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Items where Division is "Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences > Department of Fundamental and Inter-Disciplinary Studies (Effective: 5th Feb 2014)" and Year is 2020

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Number of items: 84.


Abdelaziz, Berghout (2020) Understanding the characteristics & organic unity of the Qur'an. In: The Inaugural Jamalullalil Chair for Prophetic Sunnah International Conference (JCICI), 18-19 November 2020, International Islamic University Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Abdelaziz, Berghout and Ahmed Mohamed, Ismaiel Hassanein (2020) أهمية المقاربة الحضارية في تفعيل التراث: مداخل توجيهية = Significance of civilisational approach in activating heritage: key guidelines = Kepentingan pendekatan tamadun dalam mengaktifkan warisan: garis panduan utama. Journal of Islam in Asia, 17 (4). pp. 1-40. E-ISSN 2289-8077

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas (2020) Globalization and Islam. In: Tariffs and the Future of Trade. Greenhaven Publishing, New York, USA, pp. 110-123. ISBN 9781534505469

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Afridi, Muhammad Adil Khan (2020) Man and creativity: a contrastive analysis between western and Islamic psychologies. Journal of Contemporary Development & Management Studies, 8. pp. 64-76. ISSN 2052-6797

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Haneef, Sayed Sikandar Shah and Abdurrahman, Muhammad AR (2020) Call for the return of the Muslim mind to its traditional qualities. In: Symposium on Interdisciplinary Islamic Research 2020, 28th August, 2020, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Haneef, Sayed Sikandar Shah and Mahmud, Mek Wok (2020) The role of custom in managing child custody: A juridico-psychological analysis in local context (Peranan adat dalam menguruskan penjagaan anak:satu analisis psikologi-fiqh dalam konteks tempatan). Journal of Islam in Asia, 17 (3). pp. 134-149. ISSN 1823-0970 E-ISSN 2289-8077

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Hanif, Syed Sikandar Shah and Abdurrahman, Muhammad AR (2020) Empathy and inclusivity to people from different cultures. In: Webinar Session on Empathy & Inclusivity, 3rd December, 2020, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Hanif, Syed Sikandar Shah and Abdurrahman, Muhammad AR (2020) A psycho-spiritual life of the ego: an Iqbalian perspective. In: 1st International Conference on Iqbal 2020, 24th & 25th November 2020, Islamabad, Pakistan. (Unpublished)

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Hanif, Syed Sikandar Shah and Mahmud, Mek Wok (2020) The role of custom in managing child custody: a juridico-psychological analysis in local context. In: The 2nd National Seminar on Contemporary Fiqh 2020: Family Fiqh in Malaysia: Towards Promoting Insan Sejahtera, 9th December, 2020, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Hisham, Nik Ahmad Ismail (2020) A critical appraisal of Freud’s ideas on man and personality. Journal of Contemporary Development & Management Studies, 8. pp. 14-39. ISSN 2052-6797

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Ismail, Nik Ahmad Hisham (2020) A critical appraisal of Freud's ideas on man and personality. Journal of Contemporary Development and Management Studies, 8. pp. 13-38. ISSN 2052-6797

Akzam, Ismail and Hamawiya, Adham (2020) الإشكالات النظرية في تعليم النحو والصرف للناطقين بغير العربية في إندونيسيا. Arabiyatuna, 4 (1). pp. 91-110. ISSN 2580-5045 E-ISSN 2580-5053

Altabaa, Homam (2020) Moral and holistic development in higher education. In: Spirituality and sustainability: experiences of the International Islamic University Malaysia. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 94-107. ISBN 9789674910488

Altabaa, Homam and Samsudin, Ameelia Husna (2020) Maqasid al-Shariah and the value of trust. In: Symposium of Interdisciplinary Islamic Research, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Altabaa, Homam and Syed Abdullah Idid, Syed Arabi (2020) Trust, society and governance: an Islamic perspective on Malaysian institutions. Journal of Islam in Asia, xx (xx). p. 1. E-ISSN 2289-8077 (In Press)

Aung, Maulana Akbar Shah @ (2020) Embracing diversity in Islam. In: Darul Arqam, Convert Association of Singapore Online Sharing Session, 27th September 2020, Singapore. (Unpublished)


Badi, Jamal Ahmed Bashier (2020) Islam: the spirit of creativity. Perbadanan Kota Buku, Cyberjaya, Selangor.

Bakour Mohamad, Bachar (2020) توظيف التفكير النقدي في إدارة المواقف وحل المشكلات: نماذج من صحيحي البخاري ومسلم. In: Symposium on Interdisciplinary Islamic Research, 1, IRK building. (Unpublished)

Bakour Mohamad, Bachar (2020) من عثرات الأقلام ١. Al-Atheer.com, 19th June 2020.

Bakour Mohamad, Bachar (2020) أنواع مقدمات الكتب. Al-Atheer.com, 1st July 2020.

Bakour Mohamad, Bachar (2020) الفرق بين الحضارة والثقافة. Al-Atheer.com, 18th May 2020.

Bakour Mohamad, Bachar (2020) الاختلاف سنة كونية. Al-Atheer.com, 8th May 2020.

Bakour Mohamad, Bachar (2020) الأوائل في الحضارة الإسلامية. Al-Atheer.com, 22nd April 2020.

Bakour Mohamad, Bachar (2020) بارقة الحقيقة تظهر من مصادمة الأفكار. Al-atheer.com, 14th April 2020.

Bakour Mohamad, Bachar (2020) من حكم مصطفى صادق الرافعي. Al-Atheer.com, 16th August 2020.

Bakour Mohamad, Bachar (2020) الإعلام والحياد. Al-Atheer.com, 17th July 2020.

Bakour Mohamad, Bachar (2020) من عثرات الأقلام ٢. Al-Atheer.com, 19th June 2020.

Bakour Mohamad, Bachar (2020) Al-Buti and the Syrian revolution. Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-0526-81-2

Bakour Mohamad, Bachar (2020) Regime or revolution? the dilemma of Syria’s religious institutions: the example of the Fatih Institute. Politics, Religion & Ideology, 21 (2). pp. 232-250. ISSN 2156-7689 E-ISSN 2156-7697

Bakour Mohamad, Bachar (2020) تحقيق مفهوم "الفتنة" في سياق الثورات العربية: سوريا أنموذجًا = Understanding the concept of “Fitna” in the Arab revolutions: Syria as a model = Memahami konsep “Fitnah”dalam konteks revolusi Arab: kajian kes Syria. Al-Tajdid, 24 (47). pp. 93-133. ISSN 1823-1926 E-ISSN 2600-9609

Bakour Mohamad, Bachar (2020) The role of media in the Arab Revolutions: the case of Syria. ESTEEM Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5 (Special issue iCOMS 2019). pp. 93-106. E-ISSN 2600-7274

Bendebka, Ramzi (2020) مستقبل التجارة الحرة والتكتلات الاقتصادیة الآسیویة ما بعد كوفید- 19. Algerian Encyclopedia of Political and Strategic Studies.

Bendebka, Ramzi (2020) الجزائر و كوفيد-19: خلل الأزمة في أصلها. الموسوعة الجزائرية السياسية.

Bendebka, Ramzi (2020) Algeria and Russia relations: economic capacities and cooperation probabilities. In: The 7th International Conference on Eurasian Politics & Society, 23-25 September 2020, Lisbon, Portugal. (Unpublished)

Bendebka, Ramzi (2020) Marriage, divorce and family. In: Lecture to Year 4 Medical Students Session 2019/2020, 17th July 2020, Kuantan, Pahang. (Unpublished)

Bendebka, Ramzi (2020) Pitfalls of Nationalism in the Middle East and North Africa Region. Current Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2581-8422

Bendebka, Ramzi (2020) Regional Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific: an evaluation. Modern Diplomacy Magazine, Europe.

Bendebka, Ramzi (2020) Territorial issues and conflicts in the MENA region. Atlas Institute for International Affairs, London.

Bendebka, Ramzi (2020) The future of Asian FTAs and trade blocs after Covid-19. Asia Power Watch, France.

Bendebka, Ramzi (2020) The importance of cooperation and unity in Islam: the case of Covid-19. IIUM Emotional and Psychological Support Site. pp. 1-4.

Bendebka, Ramzi and Fettane, Amar and Shogar, Ibrahim (2020) Preventive medicine and maqasid al-Shari’ah: the case of COVID-19. Revelation and Science, 10 (1). pp. 1-12. E-ISSN 2229-9947

Berghout, Abdelaziz (2020) أهمية التزكية في تربية الإنسان من خلال الرؤية الحضارية الإسلامية = Significance of purification (tazkia) in man’s education according to Islamic civilisational vision. Journal Usuludin, Academy of Islamic Studies, University Malaya, 48 (02). pp. 1-33. ISSN 0128-0708 E-ISSN 1394-3723


Gamon, Alizaman Dumangcag (2020) Developing the culture of knowledge and civilisation. In: IIIT Regional Virtual Summer Camp: On Leadership and Knowledge Culture Development, 21-22 November, 2020, Google Meet (Online). (Unpublished)

Gamon, Alizaman Dumangcag (2020) Reclaiming the discourse on peace (Kalilintan): an Islamic perspective. In: Interactive Webinar on Islamic Leadership and Values Formation, 18 August, 2020, Philippines. (Unpublished)

Gamon, Alizaman Dumangcag (2020) Resilience and innovation in transcending the new normal at the time of covid-19 global pandemic. In: RC-Al Khwarizmi International College Foundation 10th Baccalaureate Services and Commencement Exercises, 18-19th December 2020, Marawi City ( Online Digital). (Unpublished)

Gamon, Alizaman Dumangcag (2020) Understanding the ethics of disagreement: a bridge to peace and sustainable development. In: Peace and Conflict Resolution Forum Webinar 2020, 19th September, 2020, Manila, Philippines. (Unpublished)

Gamon, Alizaman Dumangcag (2020) The fate of integration in the age of religious and cultural pluralism: a critical analysis of its relevance to the Muslim cultural minorities of Southeast Asian region. In: Symposium on Interdisciplinary Islamic Research (Scholarship Advancement Project 2020), 28 August 2020, IIUM, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Gamon, Alizaman Dumangcag and Tagoranao, Mariam Saidano and Muhammad Zain, Lutfi (2020) Waqf practices and its sustainability: the case of Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. In: 7th ASEAN Universities International Conference on Islamic Finance (AICIF) 2019, 3-4 December 2019, Indonesia.

Gamon, Alizaman Dumangcag and U Tun Aung, Maulana Akbar Shah and Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Ali, Mohammed Farid (2020) Interpretation of youth from the thinking of Badiuzzaman said Nursi. Journal of Islam in Asia, 17 (4). pp. 220-239. ISSN 1823-0970 E-ISSN 2289-8077


Hamawiya, Adham (2020) الحرف الجاوي سليل الحرف العربي في ماليزيا. الأثير: Arabic Newspaper, Malaysia, 12th May 2020.

Hamawiya, Adham (2020) الحرف الجاوي سليل الحرف العربي في ماليزيا = The Jawi letter as a descendant of the Arabic letter in Malaysia. Al-Atheer Arabic Newspaper, Malaysia, 12th May 2020.

Hamawiya, Adham (2020) المصطلحات الموسوعية في الفكر النحوي: قراءة تأصيلية = The interdisciplinary terminology of the Arabic syntactic thought: A fundamental review. In: Symposium of Interdisciplinary Islamic Research (SIIP), 28th August 2020, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Hassan, Nur Jannah (2020) Integration of virtues and morality in education for a sustainable future. In: TLP Wisdom Foundation Educational Webinar Series, 21st May - 4th June 2020, Hyderabad, India. (Unpublished)

Hassan, Nur Jannah (2020) Spiritual healing: managing invisible illness. In: Symposium On Psycho-Social Disabilities: Addressing Rukhsah and Internalization Of Ibadah, 12th -13th November 2020, Online. (Unpublished)

Hassan, Nur Jannah (2020) Translating the Vision and Mission of the IIUM. In: Insan Sejahtera Training of Trainers 1 & 2 - Insan Sejahtera Workshops, 2019 - 2021, IIUM, Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Hassan, Nur Jannah (2020) Understanding the Sungai Pusu Problem: An Islamic perspective. In: Untangling Sustainability Issues through Inter and Trans-Disciplinary Approach: The Case of Sungai Pusu Gombak, 6 October 2020, IIUM, Online. (Unpublished)

Hassan Mydin, Shaik Abdullah and Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam and Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas (2020) Peranan akhlak dalam kehidupan: tinjauan wacana akhlak Islam = The role of morality in life: Islamic discourse review. Jurnal Islam Dan Masyarakat Kontemporari, 21 (1). pp. 38-54. ISSN 1985-7667 E-ISSN 1289-6325


Jalal Nore, Abdul Wahed Jalal Nore (2020) Child abuse in Malaysia: understanding of child abuse from cultural and familial perspective. In: Symposium on Interdisciplinary Islamic Research, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Jalal Nore, Abdul Wahed Jalal Nore (2020) Sounds Islamic legal system. In: Workshop on Vision 2077 For Education Cluster & Muslim Unity Cluster, 11th December 2020, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Jalal Nore, Abdul Wahed Jalal Nore (2020) Workshop on Vision 2077 education cluster & Islamic unity cluster. In: Workshop on Vision2077 (Education cluster & Islamic Unity, Kulliyyah of Education. (Unpublished)

Jalal Nore, Abdul Wahed Jalal Nore (2020) Year of mass demos, violence. News Strait Time.

Jalal Nore, Abdul Wahed Jalal Nore and Ahmed, Bzhar Othman (2020) The life and political role of Kurdish women in the Ottoman Empire. IIUM JOURNAL OF RELIGION AND CIVILISATIONAL STUDIES, 3 (2). pp. 139-153. E-ISSN 2637-112X


Kancı, Rumeysa Bozbek and Hamawiya, Adham (2020) نَقْدُ الواقع الإسلاميِّ في شِعْرِ محمَّد عاكف إرْصُويْ "في منبر السُّليمانيَّة" أنموذجًا = The criticism of Muslim reality in the poetry of Mehmet Akif Ersoy “Süleymâniye Kürsüsünde” as an example. Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (ARJIHS), 4 (4). pp. 225-248. E-ISSN 2600-8394


Mamat, Mohd Anuar and Jusoh, Che' Razi (2020) The basic concept and classification of knowledge according to Malay manuscript: a study on MSS 2906 (B) Tibyān Al-Marām = Konsep asas dan pembahagian ilmu menurut manuskrip Melayu: suatu penelitian terhadap MSS 2906 (B) Tibyān Al-Marām. Afkar, 2020 (Special Issue 2). pp. 1-44. ISSN 1511-8819 E-ISSN 2550-1755

Maulana Akbar Shah @ U Tun Aung, Maulana (2020) Enhancing physical wellbeing of children: awareness on common disease and relevant health care activities. In: Symposium on Interdisciplinary Islamic Research (Scholarship Advancement Project 2020), 28th August 2020, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)


Preece, Abdul Shakour Duncan and Altabaa, Homam and Wan Yusoff, Wan Mazwati and Juperi, Juhasni Adila and Poad, Noor Lydia (2020) Exploring teachers’ reactions to writing ‘Thinking Stories’ for enhancing critical and creative thinking. In: Malaysian International Convention on Education Research & Management (MICER 2020), 25th-26th August 2020, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)


Rashid, Ungaran (2020) The concept of peace in the Bible and the Qur’ān: a comparative study. In: Symposium on Interdisciplinary Islamic Research, 28th August 2020, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Rashid, Ungaran and Din, Fadzilah and Muhamad Shukri, Abdul Salam (2020) The concept of peace in the Bible and the Qur’ān: a comparative study. Afkar Journal of Aqidah and Islamic Thought, 22 (2). pp. 239-278. ISSN 1511-8819 E-ISSN 2550-1755

Rasyid, Bilal and Hamawiya, Adham (2020) مظاهر الاستدلال اللغوي في تفسير الإمام الشعراوي = The forms of linguistic inferences in the exegesis of al-Imam al-Sharawi. Al-Burhan: Journal of Quran and Sunnah Studies, 4 (2). pp. 85-112. ISSN 2600-8386


Ssuna, Salim (2020) The Influence of halalan tayyiban on Muslim decent spiritual life and its relation to al-Ghazali’s concept of breaking the two desires. Journal of Islam in Asia, 17 (4). E-ISSN 2289-8077 (In Press)

Ssuna, Salim (2020) An Islamic perspective on food and nutrition and the relevancy of al-Ghazali’s spiritual view on modern practices. In: 2020 world Congress on the Integration and Islamicisation; Mental Health and Well Being in the 4th Industrial Revolution, IIUM Kuantan. (In Press)

Ssuna, Salim (2020) The intellect: an equivocal concept. In: Scholarship Advancement Project ( SAP ) 2020 Program, 28th August 2020, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Sulaiman, Kabuye Uthman (2020) The Islamic worldview of God, man and nature, and their relationships. Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, 8 (12). pp. 560-571. ISSN 2347-9493 E-ISSN 2347-5374

Sulaiman, Kabuye Uthman (2020) The war against Covid-19: lessons and response. IIUM Emotional and Psychological Support Site.


Tagaranao, Mariam Saidona and Gamon, Alizaman Dumangcag (2020) The organic law: towards achieving a sustainable peace and order in southern Philippines. In: International Conference of the Postgraduate Students and Academics in Syariah and Law 2020 (3rd INPAC) : Syariah and Law Approach in Solving Contemporary Issues, 18 November 2020, USIM ( WEBINAR). (Unpublished)

Tagaranao, Mariam Saidona and Gamon, Alizaman Dumangcag and Wahyono, Zubaidi (2020) The contemporary issues on fatwa management in a secular state: the Philippine experience. In: 3rd International Conference Of The Postgraduate Students And Academics In Syariah And Law 2020 ( 3rd INPAC 2020), 18th November 2o2o, USIM (Webinar ).


U Tun Aung, Maulana Akbar Shah (2020) Developing future leaders, responsibilities of parents and the society. Times Mirror : English Section. pp. 174-188.


Wahyono, Zubaidi and Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas (2020) Islamic tourism in Southeast Asia: the concept and its implementation. International Journal of Halal Research, 2 (2). pp. 90-105. ISSN 2721-7868

Wahyono, Zubaidi and Gamon, Alizaman Dumangcag (2020) Sunni school of thought in Southeast Asia: Muslim intellectual responses to new ideological trends = Fahaman Ahlussunnah wa al Jama’ah di Asia Tenggara: pemahaman dan tanggapan golongan cerdik pandai muslim terhadap ideologi-ideologi baharu. Journal of Islam in Asia, 17 (1). pp. 249-288. E-ISSN 2289-8077

Wahyono, Zubaidi and Gamon, Alizaman Dumangcag and Tagoranao, Mariam Saidano (2020) Religious tolerance in South East Asean countries: issues and prospects. In: 1st Virtual International Conference on Equality, Religious Harmony and Peace 2020, 18th-19th November 2020, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Wan Yusoff, Wan Mazwati (2020) Effective interpersonal skills: embracing prophetic teachings. In: Training of Prophet Muhammad's Communication Techniques (Teknik Nabi), June 22 2020, IIUM, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Wan Yusoff, Wan Mazwati (2020) Qur’anic perspective on thinking and creativity: implication for education. In: International Symposium On Creativity, Values & Sustainability, 9th September 2020, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Wan Yusoff, Wan Mazwati (2020) Spirituality through humanitarian fieldwork. In: Spirituality and sustainability: experiences of the International Islamic University Malaysia. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 230-243. ISBN 9789674910488


Zejno, Bukuri (2020) Creativity in parenting: the prophetic tradition as an exemplary guide in teaching virtues to children for a sustainable future. In: Symposium of Interdisciplinary Islamic Research, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

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