Tasnim, Rumana and Arshad, Atika and Khan, Sheroz and Ahmed, Musse Mohamud
Output control devices : actuators.
Principle of Transducer Devices and Components.
IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 39-43.
ISBN 978-967-418-172-7
The wide spreading applications of aclUalon have opened up sevcf1l1 possibililie; in R"Chrdcat areas. The basic difference belWeen scnsor (e.g., thelll1Oll1Cler) and actuator can be simply referred as: sensor is able 10 measure a signal or stimulus obtaining infonnalion from the -real world- whereas aeruatoc itself can generate a signal or stimulus (see Figure 1.1). In Olher word, a transducer ean conven a physical phenomenon into an electric signal while an aeruator can convcn an electric signal 10 a physical phenomcnon
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