Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Usul al-Din and Comparative Religion
Islamic Dawah & Comparative Religion, Inter-Religious Dialogue, Islam and Other Religions, Muslim and Western Scholarship in Comparative Religion, Comparative Ethics, Religious Experience, Islamic Worldview and Western Worldview, Religious Thought
Dr. Fatmir Shehu (1973-....), an Albanian citizen, received his B.A (hons) and M.A. degrees from IIUM in Arabic Language/Linguistics and Ph.D. degree from IIUM in Usul al-Din and Comparative Religion. He has presented in many conferences hosted by different countries, like, Malaysia, Turkey, Austria, Albania, and so on. Also, he has written certain papers in the field of Inter-religious and Inter-Faith Coexistence and Dialogue, Comparative Religion, Religious Ethics, Sufism, Mysticism, Civilization.
Among his publications: “Nostra Aetate and the Islamic Perspective of Inter-Religious Dialogue (Book-English-2008)”; “Ethics and Fiqh for Everyday Life: An Islamic Perspective (Book-English-2010);” "The Aspects of the Adverbs in the Qur'an. (Book, Arabic-2017);" "Bakr Abu Zayd's Methodology
more...Dr. Fatmir Shehu (1973-....), an Albanian citizen, received his B.A (hons) and M.A. degrees from IIUM in Arabic Language/Linguistics and Ph.D. degree from IIUM in Usul al-Din and Comparative Religion. He has presented in many conferences hosted by different countries, like, Malaysia, Turkey, Austria, Albania, and so on. Also, he has written certain papers in the field of Inter-religious and Inter-Faith Coexistence and Dialogue, Comparative Religion, Religious Ethics, Sufism, Mysticism, Civilization.
Among his publications: “Nostra Aetate and the Islamic Perspective of Inter-Religious Dialogue (Book-English-2008)”; “Ethics and Fiqh for Everyday Life: An Islamic Perspective (Book-English-2010);” "The Aspects of the Adverbs in the Qur'an. (Book, Arabic-2017);" "Bakr Abu Zayd's Methodology Towards the Concept of "Unity of Religion" through his Book al-Ibtal. (Book, Arabic-2017);" “Hiwar al-Adyan bayna al-Qur’an and al-Tatbiqat al-Muasirah (Arabic-2009);” “The Concept of Religious Experience: A Qur’anic Perspective (English-2009);” “The Impact of Istanbul on the Construction of Albania's Religious and Cultural Coexistence. (English-2010);” “The Role of Religion in Shaping Moral Character: Islamic and Catholic Perspectives (English-2011);” “THE MYSTICAL BEKTASHI ORDER: The Founder, Growth and Core of Its Teachings (English-2012);” “The Influence of Islam on Albanian Culture (English-2012);” “The Methodology of Ibn Hazm in Comparative Religion with Special Reference to his Master Piece al-Fasl Fi al-Milal wa al-Ahwaa’ wa al-Nihal, (English-2013);” “Inter-religious Dialogue and Contemporary Peace-Building: From Hostility to Mutual Respect and Better Understanding (English-2014);” “Gender Equality and the Participation of Muslim Women in Education and Work: A Critical Analysis. (English-2015);” "The Awaited Mahdi and the Situation of Ummah: Analytical Study. (Arabic-2016);” “Islam - The future civilization of mankind: Challenges and Responses, (English-2016);” “Methodology of Prophetic Da‘wah and Its Relevance to Contemporary Global Society. (English-2017);” “The Concept of Europe as a cultural identity. (English-2017);” “The scholarship of inter-faith engagement in the writings of selected contemporary Muslim scholars. (English-2017);” “The role of inter-religious dialogue in promoting Islamic education to the Europeans. (English-2017);” “PAUL: The Transition from Nazarenism to Christianity. (English-2018);” “The Position of Shaikh Bakr Abu Zayd from the concept of “Unity of religions” (Arabic-2018);” “Deen al-Fitrah (Primordial religion): Nurturing Inter-Religious Dialogue and Beyond in al-Faruqi’s Thoughts. (English-2018);” “A Critical and Analytical Study of Irfan Abdul Hamid Fattah’s Book Judaism: A Historical Overview and Modern Movements in Judaism. (Arabic-2018);” “Revival of Islam through Tajdid (Renewal) and Islah (Reform) tendencies in the post-communist Albania. (English- 2019);” “‘Revisiting the Ancient Persian Religion of Zoroastrianism: Its Founder and Sacred Scripture. (English-2020); and “The Notion of “Islamic Unity” in the Thought of al-Imam Muhammad bin 'Abdu-Allah al-Khalili through Selected Texts from his Correspondences. (Arabic-2020), Exploring al-Manhaj al-Qurani (The Qur'anic methodology) in Dealing with other Religions: An Analysis of Selected Verses (2020), Exploring the Prophet (PBUH)'s Methodology in Dealing with other Religions based on Selected Historical Incidents during the Time of Revelation (2020); Investigating Abu Isa al-Warraq's Methodology in the Study of Christian Doctrine of Trinity based on His al-Radd 'Ala al-Tathlith (the Response to Trinity) (2021).
Dr. Fatmir Shehu is appointed since 2019 as Chief Editor, South Asian Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (SARJHSS), and as a Member of Editorial Team, since 2020, Journal of Al-Tajdid, KIRKHS, IIUM. Besides, he has been appointed as a Reviewer by well-known journals.
Dr. Fatmir Shehu has been appointed as IIUM Internationalisation Ambassador (Albania/Balkans/Kosovo/ Bosnia/Serbia/Macedonia) by the Rector of International Islamic University Malaysia under Deputy Rector (Internationalisation & Innovation and Community Relation), 1st October 2014 until 31st December 2015, and 1st July 2012 until 30th June 2013. He has been advisor to AQSA CLUB.
Dr. Fatmir Shehu
Deputy Director,
International Institute for Muslim Unity
International Islamic University Malaysia
Associate Professor
Department of Usul al-Din and Comparative Religion,
Abdulhamid Abusulayman Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences
Doctor of Philosophy in Usul al-Din and Comparative Religion / Dissertation Topic: Nostra Aetate and Inter-Religious Dialogue: An Islamic Perspective.
Graduated on 30th March, 2007. International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.
Master Degree in Arabic Language and Literature – Linguistics/ Theses Topic: The Aspects of Verbal Action in the Holy Qur’an.
Graduated on 25th January, 2002. International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.
Bachelor Degree in Arabic Language and Literature.
Graduated on 8th March, 1999.
International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.