Items where Subject is "K Law > K5000 Criminal Law"
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- Library of Congress (78)
- K Law (78)
- K5000 Criminal Law (78)
- K Law (78)
Ab Aziz, Norjihan and Che Ramli, Nur Najaa Syairah (2023) Tanggungjawab pesalah kanak-kanak bagi kesalahan curi dalam undang-undang Islam dan sivil = Responsibility of child offenders in theft offences in Islamic and civil laws. Kanun: Jurnal Undang-Undang Malaysia, 35 (2). pp. 269-288. ISSN 0128-2670 E-ISSN 2682-8057
Ab Aziz, Norjihan and Hussin, Nasimah and Mohamed, Nurah Sabahiah and Samsudin, Najaa Syahirah (2022) Restorative justice in the child justice system: implementation in other jurisdictions. Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 7 (6). pp. 1-13. E-ISSN 2504-8562
Abd Jalil, Juriah and Hassan, Halyani (2020) Protecting trade secret from theft and corporate espionage: Some legal and administrative measures. International Journal of Business and Society, 21 (S1). pp. 205-218. ISSN 1511-6670
Abdul Khaliq, Abida and Ali Mohamed, Ashgar Ali and Ahmad, Muhamad Hassan (2021) Workplace harassment against women in Pakistan: An islamic perspective. Elementary Education Online, 20 (5). pp. 1246-1251. ISSN 1305-3515
Al-Hamad, Abdullah and Arif, Arif Ali and Mohamed, Hossam El-Din Ibrahim (2020) نظام جناية الأحداث في ضوء مقاصد الشريعة: التجربة السعودية أنموجًا =Juvenile felony system in light of the objectives of Islamic sharia. مجلة العلوم اإلنسانية والطبيعية, 1 (5). pp. 129-145. E-ISSN 2709-0833
Al-Shaeer Al-Baghdadi, Abdulaziz Mohsen and Haji Mohammad, Mohammad Tahir Sabit (2022) بدائل العقوبات السجنية: الإشكاليات ومعالجاتها من المنظورين القانوني والشرعي Alternatives to imprisonment: issues and their solutions from the legal and Shari'ah perspectives. Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (ARJIHS), 6 (2). pp. 152-179. E-ISSN 2600-8394
Alazmi, Abduallah Mazid Saad and Hussin, Nasimah (2020) دور دولة الكويت ودول الخليج العربي في مكافحة الجرائم التقنية = Role of Kuwait and Arab Gulf States in combating technical crimes. Al-Qalam Journal for Humanities and Applied Sciences(Scientific - Periodical - Refereed) مجلة القلم (علمية – دورية – محكمة), 7 (21). pp. 490-507. ISSN 2410-5228 E-ISSN 2708-4981
Altoumi, Ali Makhzoum and Negasi, Mohamed Ibrahim and Laeba, Muhammad (2023) مكافحة جرمية الرشوة الدولية يف ضوء اتفاقية األمم املتحدة ملكافحة الفساد: دراسة يف مدى موائمة التشريعات الليبية ألحكام االتفاقية = Combating international crime on bribery in the light of the United Nations convention against corruption: a study to determine to what extent Libyan legislation is consistent with this convention = Pembanterasan jenayah rasuah antarabangsa berdasarkan konvensyen Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu menentang rasuah: kajian untuk menentukan sejauh mana keserasian perundangan Libya selaras dengan peruntukan konvensyen. At-Tajdid, 27 (53). pp. 9-44. ISSN 1823-1926 E-ISSN 2600-9609
Ansari, Abdul Haseeb and Ahmad, Muhamad Hassan and Sinha, Manoj Kumar and Jamal, Parveen (2019) Sexual morality defaced and defied: socio-legal and religious perspectives. Journal of Islamic Law Review, 15 (2). pp. 151-182. ISSN 0973-2918
Arifin, Latifah and al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2019) Pedofilia di luar moral manusia. Berita Harian.
Assia, Daas and Negasi, Mohamed Ibrahim (2020) الآليات القانونية لمواجهة جريمة الاتجار بالبشر في ظل قانون العقوبات الجزائري = Legal mechanisms to deal with the crime of trafficking in human beings under Algerian penal law. Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (ARJIHS), 4 (1). pp. 220-244. E-ISSN 2600-8394
Elshobake, Mohammed R M (2024) التهرب من ضريبة الدخل في القانون الفلسطيني على ضوء الشريعة الإسلامية = Income tax evasion in Palestinian law in the light of Islamic law. Al-Qanatir International Journal of Islamic Studies, 33 (5). pp. 392-415. E-ISSN 2289-9944
Elshobake, Mohammed R. M. (2022) The relationship between media and crime. Law, Policy, and Social Science, 1 (2). 43 -59. E-ISSN 2948-3964
Elshobake, Mohammed R. M. and Laeba, Muhammad (2021) The legal framework of cybercrime in Palestine. Arab Law Quarterly, 37 (1-2). pp. 157-174. ISSN 0268-0556 E-ISSN 1573-0255
Elshobake, Mohammed R. M. and Laeba, Muhammad (2021) The legal framework of cybercrime in Palestine. Arab Law Quarterly, 36. pp. 1-18. ISSN 0268-0556 E-ISSN 1573-0255
Elshobake, Mohammed R. M. and Sakka, Alaa (2024) Legal implications of emerging technologies in criminal investigations: current challenges and catalysts for change. International Journal of Social Science Research, 12 (2). pp. 263-286. ISSN 2327-5510
Hakim, Lukman and Zulhuda, Sonny (2020) Plea bargaining as a solution for criminal case backlog in Indonesia. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24 (5). pp. 281-291. ISSN 1475-7192
Hamad, Abdullah ibn Khalid and Arif, Arif Ali and Mohamed, Hossam El-Din Ibrahim (2020) عقوبات جرائم الأحداث في النظام السعودي من منظور الفقه الإسلامي. مجلة العلوم اإلنسانية والطبيعية, 1 (5). pp. 289-306. E-ISSN 2709-0833
Hashim @ Wan Husain, Wan Ahmad Fauzi (2023) Keperlembagaan Seksyen 498 Kanun Keseksaan: analisis jurisprudens watan = Constitutionality of Section 498 of The Penal Code: watanic jurisprudence analysis. Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law, 11 (2). pp. 405-419. ISSN 1985-7454 E-ISSN 2590-4396
Hossain, Mohammad Shahadat and Ahmad, Muhamad Hassan (2021) Protections for the victims of trafficking in person under Malaysian Anti-trafficking in Person Act 2007: Experience sharing in the context of Bangladesh. International Journal of Criminal, Common and Statutory Law, 1 (1). pp. 7-16. ISSN 2789-9497 E-ISSN 2789-9500
Hussin, Nasimah and Ali Tajuddin, Hanifah Haydar (2021) An Islamic perspective on preventing sexual abuse against children. IIUM Law Journal, 29 (S1). pp. 153-176. ISSN 0128-2530 E-ISSN 2289-7852
Ishqair, Muath M. S. and Elshobake, Mohammed R. M. (2023) عقوبة جريمة الإفلاس الاحتيالي في القانون الفلسطيني على ضوء الشريعة الاسلامية = Penalties for the crime of fraudulent bankruptcy in Palestinian law in the light of Islamic law. Journal of Marcil for Social Science, 3 (4). pp. 47-58. E-ISSN 2785-8294
Masum, Ahmad and Ahmad, Muhamad Hassan and Mohamed Nafees, Seeni Mohamed (2020) Not guilty by reason of insanity: a critical examination of Section 84 of the Brunei Penal Code. The Law Review. pp. 52-70.
Masum, Ahmad and Ahmad, Muhamad Hassan and Nafees, Seeni Mohamed (2021) Forensic examination of grievous hurt: A critical analysis of section 320 of the Malaysian penal code. American Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research (AJHSSR), 14. pp. 1-12. E-ISSN 2378-703X
Masum, Ahmad and Ahmad, Muhamad Hassan and Ramlee, Nurzakiah (2021) Killing in defence of property under Brunei penal laws: a comparative analysis. Journal of Islamic Law Review, 17 (1). pp. 77-98. ISSN 0973-2918
Masum, Ahmad and Ahmad, Muhamad Hassan and Nafees, Seeni Mohamed (2021) Infancy and criminal responsibility under the Brunei penal code: an overview. The Law Review. pp. 143-158. ISSN 0985-0891
Masum, Ahmad and Mohamed Nafees, Seeni Mohamed and Ahmad, Muhamad Hassan (2020) Hurt and Grievous Hurt under the Brunei Penal Code: The role of medical experts. The Law Review. pp. 35-51.
Mat Jubri@Shamsuddin, Mustafa and Sitiris, Miszairi (2021) Analysis on abandonment of shari’ah ruling of hudud due to preservation of maqasid al-shari’ah = analisis pemberhentian hukum hudud kerana pemeliharaan maqasid al-shari’ah. AZKA International Journal Of Zakat & Social Finance, 1 (2 (Special Issue 2021)). pp. 45-70. ISSN 2735-1890 E-ISSN 2716-6643
Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Ismail and Nik Wajis, Nik Rahim and Mochammad Sahid, Mualimin and Baharli, Nurliyana Shahira (2021) The laws protecting child witness in giving evidence: harmonization between Malaysian laws and As-Sharia. Indonesia Private Law Review (IPLR), 2 (2). pp. 137-150. ISSN 2723-259X E-ISSN 2745-9284
Mohamed, Duryana (2018) Berita palsu dan penyelesaian undang-undang. Berita Harian Online.
Mohd Yunus, Mohamad Ismail (2022) Integrated research between modern secular Penal Law and Shariah in crimes (al-Jinaie al-Islami). Journal of Islamic Law Review, 18 (1). pp. 19-47. ISSN 0973-2918
Mohd Yusoff, Syarah Syahira and Salina, Kassim and Jauhari, Farah Farhana and Adnan, Ieman Huda (2022) Financial abuse in domestic violence: how can Islamic financial institutions play their role? IIUM Law Journal, 30 (S2). pp. 445-470. ISSN 0128-2530 E-ISSN 2289-7852
Mohd. Zain, Nor Razinah and Engku Ali, Engku Rabiah Adawiah and Adeyemi, Adewale Abideen and Abdul Rahman, Hamizah (2019) Smart contract in blockchain: an exploration of legal framework in Malaysia. Intellectual Discourse, 27 (2). pp. 595-617. ISSN 0128-4878 E-ISSN 2289-5639
Mokhtar, Khairil Azmin (2019) Bukti mahkamah bebas buat keputusan. Sinar Harian.
Mokhtar, Khairil Azmin (2021) Tindakan boleh dikenakan terhadap golongan anti PKP, darurat. SInar Harian.
Mokhtar, Khairil Azmin (2021) Tubuh jabatan siasatan khas. Sinar Harian.
Mokhtar, Khairil Azmin (2022) Unmasking the devil: the role of the civil court and Islamic religious authorities in the battle against religious extremism and terrorism in Malaysia. Constitutional Review, 8 (1). pp. 87-112. ISSN 2460-0016 E-ISSN 2548-3870
Muhammad Husni, Ahmad and Muhammad Husni, Amin Bin (2022) Qisas dalam syariah Islamiah antara pengakuan dan pembatalan. Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 19 (1). pp. 15-22. ISSN 2289-9855
Musa, M and Zulhuda, Sonny and Endri, Endri and Susanti, Heni and Rinaldi, Kasmanto (2024) Guidelines for implementing imprisonment sentences with single formulation (a critique of Book I of the National Criminal Code). Law Reform: Jurnal Pembaharuan Hukum, 20 (1). pp. 106-134. ISSN 1858-4810 E-ISSN 2580-8508
Qanet, Ghulam Mohammad and Eishan Jan, Mohammad Naqib and Mohammad, Mohammad Tahir Sabit and Ahmad, Muhamad Hassan (2020) Islamic and international humanitarian law on rape during armed conflict: A comparative analysis. Journal of Islamic Law Review, 16 (2). pp. 241-259. ISSN 0973-2918
Raharjo, Agus and Saefudin, Yusuf and Zulhuda, Sonny (2023) Legal protection for the victims of religious hate speech on the internet. Kosmik Hukum, 23 (2). pp. 189-199. ISSN 1411-9781 E-ISSN 2655-9242
Riaz, Samiya and Atif, Saira and Syed, Sadia and Rafi Chaudhry, Asma and Zahid, Erum (2024) Sex prediction according to digital analysis of the morphological characteristics of maxillary posterior teeth in a Pakistani population. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 19 (5). pp. 974-980. ISSN 1658-3612
Salman, Hamza, A.K and Mohamad Amin, Noor Shuhadawati (2021) Rights of prisoners under the international humanitarian law: a case study of the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prison. IIUM Law Journal, 29 (2). pp. 85-113. ISSN 0128-2530 E-ISSN 2289-7852
Saulawa, Mu'azu Abdullahi and Zulhuda, Sonny (2021) Emulating the Provisions of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime in the Nigerian Cybercrime (Prohibition, Prevention etc) Act 2015: Contextual Implications. Umaru Musa Yar'adua University Law Journal, 2 (1). pp. 217-235. ISSN 2437-1408
Sujoko, Imam and Arif, Arif Ali and Zaim, Muntaha Artalim (2021) ضوابط الاغتيال المعنوي في الفقه والقانون الإندونيسي: دراسة مقارنة = Dawabit al-igtiyal al-ma'nawi fi al-Fiqh wa al-Qanun al-Indunisi: dirasah muqaranah tahliliyah. Al-Ihkam: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial, 16 (1). pp. 251-273. ISSN 1907-591X E-ISSN 2442-3084
Tengku Zainal Mulok, Tengku Adida and Abdul Rahman, Hamizah and Nadarajan, Ravindran and Mohd. Zain, Nor Razinah (2022) Tips of the iceberg: domestic violence during COVID-19, Movement Control Order (MCO) in Malaysia. Proceedings, 82 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2504-3900
Ushama, Kirama Nasim Manbi and Abd. Jalil, Juriah (2020) Malaysia's legal response to tackling the crime of online child pornography. IIUM Law Journal, 28 (1). 165 -195. ISSN 0128-2530 E-ISSN 2289-7852
Wan Muhammad, Ramizah and Shafy, Mohamed Affan (2020) Constructing an Islamic criminal law system in Malaysia. Mimbar Hukum, 32 (3). pp. 333-345. ISSN 0852-100X E-ISSN 2443-0994
Zulhuda, Sonny (2020) تهديد الإرهاب السيبراني وإمكانية تطبيق اتفاقية الجرائم السيبرانية. Attahalof (3). pp. 38-41.
Zulhuda, Sonny (2020) Cyberterrorisme: risque de menace et moyens de contrôle. Altahalouf (3). pp. 20-23.
Zulhuda, Sonny (2023) Fighting online crime globally. New Straits Times. p. 19.
Zulhuda, Sonny (2020) The threat of Cyberterrorism and the applicability of the convention of cybercrime. At-Tahalof (3). pp. 20-23.
Zulhuda, Sonny and Roslan, Muhammad Luqman Haqeem (2022) المعالجة القانونية لتمجيد الإرهاب في ماليزيا وإندونيسيا. التحالف مجلة فصلية تصدر عن التحالف اإلسالمي العسكري لمحاربة اإلرهاب, 12. pp. 40-43.
Zulhuda, Sonny and Roslan, Muhammad Luqman Haqeem (2022) Legal examination of terrorism glorification in Malaysia and Indonesia. At Tahalof IMCTC Quarterly Magazine, 12. pp. 30-33.
Zulhuda, Sonny and Roslan, Muhammad Luqman Haqeem (2022) Traitement juridique de la glorification du terrorisme en malaisie et en Indonésie. Al Tahalouf Magazine trimestriel publié par le Centre de la CIMCT (12). pp. 30-33.
Ali Mohamed, Ashgar Ali and Ahmad, Muhamad Hassan, eds. (2023) Criminal Law in Malaysia. Sweet & Maxwell, Thomson Reuters, Malaysia. ISBN 978-629-7527-19-2
Ali, Zuraidah and Ab Aziz, Norjihan and Mohd Nor, Aishah and Ab Hamid, Zuraini and Mohd Sheriff, Shukriah and Aslah, Siti Aishah and Ramli, Lokman Affendi and Mohamad Noor, Rafidah and Jaafar, Muhammad Syahmi (2024) Pemerdagangan orang dari perspektif Malaysia. Harun M. Hashim Law Centre.
Ambaras Khan, Mushera Bibi and Alias, Suzana Norlihan and Muhtah, Hnadi (2017) The future of mandatory takeover offer: a case study on Malaysia. Springer Nature Singapore Pte. Ltd., Singapore, pp. 485-493. ISBN 978-981-10-8729-5
Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Ismail (2020) Criminal responsibility and its exceptions: harmonization between Islamic Criminal Law (al-Jinaei Islami) and Malaysian Penal Code. Penerbit UTHM, Batu Pahat, Johor. ISBN 9789672389682
Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Ismail (2023) Textual foundation of law of crimes: harmonization between Penal Code and Islamic criminal law. Annasa Publication, Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-2787-16-7
Book Chapter
Eishan Jan, Mohammad Naqib and Ahmad, Muhamad Hassan and Yaakob, Adnan (2023) International criminal law. In: Criminal Law in Malaysia. Thomsan Reuters Asia Sdn Bhd, Malaysia, pp. 545-565. ISBN 978-629-7527-19-2
Eishan Jan, Mohammad Naqib and Ahmad, Muhammad Hassan (2023) International Criminal Law. In: Criminal Law in Malaysia. CLJ Malaysia Sdn. Bhd, Malaysia, pp. 543-563. ISBN 9786297527192
Proceeding Paper
Adnan, Ieman Huda and Adnan, Ieman Sofiyya and Mohd Yusoff, Syarah Syahira and Hassan, Rusni (2024) Financial abuse in domestic violence: a Shariah perspective. In: 3rd International Conference on Islamic Economics 2024 (3rd ICONIE 2024), Holiday Hotel in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina.
Eishan Jan, Mohammad Naqib (2019) Security issues affecting Malaysia: the International Law perspective. In: Executive talk on the International Law perspective, 19 February 2019, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
El-Sheikh, Thaer Ayob and Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman (2021) اﻧﺘﻬﺎك إﺳﺮاﺋﻴﻞ ﻷﺣﻜﺎم وﻗﻮاﻋﺪ اﻟﻘﺎﻧﻮن اﻟﺪوﱄ اﻹﻧﺴﺎﱐ ﰲ ﲪﺎﻳﺔ دور اﻟﻌﺒﺎدة أﺛﻨﺎء اﻟﻨﺰاﻋﺎت اﳌﺴلحة : دراسة قانونية تطبيقية. In: International Conference On Syariah & Law2021 (ICONSYAL 2021), Kuala Lumpur.
Elshobake, Mohammed R. M. (2023) فعالية محاكمة الاحتلال الإسرائيلي أمام المحكمة الجنائية الدولية: التحديات والآفاق = The effectiveness of prosecuting the Israeli occupation before the International Criminal Court: challenges and prospects. In: The Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over the Palestinian Territories “Paths of Accountability and Obstacles to Prosecution”, 25 October 2023, University of Oran 2 Mohamed ben Ahmed, Algeria. (Unpublished)
Elshobake, Mohammed R. M. (2023) The protection of women from cyber blackmail in Arab countries in the light of International Human Rights Law. In: Sixteenth Annual ASMEA Conference, 4-6 November 2023, Washington Georgetown Marriott Hotel | Washington, D.C.. (Unpublished)
Elshobake, Mohammed R. M. (2022) العلاقة بين الإعلام والإجرام = The relationship between media and crime. In: International Virtual Conference on Islamic Studies, Education, Social Sciences, and Laws 2 (ICO-ISOL 2), 28 October 2022, Malaysia (Virtual). (Unpublished)
Mohamed, Duryana (2023) Sustaining professional ethics in legal business. In: 8th International Conference on Governance and Accountability 2023 (ICGA2023), 20th - 21st July 2023, Hotel UiTM, Shah Alam, Malaysia.
Mohd Noor, Azman and Mohd. Zain, Nor Razinah and Saleh, Abdulmajid Obaid Hasan (2020) A shariah evaluation on drug abuse: justifications in imposing severe punishment for drug addicts in Malaysia. In: 2020 World Congress of The Integration and Islamicisation, 27th-29th March 2020, Pahang, Malaysia. (Unpublished)
Mokhtar, Khairil Azmin (2022) Countering Online Radicalisation - Legal Aspects & Implications. In: Expert Workshop On ‘Conducting Effective Social Media Research, Sentiment Analysis, And Open-Source Investigations for Early Intervention Against Online Radicalisation, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan. (Unpublished)
Mokhtar, Khairil Azmin (2020) Sebat, gantung lesen cadangan tambah hukuman pemandu mabuk. In: Buletin Bernama - Laporan Khas, 4 June 2020, Kuala Lumpur.
Mokhtar, Khairil Azmin and Rachminawati, Rachminawati (2022) Rights of the Rohingya: effect of the Gambia vs Myanmar on Asean and Asean intergovernmental commission on human rights’ (aichr) policy and action. In: International Jurist Union Program Of Islamic World Law Congress, 19-22 May 2022, Konya, Turkey. (Unpublished)
Tengku Zainal Mulok, Tengku Adida and Abdul Rahman, Hamizah and Nadarajan, Ravindran and Mohd. Zain, Nor Razinah (2022) Tips of the iceberg: domestic violence during COVID-19, Movement Control Order (MCO) in Malaysia. In: International Academic Symposium of Social Science 2022 (IASSC 2022), 3rd July 2022, Kota Bharu, Kelantan.
Zulhuda, Sonny (2014) Legal redress for identity theft in Malaysia: a hope or hype? In: IIUM Research, Invention and Innovation Exhibition 2014, 11-12 June 2014, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Ab Aziz, Norjihan (2024) Buku laporan kajian keberkesanan tindakan antara agensi dalam menangani kes pemerdagangan orang. Technical Report. UNSPECIFIED.
Ab Aziz, Norjihan and Mohamad Amin, Noor Shuhadawati and Ab Hamid, Zuraini and Ibrahim, Sarah Shahimah (2020) Establishing the Legal Framework for Family Group Conference to Resolve School Bullying in Malaysia. Technical Report. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur.
Mohd Kamal, Mohd Hisham and Ab Hamid, Zuraini and Zul Kepli, Mohd Yazid (2022) A project to study and analyse the compatibility of Malaysian Laws with the International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance (ICPPED). Technical Report. Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.