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Number of items: 56.


El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2022) مالك بن نبي ودراسة القرآن: أبعاد فلسفية ومعالم ومعالم منهجية. Al-Fikr al-Islami al-Mu'asir (Contemporary Islamic Thought), 28 (104). pp. 13-60. E-ISSN 2702-5168

El Mesawi, Mohamed El Tahir and Makramallah, Tariq Taha and Ahmad, Nadzrah (2022) التفسير الموضوعي مفهومًا ومنهجًا: دراسة تحليلة لآراء محمد محمود حجازي ومحمد باقر الصدر. International Journal of Muslim World Studies, 20 (1). pp. 5-46. ISSN 0127-922X

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2020) Maqasid al-shari'ah: meaning, scope and ramifications. Al-Shajarah, 25 (2). pp. 263-393. ISSN 1394-6870

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir and Salhab, Belal Barakat (2019) آراء أبي الحسن الأشعري في مسائل أصول الفقه وأثرها في اختياراته الكلامية = Abu al-Hasan al-Ash‘ari’s views on matters of Islamic legal theory and their bearing on his theological preferences. “إسلامية المعرفة, 25 (98). pp. 11-44. ISSN 1720-4193 E-ISSN 2664-5955 (In Press)

Dia, Seydou and El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2019) الفقه المالكي في السنغال: الانتشار والتطور - سعيد جاه ومحمد الطاهر الميساوي = The dissemination and development of the Maliki jurisprudence in Senegal. Al-Risalah: Journal of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences (ARJIHS), 3 (2). pp. 24-36. E-ISSN 2600-8394

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir and Leman, Mohammad Rizhan (2018) Takyif fiqhi and its application to modern contracts: a case study of the central provident fund nomination in Singapore. Intellectual Discourse, 26 (2). pp. 807-827. ISSN 0128-4878 E-ISSN 2289-5639

Salhab, Belal Barakat and El Mesawi, Mohamed El Tahir (2018) أثر المذهب الكلامي في مسائل أصول الفقه عند أبي الحسن الأشعري. مجلة الإبانة (5). pp. 153-173. ISSN 2013PE0051

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2017) Gender issues in Islam: “Recovering the measure” and restoring the balance. International Journal of Islamic Thoughts, 6 (2). pp. 31-52. ISSN 2306 -7012

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir and Almujahed, Muhammad Said and Merzagui, Halim (2017) فقه الأقليات المسلمة: دراسة في المعنى والمشروعية. Journal of Islamic Studies and Thought for Specialized Researches (JISTSR), 3 (2). pp. 1-22. E-ISSN 2289-9065

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2016) كلمة التحرير المجلد 20 العدد 39 "أ" عدد خاص بالمقاصد = Editorial of Special Issue on Maqasid. at-Tajdid, 20 (39A). pp. 5-9. ISSN 1823-1926

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir and AbouEldahab, Essam Ibrahim (2016) ما بين علم الوقاية وسد الذرائع: مقاربة مقاصدة بالتركيز على تعاطي المخدرات والمؤثرات العقلية Between Prevention Science and the Blocking of Means: A Maqasid-Based Approach in Relation to Drugs and Psychotropic Substances. at-Tajdid, 20 (39A). pp. 99-149. ISSN 1823-1926

Ahmad, Shabir Ahmad Molavi and El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2016) مقاصد الشريعة في الأموال ووسائلها عند الإمام محمد الطاهر ابن عاشور = The shari'ah goals pertaining to economic wealth and their means in Imam Mohammad al-Tahir Ibn Ashur’s Work. At-Tajdid, 20 (39A). pp. 235-265. ISSN 1823-1926

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2015) كلمة التحرير. al-Tajdid , 19 (37). pp. 5-12. ISSN 1823-1926

Kheir , Abdalla Mohamed Adam and El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir and Omar, Zakaria (2014) ألفاظ اللغات غير العربية في القرآن الكريم من منظور الدراسات اللغوية الحديثة = Alfaz al-lughat ghyr a-'Arabiyah fi al-Qur'an al-Karim min manzur al-dirasat al-lughawiyah al-hadithah. At-Tajdid (التجديد), 18 (36). pp. 11-42. ISSN 1823-1926

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2014) الشيخ محمد الطاهر ابن عاشور وقضايا الإصلاح والتجديد في الفكر الإسلامي المعاصر : رؤية معرفية ومنهجية = al-Syeikh Muhamad al-Tahir ibn 'Ashur wa-qadhaya al-islah wa-al-tajdid fi al-fikr al-Islami al-Ma'asir: ru'yah ma'rafiyah wa-manhajiyah. al-Tajdid , 18 (35). pp. 203-232. ISSN 1823-1926

Mat Jubri@Shamsuddin, Mustafa and El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2013) الندوة الوطنية عن "حقوق الإنسان في الإسلام": لمجتمع الرئيسي للجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا: 12-13 نوفمبر 2013. At-Tajdid, 17 (34). pp. 237-239. ISSN 1823-1926

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2013) تطور الفكر الإسلامي منذ عهد الأشعري - 260 ه. al-Tajdid , 17 (34). pp. 213-223. ISSN 1823-1926

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2012) منهجية الإمام الشافعي الكلامية في تثبيت حجية خبر الواحد: قراءة معرفية تاريخية Al-Imam al-Shafi'i’s theological approach to establishing the authority of solitary reports: a historical-epistemological analysis = Pendekatan teologis Imam al-Shafi'e dalam membuktikan autoriti khabar Wahid: analisa berdasarkan sejarah epistemologi. al-Tajdid , 16 (32). pp. 11-51. ISSN 1823-1926

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2012) From al-Shāṭibī’s legal hermeneutics to thematic exegesis of the Qurʾān. Intellectual Discourse, 20 (2). pp. 189-214. ISSN 0128-4878

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2012) Naqd and Islah : Ibn ‛Ashur’s comprehensive critique and reform efforts regarding Islamic learning and education. Al-Shajarah , 17 (2). pp. 139-183. ISSN 1394-6870

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2011) منهج التفسير الموضوعي للقرآن الكريم : دراسة نقدية (Manhaj al-tafsir al-mawdu'i lil-Qur'an : dirasah naqdiyah). al-Tajdid , 15 (29). pp. 231-242. ISSN 1823-1926

El Mesawie, Mohamed El Tahir (2011) إسهام الإمام الأشعري في إرساء قواعد الحوار وتأسيس منهجية المراجعة والتقويم: عرض وتأصيل (Isham al-Imam al-Ash'ari fi irsa' qawa'id al-hiwar wa-ta'sis manhajiyat al-muraj'ah wa'l-taqwim: 'ard wa-ta'sil). Islamiyat al-Ma'rifah, 16 (64). pp. 51-88. ISSN 1729-4193

El-Mesawi, Mohamad El-Tahir (2011) إسهام الإمام الأشعري في إرساء قواعد الحوار وتأسيس منهجية المراجعة والتقويم: عرض وتأصيل = Isham al-imam al-Ash'ari fi irsa' qawa'id al-hiwar wa-ta'sis manhajiyat al-muraja'ah wa-al-taqwim: 'ard wa-ta'sil. Islamiyat al Ma'rifah, 16 (64). pp. 51-88. ISSN 1729-4193

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2011) مجتمع العمل = Mujtama' al-'amal. al-Tajdid , 15 (30). pp. 207-226. ISSN 1823-1926

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2010) Madkhal Ila Falsfat al-Siyasah, by Mohamed Waguiallah. al-Tajdid , 15 (29). pp. 231-242. ISSN 1823-1926

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2010) مدخل إلى فلسفة السياسة (Madkhal ila al-falsafat al-siyasiyah). al-Tajdid , 14 (28). pp. 231-253. ISSN 1823-1926

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2010) The international conference on jurisprudence of minorities in the light of the objectives of Islamic law (Maqasid al-Shari'ah): identity and integration. Intellectual Discourse, 18 (1). pp. 173-176. ISSN 0128-4878

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2009) Human nature and the universality of Shari'ah: fitrah and maqāsid al-shari'ah in the works of Shāh Wali Allāh and Ibn 'Áshur. Al-Shajarah , 24 (2). pp. 167-205. ISSN 1394-6870

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2008) التعليل والمناسبة والمصلحة: بحث في بعض المفاهيم التأسيسية لمقاصد الشريعة = Al-ta'lil wa'l-munasabah wa'l-maslahah: bahth fi ba'd al-mafahim al-ta'sisiyyah li-maqasid al-shariah. Islamiyyat Al-Ma'rifat, 13 (52). pp. 13-53. ISSN 0126-5636

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2008) Muslim reformist action in nineteenth-century Tunisia. The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 25 (2). pp. 49-82. ISSN 0742-6763

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir and Khriji, Tesnim (2006) Islam and terrorism: beyond the wisdom of the secularist paradigm. Intellectual Discourse, 14 (1). pp. 47-70. ISSN 0128-4878

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2005) The methodology of al-Tafsir al-Mawdu'i:a comparative analysis. Intellectual Discourse, 13 (1). pp. 1-30. ISSN 0128-4878


El Mesawi, Mohamed El Tahir and Faris, Waleed Fekry and Al-Hidabi, Dawood AbdulmalekYahya (2022) Regrounding maqasid al-shari'ah: the Qur'anic semantics and foundation of human common good. Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-0526-97-3

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir and Faris, Waleed Fekry and Al-Hidabi, Dawood Abdulmalek Yahya (2022) Regorounding Maqasid al-Shariah" the Qur'anic semantics and foundation of human common good. Islamic Book Trust, IBT and International Institute for Muslim Unity, IIMU, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-0526-97-3

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir and Jones, Serene (2019) Gender issues: recovering the measure and restoring the balance. Islamic Applied Ethics (11). Research Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics, Hamad University, Doha, Qatar. ISBN 9789927129858

Badmas, Abdulhameed Yusuf and El Mesawie, Mohamed El Tahir (2017) Al-kulliyyat al-daruriyyah between limitation and open-endedness: a critical analytical study. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-418-593-0

Jaffer, Usman and El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2017) Towards a maqasid-based theory of human needs. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-418-621-0

Nakissa, Aria and El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2017) The logical foundations of Taqlid. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-418-592-3

Ansary, MIr Riaz and El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2017) The principle of consideration of consequences in implementing sharôñah laws. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-418-550-3

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2010) أليس الصبح بقريب - التعليم العربي الإسلامي دراسة تاريخية وآراء إصلاحية= Alaysa al-Subhu bi-Qarib - al-Ta'lim al-'Arabi al-Islami Dirasah Tarikhiyyah wa Ara' Islahiyyah. Dar al-Multaka, Aleppo. ISBN 9789933905002

Bennabi, Malik and El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2004) The Qur'anic phenomenon: an essay of a theory on the Qur'an by Malik Bennabi. Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. ISBN 983-9154-25-7

Bennabi, Malik and El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2003) On the origins of human society. Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. ISBN 983-9145-47-8

Bennabi, Malik and El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2003) The question of ideas in the Muslim world. Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 983-9145-51-6

Book Chapter

Abd Rahman, Mohamad Zulkifli and Mat Jubri @ Shamsuddin, Mustafa and El Mesawi, Mohamed El Tahir (2024) Revisiting the issue of initiating greetings (salām) to non-Muslims and answering their greetings: a comparative analysis of fatāwā issued in Malaysia. In: Contemporary Uṣūlī and Fiqhī Studies 2. Department of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh, AHAS KIRKHS, IIUM, pp. 108-137.

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2018) Beyond Usul al-Fiqh: Ibn Ashur’s 'Ilm Maqasid al-Shari'ah. In: Maqasid al-Shari'ah: explorations and implications. Islamic Book Trust (IBT), Kuala Lumpur, pp. 31-93. ISBN 9789670526553

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2018) Beyond usul al-fiqh: Ibn Ashur's 'ilm maqasid al-shari'ah. In: Maqasid al-shari’ah: explorations and implications. Islamic Book Trust, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 31-94. ISBN 978-967-0526-55-3

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2018) Introduction. In: Maqasid al-Shari'ah: explorations and implications. Islamic Book Trust (IBT), Kuala Lumpur, ix-xxxv. ISBN 978-967-0526-55-3 (In Press)

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2015) Introductory: Fiqh al-Aqalliyyat - its meaning, scope and implications. In: The Question of Minorities in Islam - Theoretical Perspectives and Case Studies. The Other Press, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-983-9541-98-4 (In Press)

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2014) Malik Bennabi’s response to Western modernity: contexualizing 'The Qur’anic Phenomenon'. In: The Qur'an, Modernity and Globalization - Studies in Commemoration of Malik Bennabi. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-22. ISBN 978-967-418-333-2

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2013) Promoting Islam through research and publication: theses and journals. In: IIUM: the premier global Islamic University. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 139-151. ISBN 9789674182700

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2009) Maqasid al-Shari'ah. In: Encyclopaedia of Islamic Economics. Encyclopaedia of Islamic Economics, London, pp. 145-155. ISBN 978-0-95622441-0-9

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2007) Religion, society, and culture in Malik Bennabi's thought. In: The Blackwell Companion to Contemporary Islamic Thought. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford, UK, pp. 214-256. ISBN 9780470996188 (O), 9781405121743 (P)

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2005) Towards an integrated political theory: a systematic analysis of Ibn Ashur's political thought. In: Contemporary Islamic Political Thought - A Study of Eleven Islamic Thinkers. Research Centre, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 69-112. ISBN 983-2957-24-9

Proceeding Paper

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2019) في الأفق الفكري والمنهجي للتحليل والتنظير عند مالك بن نبي: التكامل المعرفي وتضافر العلوم. In: Renaissance Questions on the 70th Anniversary of the Conditions of the Renaissance by Malek Bennabi 2019, 2nd-4th February 2019, Doha, Qatar. (Unpublished)

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2018) القرآن في دراسات الغربيين: من سؤال المصدر والهوية إلى سؤال المنهج والفهم. In: الاتجاهات الغربية المعاصرة في الدراسات القرآنية وإشكالية الموضوعية والتحيز: رؤية معرفية, 2nd-3rd May 2018, Doha, Qatar. (Unpublished)

El-Mesawi, Mohamed El-Tahir (2010) Between the purposefulness of the Shari‘ah and normativity. In: IIUM Research, Innovation & Invention Exhibition (IRIIE 2010), 26 - 27 January 2010, Kuala Lumpur.

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