IIUM Repository

dr azila ahmad sarkawi


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  1. Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila (2019) Analysis of fatwa in Malaysia on the provision of housing using zakat fund. In: 2nd International Conference of Zakat (ICONZ 2018), 15th - 16th November 2018, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
  2. Mohamad Hamdan, Noor Aishah and Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila and Abdullah Habib, Siti Nora Haryati (2019) Establishment of Shariah principles on interest for late interim payment for construction works. In: International Conference on Islamic Law, Economy & Finance (SPEKI 2019), 11th - 12th November 2019, Lotus Desaru Beach Resort & Spa, Johor, Malaysia.
  3. Senam, Muhamad Rosdi and Abdul Rashid, Khairuddin and Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila and Mohd. Zaini, Rapiah (2014) Construction project leadership from the perspective of Islam. International Journal of Islamic Thought, 6. pp. 46-56. ISSN 2232-1314 E-ISSN 2289-6023
  4. Aripin, Srazali and Abdul Rashid, Khairuddin and Hasan, Sharina Farihah and Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila and Mohd Fauzi, Puteri Nur Farah Naadia (2016) A survey on the space and living condition of zakat house for asnafs fakr and miskin. Journal of Scientific Research and Development, 3 (4). pp. 138-143. ISSN 1115-7569
  5. Mohd Fauzi, Puteri Nur Farah Naadia and Abdul Rashid, Khairuddin and Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila and Hasan, Sharina Farihah and Aripin, Srazali (2016) A survey on required time allocated vs. actual time spent by academic in pursuit of key performance indicators (KPIs) at Department of Quantity Surveying, KAED, IIUM. Journal of Scientific Research and Development, 3 (4). pp. 42-48. ISSN 1115-7569
  6. Mohd Fauzi, Puteri Nur Farah Naadia and Abdul Rashid, Khairuddin and Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila and Hasan, Sharina Farihah and Aripin, Srazali and Arifin, Muhammad Ariffuddin (2016) Takaful: a review on performance, issues and challenges in Malaysia. Journal of Scientific Research and Development, 3 (4). pp. 71-76. ISSN 1115-7569
  7. Arifin, Muhammad Ariffuddin and Abdul Rashid, Khairuddin and Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila and Hasan, Sharina Farihah and Mohd Fauzi, Puteri Nur Farah Naadia and Aripin, Srazali (2016) Assessing the prospect of using Tahkim as a Shariah‐compliant ADR for resolving construction disputes. Journal of Scientific Research and Development, 3 (4). pp. 91-94. ISSN 1115-7569
  8. Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila and Abdul Rashid, Khairuddin and Aripin, Srazali and Hasan, Sharina Farihah and Mohd Fauzi, Puteri Nur Farah Naadia and Senam, Mohd Rosdi (2016) Identification of Islamic leadership principles and their applicability in construction project management. Journal of Scientific Research and Development, 3 (4). pp. 66-70. ISSN 1115-7569
  9. Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila and Abdullah, Muhammad Faris and Abdullah, Alias and Khazani, Nur Amilin (2017) Human wellbeing index based on Maqasid al-Shari’ah (the objectives of Islamic law). International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research (IJBR), 8 (Special Issue 3). pp. 226-232. ISSN 0976-2612 E-ISSN 2278-599X
  10. Sabri Muda, Rahsidi and Tukiman, Izawati and Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila and Md Amin, Mohamad Faiq and Mohd Khidzir, Ainul Bahiah (2019) Community preparedness for disaster risk reduction from Islamic perspectives in promoting dam disaster management. South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law, 20 (6). pp. 71-76. ISSN 2289-1560
  11. Kamaruddin, Zumahiran and Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila (2019) Teaching workload and working time of AAD lecturers and their pursuit of key performance indicators within a code of ethics. International Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences, 4 (1). pp. 7-17. ISSN 2582-1601
  12. Abdul Rashid, Khairuddin and Hasan, Sharina Farihah and Mohd Fauzi, Puteri Nur Farah Naadia and Aripin, Srazali and Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila (2016) A review on the Malaysian public private partnership (PPP). Journal of Scientific Research and Development, 3 (4). pp. 112-117. ISSN 1115-7569
  13. Abdul Rashid, Khairuddin and Hasan, Sharina Farihah and Mohd Fauzi, Puteri Nur Farah Naadia and Aripin, Srazali and Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila (2016) A review on the application of bills of quantities (BQ) in construction project procurement. Journal of Scientific Research and Development, 3 (4). pp. 102-105. ISSN 1115-7569
  14. Baharudin, Mohammad Hidir and Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila and Mohyin, Nur Affah (2021) Inheritance of house unit on Waqf land from Islamic and Malaysian law perspectives. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 11 (2). pp. 114-128. ISSN 2226-5139 E-ISSN 2224-4441
  15. Hasan, Sharina Farihah and Abdul Rashid, Khairuddin and Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila and Aripin, Srazali and Mohd Fauzi, Puteri Nur Farah Naadia (2016) ASEAN economic community: the potential impacts of labour mobility on the economy and construction industry. Journal of Scientific Research and Development, 3 (4). pp. 144-149. ISSN 1115-7569
  16. Mohamad Hamdan, Noor Aishah and Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila and Abdullah Habib, Siti Nora Haryati and Othman, Ahmad Azam (2022) Doctrinal analysis on interest for late interim payment for Malaysian construction works contracts. Malaysian Construction Research Journal, 15 (Special Issue 1). pp. 258-272. ISSN 1985-3807 E-ISSN 2590-4140
  17. Hasan, Sharina Farihah and Abdul Rashid, Khairuddin and Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila and Aripin, Srazali and Mohd Fauzi, Puteri Nur Farah Naadia (2016) ASEAN economic community: awareness and acceptance of selected member countries. Journal of Scientific Research and Development, 3 (4). pp. 124-132. ISSN 1115-7569
  18. Hasan, Sharina Farihah and Abdul Rashid, Khairuddin and Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila (2017) Assessing the appropriateness and adequacy of the provision for housing under the haddul-kifayah for asnaf faqr and asnaf miskin. Journal of Quantity Surveying & Construction Business, 8 (1). pp. 55-68. ISSN 2229-8339
  19. Mohamad Hamdan, Noor Aishah and Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila and Abdullah Habib, Siti Nora Haryati and Othman, Ahmad Azam (2020) Assessment of Ta'widh and Gharamah in Islamic financing contract and its' applicability potential for construction works contracts. In: AMERABRA International Virtual Conference on Environmental Behavioral Studies 2nd Series, 2nd-3rd December 2020, Shah Alam, Selangor.
  20. Ahmad Sarkawi, Azila and Ahmad Sarkawi, Aznurullaili (2020) Analisa fatwa di Malaysia berkaitan penggunaan dana zakat bagi tujuan projek pembangunan. In: 4th International Virtual Conference on Zakat, Waqf and Islamic Philanthropy, 17th September 2020, Shah Alam, Selangor. (Unpublished)

Most Viewed Items

Item titleViews
1The philosophy of Maqasid al-Shariah and its application in the built environment1282
2Analisa fatwa di Malaysia berkaitan penggunaan dana zakat bagi tujuan projek pembangunan1225
3The philosophy of Maqasid al-Shari’ah and its application in the built environment1171
4The concept of sustainability from the Islamic perspectives1150
5Development control in Sabah within a context of planning system in Malaysia1108
6A critical review on the worldwide economist intelligence unit, Mercer and Monocle quality of life indicators1024
7The sustainable development: an Islamic perspective986
8Maqasid al-Shari’ah and academic programme in the built environment: A case of the Bachelor of Quantity Surveying at IIUM 986
9Public facilities and human wellbeing in the context of Maqasid al-Shari’ah963
10Islamisation of human knowledge in the built environment education: a case of the Bachelor of Science in architectural studies, international Islamic university Malaysia946
11Maqasid Al-Shari'ah in business transactions: Special focus on sukuk as islamic project finance 902
12Contextualising the Islamic fundamentals in the contemporary concepts of sustainability, livability and quality of life in the built environment898
13An analytical study of Malaysia’s quality of life indicators877
14Penyediaan tempat tinggal golongan asnaf menurut skim bantuan agihan zakat: cadangan penggunaan tanah wakaf852
15A conceptual framework of Maqasidic human wellbeing index844
16Livability planning in gated community residential scheme: Malaysian socio-religious approach 834
17Environmental planning policy and development strategies in the context of Maqasid Al-Shari’ah830
18Religious dimensions of Malaysia’s wellbeing indexes815
19Housing assistance under the zakat, disbursement schemes in Malaysia812
20Identifying shariah governance and construction procurement system of property development under Islamic Johor Corporation807
21Integrating sustainability indicators in Malaysia with Maqasid al-Shari'ah (the objectives of Islamic Law)794
22Islamisation of town planning education: a review on the courses offered by the department of urban and regional planning, International Islamic University Malaysia793
23Historical influences to present legal setting of planning law in Malaysia793
24Etika orang awam dan pihak berkuasa tempatan dalam sesi penyertaan awam791
25Reviewing the Islamisation of acquired human knowledge agenda in the International Islamic University Malaysia778
26Legal considerations of housing development on waqaf land in Malaysia773
27Zakat and wakaf funded housing for the poor and needy – an analysis of the zakat and wakaf authorities roles from the authorities’ perspectives765
28A proposed methodology to assess the state of Islamic inputs in the courses offered by the Kulliyyah of Architecture & Environmental Design, International Islamic University Malaysia763
29Zakat houses design and planning (quality and standard) from shariah perspective763
30Teaching Islamic perspective of sustainability in landscape design studio762