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Items where Author is "Machouche, Salah"

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Number of items: 49.

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Machouche, Salah (2023) Physical growth and the need for PE in schools. In: Enhancing the Spiritual and Physical Development of Children. International Institute for Muslim Unity, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 217-231. ISBN 978-967-25504-7-1

Machouche, Salah and Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Özer, Bayram (2023) İbnİ Haldun. In: Maarif Düşüncemizin Kuramsal Temelleri-1. Pegem Akademi Publishing, Ankara, Turkiye, pp. 415-443. ISBN 978-625-6764-58-3

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Machouche, Salah (2023) A discourse on Islamic civilization’s philosophy of coexistence. In: International Conference on Islamic Civilization: Fostering the Philosophy of Coexistence in the 21st Century, 17th August 2023, Al-Syafie Meeting Room, IRK Building, IIUM, Gombak Campus. (Unpublished)

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Machouche, Salah and Mustapha, Maziah (2023) The role of education in the human life. In: Symposium on Education & Economic Development Plan for the Young Myanmar Muslims (2023), 28-29 Jan 2023, UTHM- Batu Pahat, Johor. (Unpublished)

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Machouche, Salah (2023) A review of al-Qaradawi’s book “Islam: the future civilization”. In: Yusuf al-Qaradawi Conference, 21st January 2023, Main Auditorium, IIUM Gombak. (Unpublished)

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Machouche, Salah (2023) Iqbal: the Renaissance Man from the Muslim world. AHAS KIRKHS, IIUM, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Machouche, Salah and Mohd Abbas, Abdul Razak (2022) Ibn Khaldun’s Guide on How Philosophy Should be Taught to Young Muslims. Revelation and Science, 12 (02). pp. 27-42. ISSN 2229-9645 E-ISSN 2229-9947

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Machouche, Salah and Mustapha, Maziah (2022) The plight of the diasporic Muslim Community in the West. In: International Conference on Women Empowerment: Social Development of Women Refugees Living in Malaysia (2022), 10th. of December 2022, Banquet Hall Rectory Building, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Gombak, Selangor.. (Unpublished)

Machouche, Salah and Nori, Abdulwahed Jalal (2022) Fostering creativity among Muslim women refugees the use of effective tools to manage the daily life problems in the Camps. In: International Conference on Women Empowerment: Social Development of Refugee Women Living in Malaysia (2022), 10th December 2022, Saturday, Banquet Hall, Rectory Building, International Islamic University Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Machouche, Salah and Hachour, Idir (2022) Studying the Human Society Under the Guidance of Revelation How Quran Assists Social Scientists? (in Arabic) دراسة المجتمع تحت هداية الوحي ماذا يقدمه القرآن الكريم للباحث في العلوم الاجتماعية. In: International Postgraduate Colloquium on Cognitive Integration Between Revelation & Human Sciences: Reality And Prospects, 28-29 November 2022, Online. (Unpublished)

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Machouche, Salah (2022) An idealism for world peace. IIUM Today, 11 August 2022.

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Machouche, Salah (2022) Commercialization of spirituality in the era of globalization. In: Scholarship Advancement Project (FIDS, AHAS KRKHS-2022), 4 August 2022, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Machouche, Salah (2022) Spirituality for sale in the era of globalisation. IIUM-Today, 29 July 2022.

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Machouche, Salah (2022) The brain drain phenomenon in the Muslim world. IIUM-Today, 26 July 2022.

Abdul Razak, Mohd Abbas and Machouche, Salah (2022) The tapping and capping of human creativity: an Islamic perspective. IIUM-Today, 26 July 2022.

Machouche, Salah and Nori, Abdulwahed Jalal and Iyad, M. Y Eid and Mohd Zin, Najibah (2022) Fostering creativity among the vulnerable groups: a case of teenage pregnancy. In: Post Pandemic Empowerment, Recovery and Wellbeing of Children, Women, the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities”, 26 Feb 2022, Putrajaya. (Unpublished)

Jalal Nore, Abdul Wahed Jalal Nore and Machouche, Salah and Eid, Iyad Muhammad and Mohd Zin, Najibah (2022) Teaching creative thinking and problem-solving skills for a vulnerable group: the case of teenage pregnancy. In: The 14th Putrajaya International Conference on Children, Women, Elderly and Person With Disabilities 2022, 26 Feb 2022, Bangi, Selangor. (Unpublished)

Bensaid, Benaouda and Machouche, Salah and UNSPECIFIED (2022) Muslim spiritual care during pandemics: a study of Muslim early works. In: Conceptualising Islamic Spiritual Care: Between Traditional Guidance and Modern Practices, 27-28 December 2021, Online.

Machouche, Salah (2022) أهمية العناية الروحية في تسلية المصاب في حالة الوباء قراءة تحليلية في تصورات العلماء المسلمين الأوائل وخبرتهم = Spiritual care at the time of pandemic: an analytical study of early Muslim scholar's views & practice. Al-Hikmah: International Journal of Islamic Studies and Human Sciences, 5 (4). pp. 250-292. E-ISSN 2637- 0581

Machouche, Salah and Bensaid, Benaouda (2021) Muslim spiritual care at the times of pandemics: a study of Muslim early works. In: International Conference on Islamic Spiritual Care (INSPIRE) 2021, 27-28 Dec 2021, Online. (Unpublished)

Machouche, Salah (2021) A Guide for a Perplexed Ibn Khaldun’s Approach to Muslim Instruction of Philosophy. In: Symposium on the Emergence and Issues in Islamic Philosophy, Virtual. (Unpublished)

Bensaid, Benaouda and Machouche, Salah and Tekke, Mustafa (2021) An Islamic spiritual alternative to addiction treatment and recovery. Al-Jāmi‘ah: Journal of Islamic Studies, 59 (1). pp. 127-162. ISSN 0126-012X E-ISSN 2356-0912

Bensaid, Benaouda and Machouche, Salah (2020) Education piety: special reference to Abu Hamid al- Ghazali and Abdul Rahman Ibn Khaldun. In: Global perspectives on teaching and learning paths in Islamic education. IGI Global, USA, pp. 34-59. ISBN 9781522585282

Bensaid, Benaouda and Machouche, Salah (2019) Muslim morality as foundation for social harmony. Jurnal Al-Tamaddun, 14 (2). pp. 51-63. ISSN 1823-7517

Machouche, Salah and Bensaid, Benaouda and Ahmed, Zuraida (2019) Crossroads between Islamic spirituality and the instruction of science. KEMANUSIAAN: The Asian Journal of Humanities, 26 (supp. 1). pp. 23-45. ISSN 1394-9330 E-ISSN 2180-4257

Machouche, Salah (2018) تحديد وسائط تعليمية لتوظيف المصطلح القرآني في تصميم الكتاب المداري العلمي = Identifying educational ways to use Quranic terms in designing school science textbook. Islamiyat Al Ma'rifat: Journal of Contemporary Islamic Thought, 24 (94). pp. 117-152. ISSN 1729-4193

Badi, Jamal Ahmed Bashier and Machouche, Salah (2018) The inquisitive mindset and the Qur’anic ethos: an exploration into Islamic inquisitiveness = Dasar pemikiran inkuisitif dan nilai-nilai etika dalam Quran: penerokaan ke dalam inkuisitif Islam. Journal of Islam in Asia, 15 (1). pp. 183-203. E-ISSN 2289-8077

Badi, Jamal Ahmed Bashier and Machouche, Salah (2018) The inquisitiveness mind set and the Qur’anic ethos: an exploration into Islamic inquisitiveness = Dasar pemikiran inkuisitif dan nilai-nilai etika dalam Quran: penerokaan ke dalam inkuisitif Islam. Journal of Islam in Asia, 15 (1). pp. 183-203. E-ISSN 2289-8077 (In Press)

Badi, Jamal Ahmed Bashier and Machouche, Salah and Bensaid, Benaouda (2017) Questioning styles in the Qur’ān and their impact on human thinking a conceptual analysis. Intellectual Discourse, 25 (Special issue). pp. 553-574. ISSN 0128-4878 E-ISSN 2289-5639

Machouche, Salah (2017) قراءة في محاولة الفاروقي لتأصيل المنهج الظاهري في مقارنة الأديان: إشكالية الموضوعية العلملية والخصوصية الدينية. دورية النماء, 4-5 (Fall). pp. 112-131.

Machouche, Salah (2017) مقدمة في طبيعة التفكير العلمي وأصوله القبلية في ضوء القرآن الكريم. دورية نماء لعلوم الوحي والدراسات اإلنسانية, 2. pp. 242-272. ISSN 9786144317044

Machouche, Salah (2017) The prophethood (Al-Nubuwwah): its necessity and relevance for human life & society. In: The Islamic worldview: selected essays. International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) (East and Southeast Asia), Batu Caves, Selangor, pp. 165-194. ISBN 978-967-15622-7-7

Machouche, Salah (2016) دراسةٌ تمهيديَّةٌ لأُصول الفعاليَّة العقديَّة والفطريَّة في ضوء الوحي النَّبويِّ = Preliminary study of the effectiveness of the ideological instinctive origins in the light of the Prophetic inspiration = Kajian permulaan tentang prinsip-prinsip idiologi fitrah dalam pandangan wahyu kenabian. at-Tajdid, 20 (40). pp. 5-49. ISSN 1823-1926

Bensaid, Benaouda and Machouche, Salah (2016) Memorizing the words of God: Special reference to ‘Abdul Rahman IBN Khaldun (D. 1406 A.D.). Religious Education. pp. 1-17. ISSN 0034-4087 E-ISSN 1547-3201 (In Press)

Ahmad, Zuraida and Zain, Saidi and Ismail, Ahmad Faris and Salleh, Md. Noor and Machouche, Salah (2016) Students perceptions on infusion of Islamic perspectives in the teaching of engineering subjects: IIUM case study. Journal of Education and Vocational Research (JESOC), 4. pp. 1-7. E-ISSN 2289-9855

Zain, Saidi and Ahmad, Zuraida and Ismail, Ahmad Faris and Machouche, Salah and Mohamad, Souad A. and Hasbullah, Nurul Fadzlin and Toha @ Tohara, Siti Fauziah (2016) Development of integrated curriculum and teaching materials for science/engineering courses. In: Kuala Lumpur International Islamic Studies and Civilisations (KLiISC) 2016, 7th-8th May 2016, Kuala Lumpur.

Machouche, Salah and Bensaid, Benaouda (2015) The roots and constructs of Ibn Khaldūn’s critical thinking. Intellectual Discourse, 23 (2). pp. 201-228. ISSN 0128-4878 E-ISSN 2289-5639

Badi, Jamal Ahmed Bashier and Machouche, Salah (2015) Qur’anic Inquisitive Thinking (QIT): a study of the questions and questioning styles in the Qur’an. In: Seminar Wahyu Asas Tamadun V (SWAT 2015) Peringkat Antarabangsa, 6th-7th Oct. 2015, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. (Unpublished)

Bensaid, Benaouda and Machouche, Salah and Grine, Fadila (2014) A Qur’anic framework for spiritual intelligence. Religions, 5. pp. 179-198. ISSN 2077-1444

Machouche, Salah and Lajal, Tariq (2014) نحو صياغة الأصول النظرية للحسبة العلمية في الإسلام: دراسة في المفهوم، وتطبيقاته. Islamiyat al Ma'rifah, 20 (77). pp. 83-120. ISSN 1729-4193

Machouche, Salah (2014) دراسة في محاولة الفاروقي لتأصيل المنهج الظاهراتي: إشكالية الموضوعية العلمية والخصوصية الدينية. In: 2nd International Conference on Contemporary Scholarship on Islam: The Legacy of Ismail Raji al-Faruqi, 22nd-23rd Oct. 2013, Senate Hall, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Machouche, Salah (2014) Creativity in ‘Umran sciences: expopising some aspects of Ibn Khaldun's creative thinking. In: 2nd International Conference on Creativity and Innovation for Sustainable Development 2014 (ICCI 2014), 20th -22nd Oct. 2014, Conference Room KICT, IIUM., Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Machouche, Salah and Bensaid, Benaouda (2014) An Islamic view of human development: special reference to Abdul Rahman Ibn Khaldun. European Journal of Business and Management, 2 (2). pp. 49-64. ISSN 2222-2839 (O), 2222-1905 (P)

Bensaid, Benaouda and Machouche, Salah (2013) Exploring the relationship between Islamic religious learning and community: Special reference to ‘Abdul Rahman Ibn Khaldun and Mohammad Tahir Ben Achour. Multicultural Education & Technology Journal, 7 (4). pp. 317-332. ISSN 1750-497X

Bensaid, Benaouda and Machouche, Salah (2013) Memorization of the Qur’an: A study of early Muslim pedagogy. In: 3rd International Seminar of Wahyu Asas Tamadun 2013 (SWAT2013): Quran: Melonjak Transformasi Ummah, 20-21 Nov. 2013, USIM, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. (Unpublished)

Bensaid, Benaouda and Machouche, Salah (2012) Spiritual intelligence: a qur’anic alternative approach. Islamic Perspective Journal , Dec.12 (8). (In Press)

Machouche, Salah and Bensaid, Benaouda and Grine, Fadila (2012) Positive thinking: an Islamic perspective. Al-Shajarah: Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), 17 (2). 225-256. ISSN 1394-6870

Machouche, Salah (2011) Dur al-Qur'an fi tashkil al-'akliyah al-'ilmiyah al-Islamiyah : dirasat mujizah li-nazriyah Ibn Khaldun fi tafsir ba'dha al-jawanib min al-tabi'ah al-insaniyah. In: دراسات في القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية الشريفة قضايا ومناهج (Dirasat al-qur'an al-karim wa al-sunnah al-nabawiyyah al-syarifah qadaya wa manahij). IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 48-86. ISBN 9670225647

Machouche, Salah (2011) علم العمران Ilm al Umrani al-Khaldun: Athar Aqidat Tawhid fi siyaghatihi. International institute of Islamic Thought, USA. ISBN 978-1-56564-461-8

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