IIUM Repository

Dr. Ahmad El-Muhammady

Dr. Ahmad El-Muhammady is an Assistant Professor and Head of Responsible Research and Innovation at the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilisation (ISTAC-IIUM). Currently, he is also an Associate Fellow at the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT), The Hague, Netherlands, Associate Research Fellow at the Accounting Research Institute (ARI), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia; an independent consultant to the International Criminal Investigative Assistance Program (ICITAP) under U.S. Department of Justice’s Criminal Division; resource person for the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in PCVE projects (Southeast Asia) and international consultant at Hedayah, The International Centre of Excellence for Countering Extremism and Violent Extremismore...

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Latest Additions

  1. Muhammad Uthman El-Muhammady, Ahmad El-Muhammady (2015) Applying wasaṭīyah within the Malaysian religio-political context. American Journal of Islam and Society, 32 (3). pp. 134-140. ISSN 2690-3733 E-ISSN 2690-3741
  2. Saim, Khalid Kamal and Muhammad Uthman El-Muhammady, Ahmad El-Muhammady and UNSPECIFIED (2024) Confronting extremism and radicalisation in Afghanistan: educative approach. Al-Tadzkir: Islamic Education Journal, 4 (1). pp. 1-22. E-ISSN 2963-8887
  3. Syeed, Safiyyah Sabreen and Muhammad Uthman El-Muhammady, Ahmad El-Muhammady (2024) Reconciliation and Islamisation - a roadmap for an Islamic intellectual revival. Al-Shajarah: Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thoughts and Civilisation, Special Issue. pp. 141-166. ISSN 1394-6870
  4. Muhammad Uthman El-Muhammady, Ahmad El-Muhammady and Razeen, Tuan Rishan and Muhammed Thabith, Muhammed Buhary (2024) Examining the current practice of governance in zakat in a Muslim minority country: the case of Sri Lanka. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 3 (10). pp. 17-25. E-ISSN 2583-2387
  5. El-Muhammady, Ahmad and Mohamad, Maslinawati and Zakaria, Nor Balkish and Muhammad Uthman El-Muhammady, Asma (2024) Naratif ekstrimis dan media sosial di Malaysia: merungkai landskap dalam talian. In: Pelampau Keganasan di Malaysia: Sejarah, Isu & Ancaman. Penerbit USIM & IPSOM, Seri Kembangan, pp. 180-197. ISBN 9786297636849
  6. El-Muhammady, Ahmad and Mohd Yusof, Danial and Raja Mohd Naguib, Raja Muhammad Khairul Akhtar and Muhammad Uthman El-Muhammady, Asma (2024) Gerakan pelampau agama: satu analisis. In: Pelampau Keganasan di Malaysia: Sejarah, Isu & Ancaman. Penerbit USIM & IPSOM, Seri Kembangan, pp. 159-179. ISBN 9786297636849
  7. Said, Jamaliah and Abdullah, Mohd Kamarulnizam and Hamat, Mohd Fauzi and Hanafiah, Mohd Hizam and Mohd Yusof, Danial and Muhammad Uthman El-Muhammady, Ahmad El-Muhammady and Jalil, Abdullaah and Wahab, Muhammad Rashidi and Mohamed, Norhayati and Syed Yusuf, Sharifah Norzehan and Zakaria, Nor Balkish and Kasim, Eley Suzana and Ahmad Nadzri, Farah Aida and Mohamad, Maslinawati and Zolkaflil, Salwa and Daud, Dalila and Shafiee, Nur Aima and Mohamed, Norazida and Said, Roshima and Omar, Normah and Atan, Ruhaya and Mistar, Noor Azhar and Zahari, Afzal Izzaz and Raja Mohd Naguib, Raja Muhammad Khairul Akhtar and Johari, Zulaikha Amirah and Razali, Nuur Rajihah (2024) Pelan tindakan Malaysia bagi mencegah dan menangani fahaman pelampau keganasan 2024-2028 = 2024-2028 Malaysia action plan on preventing and countering violent extremism (MyPCVE). Policy Paper. Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA), Putrajaya, Malaysia.
  8. Mohd Bajury, Mimi Sintia and Salleh, Fauzilah and Abdullah, Kamarulnizam and Md Dahlan, Nuarrual Hilal and Abdullah, Berhanundin and El-Muhammady, Ahmad and Roslam, Aini Fatihah and Muhammad Aziz, Mohd Iskandar (2023) Marital rape in Malaysia: a discourse on human rights perspective. Journal of Public Security and Safety, 16 (2). pp. 131-151. ISSN 2289-4624
  9. El-Muhammady, Ahmad and Said, Jamaliah and Zakaria, Nor Balkish (2023) Penambahbaikan program pemulihan tahanan keganasan di Malaysia. Policy Paper. MOHA, Putrajaya.
  10. Muhammad Uthman El-Muhammady, Ahmad El-Muhammady (2023) A ‘Blue Ocean’ for marginalised radical voices: cyberspace, social media and extremist discourse in Malaysia. In: New Media in the Margins: Lived Realities and Experiences from the Malaysian Peripheries. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, pp. 163-192. ISBN 978-981-19-7140-2
  11. Muhammad Uthman El-Muhammady, Ahmad El-Muhammady (2023) Managing the returning foreign terrorist fighters and their families: Malaysian experience. Policy Paper. The International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT).
  12. Schonveld, Ben and Templer, Robert and Giacoma, Jim-Della and El-Muhammady, Ahmad (2020) Entry and exit points: violent extremism in South-East Asia. Policy Paper. UNDP, Bangkok, Thailand..
  13. El-Muhammady, Ahmad and Schonveld, Ben (2020) Homecoming: the return of foreign terrorist fighters in South-East Asia. Policy Paper. UNDP, Bangkok.
  14. Jalil, Abdullah and Wahab, Muhammad Rashidi and El-Muhammady, Ahmad (2022) Fahaman sesat dan menyeleweng di media sosial: ancaman dan cabaran. In: Jenayah Siber di Malaysia: Impak Leluasa Internet. Institut Keselamatan Awam Malaysia (IPSOM), Putrajaya, Malaysia, pp. 143-158. ISBN 9789672609827
  15. El-Muhammady, Ahmad and Jalil, Abdullah and Wahab, Muhammad Rashidi (2022) Memahami potensi ancaman keganasan siber di Malaysia. In: Jenayah Siber di Malaysia: Impak Leluasa Internet. Institut Keselamatan Awam Malaysia, Putrajaya, Malaysia, pp. 15-27. ISBN 9789672609827
  16. El-Muhammady, Ahmad (2022) Youth roles in sustaining peace post-Covid-19 as a global citizen. In: Virtual Youth Advocacy Sharing Session : Youth Leadership for Peaceful and Inclusive Society in the Post-Pandemic World, 25 February 202, Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished)
  17. El-Muhammady, Ahmad (2022) Empowering the role of Civil Society Organisations in the context of National Action Plan for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (NAPPCVE). In: Policy Brief and Launch Webinar on National Action Plan for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism, 24 February 2022, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Unpublished)
  18. El-Muhammady, Ahmad (2021) Religious, political and health radicalization in the context of national security in Malaysia and public order. Journal of Public Security and Safety, 12 (2). pp. 189-212. ISSN 2289-4624
  19. Yousif, Ahmad and El-Muhammady, Ahmad (2020) Applying Wasatiyyah approach in de-radicalization programs. In: Terrorist Rehabilitation and Community Engagement in Malaysia and Southeast Asia. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 150-167. ISBN 978-0-367-42031-4
  20. El-Muhammady, Ahmad (2022) The state of radicalization, extremism, and violent extremism in Malaysia, 2021-2022. In: ISIS Malaysia Roundtable Discussion on Terrorism and Violent Extremism in Malaysia in conjunction with the UNODC Counter-Terrorism Team Visit to Malaysia, 18 February 2022, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Most Viewed Items

Item titleViews
1Fahaman sesat dan menyeleweng di media sosial: ancaman dan cabaran2298
2Countering the threat of Daesh in Malaysia1231
3Majalah Dabiq sebagai medium propaganda pemikiran Tauhid Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS)1205
4The role of universities and schools in countering and preventing violent extremism: Malaysian experience1201
5Radicalisation model: learning from Malaysian militant-extremists1157
6Ideologi kumpulan pengganas Daesh/ISIS: asas, formulasi dan implikasi1020
7Malaysia: Balancing National Development, National Security and Cybersecurity Policy954
8External conflicts and Malaysia's National Security: the case of Daesh873
9Homecoming: the return of foreign terrorist fighters in South-East Asia834
10Memahami potensi ancaman keganasan siber di Malaysia784
11Applying Wasatiyyah approach in de-radicalization programs777
12Book review: Islam, liberalism, and ontology: a critical re-evaluation756
13Malaysia in the post-IS era748
14Divergent dimensions of radicalization risk: migration and violent extremism in Sabah, Malaysia740
15Rehabilitation & reintegration (R&R): Malaysian experience681
16Religious, political and health radicalization in the context of national security in Malaysia and public order670
17Empowering the role of Civil Society Organisations in the context of National Action Plan for Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (NAPPCVE)663
18How do the terrorist influence young people?649
19Radicalisation and paramilitary culture: the case of Wanndy’s Telegram groups in Malaysia645
20The state of radicalization, extremism, and violent extremism in Malaysia, 2021-2022631
21Managing the return of foreign terrorist fighters in Southeast Asia: complexities and challenges590
22A ‘Blue Ocean’ for marginalised radical voices: cyberspace, social media and extremist discourse in Malaysia579
23Entry and exit points: violent extremism in South-East Asia568
24Youth roles in sustaining peace post-Covid-19 as a global citizen567
25Terror landscape threats, challenges & response: South East Asia overview – terrorists systems: methods, capabilities & drivers516
26Managing the returning foreign terrorist fighters and their families: Malaysian experience499
27Engaging expert in public sector: personal experience as consultant to the government agencies and international organization487
28Marital rape in Malaysia: a discourse on human rights perspective352
29Pelan tindakan Malaysia bagi mencegah dan menangani fahaman pelampau keganasan 2024-2028 = 2024-2028 Malaysia action plan on preventing and countering violent extremism (MyPCVE)351
30Penambahbaikan program pemulihan tahanan keganasan di Malaysia297