IIUM Repository

Prof. Dr. Teddy Surya Gunawan

Electrical and Computer Engineering


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Latest Additions

  1. Gunawan, Teddy Surya and Kartiwi, Mira and Lubis, Asmuliadi and Arifin, Muhamad (2024) Collaborative online international learning to address mental health across cultures with an Islamic perspective. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI), 12 (4). pp. 950-962. ISSN 2089-3272
  2. Muhammad Zamri, Fatin Najihah and Gunawan, Teddy Surya and Kartiwi, Mira and Pratondo, Agus and Yusoff, Siti Hajar and Mustafah, Yasir Mohd. (2024) Deep learning techniques for advanced drone detection systems: a comprehensive review of techniques, challenges and future directions. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI), 12 (4). pp. 818-857. ISSN 2089-3272
  3. Dhewa, Oktaf Agni and Utama, Safitri Yuliana and Nasuha, Aris and Gunawan, Teddy Surya and Pratama, Gilang Nugraha Putu (2024) Real-time classification improvement of Indonesian sign system letters (SIBI) using K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm. Science and Technology Asia, 29 (3). pp. 94-114. ISSN 2586-9000 E-ISSN 2586-9027
  4. Jannah, Nurul and Gunawan, Teddy Surya and Yusoff, Siti Hajar and Abu Hanifah, Mohd Shahrin and Mohd Sapihie, Siti Nadiah (2024) Recent advances and future challenges of solar power generation forecasting. IEEE Access, 12. pp. 168904-168924. E-ISSN 2169-3536
  5. Gunawan, Teddy Surya and Muzarudin, Muuhammad Amirul Faiz and Kartiwi, Mira and Md Yusoff, Nelidya (2024) Enhancing classroom engagement using real-time student attention monitoring with YOLOv9. In: 2024 IEEE 10th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications ( ICSIMA), 30-31 July 2024, Bandung, Indonesia.
  6. Fitriawan, Helmy and Purwiyanti, Sri and Faturrohman, Ezza Ahmad and Santoso, Ma'ruf Fajar and Darajat, Annisa Ulya and Gunawan, Teddy Surya (2024) Development of a low-cost fall detection system for the elderly with accurate detection and real-time alerts. In: 2024 IEEE 10th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications (ICSIMA), 30-31 July 2024, Bandung, Indonesia.
  7. Kartiwi, Mira and Gunawan, Teddy Surya and Md Yusoff, Nelidya (2024) Predictive analytics for learning performance in first-year university programming course. In: 2024 IEEE 10th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications (ICSIMA), 30-31 July 2024, Bandung, Indonesia.
  8. Abd Rahman, Faridah and Roslizan, Iszan Uwais Amer and Gunawan, Teddy Surya and Fitriawan, Helmy and Kartiwi, Mira and Habaebi, Mohamed Hadi (2024) EEG-based fatigue detection using binary pattern analysis and KNN algorithm. In: 2024 IEEE 10th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications (ICSIMA), 30-31 July 2024, Bandung, Indonesia.
  9. Ahmad, Yasser Asrul and Gunawan, Teddy Surya and Abdul Rahman, Abdul Izzat and Abdul Shukur, Hazrul Hafiz and Sanusi, Hilmi and Md Yusoff, Nelidya (2024) Doppler shift analysis for enhanced satellite communication in low earth equatorial orbits. In: 2024 IEEE 10th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications (ICSIMA), 30-31 July 2024, Bandung, Indonesia.
  10. Gunawan, Teddy Surya and Roslan, Nadiah Karmila and Kartiwi, Mira and Md Yusoff, Nelidya (2024) Development of a blockchain-integrated medical device for enhanced data integrity. In: 2024 IEEE 10th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications (ICSIMA), 30-31 July 2024, Bandung, Indonesia.
  11. Akbar, Hilman Taufik and Ismail, Nanang and Kumalasari, Rin Rin and Gunawan, Teddy Surya and Nugroho, Bambang Setia and Yaacob, Mashkuri (2024) Rapid and accurate Type 2 charging ports detection for electric vehicles using YOLOv8. In: 2024 IEEE 10th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications (ICSIMA), 30-31 July 2024, Bandung, Indonesia.
  12. Saifudin, Ali and Madyawati, Sri Pantja and Yuadi, Imam and Rimayanti, Rimayanti and Mustofa, Imam and Rulaningtyas, Riries and Gunawan, Teddy Surya and Besari, Adnan Rahmat Anom (2024) Monitoring cow behavior based on lying, standing, eating, and ruminating recognition using YOLOv8. Turkish Journal Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 48 (5). pp. 190-17. ISSN 1300-0128 E-ISSN 1303-6181
  13. Arifin, Fatchul and Nasuha, Aris and Priambodo, Ardy Seto and Winursito, Anggun and Gunawan, Teddy Surya (2024) Advanced multimodal emotion recognition for Javanese language using deep learning. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI), 12 (3). pp. 503-515. ISSN 2089-3272
  14. Dhahbi, Sami and Saleem, Nasir and Gunawan, Teddy Surya and Bourouis, Sami and Ali, Imad and Trigui, Aymen and Algarni, Abeer D (2024) Lightweight real-time recurrent models for speech enhancement and automatic speech recognition. International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 8 (6). pp. 74-85. ISSN 1989-1660
  15. Hariyanto, Didik and Rafiq, Arif Ainur and Gunawan, Teddy Surya and Quynh, Nguyen Vu (2024) Exploring the research trends and development of augmented reality and virtual reality in ASEAN countries: a bibliometric study. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 14 (4). pp. 4430-4444. ISSN 2088-8708 E-ISSN 2722-2578
  16. Wang, Jing and Saleem, Nasir and Gunawan, Teddy Surya (2024) Towards efficient recurrent architectures: a deep LSTM neural network applied to speech enhancement and recognition. Cognitive Computation, 16 (3). pp. 1221-1236. ISSN 1866-9956 E-ISSN 1866-9964
  17. Ashraf, Arselan and Gunawan, Teddy Surya and Kartiwi, Mira and Nur, Levy Olivia and Nugroho, Bambang Setia and Astuti, Rina Pudji (2024) Advancements and challenges in scalable modular antenna arrays for 5G Massive MIMO networks. IEEE Access, 12. pp. 57895-57916. E-ISSN 2169-3536
  18. Saleem, Nasir and Gunawan, Teddy Surya and Dhahbi, Sami and Bourouis, Sami (2024) Time domain speech enhancement with CNN and time-attention transformer. Digital Signal Processing, 147. pp. 1-12. ISSN 1051-2004 E-ISSN 1095-4333
  19. Jannah, Nurul and Abu Hanifah, Mohd Shahrin and Gunawan, Teddy Surya and Ahmad Zabidi, Suriza and Yusoff, Siti Hajar and Mohd Sapihie, Siti Nadiah (2023) Comparative analysis of MLP and CNN-LSTM models for solar power generation forecasting. In: IEEE 9th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications (ICSIMA 2023), 17th - 18th October 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  20. Gunawan, Teddy Surya and Kartiwi, Mira and Saifudin, Ali and Nur, Levy Olivia and Nugroho, Bambang Setia (2023) Optimizing livestock productivity with computer vision-based cow estrus detection in free stall barns using various YOLOv8 models. In: IEEE 9th International Conference on Smart Instrumentation, Measurement and Applications (ICSIMA 2023), 17th - 18th October 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Most Viewed Items

Item titleViews
1Speech recognition system using MATLAB : design, implementation, and samples codes1156
2On the selection of culminating courses for outcome-based education evaluation at engineering education1136
3Development of control system for quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle using LoRa wireless and GPS tracking1063
4Development of FYP online system for outcome based education1061
5Edge detection of MRI images using artificial neural network1024
6Design and development of portable classroom attendance system based on arduino and fingerprint biometric1008
7Single channel speech enhancement using Wiener filter and compressive sensing985
8Development of smart chicken poultry farm using RTOS on Arduino981
9Artificial neural network based fast edge detection algorithm for MRI medical images967
10Affective computing for visual emotion recognition using convolutional neural networks967
11Complexity evaluation in scalable video coding958
12Automatic Number Plate Recognition on android platform: With some Java code excerpts954
13Development of photo forensics algorithm by detecting photoshop manipulation using error level analysis943
14A review on emotion recognition algorithms using speech analysis937
15Design of a Speech Anger Recognition System on Arduino NANO 33 BLE Sense931
16Development of portable charger for mobile phone using arduino microcontroller during disaster recovery 928
17Low bit rate video coding for remote desktop operation of CNC milling 928
18On the review and setup of security audit using Kali Linux927
19Cyberbullying in e-Learning platform: a text mining analytics927
20Development of video-based emotion recognition using deep learning with Google colab926
21A review of lossless audio compression standards and algorithms925
22Development of low bit rate speech encoder based on vector quantization and compressive sensing925
23Parallelization of speech compression based algorithm based on human auditory system on multicore system922
24Development of efficient iris identification algorithm using wavelet packets for smartphone application920
25On the optimum speech segment length for depression detection918
26Development of language identification using line spectral frequencies and learning vector quantization networks915
27Speech emotion recognition using feature fusion of TEO and MFCC on multilingual databases915
28Feature selection for financial data classification: Islamic finance application914
29Performance evaluation for SE113 flow control system plant using self-tuning fuzzy PI controller910
30JSVM reference software900