: منهج أصولي في فقه الواقع = The impact of place on Ijtihad: an usuli method in dealing with reality. In: 2nd World Conference on Islamic Thought & Civilization (WCIT2014 ), 18-19 Aug. 2014, Ipoh, Perak. (Unpublished)

Mohd Noor, Azman and Mohd Yunus, Saidatolakma (2014) Application of the build, operate, transfer (BOT) contract as a means of financing development of Waqf Land: Malaysian experience. Arab Law Quarterly, 28 (2). pp. 136-157. ISSN 0268-0556 E-ISSN 1573-0255

Muhammad Husni, Ahmad and Ahmad, Md Yazid and Mohamed Said, Noor Lizza and Nasohah, Zaini (2014) Pembunuhan tidak sengaja dan kesannya terhadap pewarisan harta pusaka menurut undang-undang pusaka Islam. In: Isu syariah & undang-undang: pencerakinan isu wahana pelestarian akademik. Jabatan Syariah, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Bangi, Selangor, pp. 70-80. ISBN 1511-3434

Muhammad Husni, Ahmad and Kalibi, Yusuf Atiyah (2014) الذمي وتولي رئاسة بلاد المسلمين: دراسة شرعية مقارنة بالقانون الفلسطيني. In: Kolokium Siswazah Syariah Peringkat Kebangsaan 2014, 15 Oktober 2014, Bangi, Selangor.

Muhammad Husni, Ahmad and Nasohah, Zaini and Mohammad, Abdul Basir and Mohd Nor, Amir Husin and Laluddin, Hayatullah and Samuri, Mohd Al-Adib and Che Omar, Nurhayati (2014) Qisas: the theory and its application on women a comparison between civil and Islamic views. The Social Sciences, 9 (1). pp. 53-57. ISSN 1818-5800

Muhammad Husni, Ahmad and Omar, Anwar Fakhri (2014) The reality, provisions and conditions of Aqilah. The Social Sciences, 9 (2). pp. 84-90. ISSN 1818-5800

Muhammad Husni, Ahmad and Omar, Anwar Fakhri and Alias, Muhammad Nazir and Samuri, Mohd Al-Adib (2014) Role of insurance in place of aqilah in paying blood money resulting from accidents: an analytical study. The Social Sciences, 9 (1). pp. 58-64. ISSN 1818-5800


Sharifudin, Mohd Ariff and Wan Husin, Wan Rumaizi and Taib, Mai Nurul Ashikin (2014) Religious perspective of doctor- patient relationship models in complementing uprising social phenomenal demands. In: Handbook on the Emerging Trends in Scientific Research. Pak Publishing Group, pp. 424-428. ISBN 9789679347160

Sharifudin, Mohd Ariff and Wan Husin, Wan Rumaizi and Taib, Mai Nurul Ashikin (2014) Religious perspective of doctor-patient relationship models in complementing uprising social phenomenal demands. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8 (8). pp. 34-37. ISSN 1991-8178

Sharifudin, Mohd Ariff and Wan Husin, Wan Rumaizi and Taib, Mai Nurul Ashikin (2014) Religious perspective of doctor-patient relationship models in complementing uprising social phenomenal demands. In: International Conference on Emerging Trends in Scientific Research, 15-16 March 2014, Pearl International Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.

Syed Alwi, Sharifah Faigah and Ibrahim, Uzaimah and Md. Sawari, Mohd. Fuad (2014) A few methods in charging fees for kafalah bank guarantee-i among Islamic banks in Malaysia. ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance, 6 (1). pp. 51-66. ISSN 0128-1976


Zakariyah, Luqman (2014) Beyond textuality in Islamic legal exegesis: intertextuality and hypertextuality for codifying legal maxims of Islamic criminal law. American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 31 (4). pp. 50-72. ISSN 0742-6763

Zakariyah, Luqman (2014) Harmonizing legality with morality in Islamic banking and finance: a quest for maqāṣid al-Sharī‘ah paradigm. In: The 5th International Conference on Islamic Jurisprudence in the 21st Century 2014 (ICIJ 2014), 23rd -25th Sept 2014, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Zakariyah, Luqman (2014) Jurisprudential analysis of Maqasid al-Shariah in managing Mosques funds: a case study of Tabung Masjid (TM) in Malaysia. In: The First Sharjah International Conference on Islamic Finance , 5th - 6th November 2014, UAE. (Unpublished)

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