IIUM Repository


Legal Practice Department


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Latest Additions

  1. Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Ismail (2020) The current development of illegally obtained evidence in Malaysia. The Law Majalla, 7 (1). pp. 33-55. ISSN 0128-5491
  2. Mohd Yunus, Mohamad Ismail and Sabri, Shahnaz Zuriati (2023) Safeguarding the child witness in giving evidence with special reference to the Child Witness Act 2007. Malayan Law Journal, 4 (1). cclvii-cclxxxv. E-ISSN 2477-6238
  3. Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Ismail (2022) The development of privileged communication rule under the Malaysian Evidence Act 1950. Indonesian Private Law Review, 3 (2). pp. 137-144. ISSN 2723-259X E-ISSN 2745-9284
  4. Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Ismail (2023) Conceptualizing legal harmonization approach In Malaysia. FIAT JUSTISIA: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, 17 (1). pp. 45-74. ISSN 1978-5186 E-ISSN 2477-6238
  5. Mohd Yunus, Mohamad Ismail (2022) Integrated research between modern secular Penal Law and Shariah in crimes (al-Jinaie al-Islami). Journal of Islamic Law Review, 18 (1). pp. 19-47. ISSN 0973-2918
  6. Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Ismail (2022) The eyes of the laws : cases,materials and commentaries. Penerbitan Anaasa Plt, Selangor. ISBN 978-967-2787-12-9
  7. Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Ismail and Nik Wajis, Nik Rahim and Mochammad Sahid, Mualimin and Baharli, Nurliyana Shahira (2021) The laws protecting child witness in giving evidence: harmonization between Malaysian laws and As-Sharia. Indonesia Private Law Review (IPLR), 2 (2). pp. 137-150. ISSN 2723-259X E-ISSN 2745-9284
  8. Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Ismail (2021) Onus and quantum of proof for breaching the standard of procedure (SOP) during the movement control order (MCO). Jurnal Undang-Undang dan Masyarakat, Special Issue On Covid-19 and The Law. pp. 37-43. ISSN 1394-7729
  9. Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Ismail and Mohamad Hanifa, Shamshina (2019) Legal implication of necrophilia in Malaysia: a comparative legal analysis. Malayan Law Journal, 1 (1). I-Ixxiii. ISSN 0025-1283
  10. Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Ismail (2019) The position and application of Islamic legal maxims (Qawaaid Al-Fiqhiyyah) in the law of evidence (Turuq Al-Hukmiyyah). Fiat Justisia, 13 (1). pp. 43-74. ISSN 1978-5186 E-ISSN 2477-6238
  11. Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Ismail (2018) An evaluation of sexual history evidence in sexual crimes cases in Malaysia. The Law Review 2018. pp. 418-429. ISSN 1985-0891
  12. Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Ismail (2019) Sexual offences: a comparative textual foundations. Penerbit UTHM, Johor Bahru, Johor. ISBN 978-967-2216-83-4
  13. Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Ismail and Mohamad Hanifa, Shamshina and Abdul Rahman, Muhammad Ikhbal (2018) Towards a comparative legal analysis on the legal issue of paedophilia in Malaysia and Islamic law. Journal of Islamic Law Review, 14 (2). pp. 225-246. ISSN 0973-2918
  14. Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Ismail (2018) The criminal liability of night terror in Malaysia. The Law Review, 1 (1). pp. 177-186. ISSN 1985-0891
  15. Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Ismail and Mohamad Hanifa, Shamshina (2018) Domestic sexual violation: A legal commentary on spousal rape. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn - UTHM, Johore Baharu. ISBN 978-967-2183-24-2
  16. Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Ismail (2017) Good governance according to Islamic perspective. Fiat Justisia, II (3). pp. 201-231. ISSN 1978-5186 E-ISSN 2477-6238
  17. Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Ismail (2017) A need for legal Framework on sexual offences against elderly woman in Malaysia. The Law Review, 4 (4). pp. 515-520. ISSN 1985-0891
  18. Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Ismail (2017) Towards a need for the code of professional governance in policies making and management for public sector: the Malaysian experience. The Law Review, 1 (1/2017). pp. 194-223. ISSN 1985-0891
  19. Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Ismail (2017) The right of private defence against non-accountable offenders and in defence of the chastity of women under Islamic law. IIUM Law Journal, 25 (2). pp. 257-270. ISSN 2289-7852
  20. Mohamad Yunus, Mohamad Ismail and Nik Rahim, Nik Wajis and Mohamad Hanifa, Shamshina (2017) Malaysian anti-terrorism efforts & Islamic criminal justice system: a comparative appraisal. Journal of Public Security and Safety, 8 (2). pp. 49-76. ISSN 2289-4624

Most Viewed Items

Item titleViews
1Transaksi dalam sistem muamalat di malaysia2555
2Legal implication of necrophilia in Malaysia: a comparative legal analysis2127
3The reception of the law relating to Res Gestae in Malaysia1566
4Kedudukan agama Islam dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia1541
5The status of evidence obtained unlawfully: a comparative appraisal of the laws in some selected Common law jurisdictions and Islamic law perspective1506
6The exercise of self defence to cause death: a legal analysis under the Malaysian Penal Code1251
7Paedophilia and sexual crimes against children in Malaysia1146
8Nilai keterangan elektronik dan digital menurut Akta Keterangan 1950 1124
9Kedudukan bahan bukti (exhibit) elektronik dan digital dalam keterangan: masalah dan cabaran masa kini1035
10The concept of self-defence in Islamic jurisprudence843
11Constituent physical ingredients of rape: a proposal for law reform842
12The relevancy and admissibility of evidence obtained through unlawful means: a comparative legal appraisal838
13Fenomena gangguan seksual di pejabat: perspektif undang-undang dan remedi834
14Maqasid Al Syariah828
15The law of Indecent Law and criminal justice system817
16The origin, development and modern application of the law relating to marital rape: a comparative legal appraisal812
17The right of private defence of a person: a comparative legal alignment784
18Relevancy and admissibility of child testimony: a comparative appraisal759
19An evaluation of sexual history evidence in sexual crimes cases in Malaysia758
20Law of handcuffs752
21Abortion Under the Malaysian Penal Code: A Comparative Appraisal738
22Assault or using force to deter a public servant from discharging of official duty733
23The laws protecting child witness in giving evidence: harmonization between Malaysian laws and As-Sharia732
24Domestic sexual violation: A legal commentary on spousal rape730
25The central issue in the rape trial725
26Malaysian anti-terrorism efforts & Islamic criminal justice system: a comparative appraisal704
27Islam anti keganasan704
28Guilty mind in sexual crimes696
29The criminal liability of night terror in Malaysia692
30The rights to abortion with special reference to rape victim: an Islamic perspective691