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Number of items: 77.


Ab Razak, Ratna Roshida and Sanusi, Zainal Abidin and Mohd Yusoff,, Ahmad Nasir and Mohd Isa, Nur Ayuni (2020) Spirituality and quality of life among university students during Covid 19 Pandemic. Spirituality and Quality o f Life Among University Students During Covid 19 Pandemic, 5 (2). pp. 4-9. ISSN 2394-0913

Abd Halim, Nurul Atiqah and Jamaiudin, Norhaslinda (2020) Hotspot schools: teachers’ perceptions of school disciplinary problems in Malaysia. International Journal of Social Policy and Society, 16. pp. 1-17. ISSN 1823-0865

Abdel Salam, El Fatih Abdullahi and Muhammad, Mahjubi Ismail (2020) مدذداث خشيت الشأي والخعبير خالى مشاخل أهظمت الحنم اإلاخعاقبت على الذولت الليبيت بين الدضشيع والىاقع في الفترة من )1592 – 2011م( = Determinants of freedom of opinion and expression during the successive stages of government regimes on the Libyan state between legislation and reality in the period (1952-2011). مجلة العلوم السياسية والقانون, 4 (25). pp. 156-177. E-ISSN 2566-8056

Abushuwaisha, Ruqayya Abdulhady Ahmed and Abdel Salam, El Fatih Abdullahi (2020) تحليل وثائق مشاريع الوحدة العربية بين ليبيا والدول العربية خلال الفترة من 1969 إلى 1999 = Analysis of the documents of the Arab unity projects between Libya and the Arab Countries, 1969-1999. Al-Hikmah Journal, 3 (2). pp. 23-51. E-ISSN 2637-0581

Akhmetova, Elmira and Aminudin, Rabi'ah and Ahmad, Nadzrah (2020) A framework of good governance in regulating religious extremism in Malaysia. Al-Shajarah: Journal of The International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), xx (xx). pp. 1-25. ISSN 1394-6870 (In Press)

Akhmetova, Elmira and Aminudin, Rabi'ah and Ahmad H.Osman, Rahmah and Ahmad, Nadzrah and S.Shikh @ Sy Sheikh, Sharifah Syahirah (2020) A framework of good governance in regulating religious extremism to improve national security in Malaysia. Module. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Aminudin, Rabi'ah (2020) A Muslim’s guide to good hygiene practice during COVID-19. IIUM Emotional and Psychological Support Site. (Unpublished)

Aminudin, Rabi'ah (2020) Universities management of crisis: an analysis of Covid-19 pandemic. In: International Webinar on the Roles of University in Responding to Psychosocial Issues in the Community 2020 ( ISRUPIC 2020 ), 16 December 2020, IIUM ( Online Platform). (Unpublished)

Aminudin, Rabi'ah (2020) An analysis of women political empowerment in Malaysia. In: Webinar Internasional: Partisipasi Perempuan Dalam Pemilihan Umum di Masa Pandemi Covid-19, 05 December 2020, Jember, Indonesia. (Unpublished)

Aminudin, Rabi'ah (2020) The invisible intellectuals : Female academics in security and international politics. The Star. p. 20.

Aminudin, Rabi'ah and Jaafar, Muhammad Izzuddin and Akhmetova, Elmira (2020) Going to hell or heaven? an analysis of Malaysian Muslims’ perspectives on extremism in religion. Intellectual Discourse, 28 (2). pp. 623-647. ISSN 0128-4878

Aminudin, Rabi'ah and Jamaiudin, Norhaslinda and Abdul Hamid, Rohana and Mohamad Shukri, Syaza Farhana and Lee, Pei May (2020) Need to address digital divide. The Star.

Aminudin, Rabi'ah and Jamaiudin, Norhaslinda and Shukri, Syaza Farhana Mohamad and Lee, Pei May and Abdul Hamid, Rohana (2020) An analysis of public sentiments towards Malaysian Government's Policies in managing COVID-19 pandemic. In: WAPOR Asia 3rd Annual Conference:, 9th-10th November 2020, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Aminudin, Rabi'ah and Sharif, Megat Muhammad Syamil and Ahmad, Nadzrah (2020) Malaysian political parties’ roles in enhancing women’s agenda: a case study of the 14th general election manifestos. International Journal of Social Policy and Society, 16 (1). pp. 1-16. ISSN 1823-0865 (Unpublished)


EL buseifi, Saleh .S. Masoud and Abdel Salam, El Fatih Abdullahi (2020) التدخل الدولي ومساهمته في إسقاط الدولة في ليبيا والإطاحة بنظام معمر القذافي = International intervention and its contribution in the overthrow of the Libyan State and the overthrow of the regime of Muammar Gaddafi. Al-Hikmah Journal, 3 (1). pp. 1-21. E-ISSN 2637-0581

Elhendaou, Hasan Ben Ibrahim and Abdel Salam, El Fatih Abdullahi and El.Naqr, Eltayeb Abd Elraziq (2020) مناقب الدكتور الرتايب وصراعاته السياسية والفكرية = Characteristics of Dr. Turabi and his political and intellectual struggles. مجلة الرسالة, 3 (3). pp. 215-234. E-ISSN 2600-8394


Hosen, Md. Khaled and Quddus, S. M. Abdul (2020) Sustainable urbanization: the case of Dhaka city. In: International Conference On Religion, Governance And Sustainable Development (ICRGD2019), 16th-17th October 2019, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Hossain, Ishtiaq (2020) Book review of The future of ISIS: Regional and international politics by Feisal al-Istrabadi and Sumit Ganguly. The Muslim World Book Review, 41 (1 (Autumn)). pp. 32-34. ISSN 0260–3063

Hossain, Ishtiaq and Rogers, Roy (2020) "China’s One Belt, One Road Policy (OBOR) initiative: Beijing’s interests, OBOR’s features and responses of Regional States with special focus on Malaysia, Pakistan and Bangladesh". Technical Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)


Iftikhar, Zainab and Hossain, Ishtiaq (2020) China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): its impact on Pakistan’s economy and society = Koridor Ekonomic China-Pakistan (CPEC): kesan terhadap ekonomic dan sosial di Pakistan. Journal of Islam in Asia, 17 (1). pp. 380-412. E-ISSN 2289-8077


Kadri, Hichem and Abdel Salam, El Fatih Abdullahi (2020) Geopolitics of religion: how does religion influence international relations and states’ foreign policies? International Journal of World Policy and Development Studies, 6 (3). pp. 28-37. ISSN 2415-5241 E-ISSN 2415-2331


Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 关于1031直播,慕尤丁没告诉你的事实 = Live on 1031: truth that Muhyiddin did not tell you. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column). (Unpublished)

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 1118直播:慕尤丁再次没告诉你的事实 = Live on 1118: Again, truth that Muhyiddin did not tell you. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 19th November 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 第15届大选迫在眉睫? 言之过早 = Is 15th General Election coming soon? it is too early to say. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 1 October 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 2021年财案:政府应学习相信人民的理财能力 = 2021 Budget: Government needs to learn to trust her people's financial management ability. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 12th November 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 关闭多源流学校:站不住脚的政治巧言善辩 =Abolishing vernacular schools: political rhetoric that doesn't stand. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column). pp. 1-4.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 酒精与复苏限行令:更右翼公共政策 = Alcohol and recovery Movement Control Order: a more right-wing public policy. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 11th June 2020. pp. 1-4.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 允许提取公积金第一户口:有用吗 = Allowing withdrawal from EPF Account 1: does it help? Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 26th November 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 解析巫伊土团,葫芦里卖什么药? = Analysing UMNO, PAS and BERSATU. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column). (Unpublished)

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 反跳巢法只是次要 = Anti-party hopping law is secondary. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 30th April 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 安华称掌握足够议员支持,可能吗?= Anwar claimed he has the majority, is that possible? Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 24 September 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 政客道歉与选民的力量 = The Apologetic politicians and the power of voters. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 10 March 2022.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 阿兹敏只能受委最高理事 = Azmin Ali only being appointed as member of PPBM Supreme Council. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 17th September 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 雪隆布城CMCO——政客们,你们开心了吗? = Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya under CMCO: politicians, are you happy? Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 15 October 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 马来西亚政党联盟之道 = Coalition party in Malaysia. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 2nd July 2020. pp. 1-4.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 有条件行动限制令未达预期的完美 = Conditional Movement Control Order is not as perfect as expected. 透视大马专栏 (The Malaysian Insight (Chinese) Column), 28th May 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 有条件行管令:太仓促了 = Conditional movement control order: too hasty. 透视大马专栏 (Malaysian Insight (Chinese) Column), 7th May 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 新冠肺炎不认部长 = Covid-19 does not differentiate minister. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column). pp. 1-4.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 民政党复兴之路 = Gerakan's road to revival. 透视大马专栏 (Malaysian Insight (Chinese) Column).

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 国盟国阵大联盟不会持续长久!= Grand coalition of PN-BN would not last long! Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 17th December 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 平民隔离防疫,为何政治人物做不到? = If citizens can undergo quarantine, why can't politicians do the same? Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 8 October 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 土团党有可能与巫统合并或回归巫统吗? = Is it possible for PPBM to merge with UMNO or to return to UMNO? Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 4th June 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 马来西亚的立法改革 = Legislative reforms for Malaysia. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 31st December 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 强化反跳槽法与推进MOU2.0 = Strengthening Anti-Party Hopping Law and Advancing MOU2.0. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 7 April 2022.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 马哈迪斗士党:叫土团党太沉重 = Mahathir's Pejuang party: PPBM in a tougher situation. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) “马无配”正副相位 = Mahathir-nobody" as Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister pairing. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 25 June 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 公积金提领换汤不换药:谁的责任?= Old wine in a new bottle for EPF withdrawal: whose fault? Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 3rd December 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 土团党开放给非土著 是生路还是死路一条? = Opening its membership to non-Bumiputera: a way of life or a dead end? Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column). pp. 1-4.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 土团巫统谈妥了:我错了 = PPBM & UMNO have compromised: I have mistaken. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 9th July 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 杀鸡焉用牛刀?政党名单制遏制议员跳槽 = Party-list to curb party-hopping akin to shooting butterflies with rifles. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 30th July 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 霹雳政权搭配: 土团党才是关键 = Political alliance in Perak: PPBM is the key. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 10th December 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) Recent political developments in Malaysia. In: Webinar Series in Politics & Society - 4, 20th November 2020, Gaziantep, Turkey. (Unpublished)

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 土团党在大选后的生存能力 = Survivability of PPBM post-general election. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 18th June 2020. pp. 1-4.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) Tiada parti gabungan mampu bertahan kecuali BN. Malaysia Dateline, 10 March 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 统考,无休止的问题= UEC: A no-ending issue. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 23rd July 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 巫统不加入国盟?国盟与全民和谐之别 = UMNO refused to join PN; difference between PN and MN. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 6th August 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 我们在跟疫情拼,你们在为权力拼 = We are fighting against the pandemic, you are fighting for your power. 透视大马专栏 (Malaysian Insight (Chinese) Column), 14th May 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 希盟还能去哪里?= Where else PH can head to? Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 24th December 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 谁会成为首相?安华、姑里或…… = Who will be the Prime Minister? Anwar, Ku Li or... Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 中立的国会议长:可能吗?= A neutral speaker: is that possible? Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 16th July 2020.

Lau, Zhe Wei (2020) 斗士党在马来西亚政治版图的方向 =The position of Pejuang in Malaysian political landscape. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column). pp. 1-4.

Lee, Pei May (2020) Covid-19: Is wearing facemask necessary? IIUM Emotional and Psychological Support Site.

Lee, Pei May (2020) Covid-19: Protecting lives and livelihoods. New Straits Times, 7 May 2020.

Lee, Pei May and Aminudin, Rabi'ah and Abdul Hamid, Rohana and Shukri, Syaza Farhana Mohamad and Jamaiudin, Norhaslinda (2020) Public give positive feedback. The Star.


Mohamad Shukri, Syaza Farhana (2020) The difference between democracy as a system and democracy as a principle. Malaysiakini.

Mohamad Shukri, Syaza Farhana and Smajljaj, Avdi (2020) Populism and Muslim democracies. Asian Politics & Policy. pp. 1-17. E-ISSN 1943-0787

Moniruzzaman, Md. (2020) China and the Muslim World: civilizational partnership? China Muslim World Cooperation Research.

Moniruzzaman, Md. (2020) China and the Muslim world: civilizational partnership? China Global Television Network (CGTN), 3 Dec 2020.

Moniruzzaman, Md. (2020) China and the Muslim world: is civilization partnership possible? Daily Nayadiganta. pp. 1-5.

Moniruzzaman, Md. (2020) GCC and Political Divide: an analysis of potentials and risks. In: The 5th Annual International Conference of the Gulf Studies Center on Social Change in the Gulf Societies in the 21st Century, Doha, Qatar.

Moten, Abdul Rashid (2020) The convergence between Maqasid al-Shari'ah and sustainable development goals. In: Spirituality and sustainability: experiences of the International Islamic University Malaysia. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 28-51. ISBN 9789674910488

Moten, Abdul Rashid (2020) The politics of manipulation: Malaysia 2018-2020. Intellectual Discourse, 28 (2). pp. 387-408. ISSN 0128-4878 E-ISSN 2289-5639


Sanusi, Zainal Abidin and Mohamad Ikbal, Muhaideen Abdul Kader and Wan Zulkifle, Wan Zahidah (2020) Maqasid al-Shari'ah and sustainable development goals for performance measurement. In: Spirituality and sustainability: experiences of the International Islamic University Malaysia. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 66-93. ISBN 9789674910488

Smajljaj, Avdi (2020) Ethnicity based democratic constitutional structures: the cases of Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia and Kosovo. Journal of Balkan and Black Sea Studies, 3 (4). pp. 109-138. ISSN 2667-470X E-ISSN 2667-470X


Yumitro, Gonda and Abdel Salam, El Fatih Abdullahi and Hossain, Ishtiaq and Mohamad Shukri, Syaza Farhana (2020) The threat of terrorism in the Malang Region, Indonesia. Intellectual Discourse, 28 (2). pp. 779-791. ISSN 0128-4878 E-ISSN 2289-5639

Yumitro, Gonda and Abdel Salam, El Fatih Abdullahi and Mohamad Shukri, Syaza Farhana (2020) Proposed development models of Islamic movements in post reformation Indonesia. Al-Tahrir: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam, 20 (2). pp. 231-250. ISSN 1412-7512 E-ISSN 2502-2210


Zaroum, AbdulHamid Mohamed Ali and ‘Abduhu ‘Amir, ‘Abdul Wahab Mahyub Murshid (2020) القضية الكردية بين الحقوق المشروعة والتسامح المأمول: دراسة تحليلية The Kurdish issue between legitimate rights and hoped- for tolerance: analytical study. Research in Islamic Studies ( RIS), Vol. 5 (No. 3). pp. 105-114. E-ISSN 2289-6821

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