1 | Fracture risk factor in post‑menopausal women with deterioration of bone density | 1080 |
2 | Exposure risk of household insecticide: identification of the knowledge, attitude and practice levels among Kuantan population, Pahang | 1074 |
3 | Challenges of anti-smoking campaign in Malaysia
from the healthcare provider perspective | 1057 |
4 | The effects of Aquilaria malaccensis leaves aqueous extract on sperm of sprague dawley rats towards early embryogenesis. | 1011 |
5 | In Vitro Wound Healing Effect of Asiaticoside Extracted from Centella asiatica (‘Pegaga’) on Human Gingival Fibroblast Cell Line | 947 |
6 | Review: In vitro study revealed sugar as anticancer constituent = İn vitro Çalışmalar Şekeri Bir Antikanser Bileşeni Olarak
Gösteriyor; Literatür Derleme | 923 |
7 | Knowledge, attitude and practice towards available anti-smoking campaign among adults in Kuantan | 919 |
8 | The alarming community concern on household
insecticide exposure and usage | 916 |
9 | Ameliorative effects of Aquilaria malaccensis leaves aqueous extract on reproductive toxicity induced by cyclophosphamide in male rats | 894 |
10 | A qualitative study: the perception on anti-smoking campaign among smokers in Kuantan | 882 |
11 | Immunofluorescent staining and mirna expression of HCT-8 and HT-29 cell lines upon cryptosporidium infection | 881 |
12 | Animal studies on male fertility enhancing properties of
plants in Malaysia: a review of the past 16 years | 875 |
13 | Establishment and cryopreservation of fibroblast cell line from a Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus Sumatrensis) | 867 |
14 | Identification of VASA gene expression in in-vitro culture from non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA) testicular biopsy cells: A study to unlock knowledge of male infertility | 856 |
15 | Enhancement of Cisplatin Cytotoxicity in Combination With
Thymoquinone on Oral Cancer HSC-4 Cell Line | 833 |
16 | Knowledge on involvement during pregnancy among fathers in respective areas in Kuantan, Malaysia | 822 |
17 | The efficacy of Malaysian online smoking cessation website based on Kuantan smokers assessment | 815 |
18 | Chemical profiling of volatile organic compounds from shoe odour for personal identification | 813 |
19 | Patient satisfaction and cost analysis of analgesia management for post-operative procedures in HTAA : PCA vs. conventional
method | 813 |
20 | Factors affecting treatment seeking patterns amongst public in three selected areas in Kuantan: discovery of perceptions (dzan) among community as thought in Islam | 807 |
21 | A high glucose concentration is well tolerated by colorectal
adenocarcinoma and melanoma cells but toxic to normal human gingival fibroblast: Results of an in vitro investigation | 804 |
22 | Review on the control of waterborne diseases – The Islamic approach | 802 |
23 | Male reproductive toxicity studies of Orthosiphon stamineus aqueous extract in Sprague Dawley rats | 801 |
24 | Identification of beta human chorionic gonadotrophin (bHCG) expression in frozen cleavage embryo of in vitro fertilization (IVF) patients: An essential approach for better outcome towards human being inheritance in line with maqasid syari’ah concept | 770 |
25 | Effects of L-fucose supplementation on the viability of cancer cell lines | 770 |
26 | Health seeking behavior of men’s health disorders of among government servants in Kuantan: Prevalence study towards healthy ummah | 765 |
27 | Stem cells research: value, ethical and religious views | 748 |
28 | Bone health education booklet: a guide for women living with menopause | 703 |
29 | Gallstones | 696 |
30 | Pendidikan kesihatan tulang: panduan untuk wanita yang mengalami menopaus | 695 |