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Abd Rahman, Mohamad Zulkifli and Mat Jubri @ Shamsuddin, Mustafa and El Mesawi, Mohamed El Tahir (2024) Revisiting the issue of initiating greetings (salām) to non-Muslims and answering their greetings: a comparative analysis of fatāwā issued in Malaysia. In: Contemporary Uṣūlī and Fiqhī Studies 2. Department of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh, AHAS KIRKHS, IIUM, pp. 108-137.

Abdullah, Nurdianawati Irwani (2005) Islamic hire-purchase in Malaysian financial institutions: a comparative analytical study. Technical Report. UNSPECIFIED.

Ahmad, Nadzrah and Ismail, Nurul Syuhada and Zakariyah, Luqman and Wan Yusoff, Wan Mazwati (2019) Quranic evaluation of CEDAW’s reproductive rights. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 9 (3). pp. 285-293. ISSN 2226-5139 E-ISSN 2224-4441

Akbar, Mohamed Aslam and Abd Aziz, Hassanuddeen (2018) Economic thought in classical Arabic manuscripts: an assessment. In: Islamic Banking & Finance Symposium in Islamic Finance: An Economic Catalyst for Emerging India, 28th December 2018, Malappuram, India. (Unpublished)

Al-Akhin, Ali Jaber and Arif, Arif Ali (2023) الوقف الذري في قانون الوقف القطري في ضوء مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية = The family endowment in the Qatari endowment law in light of (maqasid) the objectives of Islamic law. Journal of Islamic Shariah, 3 (2). pp. 1-23. E-ISSN 2773-5915

Al-Asfahani, Abu Syuja' Ahmad Ibn al-Husain and Al-Bugha, Mustafa Deeb (2011) Fiqh Sunnah Imam Syafie: pedoman dalam kehidupan (terjemahan At-tahzib fi adillati matn al-ghayah wa al-taqrib). Al-Hidayah Publication, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789673680900

Alhuzaifi Bin Suib, Ali Abdul Rahman and Muhsin, Sayyed Mohamed (2023) استخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي في إبرام عقود الزواج: دراسة فقهية تحليلية. In: International Competition and Exhibition of Research and Innovation on Islamic Studies and Human Sciences (ICONISHS 2023), July 25, 2023, IIUM Cultural Centre. (Unpublished)

Ali, Mohammed Farid (2019) Lack of amanah (trust) and its Implication in governance: issues of corruption in Malaysia. In: International Conference On Religion, Governance And Sustainable Development (ICRGD2019), 16th-17th October 2019, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Ali, Mohd Mumtaz (2011) Ijtihad: a reflection on its role and scope. Journal of Islam in Asia, Spcl (1). pp. 443-462. ISSN 1823-0970

Arab, Shaima Zohair and Muhsin, Sayyed Mohamed (2023) Causes and impacts of feminism on Muslim family: causes and Impacts of Feminism on Muslim family: a Maqasidic appraisal. In: International Competition and Exhibition of Research and Innovation on Islamic Studies and Human Sciences (ICONISHS 2023), July 25, 2023, IIUM Cultural Centre. (Unpublished)

Arif, Arif Ali (2010) إفشاء السر في الفقه الإسلامي: السر الطبي نموذجاً(Secrets in Islamic Jurisprudence: A Case Study of Medical Secret), Penyebaran Rahsia Menurut Perspektif al-Fiqh al-Islami: Kajian @ Terhadap Rahsia Perubatan Pesakit. Journal of Islam in Asia, 7 (2). pp. 1-21. ISSN 1823-0970

Arif, Arif Ali (2002) القرائنُ ومَدَى حُجِّيَّتها في الفقه الإسلامي دراسة مقارنة (al-Qara'in wa-mada hujjiyatuha fi al-fiqh al-Islami : dirasah muqaranah). Kaci Trading Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur.

Awang, Abdul Bari (2011) ٚدسحعخص اسرث اَر أ اٍ٘ه اىشماج ذٗطثٞقاذٔ فٜ تٞد اى اَه ت اَىٞشٝا Investment of ZakÉt Funds and its Applications by Baitulmal in Malaysia Pelaburan Harta Zakat dan Perlaksanaannya di Baitulmal Malaysia. At-Tajdid- IIUM, 15 (29). pp. 143-170.

Awang, Abdul Bari and Awang Abd. Rahman @ Jusoh, Amilah (2009) Ketepatan perlaksanaan wakaf tunai di Selangor dalam membangunkan ekonomi ummah menurut pandangan fuqaha. In: Second International Seminar on Islamic Thought, 6-7 October 2009, Bangi.

Awang, Abdul Bari and Awang Abd. Rahman @ Jusoh, Amilah and Suleiman, Hassan and Mahamad Robbi, Ahmad Akram and Hanafi, Faiz Hatim (2019) مقاصد الشريعة في الوصية: شركة الصالح ين ترستي أنموذجًا. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul al-fiqh Studies, 3 (1). pp. 29-40. E-ISSN 2600-8408

Awang, Abdul Bari and Md. Sawari, Mohd. Fuad and Burhan Uddin, Mohammad (2021) اغتفار الربا التابع غير المقصود بالتعامل في الصكوك المختلطة في ضوء قاعدة التبعية = Forgiveness of Riba in mixed assets Sukuk trading in light of the dependency rule. مجلة بحوث الشريعة, 1 (1). pp. 34-64. ISSN 2790-024X E-ISSN 2790-0258

Awang Abd Rahman, AMILAH (2021) Rethinking maqasid Shari'ah: an analysis of Taha Abdur Rahman's thought. In: Online Special Webinar on Usul al-Din, Islamic Thought and Comparative Religion, Online (Zoom). (Unpublished)


Bahjat, Munjid Mustafa and Akbar, Mohamed Aslam (2018) اتجاهات رسائل الدراسات العليا في الجامعة اإلسالمية العالمية بماليزيا قسم الفقه وأصوله السنوات 1998 -2010 =Postgraduate thesis trends at the International Islamic University of Malaysia: Department of Jurisprudence and its origins, the years 1998-2010 =Kecenderungan Aliran Tesis Sarjana di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia: Jabatan Fiqh dan Usul al-Fiqh, Tahun 1998-2010. Journal of Islam in Asia, 15 (1). pp. 150-182. ISSN 1823-0970

Bari, Abdul Aziz (2009) Penguatkuasaan Undang-undang Jenayah Syariah di Malaysia: satu perspektif perlembagaan. In: Isu-isu Kebebasan Beragama & Penguatkuasaan Undang-undang Moral. Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws and Harun M. Hashim Law Centre, International Islamic University Malaysia, Selangor, pp. 105-111. ISBN 9789834120375

Boukerroucha, Halima (2011) رسالة الإمام الشافعي : بحث في دواعي التأليف (Risalah al-Imam al-Shafi'i : bahth fi dawa'i al-ta'lif). In: Issues in Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh. Research Center IIUM, IIUM , pp. 1-24. (Unpublished)

Bouzenita, Anke Sandra (2009) Formulating an Islamic model of science and bioethics. Journal of the Islamic Medical Association (JIMA), 41 (3). pp. 114-121.

Bouzenita, Anke Sandra (2010) Halal and Tayyib? Islamic views on Genetically Modified Food(GMF). In: 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Science and Technology (iCAST) 2010, 27-29 November 2010, Vistana Hotel, Kuantan, Pahang.


Daud, Mohd Noor and Ismail, Halim (2015) Agihan zakat terhadap asnaf al-Riqāb menurut pandangan ulama dan amalan masa kini. In: International Seminar on al-Quran in Contemporary Society (SQ 2015), 10th-11th October 2015, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu. (Unpublished)

Dawud Ahmed, Maryam and Samsudin, Sofiah and Elatrash, Radwan Jamal Yousef (2017) التمكين الاقتصادي في القرآن الكريم. In: 5th International Conference on Quran as Foundation of the Civilization (SWAT2017), 10th-11th Oct. 2017, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. (Unpublished)

Diniyya, Aulia Arifatu and Fatah Yasin, Raudlotul Firdaus and Mahmud, Mek Wok (2020) The significance of financial literacy for family wealth management: a critical study from maqasid perspective (Kepentingan Ilmu kewangan dalam pengurusan harta sesebuah Keluarga: kajian kritikal mengikut perspektif Maqasid). Journal of Islam in Asia, 17 (3). pp. 198-215. ISSN 1823-0970 E-ISSN 2289-8077


E-Elahi, Mohammad Manzur and Osmani, Noor Mohammad (2011) The objectives and intents of Islamic Law as a paradigm of development strategies and policies. Journal of Islam in Asia, Spcl (1). pp. 427-442. ISSN 1823-0970

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2008) التعليل والمناسبة والمصلحة: بحث في بعض المفاهيم التأسيسية لمقاصد الشريعة = Al-ta'lil wa'l-munasabah wa'l-maslahah: bahth fi ba'd al-mafahim al-ta'sisiyyah li-maqasid al-shariah. Islamiyyat Al-Ma'rifat, 13 (52). pp. 13-53. ISSN 0126-5636

Eletrebi, Mahamed Fathy and Suleiman, Hassan (2021) دور الزكاة في التمويل الاجتماعي في ظل أزمة كورونا .. ماليزيا نموذجا Role of zakat in social finance in light of Covid-19 Pandemic: a Malaysia study. In: 2nd Kedah International Zakat Conference 2021 (i-KEIZAC 2021), 17-18 August 2021, Virtual.

Eletrebi, Mahamed Fathy and Suleiman, Hassan and Awang, Abdul Bari (2021) قواعد المآالت وتطبيقاتها في المعامالت المالية المعارصة = The legal maxims of Maʾālāt and its contemporary application on financial transactions. Al- Hikmah International Journal for Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 4 (3). pp. 77-97. E-ISSN 2637-0581


Fatah Yasin, Mohammad Dhiya’ul Hafidh and Fatah Yasin, Raudlotul Firdaus (2020) Isu nafkah untuk ibu tunggal dan anak yatim menurut syarak- Alimony for single mother and orphan from the sharia perspective. Journal of Islam in Asia, 17 (3). pp. 216-139. ISSN 1823-0970 E-ISSN 2289-8077


Gafoordeen, Nagoor and Mohamed Mohideen, Nayeem and Akbar, Mohamed Aslam (2016) Zakat investment in Shariah. International Business Management, 10 (12). pp. 2398-2401. ISSN 1993-5250

Ghalia, Bouhedda (2011) الاجتهاد في السنة النبوية في ضوء مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية, دراسة تحليلية تطبيقية معاصرة = Al-Ijtihad fi al-sunnah al-nabawiyah fi daw' maqasid al-shari'ah al-Islamiyah, dirasah tahliliyah thatbiqiah mu'asirah ). In: قضايا معاصرة في أصول الفقة (Qadhaya mu'asirah fi usul al-fiqh). IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 3-35. ISBN 9789670225777

Ghalia, Bouhedda (2010) الأبعاد المقاصدية في مناهج التعامل مع السنة عند المجتهدين وتطبيقاتها المعاصرة (Al-ab'ad al-maqasidiyyah fi manahij al-ta'amul ma'a al-sunnah 'inda al-mujtahidin wa tatbiqatuha al-mu'asirah). Islamiyat al Ma'rifah, 61. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1729-4193


Hama, Zakariya and Laeba, Muhammad (2010) نطاق ولاية القاضي الشرعي في تايلاند وماليزيا: دراسة مقارنة = Nitaq wilayah al-qadhi al-syari' fi Thailand wa-Maliziya. In: The 1st AMRON International Conference , 2rd-3rd October 2010, Nakhon Si Thammarat Thailand. (Unpublished)

Haneef, Sayed Sikandar Shah and Mahmud , Mek Wok (2010) Critical thinking in Islamic law: the search for strategies. Jurnal Syariah, 18 (1). pp. 76-90. ISSN 0128-6730

Hararah, Mohammed M. K. and Elshobake, Mohammed R. M. (2023) Harmonization of Shariah and the convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women (CEDAW). In: 5th International Conference on Harmonisation of Shari’ah and Civil Law 2023, Senate Hall, Level 5, Muhammad Abdul-Rauf Building, IIUM. (Unpublished)

Hasan, Aznan and Md. Sawari, Mohd. Fuad (2011) Analysis on Shariah governance in Islamic banking: a comparative perspective. In: International Conference on Shariah Governance in Islamic Banking Across Jurisdiction, 3 December 2011, Inna Garuda Hotel, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Hasan, Md. Mahmudul and Muhsin, Sayyed Mohamed (2023) التفريق القضائي للأمراض النفسية في بنغلاديش: دراسة فقهية مقاصدية. In: International Competition and Exhibition of Research and Innovation on Islamic Studies and Human Sciences (ICONISHS 2023), 25 July 2023, IIUM Cultural Centre. (Unpublished)

Hasin, Abdul Wasi and Zaroum, AbdulHamid Mohamed Ali (2022) الآثار الفقهية والنفسية لغياب أحد الزوجين على الحقوق الزوجية: دراسة تحليلية / The jurisprudential and psychological effects of the absence of one of the spouses on marital rights: an analytical study. Al-Hikmah: International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 5 (6). 428- 471. E-ISSN 2637-0581

Hasmady, Farhan and Mat Jubri@Shamsuddin, Mustafa (2020) Transgenders' rights in Malaysia in light of maqasid ash-Syariah. Journal of Fatwa Management and Research, 21 (1). pp. 69-91. ISSN 2232-1047 E-ISSN 0127-8886

Hendaoui, Hassan Ben Brahim (2010) تحقيق الأخوة الإسلاميّة شرط ضروري لمعالجة ظاهرة انتشار الطلاق في المجتمعات الإسلاميّة. Journal of Islam in Asia, vol. 6. pp. 1-34. ISSN 1823 – 0970

Hidayatullah, Rahmat and Ibrahim Mohamed, Hossam El Din and Mat Jubri@Shamsuddin, Mustafa (2017) تجريد المسائل الكلامية من علم أصول الفقه. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-418-853-5 (In Press)

hashim, ridzuan and jaya, juanda and ismail, azizi and hashim, mohd asri and ayub, salehan (2010) KITAB FIKAH MAZHAB SYAFIE JILID 8. PUSTAKA SALAM SDN BHD, KUALA LUMPUR. ISBN ISBN 978-967-975-344.8

hashim, ridzuan and jaya, juanda and ismail, azizi and hashim, mohd asri and ayub, salehan (2011) Kitab fikah Mazhab Syafie jilid 6. Pustaka Salam Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-975-342-4


Ibn Ashur, Muhammad al-Tahir (2001) Maqasid al-Shari'ah al-Islamiyyah. Dar al-Nafaes, Amman - Jordan.

Ibrahim, Ahmad Basri and Mohamad, Zulkifli (2011) Kaedah-kaedah penting Usul Fiqh berdasarkan manhaj ahli hadis. Al-Hidayah Publications, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789673681037

Ibrahim al-Hasani, Basri (2009) Isu-isu fiqh halal dan haram semasa : ilmu, akidah, syariah dan akhlak. Al-Hidayah Publication, Batu Caves, Selangor. ISBN 9789675274572

Ismail, Arridwan Mustafa and Arif, Arif Ali (2023) أثرُ التَّعايش السّلمي في حماية الوطن في السُّنة النبويَّة: دراسةٌ تحليليَّةٌ في ضوء الواقع المعاصر = The impact of peaceful coexistence in protecting the homeland in the sunnah of the prophet: an analytical study in the light of contemporary reality. Journal of Islam in Asia, 20 (2). pp. 1-39. E-ISSN 2289-8077

Ismail, Siti Zubaidah and Awang Mat , Muhamad Zahiri (2009) Kesalahan sembahyang Jumaat: tinjauan dari perspektif Fiqh dan undang-undang kesalahan jenayah syari'ah. Jurnal Hukum, 29 (2). ISSN 0823-092X1544

Ismail, Zainudin and Md. Sawari, Mohd. Fuad (2014) المقاصد الشرعية في قاعدة "الأصل في المعاملات الإباحة" ومستثنياتها = Maqasid al-shari'ah fi qa'idah "al-asl fi al-mu'amalat al-'ibahah" wa-mustathnayatiha. In: 5th International Conference on Islamic Jurisprudence in the 21st Century 2014 (ICIJ2014), 23rd-25th September 2014, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur.


Jamaludin, Mohammad Aizat and Mohd Salleh, Mohd Mahyeddin and Ramli, Mohd Anuar (2015) Penggunaan alkohol dalam penghasilan produk minuman dan makanan menurut perspektif fiqh. In: Seminar Fiqh Semasa (SeFis) 2015, 10 June 2015, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan.


Khan, Israr Ahmad (2010) Fatalism as a factor for economic complacency: a reflection on its pros and cons from Islamic standpoint. In: Issues in Islamic Law. Serials Publications, New Delhi, pp. 55-78. ISBN 9788183871969


Laeba, Muhammad (2008) معالم منهج الإسلام الحضاري: روية مقاصدية = Maálim manhaj al-Islam al-hadhari: ruýah maqasidiyah. In: International Seminar on Islamic Civilization, 9th-10th July 2008, Kuala Kangsar, Perak.

Laeba, Muhammad and Eswikar, Abdul Majid Qasim Abdul al-Majid (2014) الحدود بين التعبد والتعليل = al-Hudud baina al-taábbud wa-al-ta'lil. al-Tajdid , 18 (35). pp. 79-109. ISSN 1823-1926

Laeba, Muhammad and Hama, Zakariya (2010) تجرية صناعة المصرفية في تايلند = Tajribah sana'ah al-masrafiyah fi Thailand. In: International Conference on Islamic Banking & Finance , 15th-16th June 2010, International Islamic University Malaysia . (Unpublished)

Laeba, Muhammad and Kassin, Abdulmageed (2012) ورقة الحدود بين التعبد والتعليل = Waraqah al-hudud baina al-taábbud wa-al-ta'lil. In: 2nd International Seminar on Syariah and Common Law 2012, 6th-7th Mac 2012, Faculty of Syariah and Law.

Laeba, Muhammad and Muhammad, Abdallahi (2008) دور هيئة الرقابة الشرعية في شركات التأمين التعاون : التحديات والآفاق = Dawr al-raqabah al-syari'yah fi syarikat al-ta'min al-ta'wun: al-tahdiyat wa-al-afaq. In: International Conference in Ijtihad and Ifta in the 21st Century, 12th-14th August 2008, International Islamic University Malaysia .

Laeba, Muhammad and Qasiem, ِAbdul Majid (2009) الفكر المقاصدي في الشريعة الإسلامية: التشريع الجنائي الإسلامي "أنموذجا. In: 2nd International Seminar on Islamic Thought, 6-7 Oct 2009, Bangi, Selangor.


Mahmud, Mek Wok and Mohd Yusoff, Rahmawati (2016) Rights of women in dissolution of marriage from Maqasid Shariah and Islamic law: a comparative analysis. In: Persidangan Muslimah Antarabangsa Kelantan 2016 (MISK 2016), 14th-17th Aug. 2016, Kota Bharu, Kelantan.

Mahmud , Mek Wok (2011) Opinions of contemporary Muslim jurists on the registration of marriages. Journal of Islam in Asia, Spcl (2). pp. 435-456. ISSN 1823-0970

Mat Jubri@Shamsuddin, Mustafa (2019) Aplikasi maslahah ke atas pensyaratan pelaksanaan haji atau umrah melalui agensi pengelola = The application of maslahah in restriction on performing hajj and umrah with operating agencies. Jurnal Sains Insani, 4 (1). pp. 15-21. E-ISSN 0127-7871

Mat Jubri@Shamsuddin, Mustafa (2017) Larangan mengerjakan haji atau umrah tanpa melalui agensi pengelola: Penilaian mengikut maslahah = Restriction on performing hajj and umrah without operating agencies: An evaluation based on maslahah. In: The International Conference on Hajj, Umrah and Ziarah (ICHUZ' 2017), 19th-20th September 2017, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. (In Press)

Mat Jubri@Shamsuddin, Mustafa (2011) المنهج الترجيحي في الفكر الأصولي (al-Manhaj al-tarjihi fi al-fikr al-usuli). Journal of Islam in Asia, Spcl (3). pp. 151-191. ISSN 1823-0970

Mat Jubri@Shamsuddin, Mustafa (2017) منهج الشيرازي في الفروق الفقهية: دراسة في بعض أحكام الطهارة = al-Shirazi's methodology in juristic nuances. In: International Research Conference (IRC2017), 27th-28th Aug. 2017, Kota Bharu, Kelantan.

Mat Jubri@Shamsuddin, Mustafa (2020) أثر تقديم القياس وتأخيره بين الأدلة في الأصول والفروع = The effect of prioritization of analogy (Qiyas) among the evidences on principles of Islamic Jurisprudence and its branches. Ar-Raiq Journal for Islamic Studies, 3 (1). pp. 146-184. ISSN 2617-8842 E-ISSN 2617-8850

Mat Jubri@Shamsuddin, Mustafa and Sitiris, Miszairi (2018) التطبيق المصرفي لعقد الإجارة ثم البيع في ماليزيا: دراسة فقهية نقدية = Banking application of Al-Ijarah Thumma al-Bay’ (AITAB) contract in Malaysia: a juristic and critical study. Journal of Islamic Studies and Thought for Specialized Research (JISTSR), 4 (3). pp. 51-82. E-ISSN 2289-9065

Md. Sawari, Mohd. Fuad and Hassan, Razi and Abdullah, Faruk (2010) On the question of gambling in giving prizes to the holders of savings certificates: an Islamic analysis on Malaysian practice. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 2 (5). pp. 560-573. ISSN 2073-7122

Mochammad Sahid, Mualimin and Fettane, Amar and Chaedar, Syed Mohammad and Zulkifli, Zulkifli (2024) Istiadat ulangan Penghulu Luak Tanah Mengandung mengadap menjunjung duli di Negeri Sembilan: satu tinjauan dari perspektif syarak. In: SEMINAR ANTARABANGSA ISLAM DAN SAINS - SAIS 2024 EDISI KE-7 Seminar Antarabangsa Islam dan Sains 2024, 26 September 2024, Nilai, 71800 Negeri Sembilan..

Mochammad Sahid, Mualimin and Fettane, Amar and Mohamed, Mohd Faisal (2019) فقه المعاملات المالية: دراسة تحليلية وصفية لنظرية الملكية في الإسلام = Fiqh of financial transaction: descriptive and analytical study on ownership concept in Islam. In: The 3rd International Conference on Law & Justice (ICLJ) 2019, 5th-6th November 2019, Kuala Lumpur.

Mochammad Sahid, Mualimin and Fettane, Amar and Mohamed, Mohd Faisal and Mohamad Zain, Lutfi (2018) التوفيق يبن النقل والعقل في مفهوم أحاديث نَفْخِ الروح: حكم الإجهاض نموذجاً Reconciling between reason and revelation with regard to blowing the soul: the ruling of abortion as a case study. In: قضايا معاصرة الإسلام والعلوم. USIM Press, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, pp. 485-505. ISBN 978-967-440-439-0

Mohd Azmi, Nurul Wahida and Mat Jubri@Shamsuddin, Mustafa (2024) The criteria of actor and actress selection in Islamic film: an analytical study. Jurnal Islam Dan Masyarakat Kontemporari, 25 (1). pp. 1-13. ISSN 1985-7667 E-ISSN 2289-6325

Mohd Noar, Nor Zaihan and Islam, Mohd Aminul (2015) A study on the efficacy of Islamic pawn broking services in fulfilling socio–economic needs : a case of two cities Kuantan and Kuala Terengganu in Malaysia. In: 12th International Conference on Advances in Social Sciences ICASS, Kuala Lumpur, 28 - 29 December 2015, Kuala Lumpur.

Mohd Noor, Mohd Izzuddin and Mat Jubri@Shamsuddin, Mustafa (2018) أحكام العبادات الخاصة بالمتضررين من الفيضانات: دراسة فقهية تحليلية = The rules of worships (Ibadat) for those affected by floods: a juristic analytical study. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh Studies (IJFUS), 2 (2 (Special Issue)). pp. 7-22. E-ISSN 2600-8408

Mohd Nor, Ahmad Mawardi and Md. Sawari, Mohd. Fuad (2017) Shariah screening methodology of Securities Commission Malaysia: an analytical fiqh study. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-418-552-7

Mohd Salleh, Mohd Mahyeddin and Deuraseh, Nurdeng and Ab. Rahman, Suhaimi and Mustafa, Shuhaimi and Mohd Subri, Irwan and Jamaludin, Mohammad Aizat (2015) Penggunaan tulang haiwan dalam produk penapis air: kajian di Hijrah Water Sdn. Bhd. In: Seminar Fiqh Semasa (SeFis) 2015, 10 June 2015, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan.

Mohmad, Nor Zatu Amni and Abd Malek, Normi and Samsudin, Sofiah and Jani, Nazrul Affandi (2019) Sustaining the Islamic marriage institution in Malaysia: lessons from qur’anic stories. Al-Shajarah, 24 (1). pp. 97-130. ISSN 1394-6870

Muhammad, Abdallahi and Laeba, Muhammad and Muhammad Zain, Lutfi (2007) قيادة المرأة للسيارة في المملكة العربية السعودية بين المنع والجواز. In: مؤتمر عالمي عن وضع المرأة المسلمة في المجتمعات المعاصرة: حقائق وآفاق, 14-16 Aug 2007, Reinisences Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.

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