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Items where Division is "Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences > Department of Usul al-Din and Comparative Religion" and Year is 2010

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Number of items: 49.


Abd Rahman, Saodah (2010) Berpolitik tidak seharusnya menggadaikan agama. Utusan Malaysia. p. 12.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2010) Dekati remaja secara mesra. Utusan Malaysia.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2010) Dialog memahami satu sama Lain. Utusan Malaysia. p. 10.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2010) Guna ilmu pertahankan akidah Islam. Utusan Malaysia.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2010) Istiqamah dan amanah asas kekuatan umat. Utusan Malaysia. p. 12.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2010) Jiwa memberontak bantut pemikiran rasional. Utusan Malaysia. p. 12.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2010) Kerjasama banteras pembuangan, pembunuhan bayi. Utusan Malaysia. p. 12.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2010) Kumpulan fanatik berfahaman sempit, negatif. Utusan Malaysia. ISSN -

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2010) Laksanakan perundangan syariah tanpa melaungkan slogan Islam. Utusan Malaysia. p. 12.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2010) Marriage and family values in Malay Muslim society from Islamic perspective. Janang: Warta Akademi Pengajian Brunei, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (11). pp. 105-119. ISSN 2071-5757

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2010) Memahami konteks, suasana masyarakat asas keharmonian negara. Utusan Malaysia.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2010) Memperkukuhkan kembali akidah umat. Utusan Malaysia. p. 10.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2010) Mengendalikan masalah moral remaja secara rasional. Utusan Malaysia. p. 12.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2010) Pantau bahan guna label halal. Utusan Malaysia. p. 10.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2010) Pencemaran sungai simbol kemusnahan alam. Utusan Malaysia, - (-). p. 12. ISSN -

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2010) Penyalahgunaan Facebook memusnahkan umat Islam. Utusan Malaysia.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2010) Perpaduan kunci kejayaan. Utusan Malaysia. p. 12.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2010) Perpaduan umat melalui pelbagai kegiatan. Utusan Malaysia. p. 12. ISSN -

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2010) Renung semula prinsip hidup berjiran. Utusan Malaysia.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2010) Semarakkan maruah bangsa dan agama. Utusan Malaysia.

Abd Rahman, Saodah and Nurullah, Abu Sadat (2010) Islamic awakening and its role in Islamic solidarity in Egypt: contributions of the Muslim brotherhood. Journal of Islam in Asia, 7 (1). pp. 109-123. ISSN 1823-0970

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2010) Perbetulkan peranan pendakwah elak kelirukan masyarakat. Utusan Malaysia.

Abd Rahman, Saodah (2010) Perbetulkan peranan pendakwah elak kelirukan masyarakat. Utusan Malaysia.

Abdul Rahim, Adibah (2010) The impact of secularism on religious beliefs and practices. Journal of Islam in Asia, 7 (1). pp. 157-177. ISSN 1823-0970

Abdullah, Fatimah (2010) Submission, peace and happiness: heal the soul, prosper the society. In: Seminar Serantau Islam dan Kesejahteraan Sejagat, 24-25 February 2010, Brunei. (Unpublished)

Abdullah, Fatimah (2010) The equality of religions: a preliminary response. Journal of Islam in Asia, 7 (1). pp. 141-155. ISSN 1823-0970

Abdullah @ Chuah Hock Leng, Osman (2010) Conflicts and peace initiatives between minority Muslims and Thai Buddhists in the Southern Thailand. Journal of Religion, Conflict, and Peace, 3 (2). (1-7).

Awang Abd. Rahman @ Jusoh, Amilah and Awang, Abdul Bari (2010) The role of residential colleges in nurturing professional ethics among university students: prospects and challenges. Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics, 20 (6 SupB). p. 246. ISSN 1173-2571


Bahari, Che Amnah and Abdullah, Fatimah (2010) Developing a Muslim response to the western criticism of the Prophet Muhammad. INSIGHTS, 2 (4). pp. 103-122.


Hassan, Mohd Kamal (2010) Tokoh pemikiran Islam negara. Berita Harian. pp. 2-3.

Hassan, Mohd. Kamal (2010) A return to the Qur'anic paradigm of development and integrated knowledge: The Ulu al-Albab model. Intellectual Discourse, 18 (2). pp. 183-210. ISSN 0128-4878


Ibn Ashur, Muhammad al-Tahir (2010) أليس الصبح بقريب (Alaysa al-subh bi-qarib - al-ta'lim al-'Arabi al-Islami dirasah tarikhiyyah wa ara' Islahiyyah). 270, 1 . Dar al-Multaka and Hay'at al-A'mal al-Fikriyyah, Aleppo, Syria & Khartoum, Sudan.


Mohd Amin, Wan Mohd Adam and Mohd Rashid, Zuriati (2010) Muslims and Buddhist interaction in Pasir Mas, Kelantan. Working Paper. Malaysian Association of Modern Languages.

Mohd Amin, Wan Mohd Azam (2010) Tasawwuf al-Dihlawi menghadapi kebejatan akal dan akhlak zamannya. In: Seminar Gagasan Islah dan tajdid Shah Waliyullah al-Dihlawi, 27 April 2010, Dewan besar, IKIM. (Unpublished)

Mohd Rashid, Zuriati and Mohd. Amin, Wan Mohd. Azam (2010) Buddhists minority in Malay Muslims majority of Pasir Mas, Kelantan. In: International Conference on Minority and Majority: Language, Culture and Identity., 23-24 Nov. 2010., Hotel Hilton, Kucing Sarawak.

Mohd. Daud, Noor Amali (2010) من الانعزال التام إلى الانذماج الكلي: تجربة اليهودية الإصلاحية في المواجهة الحداثة الغربية:(min al- in'izal al-tamm ila indimaj al kulli: tajribat al Yahudiyya al islahiyya fi muwajahat al hadathah al Gharbiyya). AFKAR Journal of Aqidah and Islamic Thought, 11. pp. 215-238. ISSN 1511-8819

Moris, Megawati (2010) Making knowledge useful: 'Abd al-Samad al-Palimbani's application of al-Ghazzoli's teachings in the Malay world. In: World Philosophy Day Congress 2010, 21-23 November 2010, Tehran, Iran.

Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2010) 1Malaysia dan 1Islam: kepentingan dan relevannya menzahirkan kekuatan iman dalam umat islam semasa. Dakwah (3). pp. 72-75. ISSN 0126-5938


Pawan Ahmad, Isham (2010) As far as you are able, join faith to reason: medieval attempts at reconciling faith to reason in Islam and christianity. Katha: Journal of Dialogue of Civilizations, 6. pp. 145-159.

Pawan Ahmad, Isham (2010) Making Ethics matter to developing world business: Understanding differing perspective and how to change attitudes in Malaysian context. In: IIUM Research, Innovation & Invention Exhibition (IRIIE 2010), 26 - 27 January 2010, Kuala Lumpur.


Thoha, Anis Malik (2010) Ciri-ciri fahaman pluralisme agama. In: Symposium Wacana Fahaman Pluralisme Agama dan Implikasinya Terhadap Masyarakat Islam, 1 May 2010, Conference Hall, Tingkat 3, Kulliyyah Ekonomi UIAM, Gombak..

Thoha, Anis Malik (2010) Eylül Sonrasi Dinleri Öğretme-Öğrenme İslami Örneklerin Bir Ön Değerlendirmesi (Teaching-Learning Religions after 9/11: A Preliminary Assessment of Islamic Cases). In: International Congress on Philosophy of Education: Philosophical Dimension of Educational Problems in Globalization Process , 6-8 March 2009, Ankara, Turkey.

Thoha, Anis Malik (2010) حوار الأديان بين بناء جسور التفاهم وحفظ الهوية (Inter-religious dialogue between building bridges of mutual understanding and preservation of identity). al-Tajdid , 14 (28). pp. 133-163. ISSN 1823-1926

Thoha, Anis Malik (2010) Introduction to the book "Japanese Contribution to Islamic Studies: The Legacy of Toshihiko Izutsu Interpreted". In: Japanese Contribution to Islamic Studies: The Legacy of Toshihiko Izutsu Interpreted. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, xiii-xix. ISBN 978-967-5272-63-9

Thoha, Anis Malik (2010) Izutsu's approach to the comparative study of religions: an assessment of his Sufism and Taoism. In: Japanese Contribution to Islamic Studies: The Legacy of Toshihiko Izutsu Interpreted. IIUM Press and Japan Foundation, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 181-190. ISBN 9789675272639

Thoha, Anis Malik (2010) Konsep wahyu dan nabi dalam Islam. In: Workshop on Islamic Epistemology and Education Reform , 27 March 2010, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN), Pekanbaru, Indonesia.

Thoha, Anis Malik (2010) Pluralisme: Kerancuan Istilah dan Pemahaman. INSISTS.

Thoha, Anis Malik (2010) Teaching-learning religions after 9/11: a preliminary assessment of Islamic cases. In: IIUM Research, Innovation & Invention Exhibition (IRIIE 2010), 26 - 27 January 2010, Kuala Lumpur.


Wan Yusuf, Wan Sabri and Abdul Hamid, Norakmal (2010) The creation of Adam and Eve in the Bible and the Qur'an: a comparative analysis of its theological implications. Al-Shajarah, 10 (2). pp. 149-197. ISSN 1394-6870

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