Items where Subject is "B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BP Islam. Bahaism. Theosophy, etc > BP1 Islam > BP174 The Practice of Islam > BP176 The five duties of a Moslem. Pillars of Islam"
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- Library of Congress (74)
- B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion (74)
- BP Islam. Bahaism. Theosophy, etc (74)
- BP1 Islam (74)
- BP174 The Practice of Islam (74)
- BP176 The five duties of a Moslem. Pillars of Islam (74)
- BP174 The Practice of Islam (74)
- BP1 Islam (74)
- BP Islam. Bahaism. Theosophy, etc (74)
- B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion (74)
Ab Razak, Mohamed Rashid (2020) Permasalahan imam dan makmum dari tinjauan ilmu fiqh Mazhab Shafie. In: Kursus Pemantapan dan Tahsin Al-Quran Pegawai Masjid (Imam dan Bilal) 2020, 21st-25th September 2020, Seri Iskandar, Perak. (Unpublished)
Ab Razak, Mohamed Rashid (2024) Tangani isu penipuan visa haji. Utusan Malaysia, Forum (31hb Mei 2024). p. 18. ISSN 2716-6694
Ab Razak, Mohamed Rashid (2024) Tingkat kecekapan sistem giliran haji mampu tutup ruang penipuan. Berita Harian, MukaSepuluh (4hb Jun 2024). p. 10.
Ab Razak, Mohamed Rashid and Ismail, Abdul Manan (2021) الفتوى المباشرة عن التباعد بين المصلّين في صلاة الجماعة في الواقع الماليزي ومدى انضباطها بضابط الاعتبار بمآلات الأفعال و النتائج المترتبة في الفتوى: دارالإفتاء بولاية قدح نموذجا. In: International Conference On Contemporary Islamic Studies (ICIS 2021), 8th June 2021, Virtual. (In Press)
Ab Razak, Mohamed Rashid and Ismail, Abdul Manan (2018) ضوابط الأجرة على الحج والعمرة: ماليزيا نموذجا = Rulings on taking the fare on Hajj and Umrah: Malaysia as a model. Al-Qanatir: International Jurnal of Islamic Studies, 11 (1 (July issue)). pp. 55-70. E-ISSN 2289-9944
Ab Razak, Mohamed Rashid and Ismail, Abdul Manan (2021) الفتوى المباشرة عن التباعد بين المصلّين في صلاة الجماعة في الواقع الماليزي ومدى انضباطها بالضابط حسن اختيار وسيلة التعبير عن الفتاوى: دار الإفتاء بولاية قدح نموذجا = The direct fatwa on the spacing of congregants in the congregational prayer in the Malaysian reality and the extent of the extent of it’s compliance to regulation "good choice of means of expressing fatwas”: Mufti Office of Kedah as a example. In: 2nd International Conference on Humanity, Law and Sharia (2nd ICHLaSH) 2021, 23rd-24th June 2021, Jakarta, Indonesia. (Unpublished)
Ab Razak, Mohamed Rashid and Ismail, Abdul Manan (2022) ضابط حسن اختيار وسيلة التعبير عن الفتوى المباشرة: الفتوى المباشرة عن التباعد بين المصلين في صلاة الجماعة أنموذجا = The principle of good choice of means of expression for direct fatwa: a case study of issuing direct fatwā on the distance between worshipers in the congregational prayer. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh Studies (IJFUS), 6 (1). pp. 60-70. E-ISSN 2600-8408
Abd Rahman, Saodah (2009) Akhir Ramadan sebagai pengukur jati diri. Utusan Malaysia.
Abd Rashid, Adnan (2002) Tarbiyah rabbaniyyah (divine education) and its significance in the development of husnu'l-khuluq. Muslim Education Quarterly, 19 (3). pp. 16-30. ISSN 0267-615X
Abdul Rahim, Abdullah Bukhari (2022) Jagalah solat, ibadah wahai peniaga. Utusan Malaysia, 13 April 2022. p. 26.
Abdul Rahim, Abdullah Bukhari (2019) Pengorbanan suatu tuntutan? In: Ceramah "Pengorbanan: Satu Tuntutan?" Hospital Mesra Ibadah Hospital Seberang Jaya, 26 Julai 2019, Pulau Pinang. (Unpublished)
Abdul Rahim, Abdullah Bukhari (2023) Saf: Jangan ‘bocorkan’ pahala solat jemaah. Utusan Malaysia, Rencana (31 Mac 2023). p. 15.
Abdul Rahim, Abdullah Bukhari (2023) 'Sibuk merancang, zakat dah bayar?". Utusan Malaysia, Agama (Gaya) (6hb Disember 2023). p. 27. ISSN 2716-4464
Abdul Rahim, Abdullah Bukhari (2020) Some practical applications of pillars of Iman in modern life. In: Alumni Relations Division IIUM Ibadah Camp 2020, 3rd December 2020, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Abdul Rahim, Abdullah Bukhari (2024) Terkejut masuk Ramadan? Utiusan Malaysia, 15hb March 2024 (p, 27). p. 27. ISSN 2716-6694
Abdul Rahim, Abdullah Bukhari (2023) Teruskan lima rutin Ramadan. Utusan Malaysia, Gaya (Agama) (26 April 2023). p. 23. ISSN 2716-6694
Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas (2025) Ramadhan traditions: the Malaysian way of welcoming the holy month. Potret: Media Perempuan Aceh.
Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas (2012) The philosophy behind the fasting in Ramadhan. Al Waha. p. 17.
Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Sulaiman, Kabuye Uthman (2024) FIDS seminar (SAP 2024) and its new milestones. IIUM Today.
Abul Ma'athi, Mustafa (2010) Mengajar anak mudah solat. Al-Hidayah Publication, Batu Caves, Selangor. ISBN 9789673680672
Ahmad H.Osman, Rahmah and Hamawiya, Adham and Mhd. Sarif, Suhaimi and Alias, Majdan and Man, Saupi and Mohd Ali, Noor Azian and Abdul Aziz, Normaziah and Mahri, Nurhafizah and Abdul Kadir, Andi Fitriah and Ahmad Dahlan, Abdul Rahman and Ibrahim, Jamaludin and Jaapar, Ghazali and Abdul Razak, Dzuljastri and Mohd Ali, Noor Azizah and Ismail, Amelia Ritahani and Mansor, Hafizah and Mohd Nor, Rizal (2022) مطبخ المسجد: مشروع ريادي تعاوني. Al Manar Resources, Malaysia. ISBN 978-629-97700-2-2
Al-Albani, Muhammad Nashiruddin (2010) Sifat solat nabi s.a.w. (Terjemahan). Al-Hidayah Publications, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789675274763
Ali, Mohammed Farid (2021) Imposition of divine obligations (Taklif) as a trust (Amanah) entrusted to mankind and the wisdom behind it: an exposition of Verse 72 & 73 of Al-Ahzab in Shah Wali Allah Al-Dehlawi’s Hujjat Allahi Al-Balighah (Part 1). Journal of Islam in Asia, 18 (2). pp. 159-165. ISSN 1823-0970 E-ISSN 2289-8077
Amanullah, Muhammad and Abd. Rahman, Azman (2011) استثمار أموال الزكاة وتطبيقاته في هيئة الزكاة في سلانجور (Istithmar amwal al-zakah wa tathbiqatihhi fi hai'ah al-zakah fi Salanjur). In: مسائل شرعية معاصرة ونماذج من جهود العلماء -القسم الأول (masa'il syar'yyah mu'asirah wa namadhij min juhud al-ulama-Qism awwal). IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 289-306. ISBN 9789674180669
Arshad, Ahmad Afiq and Johari, Muhammad Hafiz and Rahimin, Muhammad Ali Sajjad and Sharifudin, Mohd Ariff (2014) Range of motion study of the hip and knee in prayer by Muslims: a preliminary report. Research Report. International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuantan, Pahang. (Unpublished)
al-Akiti, Ayman (2020) Dampak Covid19 terhadap ibadah umat Islam di Malaysia. In: The Impact of Covid19 on The Actualization of Religious Diversity in Indonesia & Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2020) الترجمة الواضحة للدروس الفلكية للكياهي حاج معصوم علي. Akademi Jawi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-2422-05-1
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2021) القول التام الجامع لصور اقتداء المأموم بالإمام. Al-Musthofa, Selangor.
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2020) فقه وباء الكوفيد عند لجنة بحث المسائل بجمعية نهضة العلماء = Covid-19: Isu dan cabaran dari perspektif akidah dah hadis Rasulullah SAW. In: 5th International Muzakarah & Muktamar on Hadith (IMAM 2020), 15th September 2020, Bangi, Selangor. (Unpublished)
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2020) Fatwa-fatwa dan kitab-kitab berkaitan falak. In: Munaqashah Fiqh Falak 2020, 6th-8th October 2020, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan. (Unpublished)
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2020) Mentaati ulil amri kunci melawan pandemik covid-19. Utusan Malaysia. pp. 21-22.
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2020) Pertimbang buka semula masjid. Berita Harian.
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman and Syed Mohamed, Syed Syahridzan (2020) Tambah surau boleh kendali Solat Jumaat. Berita Harian. p. 3.
Berghout, Abdul Aziz (2016) مقاربة حضارية لتجديد التعليم الإسلامي المعاصر: تخريج القيادات وتنمية قدرات الإبداع والإبتكار. In: The 1st International Conference on Islam & Contemporary Issues in The Islamic World: Challenges & Way Forward (ICIC-2016), 5th-6th Dec. 2016, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Gazdar, Muhammad Amir and Abdul Manas, Shayuthy and Mohammed Yaqub, Mohammed Abullais Shamsuddin (2017) مدى مشروعية الأذان والإقامة في أذن المولود. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-418-813-9
Haneef, Sayed Sikandar Shah and Mahmud , Mek Wok (2011) Issues in contemporary zakah: a juristic analytical evaluation. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789675272943
Hasan, Md. Mahmudul (2019) Thoughts from my one-evening Ramadan experience.
Hashim, Che Noraini (2012) Ramadhan dirindui dan kemuliaannya dihayati. Angkatan Edaran Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 983-41177-0-1
Hendaoui, Hassan Ben Brahim (2012) The secrets of haji and the time of Iyts performance in the light Maqasid : contemporary Caess. Research Report. s.n, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
Ilahi, Fadhl (2010) Keutamaan Solat berjemaah. Al-Hidayah Publication, Batu Caves, Selangor. ISBN 9789675274831
Ismail, Abdul Manan and Ab Razak, Mohamed Rashid (2018) أخذ الأجرة على الصلاة والإمامة حكمه، وضوابطه: ماليزيا نموذجا = Taking salary for salah and imamate its ruling and regulations: a case study of Malaysia. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul Fiqh Studies (IJFUS), 2 (1). pp. 52-68.
Ismail, Zainudin (2018) Kursus intensif ibadat Haji IIUM 2018. In: IIUM Hajj Course For Year 2018, 6th-7th Aug. 2018, Kuala Lumpur.
Khalafi, 'Abd al-'Azim ibn Badawi (2010) Fiqah zakat menurut sunnah Nabi S.A.W. Al-Hidayah Publication, Batu Caves, Selangor. ISBN 9789675274718
Khattak, Muhammad Muzaffar Ali Khan and Mamat, Nik Mazlan and Mohd Abu Bakar, Wan Azdie and Shaharuddin, Mohd Firdaus Nazri (2013) Does religious fasting affect energy and macro-nutrients intakes? Nutrition & Food Science, 43 (3). pp. 254-260. ISSN 0034-6659
Loh, Mohammad Soleh and Fatah Yasin, Raudlotul Firdaus (2024) The phenomenon of abandoning prayer among Muslims in this era and its treatment in the light of Risale –i Nur: al-Kalimaat = ظاهرة ترك الصلاة عند المسلمين في هذا العصر وعلاجها في ضوء رسائل النور كتاب الكلمات نموذجا. The Journal of Risale-i Nur Studies, 7 (2). pp. 64-74. ISSN 2636-8897 E-ISSN 2791-9927
Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2015) إستراتيجية جديدة نحو تفهيم الإسلام وترسيخ عقيدته في قلوب المسلمين في الصين أداء شعائر الحج نموذجا = A new strategy towards Islam and the consolidation of faith in the hearts of Muslims in China: – the case of the hajj pilgrimage = Satu strategi baru terhadap Islam dan penyatuan iman dalam hati umat Islam di China: kes ibadat haji. Journal of Islam in Asia, 12 (2). pp. 1-25. E-ISSN 2289-8077
Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah and Ni Li, Aminah (1994) 穆斯林学礼拜 = تعلم المسلمين كيفية أداء الصلاة = Muslim Prayer Guide (Chinese). Regional Islamic Dawah Council of South East Asia and the Pacific, Kuala Lumpur.
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Mantoro, Teddy and Ayu, Media Anugerah and , Md. Akhtaruzzaman and Mahmud, Murni (2011) Hajj pilgrims tracking and monitoring system. In: The web: Its utilisation, evaluation and security. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 11-22. ISBN 978-967-418-112-3
Mohamad Sabari, Mohamad Firdaus and Md. Sawari, Mohd. Fuad (2021) المسائل غير المعتمده في كتاب الفقه المنهجي: باب الصلاة نموذجا = Unreliable issues in the book of “Al-Fiqh al-Manhajī”: a case study of the chapter on prayer. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul Al-Fiqh, 5 (1). pp. 19-32. E-ISSN 2600-8408
Mohamed Amin, Mohamed Azril and Siron @ Baharom, Khairul Nizam and Goh, Kian Liang (2013) How to perform solah with upper limb injuries. In: Seminar on Islamization of Medical Curriculum and Practice, 26 Aug 2013, Auditorium of Kulliyyah of Medicine, IIUM Kuantan Campus.
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Sahrir, Muhammad Sabri and Yahaya, Mohd Firdaus and Zubir, Muhamad Azhar and Ismail, Taufik (2017) I-Mutawwif : mobile language traveller guide in Arabic for mutawwif (umrah tour guide) via smart phones. In: International University Carnival on e-Learning (IUCEL) 2017, 26th-27th September 2017, Bandar Baru Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. (Unpublished)
Saidun, Salilah and Akhmetova, Elmira and Abdul Rahman, Awang (2018) Muslim female healthcare personnel dress code: a proposed guideline. International Medical Journal Malaysia (IMJM), 17 (2). pp. 57-70. E-ISSN 1823-4631
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