Items where Author is "Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah"
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Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2024) توضيح أدلة المسائل الفقهية في شرح أحاديث المعاملات المالية: دراسة منهجية تحليلة لتكملة فتح الملهم = Clarifying the evidence in Fiqh issues in the commentary on hadiths of financial transactions: a methodological and analytical study of takmilat fath al-Mulhim. Journal of Maʿālim al-Qurʾān wa al-Sunnah, 20 (2). pp. 410-430. ISSN 1823-4356 E-ISSN 2637-0328
Abdullah, Nurul Aqilah and Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2024) Prophetic guidance on debt incurrence (al-Istiqrāḍ) in al-Ṣaḥīḥayn. Journal of Hadith Studies, 9 (2). pp. 173-182. E-ISSN 2550-1488
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2024) Kuih semelit: kuih tradisi Melayu Baling Kedah. THE MALAY HERITAGE, 2. pp. 10-11. E-ISSN 978-967-2771-27-9
Sahiddan, Nurhanis and Mohamed Ariff, Noorlizawati and Sadique, Syed Umar and Idrus, Azean Idruwani and Mohamad Diah, Nurazzura and Baharudin, Afiq Zulhilmi and Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah and Mohd Abu Bakar, Wan Azdie (2024) The Malay Heritage Vol. 2, 2024. The Malay Heritage, 1 (2). KSTCL Press, Pagoh, Johor.
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2024) 2024's 8th most influential Muslim and his contribution to Islamisation of knowledge: an anecdote of Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani. CENTRIS E-bulletin, 4. pp. 24-30. E-ISSN 2811-342X
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah and Ahmad Fuad, Nurulhaniy and Abdul Khaiyom, Jamilah Hanum and Mohd Adnan, Normala and Mokhtar, Aida (2024) Bibliometric analysis on islamic spiritual care with special reference to prophetic medicine or al-Ṭibb al-Nabawī. Intellectual Discourse, 32 (1). pp. 81-114. ISSN 0128-4878 E-ISSN 2289-5639
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2024) Living with a Cerebral Palsy hero. In: Special Parents, Special Children in the New Norm - Surviving the spectrum: inspirational stories by parents of special needs kids Persatuan. Persatuan Sokongan Ibu Bapa Anak-Anak Istimewa (Support Association for Parents of Special Needs Children) (SUPPORT), online, pp. 105-114.
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah and Mohammed Yaqub, Mohammed Abullais Shamsuddin (2024) مشروعية مخالفة غير المسلمين وضوابطها في ضوء السنة النبوية = The legitimacy of distinction from non-Muslims and its guidelines in light of the prophetic sunnah. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-491-395-3
Awang Abd. Rahman @ Jusoh, Amilah and Fatah Yasin, Raudlotul Firdaus and Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah and Abd. Rahman, Akmal Khuzairy, eds. (2023) Inspirasi Said Nursi: peranan kerohanian dalam kehidupan. AHAS KIRKHS & Penerbitan Hayrat, Batu Caves, Selangor. ISBN 978-629-98292-1-8
Hashim, Yumi Zuhanis Has-Yun and Samsudin, Nurhusna and Ahmad, Anis Najiha and Al-saari, Nurhidayu and Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2023) Perspective of Hadith in halal industry. Journal of Halal Industry & Services, 6 (1). pp. 1-18. E-ISSN 2637-0891
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2023) Visiting and loving multiple wives in a single night: a ḥadīth revering prophet Sulaymān and its possibility. In: Negotiating Meanings: Engagement with Problematic or Contradictory Hadiths in Medieval and Modern Times. Islamic Book Trust, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, pp. 195-221. ISBN 978-967-2795-11-7
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2022) أحاديث المعاملات المالية في تكملة فتح الملهم: نماذج في شرح الحديث بالحديث. In: Maraqi Uli Al-Nuha On Futuring and Other Relevant Issues in Contemporary Qur'an and Sunnah Studies. Department of Qurʾan and Sunnah Studies, AHAS KIRKHS, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 270-290.
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2022) Women entrepreneurs during the prophet's صلى الله عليه وسلم lifetime. eTIJARI, 2 (9). p. 3. E-ISSN 2 7 7 3 - 5 7 8 8
Al-Jobouri, Ruqaya Nihad and Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2022) مدارس الحديث العراقية وجهود علمائها في خدمة علوم الحديث في القرون الهجرية الثلاثة الأولى. مجلـــة دراسات في التاريخ واآلثار, 29 (82). pp. 317-340. ISSN 2075-3047
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2022) Motivational quotes on entrepreneurship from prophetic hadiths. e-Tijari KENT E-Bulletin, 2 (7). p. 3. E-ISSN 2773-5788
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2022) Food security and business opportunity: lessons from surah Yusuf. e-Tijari KENT E-Bulletin, 2 (6). p. 3. E-ISSN 2773-5788
Bad Latif, Anas and Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2022) منهج الإمام الترمذي في علوم القرآن من خلال كتاب التفسير في جامعه = Methodology of al-Imam al-Tirmidhī in Qur’ānic Sciences Through Kitāb al-Tafsīr in His Book al-Jāmiʿ. Journal of Hadith Studies, 7 (1). pp. 1-22. E-ISSN 2550-1488
Sulaiman, Rohaya and Mohammed Zabidi, Mahfuzah and Hj. Basri, Fairuzah and Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah and Zaid Mohd Zin, Mohamad and Ozata, Sadik (2022) Work burnout and spiritual well-being during Covid-19 pandemic amongst staff in two Malaysian public universities. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12 (5). 1555 - 1569. E-ISSN 2222-6990
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2022) Qur’anic injunction on business zakat. e-Tijari KENT E-Bulletin, 2 (5). p. 3. E-ISSN 2773-5788
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2022) Business ethics from Surah al-Mutaffifin. e-Tijari KENT E-Bulletin, 2 (4). p. 3. E-ISSN 2773-5788
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2022) The longest verse in the Qur’an (2: 282): Dayn – loan or liability? e-Tijari KENT E-Bulletin, 2 (3). p. 3. E-ISSN 2773-5788
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2022) Spiritual care for children with cerebral palsy: an experience-based research. In: International Conference on Islamic Spiritual Care 2021, 27-28 December 2021, Online.
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2022) Tijarah in the Qur'an. e-Tijari KENT E-Bulletin, 2 (2). p. 1. E-ISSN 2773-5788
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2021) A taxonomy of skills for futuristic hadith studies with special reference to skills of translation. In: Scholarship Enhancement Seminar on the Future of Qur'an and Sunnah Studies: Expectations and Aspirations, 31 December 2021, International Islamic University Malaysia, 31 Dec 2021, As-Shafi'e Room. (Unpublished)
AL JUBOURI, RUQAYA NIHAD ABBAS and Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2021) مدارس الحديث العراقية وجهود علمائها في خدمة علم الحديث في القرون الهجرية الثلاثة الأولى Madaris al-Hadith al-Iraqiyah wa Juhud Ulama'iha fi Khidmah I'lm al-Hadith fi al-Qurun al-Hijriyyah al-Tahlathah al-Ula. In: : International Conference on Islam Contemporary and Management (ICICM2021), Hybrid (KUIPS) and Virtual (online). (Unpublished)
Amir, Ahmad Nabil and Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah and Alvin, Sofyan (2021) Berbagai genre karya Mushkil al-Hadith dari klasik hingga kontemporar (suatu sorotan perbandingan). Jurnal Al-Din, Vol 6, (No 2 (2020)). pp. 1-24. ISSN 2442-5389 E-ISSN 2685-7197
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2021) Rights of children with disabilities: the Islamic perspective. In: Webiner Rights of Children with Disabilities: the Islamic Perspective, 7 January 2021, International Islamic University Malaysia (online-zoom). (Unpublished)
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2021) Reflection from the Prophetic guidance on plague. In: Staying Safe and Staying Sane: Reflections During Covid 19 Pandemic. Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia with cooperation Majlis Keselamatan Negara., Selangor, pp. 166-169. ISBN 978-967-19812-0-7
Amir, Ahmad Nabil and Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2020) Kepelbagaian genre karya Mushkil al-hadith klasik hingga kotemporari: satu sorotan terhadap karya-karya pilihan. In: The Inaugural Jamalullalil Chair for Prophetic Sunnah International Conference (JCICI), 18-19 November 2020, International Islamic University Malaysia. (Unpublished)
Amir Rudin, Amirul Imran and Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2020) Problematic hadīth in Malay hadīth commentary: a study of Idrīs al-Marbawī (1989CE) and his approach in Baḥr al-Mādhī. In: The Inaugural Jamalullalil Chair for Prophetic Sunnah International Conference (JCICI), 18-19 November 2020, International Islamic University Malaysia. (Unpublished)
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah and Amir, Ahmad nabil and Amir Rudin, Amirul Imran (2020) Prophet Sulaymān visiting multiple wives in a single night: a critical study of the Ḥadīth and its possibility. In: The Inaugural Jamalullalil Chair for Prophetic Sunnah International Conference (JCICI), 18-19 November 2020, International Islamic University Malaysia. (Unpublished)
Ahmad, Bahiyah and Muhammad Daud, Zakiul Fuady and Musthapar, Nur Faezah and Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2020) Hukum penggunaan sex tech dalam hubungan suami isteri dan kaitannya dengan matlamat perkahwinan di dalam Islam. E-Prosiding SHIS X 2020 (23). pp. 365-394. E-ISSN 978-967-5534-89-8
Amir Rudin, Amirul Imran and Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2020) Problematic hadīth in Malay hadīth commentary: a study of Idrīs al-Marbawī (1989CE) and his approach in Baḥr al-Mādhī. In: The Inaugural Jamalullail Chair for Prophetic Sunnah International Conference (JCIC1), 18-19 November 2020, International Islamic University Malaysia. (Unpublished)
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2020) Malay dilemma on tadabbur al- Qur’an and translation of Hadith: a reflection. In: Scholarship Enhancement Seminar on Contemporary Issues of Qur'an and Sunnah, 8 October 2020, Gombak. (Unpublished)
Mat Nor, Norhayati and Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2020) التفكير الإيجابي وحسن الظن بالله وقضاءه وقدره في ضوء الهدي النبوي = Positive thinking and good impression towards Allah and His predestination in light of Prophetic guidance. Al-Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 4 (2). pp. 127-152. E-ISSN 2600-8432
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2020) Reflection from the prophetic guidance on plague. IIUM Emotional and Psychological Support Site, 9th June 2020.
Hamid, Siti Nur Hazimah and Ahmad, Bahiyah and Abd Khalil, Shahidra and Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2020) Pembiayaan nafkah anak yatim: tinjauan menurut perspektif fiqh, Undang-undang Keluarga Islam Malaysia serta kefahaman dan amalan masyarakat. Akademika: Journal of Southeast Asia Social Sciences and Humanities, 90 (1). pp. 137-149. ISSN 0126-5008 E-ISSN 0126-8694
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2019) مساهمة علماء القارة الهندية في شرح صحيح مسلم: تكملة فتح الملهم أنموذجا The contribution of scholars of Indian subcontinent in commentary on Sahih Muslim, an introduction to Takmilah Fath al-Mulhim. Journal of Hadith Studies, 4 (2). pp. 40-54. E-ISSN 2550-1448
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2019) Legislative distinction of Muslims from the heretic groups based on the Qur’an and prophetic Hadith with special reference on doctrinal issues. Al-Itqan: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 2 (Spec Iss 2). pp. 159-188. E-ISSN 2600-8432
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2019) Research of postgraduate in Qur'an and Sunnah studies: a review towards its paradigm shift. In: Scholarship Enhancement Seminar on Contemporary Issues of Qur'an and Sunnah, 22 August 2019, As-Shafiee Room, Kulliyyah IRKHS, IIUM Gombak. (Unpublished)
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah and Mohammed Yaqub, Mohammed Abullais Shamsuddin (2018) مشروعية مخالفة غير المسلمين وأهميتها في ضوء القرآن والسنة النبوية. Journal of Hadith Studies, 3 (2). pp. 57-74. E-ISSN 2550-1448
Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2018) Bibliometric analysis of postgraduate dissertations on Qur’an and Sunnah studies: a review towards new prospects in integration of knowledge. In: Symposium on Contextualization and Relevantization of Religion to the Contemporary World, 5 July 2018, HS Seminar Room, Level 3, HS Building. (Unpublished)
Hamid, Siti Nur Hazimah and Ahmad, Bahiyah and Abd Khalil, Shahidra and Mohd Marzuki, Zunaidah (2018) Kesedaran dan kefahaman masyarakat terhadap tanggungjawab ahli waris dalam nafkah anak yatim di Lembah Klang. In: The 2nd Islamic Management Development Conference (IMDeC 2018) : The Evolution of Islamic Management, 27th-28th June 2018, Kedah, Malaysia. (Unpublished)