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Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2018) Wasatiyyah dalam perlembagaan persekutuan. Jurnal Wasatiyyah Malaysia, 1. pp. 142-172. ISSN 2636-9532

Abdul Rahim, Abdullah Bukhari (2020) Penghayatan integriti melalui Sunnah Rasulullah S.A.W (Understanding integrity through sunnah of Prophet S.A.W). In: Shariah Compliance Unit, Sultan Ahmad Shah Medical Centre IIUM "Monthly Talk", 27th August 2020, Online Via Zoom and Google Meet. (Unpublished)

Abdul Razak, Dzulkifli (2021) Memupuk kualiti hidup bukan sekadar berdrama. Utusan Malaysia, 11 Mac 2021.

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas (2021) Muslim world needs a new mindset to face modern challenges. IIUM-Today, 11 December 2021.

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Fatah Yasin, Raudlotul Firdaus (2024) Al-Ghazali’s intellectual legacy: balancing philosophy, faith, and human nature. IIUM Today.

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Fatah Yasin, Raudlotul Firdaus (2024) Glimpses into the life of Al-Ghazali. IIUM Today.

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Fatah Yasin, Raudlotul Firdaus (2024) The essence of the Islamic worldview. Islam on web.

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Haneef, Sayed Sikandar Shah and Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2019) Muslim world in encountering the challenges of global extremism and terrorism. In: 8th Kuala Lumpur International Islamic Studies and Civilisations (KLiISC 8) 2019, 23rd- 24th February, 2019, Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor.

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Haneef, Sayed Sikandar Shah and Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2019) Muslim world in encountering the challenges of global extremism and terrorism. nternational Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 18 (6). pp. 100-108. ISSN 2289-1552

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Laluddin, Hayatullah and M M Yusoff, Mahathir (2022) Iqbal’s antagonism towards Pseudo-Mysticism. Al-Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 6 (2). pp. 81-97. E-ISSN 2600-8432

Abu Bakar, Noor Mahinar and Mohd. Yasin, Norhashimah (2017) تطبيق مقاصد الشريعة: الوسطية كأقوى جانب في العلاقة بين المصارف الإسلامية الماليزية والمتعامل معها = The application of Maqāṣid al-Sharī‘ah: Wasaṭiyyah as a significant aspect in the banker-customer relationship in Malaysian Islamic banks. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh Studies, 1 (1). pp. 77-90. E-ISSN 2600-8408

Abu Hassan, Muhammad Ikram (2020) معاملة النصارى في ضوء السيرة النبوية، نصارى نجران نموذجا = Dealing with Christians in the bibliography of the Prophet’s, Christians of Najran as a model. Journal of Hadith Studies, 5 (1). pp. 63-77. E-ISSN 2550-1488

Ahmad Abdul Wanis Ibrahim, Umniya and Yaakub, Muhamadul Bakir (2017) فلسفة الوسطية: دراسة مقارنة بين الفكر اليوناني والفكر الإسلامي. In: 6th International Conference on Arabic Language & Literature (iCALL 2017), 24th-26th October 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ahmad H.Osman, Rahmah (2018) Imam Bediuzzaman's concept of tolerance as a pillar of wasatiyyah (moderation) and unity. The Journal of Risale-I Nur Studies, 1 (1). pp. 29-39. ISSN 2636-8897

Ahmed Ibrahim, Hassan and Musa, Afiz Oladimeji (2017) The Muslim world and the West in the aftermath of 9/11 events: An exploratory study with special reference to the role of the wasatiyyah towards the "Clasp of Civilization". In: Religion, culture, society : readings in humanities and revealed knowledge. Silverfish Books, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 13-29. ISBN 978-983-3221-64-6

Akhmetova, Elmira (2017) Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. In: Convention on Muslim Thinkers :Revitalisation on Muslim Sprit 2017, 4th November 2017, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Akhmetova, Elmira (2020) Black lives matter : global responses. In: IIUM Global E-Forum "Black Lives Matter: Global Responses", IIUM Zoom. (Unpublished)

Akhmetova, Elmira (2019) Historical context in knowledge production. In: International Postgraduate Seminar on Producing Knowledge, Concept Formation and Theory Building, 23rd-25th July 2019, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Akhmetova, Elmira (2019) Islam and politics in Malaysia since 1957: fluctuation between moderation and radicalisation of the state, society and religion. Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization, 9 (2). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2075-0943 E-ISSN 2520-0313

Akhmetova, Elmira (2017) Moderation (Wasatiyyah) as positive action in the Risale-I Nur. In: The 11th International Bediuzzaman Symposium 2017, 1st-3rd Oct. 2017, Istanbul, Turkey. (Unpublished)

Akhmetova, Elmira (2018) Risale-i Nur's solutions for current social problems. In: 9th International Graduate Conference on Risale-i Nur Studies, 2-6 July, 2018, Istanbul, Turkey. (Unpublished)

Akhmetova, Elmira (2017) The nation state and nationalism in the thought of Said Nursi. In: The Companion to Said Nursi Studies. Pickwick Publications, U.S.A., pp. 412-426. ISBN 978-1-4982-9222-1

Akhmetova, Elmira (2018) The problems of racism and extremism in the modern world: the Risale-i Nur approach. In: 1st International Conference on Nursi Studies in Bangladesh 2018, 5th-6th February 2018, Bangladesh. (Unpublished)

Akhmetova, Elmira and Abdul Rahim, Adibah (2019) Moderation, negative nationalism and extremism from the viewpoint of the Risale-I Nur. The Journal of Risale-i Nur Studies, 1 (3). pp. 1-23. ISSN 2636-8897

Akhmetova, Elmira and Ahmad, Nadzrah (2018) The impact of Islam on post-independence Malaysian society and rule: challenges and prospects. In: The 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on The Impact of Religion: Challenges for Society, Law and Democracy, 24th-26th April 2018, Uppsala, Sweden. (Unpublished)

Akhmetova, Elmira and Aminudin, Rabi'ah (2019) The factors contributing to the rise of religious extremism in Malaysia. In: International Conference on Contemporary Muslims World 2019, Ipoh, Perak. (Unpublished)

Akhmetova, Elmira and Aminudin, Rabi'ah (2020) The factors contributing to the rise of religious extremism in Malaysia. Jurnal Islam Dan Masyarakat Kontemporari,, 21 (2). pp. 46-59. E-ISSN 22-89 63-25

Akhmetova, Elmira and Aminudin, Rabi'ah and Ahmad H.Osman, Rahmah and Ahmad, Nadzrah and S.Shikh @ Sy Sheikh, Sharifah Syahirah (2020) A framework of good governance in regulating religious extremism to improve national security in Malaysia. Module. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Akhmetova, Elmira and Mansor Majdin, Mohamad Firdaus (2017) Unity and wasatiyyah as prerequisites in creating an exemplary society: a Rısalah An-Nur approach. In: The International Conference on Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's Thought on Wasatiyyah and Exemplary Society, 23rd-25th September 2017, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Akhmetova, Elmira and Tengku Zainal Abidin, Tengku Ahmad Hazri (2018) The role of Islam and nationalism in constitutional reforms in the cases of Malaysia and Turkey. Research Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2022) Bahaya pemikiran Takfīrī terhadap ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah di Malaysia (the threat of Takfīrī thought on the sunnites in Malaysia). TAFHIM: IKIM Journal of Islam and the Contemporary World, 15 (2). pp. 111-146. ISSN 2231-7015 E-ISSN 2637-0921

Al-Banna, Ibrahim 'Abdullah and Mohd Daud, Noor Amali (2018) تحليل مفهوم الحاكمية في فكر سيد قطب = An analysis of the conceptual framework of al-Ḥākimiyyah of Sayyed Quṭb. Al-Itqan, 2 (2). pp. 145-165. E-ISSN 2600-8432

Ali, Mohd Mumtaz and Muhammed, Muneer Kuttiyani (2017) Wasatiyya as a higher principle of the Shariah: a civilizational approach. Proceeding International Seminar on Islamic Civilization & Thoughts (INSIST) 2017. pp. 12-23.

Ali, Muhammad Mumtaz and Rafeeq, Muneer Muhammed (2018) Wasaṭiyyah (moderation) as the principle and objective of the Shariah as a solution for preventing violence and extremism = Wasatiyyah (kesederhanaan) sebagai satu prinsip dan objektif Shariah adalah satu solusi mencegah keganasan dan ekstrim. Journal of Islam in Asia, 15 (2). pp. 477-499. E-ISSN 2289-8077

Ali, Nuhu and Mansour, Saad eldin (2020) حقوق الجوار المعنوية وفوائدها في ضوء السنة النبوية = The moral rights of the neighbours according to the Prophetic Sunnah. Al-Burhan: Journal of Qurʾān and Sunnah Studies, 4 (1). pp. 43-72. E-ISSN 2600-8386

Ashimi, Tijani Ahmad (2020) The importance of al-wasatiyyah in Islamic worldview. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 10 (11). pp. 206-213. ISSN 2250-3153 E-ISSN 2250-3153

Ashimi, Tijani Ahmad (2020) The importance of moderation in Islamic worldview. In: Symposium on Interdisciplinary Islamic Research 2020, 28th August, 2020, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2020) Mengurus khilaf ulama. Utusan Malaysia. p. 22.

al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2023) Terjemahan Kitab al-Muqaddimat dan al-'Aqidah al-Wusta al-Imam al-Sanusi ke arah pemerkasaan akidah Islam di Alam Melayu. Penerbit Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-0044-09-5


Bakour Mohamad, Bachar and Abdelaziz, Berghout (2017) مفهوم "طاعة الحاكم" في الفكر السياسي الإسلامي: دراسة أحاديث الطاعة = The concept of "Obedience to the ruler" in Islamic political thought: a Prophetic saying study of obedience = Konsep ketaatan kepada pemerintah dalam pemikiran politik Islam: satu kajian hadith-hadith ketaatan. At-Tajdid, 21 (42). pp. 9-50. ISSN 1823-1926

Berghout, Abdul Aziz (2017) جهود المملكة العربية السعودية في نشر السلام والحوار العالمي والدور الحيوي لمركز الملك سلمان للسلام العالمي. In: ندوة الحج الكبرى، مكة المكرمة, 22nd-27th Aug. 2017, مكة المكرمة. (Unpublished)

Berghout, Abdul Aziz (2016) مقاربة حضارية لتجديد التعليم الإسلامي المعاصر: تخريج القيادات وتنمية قدرات الإبداع والإبتكار. In: The 1st International Conference on Islam & Contemporary Issues in The Islamic World: Challenges & Way Forward (ICIC-2016), 5th-6th Dec. 2016, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Berghout, Abdul Aziz and Berghout, Zakia (2016) Social relations network in building civilization an analysis of its significance. Journal of Islam in Asia, 13 (2). pp. 152-168. ISSN 2289-8077

Berghout, Abdul Aziz and Berghout, Zekiyyah (2017) نحو مقاربة حضارية لتفعيل دور الدين والتعليم الإسلامي في التجديد الثقافي للأمة. In: المؤتمر الدولي حول: الإسلام والعالم : من المأزق إلى المخرج, 11th-12th March 2017, Oman, Jordan. (Unpublished)


Choopan, Abdul Khaliq and Berghout, Abdul Aziz (2024) The significance of “islamic culture course” in dealing with extremism: an educative analytical study of Afghan universities. Al-Qanatir International Journal of Islamic Studies, 33 (4). pp. 208-221. E-ISSN 2289-9944

Chuah, Osman and Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam @ Zulkifli (2006) Methodology of da'wah to the non-Muslim Chinese in the Malay archipelago: a preliminary observation. In: Dakwah Islam semasa: konsep dan pelaksanaan. Penerbit Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 225-249. ISBN 983-100-341-1


El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir and Jones, Serene (2019) Gender issues: recovering the measure and restoring the balance. Islamic Applied Ethics (11). Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics, Hamad University, Doha, Qatar. ISBN 9789927129858


Haneef, Sayed Sikandar Shah and Abdullah, Ismail (2016) The position of women in the Muslim family between cultural construction and textual foundation: a critical analysis within the Wasatiyyah framework. Research Report. Research Management Centre, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Hasan, Md. Mahmudul (2024) Can’t we make this Ramadan better than the last one? The Daily Star. p. 9.

Hasan, Md. Mahmudul (2023) Food waste continues to be a blot on spirit of Ramadan 2023. New Straits Times. pp. 1-3.

Hasan, Md. Mahmudul (2018) A long jihad: my quest for the middle way. The Muslim World Book Review, 39 (1). pp. 59-64. ISSN 0260–3063

Hassan, Hasliza and al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2019) Jangan cari salah, cetus pergaduhan. Berita Harian.

Hassan, Mohd. Kamal and Hassan @ Mohamed, Nor Jana and Zubir, Nazira and Husin, Abu Hasan and Mohd. Yusof, Mohd. Isa (2021) Natural science from the worldview of the Qur'an: an introduction - volume 2. Natural Science from the Worldview of the Qur'an, 2 . Institut Terjemahan & Buku Malaysia (ITBM), Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-430-460-7

Hassan, Mohd. Kamal and Hassan @ Mohamed, Nor Jana and Zubir, Nazira and Husin, Abu Hasan and Mohd. Yusof, Mohd. Isa (2020) Natural science from the worldview of the Qur'an: an introduction - volume 2. Natural Science from the Worldview of the Qur'an, 2 . Institut Terjemahan & Buku Malaysia (ITBM), Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-430-460-7

Hassan, Mohd. Kamal and Hassan @ Mohamed, Nor Jana and Zubir, Nazira and Husin, Abu Hassan and Mohd. Yusof, Mohd. Isa (2021) Natural science from the worldview of the Qur'an: an introduction - volume 1. Natural Science from the Worldview of the Qur'an, 1 . Institut Terjemahan & Buku Malaysia (ITBM), Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-430-459-1

Hassan, Mohd. Kamal and Hassan @ Mohamed, Nor Jana and Zubir, Nazira and Husin, Abu Hassan and Mohd. Yusof, Mohd. Isa (2020) Natural science from the worldview of the Qur'an: an introduction - volume 3. Natural Science from the Worldview of the Qur'an, 3 . Institut Terjemahan & Buku Malaysia (ITBM), Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-430-461-4

Hassan, Mohd. Kamal and Hassan @ Mohamed, Nor Jana and Zubir, Nazira and Husin, Abu Hassan and Mohd. Yusof, Mohd. Isa (2021) Natural science from the worldview of the Qur'an: an introduction - volume 3. Natural Science from the Worldview of the Qur'an, 3 . Institut Terjemahan & Buku Malaysia (ITBM), Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-430-461-4

Hassan, Nur Jannah (2018) Qur'anic worldview and natural science: an Ulul-albāb integration framework for Islamic secondary schools. In: International Congress on Islamic Education 2018, 27th-28th April 2018, Istanbul, Turkey. (Unpublished)

Hassan Mydin, Shaik Abdullah and Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas (2019) Pandangan alam Islam: analisis dari perspektif surah al-Fatihah. In: The 14th ISDEV International Islamic Development Management Conference (IDMAC2019), 30-31st July 2019, Penang, Malaysia.


Ibrahim, Haslina (2018) The principle of wasaṭiyyah (moderation) and the social concept of Islam: countering extremism in religion. Al-Itqan Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, Special Issue (1). pp. 39-48. E-ISSN 2600-8432

Ibrahim, Siti Munirah and Fouad Bounama, Fouad and Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2017) The issues discussed in Friday khutbah in Malaysia an analysis study of the khutbah texts prepared by JAKIM in the year 2012. Arrasikhun International Journal, 3 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2462-2508

Islam, Arshad (2021) Pan-Islamic international cooperation and anticolonialism: South Asia, Turkey, and Southeast Asia. Hamdard Islamicus, 44 (1). pp. 9-28. ISSN 0250-7196

Ismail, Halim (2014) Seminar Antarabangsa Penghayatan Wasatiyyah dalam Kerangka Maqasi Dsyariah. In: SEMINAR ANTARABANGSA PENGHAYATAN WASATIYYAH DALAM KERANGKA MAQASI DSYARIAH, 8-10 APRIL 2014, MENARA FELDA KUALA LUMPUR. (Unpublished)

Ismail, Halim and ismail, noor azizi and Che Noh, Aderi (2021) Metode pengajaran pendidikan Islam dalam kalangan Mualaf. In: Konvensyen Pendidikan Tinggi Islam Mualaf di Malaysia 2021, 24-28 OGOS 2021, Zoom Online. (Unpublished)

Ismail, Norbani (2017) The Qur’anic exegesis, reformism, and women In twentieth century Indonesia. Studia Islamika, 24 (3). pp. 469-501. ISSN 0215-0492 E-ISSN 2355-6145

Ismail, Norbani (2019) The mufti and the state administration of Islam: some selected fatwas in contemporary Perlis, Malaysia (Mufti dan pentadbiran Islam negeri: beberapa fatwa terpilih di Perlis, Malaysia). Journal of Islam in Asia, 16 (3). pp. 344-373. ISSN 1823-0970 E-ISSN 2289-8077


Jaafar, Muhammad Izzuddin and Akhmetova, Elmira (2020) Religious extremism and radicalisation of Muslims in Malaysia: the Malay ties with the Mujahidin, al Qaeda and ISIS. Journal of Nusantara Studies (JONUS), 5 (1). pp. 104-123. ISSN 0127-9319 E-ISSN 0127-9386

Jamaludin, Mohammad Aizat and Abdullah Sani, Muhammad Shirwan and Hashim, Yumi Zuhanis Has-Yun (2018) The emergence of global halal industry ecosystem. Journal of Halal Industry and Services, 1 (1). ISSN 2637-0891

Jamil, Khairil Husaini (2024) Shepherdhood and the green: al-Riʿāyah in bridging sustainability and spirituality. In: Guardianship of Balance: Bridging Spirituality and Sustainability in the light of the Quran and Sunnah. Department of Qur'an and Sunnah Studies, AHAS KIRKHS, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 5-24. ISBN 978-967-26850-6-7

Jani, Nazrul Affandi and Samsudin, Sofiah and Mohmad, Nor Zatu Amni (2017) التجارة في القرآن الكريم وعلاقتها بالوسطية = Business in the Qur’an and its relationship with al-wasaṭiyyah. In: 1st International Islamic Social Economic Conference (IISEC 2017), 22nd-23rd Aug. 2017, Bandar Baru Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. (Unpublished)

Jani, Nazrul Affandi and Samsudin, Sofiah and Mohmad, Nor Zatu Amni and UNSPECIFIED (2017) Marriage empowerment through the Qur’ānic stories of husbands and wives. In: Seminar Wahyu Asas Tamadun Peringkat Antarabangsa Kali Kelima (SWAT 2017), 10th-11th October 2017, Bandar Baru Nilai, Negeri Sembilan.

Junid, Humairah and Abdul Rahim, Adibah (2017) Wahhabism: a misconception segregating the Malay muslim community and Wasatiyyah as the mean for an ideal life. Yeni Turkiye, 23 (96). pp. 172-180. ISSN 1300-4174


Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2008) الإسلام والمسلمون في منظور الصينيين الماليزيين غير المسلمين. Kaci Graphics, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-983-2599-88-3

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2021) الوسطية في الإسلام كما فهمها وبيّنها الإمام الصيني الشهيد يوسف تشن كه لي في كتابه 《معرفة الإسلام عن طريق معرفة محمد 》 = Moderation in Islam as understood and demonstrated by the imam Martyr Yusuf Chen Ke Li in his book (Knowing Islam by knowing Mohamed (s.a.w)). Al-Azhar Journal.

Mamat, Ismail (2016) Transmission of Islamic reform (Islah) from Egypt to Malaysia: A study of Hasan al-Banna's legacy. International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 10 (5). pp. 23-30. ISSN 2289-1552

Mamat, Ismail (2018) The impact of Islam on the sultanate of Melaka’s legal system during the 15th century. Malaysia dari segi Sejarah ( Malaysia in history ) (46). pp. 197-209. ISSN 1675-0594

Mamat, Ismail and Noor, Haji, Anuar Sadat (2017) A model of Islamic leadership based on Hasan Banna's writings. Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 8 (1). pp. 269-274. ISSN 2289-1552

Mohamad Nasir, Mohamad Nasrin (2023) Toleration and justice. two important ingredients for societal harmony. The New Straits Times, 20 Jan 2023.

Mohd Daud, Noor Amali (2019) تجديد منهجية عرض التراث الديني عند الشيخ محمد الغزالي. In: Seminar on Scholarship Advancement, 21st August 2019, Selayang. (Unpublished)

Mohd Daud, Noor Amali (2023) Hamka on chastity and its importance in preserving muslim identity: an analysis. Al-Itqān - Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 8 (Special Issue 5). pp. 65-79. E-ISSN 2600-8432

Mohd Daud, Noor Amali (2022) The issue of intellectual and civilizational decadence: an analysis of Syeikh Muhammad al-Ghazzāli’s discourse. Jurnal Usuluddin, 50 (2). pp. 123-140. ISSN 1394-3723 E-ISSN 0128-0708

Mohmad, Nor Zatu Amni and Abd Malek, Normi and Samsudin, Sofiah and Jani, Nazrul Affandi (2019) Sustaining the Islamic marriage institution in Malaysia: lessons from qur’anic stories. Al-Shajarah, 24 (1). pp. 97-130. ISSN 1394-6870

Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2003) Al-Ghazali's course in the Munqidh min al-Dalal. The Islamic Quarterly, XLVII (2). pp. 157-172. ISSN 0021-1842

Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2020) Al-Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Idris al-Marbawi's contribution to Islamic studies in the Malay World. In: Monograph on selected Malay intellectuals. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 82-105. ISBN 9789832957027

Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2023) Badi’uzzaman Said Nursi (1876-1960) dan Islam di Turki: perjuangan dan sumbangannya. Pengasuh (678). pp. 43-52. ISSN 0126-6462

Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2002) Beberapa pemikiran tentang minda Melayu: suatu tinjauan awal. In: Persidangan Antarabangsa Pengajian Melayu Beijing ke-2, 8th-15th October 2002, Beijing, China. (Unpublished)

Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2008) Islam and tolerance: an overview of some discourses on tolerance and intolerance of Islam. The International Journal of the Humanities, 6 (8). pp. 27-34. ISSN 1447-9508

Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2016) Isu-Isu kontroversi di sebalik pemikiran Ibn Taymiyyah. Dakwah, 36 (Nov/Dis). pp. 31-36. ISSN 0126-5938

Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2016) Meneladani dakwah Pak Natsir. Dakwah, 32 (Mac/April)). pp. 82-84. ISSN 0126-5938

Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2021) Model dakwah semasa: suatu analisa teoritikal kepada karya panduan para pendakwah,. Pengasuh (671). pp. 15-25. ISSN 0126-6462

Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2020) Muhammad Iqbal dan perjuangan untuk kebangkitan Islam semasa. Pengasuh (669). pp. 38-53. ISSN 0126-6462

Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2024) Needs Analysis for the Development of a Manual in Palliative Care for Malaysia: An Islamic Psychospiritual Approach. Journal of Religion and Health, 63 (3).

Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2003) Panduan mengajar akidah kepada kanak-kanak. PTS Publications & Distribution, Bentong, Pahang. ISBN 983-192-828-8

Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2007) Pendekatan teori Shah Wali Allah al-Dihlawi terhadap "bukan Islam": satu tinjauan khusus berdasarkan karya al-Fawz al-Kabir fi usul al-Tafsir. In: Dimensi Pemikiran Shah Wali al-Dihlawi dan Pengaruhnya di Malaysia. Research Centre, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 57-75. ISBN 978-983-3855-13-1

Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2007) Peranan institusi masjid dalam berdakwah menerusi teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT). Jurnal JAHEAIK, Bil. 1 2007M/1428H (January-June). pp. 45-57. ISSN 1985-1782

Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2017) Perjuangan dan sumbangan Badi'uzzaman Said Nursi. Dakwah, 41 (September-Oktober). pp. 83-88. ISSN 0126-5938

Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2009) Religious tension and tolerance in Malaysia: A survey of Malaysian newspaper reports on religious tension Incidents from 2004-2007. In: Islam & Contemporary Muslims: Challenges and Issues. Department of Theology and Philosophy, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, pp. 33-45. ISBN 978-967-5048-74-6

Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2004) Religious tension and tolerance in Malaysia: a survey of newspaper reports on religious tension incidents from 1997-2003. IKIM Journal of Islam and International Affairs (2002-2009), 1 (3). pp. 19-43. ISSN 2231-7015, E-ISSN 2637-0921

Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2019) "Titih Keturunan' in 70 Tahun Kamil Ab. Majid (2019). In: 70 Tahun Kamil Ab. Majid. Ilhambooks. ISBN 978-967-2007-26-5

Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2018) Tuan Guru Haji Abdul Majid bin Ibrahim (1903-1970): Sumbangannya kepada perkembangan ilmu di Kelantan. Pengasuh (657 (Mac-April)). pp. 2-14. ISSN 0126-6462 (KDN-MI-1390/R/20)

Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2019) Tuan Guru Haji Harun (1898-1962) [Sambungan Pengasuh 665]. Pengasuh (666 (September-Oktober)). pp. 10-16. ISSN 0126-6462

Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2019) Tuan Guru Haji Harun bin Awang (1898-1962). Pengasuh (665 (Julai-Ogos)). pp. 2-13. ISSN 0126-6462

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