Asst. Professor
Department of Fundamental & Inter-Disciplinary Studies
Education, Educational Psychology, Western Psychology, Islamic Psychology, Iqbaliyyat, Philosophical Psychology
Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak obtained his B.A. (Hons) degree from Universitas Ar-Raniry, Aceh, Indonesia in Islamic Education. Upon completing his undergraduate studies, Abbas returned to Malaysia in January 1992 and was teaching for a little while in the northern region of the peninsular of Malaysia before he went on to pursue his postgraduate studies at IIUM.
Over at IIUM, Abbas did his Advanced Diploma in Education and later went on to pursue his Master’s degree in the area of Educational Psychology. His Ph.D. dissertation was a study on personality theories, particularly comparing on the views showcased to the world by Iqbal and Freud. This research work of Abbas was later published as a book entitled ‘Iqbal’s Theory of Personality: A Contrastive Analysis with Freud’ by LAP Lambert Acade
more...Mohd Abbas Abdul Razak obtained his B.A. (Hons) degree from Universitas Ar-Raniry, Aceh, Indonesia in Islamic Education. Upon completing his undergraduate studies, Abbas returned to Malaysia in January 1992 and was teaching for a little while in the northern region of the peninsular of Malaysia before he went on to pursue his postgraduate studies at IIUM.
Over at IIUM, Abbas did his Advanced Diploma in Education and later went on to pursue his Master’s degree in the area of Educational Psychology. His Ph.D. dissertation was a study on personality theories, particularly comparing on the views showcased to the world by Iqbal and Freud. This research work of Abbas was later published as a book entitled ‘Iqbal’s Theory of Personality: A Contrastive Analysis with Freud’ by LAP Lambert Academic Publishing of Germany. In 2010, he was teaching Philosophy of Islamic Education, Ethics & Sociology of Education at the Kulliyyah of Education, IIUM.
Upon completing his Ph.D. in 2011, Abbas was appointed as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Fundamental & Inter-Disciplinary Studies, KIRKHS, IIUM. He teaches all the university required courses; Islamic Worldview, Knowledge & Civilization in Islam, Ethics & Fiqh for Everyday Life and Creative Thinking & Problem Solving. At times, he also teaches Psychology and Parenting & Family Management in the university.
In addition to teaching, Abbas also actively participates in many international conferences and research works on psychology, spirituality, globalization and Iqbaliyat. His research work has enabled Abbas to publish quite a number of journal and newspaper articles locally and internationally.
As a social contribution, Abbas joined the National Blood Bank (Pusat Darah Negara) in 1998 as a member and ever since then actively donates whole blood, plasma and platelets. As of August 2018, he has donated 338 times. He strongly believes that through the philosophy of sharing, caring and loving, humanity can create a better world.
B.A(Hons) in Islamic Studies(Universitas Ar-Raniry)
Advanced Diploma of Education(IIUM)
M.Ed in Educational Psychology(IIUM) Educational Psychology(IIUMM