A.Manaf, Aini Maznina
Upholding the right work ethic when working from home during COVID-19 pandemic.
IIUM Emotional and Psychological Support Site.
The contagious nature of coronavirus pandemic has rapidly altered people’s working style around the world. As the positive cases have been swiftly increasing, it is common to see organisations restraining their activities or closing down their offices. The pandemic has forced many countries to instruct their employees to work from home, a quick measure to curb the infection, and in turn, flatten the curve of the virus spread. In Malaysia, upon an announcement made by the Prime Minister that Movement Control Order (MCO) is imposed on the public beginning March 18, 2020, many organisations have been asked to temporarily cease their operation except for those which provide essential services. While the latter is allowed to operate with a very minimal workforce, employees in other organisations have been required to work from home since then. This article discusses about the importance of upholding Islamic values while working from home.
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