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Ahmad Ashimi, Tijani (2024) The contribution of Imam Shafi’i and Imam Malik ibn Anas to the field of Islamic law: comparative study. In: Isu-isu dalam Pengajian Al-Qur'an & Al-Sunnah Siri 5. Fakulti Pengajian Peradaban Islam (FPPI), Universiti Islam Selangor, Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia, pp. 142-148.

Alfaytour, Abdulbari Almabrouk and Negasi, Mohamed Ibrahim and Laeba, Muhammad (2022) الضوابط القانونية لمعايير السياحة الحلال في القانون الليبي. Al Tajdid, 26 (51). pp. 9-34. ISSN 1823-1926 E-ISSN 2600- 9609

Alias, Muhammad Nazir and Muhammad Husni, Ahmad and Kamis,, Mohd Sham and Samsudin, Muhammad Adib and Omar, Anwar Fakhri and Mokhtar, Ahmad Irdha (2020) Perbezaan antara maslahah mursalah dengan Maqasid Syariah. Journal of Education & Social Sciences, 15 (1). pp. 97-104. ISSN 2289-9855 (Unpublished)

Amanullah, Muhammad (2010) Possibility of conducting Ijma` in the contemporary world. Journal of Islamic Law Review, 6. pp. 109-125. ISSN 0973-2918

al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2021) Imkan al-Ru'yah Daripada Perspektif Mazhab al-Shafi'i. In: Muzakarah Falak Peringkat Kebangsaan Tahun 2021, Klana Resort Seremban. (Unpublished)


Boukerroucha, Halima (2011) محددات الشخصية الإبداعية عند الإمام الشافعي = The determinants of personal creativity of Imam al-Shafii. In: قضايا معاصرة في أصول الفقه. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 151-182. ISBN 987-976-0225-77-7


Elatrash, Radwan Jamal Yousef (2017) جهود الأستاذ بديع الزمان سعيد النورسي في الإعجاز القرآني. In: International Conference on Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's Thought on Wasatiyyah and An Examplary Society, 23-25 September 2017, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Elatrash, Radwan Jamal Yousef (2019) Systems and the extent of the thought of Imam Badeezaman Said Nursi. The Journal of Risale-i Nur.


Hamawiya, Adham (2018) مظاهر الاستدلال اللغوي في تفسير الإمام الماتريدي = The lingual inference aspects of al-Maturidi interpretation. In: Matüridi Düşünce Ve Matüridilik Literatürü. Selcuk University, Turkey, Istanbul, pp. 141-162. ISBN 978-605-64761-3-6

Hamawiya, Adham and Altabaa, Homam (2021) المصطلحات الموسوعية في الفكر النحوي العربي: قراءة تأصيلية = The interdisciplinary terminology of the Arabic syntactic thought: a fundamental review. At-Tajdid Journal, 25 (49). pp. 321-352. ISSN 1823-1926 E-ISSN 2600-9609


Jamil, Khairil Husaini (2019) Jawāmiʿ al-kalim: revisiting the concept in traditional, intellectual and mystical discourse. In: Scholarship Enhancement Seminar on Contemporary Issues of Qur'an and Sunnah, 22nd August 2019, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)


Kayadibi, Saim (2007) Al-Ṭūfī- centred approach to al-Maṣlaḥah al-Mursalah (Public Interest) in Islamic law. Journal of Islamic Law Studies (IHAD), , 10 (9). pp. 71-96. ISSN 1304-1045


Mat Jubri@Shamsuddin, Mustafa (2021) The Rank of Sunnah in Juristic Deduction and Its Effect in the Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence and its Branches. In: 6th INHAD INTERNATIONAL MUZAKARAH & MU‘TAMAR ON HADITH (IMAM 2021), Online. (In Press)

Mat Jubri@Shamsuddin, Mustafa (2022) منزلة الإجماع بين الأدلة الشرعية وأثرها في الأصول والفروع =The rank of Al-Ijmā’ (consensus) among the Islamic legal evidence and its effect on Islamic jurisprudence. International Islamic Sciences Journal, 6 (1). pp. 375-400. E-ISSN 2600-7096

Mat Jubri@Shamsuddin, Mustafa and Sitiris, Miszairi (2018) Pengamalan talfiq (percampuran mazhab) di kalangan masyarakat Islam di Malaysia = The practice of talfiq (combining mazhab) among Muslims in Malaysia. Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 10 (2). pp. 37-44. ISSN 2289-9855

Mat Jubri@Shamsuddin, Mustafa and Sitiris, Miszairi (2018) Pengamalan talfiq: kajian ke atas keterbukaan mazhab di kalangan masyarakat Islam di Malaysia = The practice of talfiq: a study on openness of Mazhabs among Muslims in Malaysia. In: 7th Kuala Lumpur International Islamic Studies and Civilisations (KLiISC) 2018, 21st-22nd July 2018, Kuala Lumpur.

Mohamad Sabari, Mohamad Firdaus and Md. Sawari, Mohd. Fuad (2021) المسائل غير المعتمده في كتاب الفقه المنهجي: باب الصلاة نموذجا = Unreliable issues in the book of “Al-Fiqh al-Manhajī”: a case study of the chapter on prayer. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul Al-Fiqh, 5 (1). pp. 19-32. E-ISSN 2600-8408

Mohammad Hassan Hilal , Huda (2012) تولية النساء مناصب قيادية في الأمة ددراسة تحليلية من خلال نماذج إسلامية. In: International Conference on Islam in Asia and Oceania 2012, 9th-11th Oct. 2012, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Mohd. Daud, Noor Amali (2015) تجديد منهجية التعامل مع الوحي للخروح من أزمة التراجع الفكري والحضاري: دراسة في فكر الشيخ محمد الغزالي (Tajdid manhajiah al-ta'amil ma'a al-wahy ....). In: Seminar Wahyu Asas Tamadun IV Peringkat Antarabangsa (2015: Negeri Sembilan) PROSIDING SEMINAR WAHYU ASAS TAMADUN IV PERINGKAT ANTARABANGSA (SWAT) 2015: ”Memasyarakatkan Quran, Mensejahterakan Ummah”, 6-7 Oktober 2015, Dewan Kuliah Utama, FPQS, USIM.

Muhsin, Sayyed Mohamed and Abdul Jalil, Mohd Noh (2021) Internationalization of the Islamic thought: the contributions of Sayyed Ismail(1936-2010). In: 4TH INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC HERITAGE CONFERENCE, September 2, 2021, Malaysia (Virtual Conference).


Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman (2009) The significance of core theories in the Islamic legal structure: an analysis with reference to the concept of shirkah (partnership). In: International Conference on Research in Islamic Laws (ICRIL 09), 15-16 Jul 2009, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.

Sobri, Muhammad Asrie and Nik Abdullah, Nik Md. Saiful Azizi (2023) Konsep tauhid menurut Hamka dan pengaruhnya terhadap dakwah islah beliau. In: International Conference on The Contributions of Hamka on Islam and Humanity (ICCHIH 2023), 24th October 2023, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Sobri, Muhammad Asrie and Titeh, Mohd Sharuddin and Nik Abdullah, Nik Md. Saiful Azizi (2024) Kewujudan al-kulliyyat di sisi Ibnu Taimiyyah dan kesannya terhadap teologi falsafahnya: kajian terhadap isbat sifat Allāh = The ontological status of universals according to Ibn Taymiyya and its influence on his theological philosophy: a study on his method in affirming the divine attributes. BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences, 7 (1). pp. 23-34. E-ISSN 2600-9080

Sobri, Muhammad Asrie and Titeh, Mohd Sharuddin and Nik Abdullah, Nik Md. Saiful Azizi (2023) Kewujudan al-kulliyyāt di sisi Ibnu Taimiyyah dan kesannya terhadap teologi falsafah beliau: kajian terhadap isbat sifat Allah. In: Seminar Antarabangsa Ilmu Wahyu dan Turath Ke 5 (SIWAT-5), 19th-20th Oktober 2023, Bangi, Selangor. (Unpublished)

Subhani, Zulqernain Haider and Ali, Mohammed Farid (2021) ظاهرة اختلاف العلماء المعاصرين في تأويل النصوص القرآنية والحديثية = The phenomenon of Differences of Contemporary Scholars of Islam in Interpreting the Texts of the Quran and Hadith. Journal of Islam in Asia, 18 (2). pp. 93-121. E-ISSN 2289-8077

Suleiman, Hassan and Zakaria, Mohamad Sabri (2023) The Impact of the Ten Qirā’āt Mutawātirah on Jurists’ Disagreements in Sharīʿah Rulings أثر القراءات العشر المتواترة في اختلاف الفقهاء في الأحكام الشرعية. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh Studies, 7 (3). pp. 52-62. E-ISSN 2600-8408

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