IIUM Repository

Prof.Dr Thameem Ushama


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Latest Additions

  1. Tariq, Mahmood and Ushama, Thameem (2024) Peace building & conflict resolution. In: Issues in Research and Development. Global Authors, New Delhi, pp. 19-35. ISBN 978-93-340-8392-7
  2. Syed Alaudeen Seyed Ibrahim, Syed Alaudeen and Ushama, Thameem (2024) Promoting Interfaith Harmony: Examining Problems and Misunderstandings between Muslims and Non-Muslims in India within the Framework of Maqāṣid al-Qur'ān. AL-RISALAH JOURNAL, 8 (1). pp. 1-24. E-ISSN e-ISSN: 2600-8394
  3. Mohammad Eisa, Ruhullah and Ushama, Thameem (2024) TAWHIDIC LEADERSHIP IN THE MODERN WORLD: BRIDGING ISLAMIC GOVERNANCE WITH UNIVERSAL VALUES FOR PEACE AND INTEGRITY. AL SHAJARAH ISTAC Journal of islamic Thought and Civilization, 29 (2). pp. 329-365. ISSN ISSN 1394-6870
  4. Ushama, Thameem (2024) AbdulHamid AbuSulayman’s Contributions to the Development of the International Islamic University, with Special Reference to the Islamization of Knowledge at AHAS KIRKHS…. In: ABDULHAMID ABUSULAYMAN’S CONTRIBUTION TO INTELLECTUAL AND EDUCATIONAL REFORM. International Institute for Muslim University35, Malaysia, pp. 5-36. ISBN ISBN 978 -967-25504-8-8
  5. Ushama, Thameem (2024) Ethicization of media for sustainable peace: considering the Islamic framework. American Research Journal of Humanities & Social Science (ARJHSS), 07 (12). pp. 48-59. E-ISSN 2378-702X
  6. Uddin, Md Helel and Ushama, Thameem (2024) An analysis of Ziauddin Sardar's approach to integration of knowledge = Analisis pendekatan Ziauddin Sardar terhadap integrasi ilmu. Journal of Islam in Asia, 21 (3). pp. 257-284. ISSN 1823-0970 E-ISSN 2289-8077
  7. Sumera, Irfan and Ibrahim, Mohd Burhan and Ushama, Thameem (2024) Islamic and Christian work ethics: an analysis. Al-Shajarah: Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilisation, Special Issue 2024. pp. 59-81. ISSN 1394-6870
  8. Mehwish, Riaz and Ushama, Thameem (2024) Representation of Islamic thought and civilisation at International Islamic University Malaysia through semiotics: an analysis = Representasi pemikiran dan tamadun Islam di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia melalui semiotik: satu analisis. Journal of Islam in Asia, 21 (2). pp. 142-171. ISSN 1823-0970 E-ISSN 2289-8077
  9. Ushama, Thameem and Helel, Uddin and Mohamed, Arqam (2024) The role of family in mitigating youth social violence from an Islamic perspective. Advances in Social Sciences Research JournalDOI:10.14738/assrj.1112.17971, Vol. 11, (12). pp. 1-13.
  10. Tariq, Mahmood and Ushama, Thameem (2024) Role of education in removing women inequalities. In: DYNAMICS OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT. GLOBAL AUTHORS PUBLICATION, New Delhi-India, pp. 289-314. ISBN 978-93-341-0844-6
  11. Ruhullah, Mohammad Eisa and Ushama, Thameem (2024) Time and society in the Qur'an: Al-Ghazali's integration of ancient wisdom into Islamic epistemology. Islam Realitas: Journal of Islamic and Social Studies, 10 (1). pp. 62-80. ISSN 2477-1309 E-ISSN 2477-1201
  12. Fazeel, Eayaz and Ushama, Thameem (2024) The sanctity and value of human life in contemporary times: a reflection on genocides. International Research Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, 4 (1). pp. 144-158. ISSN 2789-4010 (Online)
  13. Mohamed Quadir, Harunani and Ushama, Thameem (2024) The Balik-Islam phenomenon: Filipino Muslim reverts – between the Gulf countries and the Philippines. AL-SHAJARAH ISTAC Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization, 29 (1). pp. 25-46. ISSN 1394-6870
  14. Syed Alaudeen, Syed Ibrahim and Ushama, Thameem (2024) Promoting interfaith harmony: examining problems and misunderstandings between Muslims and non-Muslims in India within the framework of Maqāṣid al-Qur'ān. AL-RISALAH, 8 (1). pp. 1-24. E-ISSN 2600-8394
  15. Syed Alaudeen, Syed Ibrahim and Ushama, Thameem (2024) Maqāṣid al-Qur’ān: exploring higher objectives and intellectual insights. al-Burhān Journal of Qurʾān and Sunnah Studies, 8 (1). pp. 1-21.
  16. Mahmood, Tariq and Ushama, Thameem (2024) Cure for disruptions of present culture & society in the guidelines of Islamic teachings (a case of developing country like Pakistan). Journal of Social Sciences and Economics, 3 (1). pp. 86-92. E-ISSN 2598-1532
  17. Tariq, Mahmood and Ushama, Thameem (2024) Analytical study of domestic violence & strategies to resolve: a case of Pakistan. Journal of Global Research in Education and Social Science, 18 (2). pp. 46-51. ISSN 2454-1834
  18. Mohammad Eisa, Ruhullah and Ushama, Thameem (2024) Biometric voting integrated with Islamic political principles: to enhance democracy in Bangladesh's e-voting system. Istinbath: Jurnal Hukum, 21 (1). pp. 69-96. ISSN 1829-8117 E-ISSN 2527-3973
  19. Fathima Afra, MR and Ushama, Thameem (2023) Role of the National Shūrā Council (NSC) in Establishing Religious Coexistence in Sri Lanka. Al-Itqan - Journal of Islamic Sciences and Comparative Studies, 8. pp. 109-130. E-ISSN 2600-8432
  20. Ali Gilani, Syed Iftikhar and Ushama, Thameem (2023) Opulence of Islam in Western countries: a study of Muhammad Hamidullah’s contributions. Journal of Islam in Asia, 20 (3). pp. 289-308. ISSN 1823-0970 E-ISSN 2289-8077

Most Viewed Items

Item titleViews
1The history of Sumaniyyah (Buddhism) and its doctrine in the Arabic-Islamic discourse: an analysis1231
2History and sciences of the Qur'an1122
3Islamophobia in India: an exploration of its roots, rise and history1084
4The concept of Tawhid in the discourses of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab and Sayyid Qutb1028
5A critique of Mohammed Arkoun's views on the Qur'an, sunnah and religious thought1007
6Integration, Islamisation and relevantisation: the Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences962
7Bediuzzaman Said Nursi’s methodology for da’wah: an overview of certain principles = منهجية بديع الزمان سعيد نورسي للدعوة: نظرة عامة على بعض المبادئ932
8Is Islam a religion of ease or hardship? an analysis of the Muslim scripture and patterns of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him)927
9Jainul Abideen’s approach to Qur’anic interpretation924
10The phenomenon of Irhab (terrorism); meaning, history and causes907
11Jamāl al-Bannā’s deconstruction of Qur’ānic exegeses, the Ḥadīth corpus and sharīᶜah: a critical analysis905
12Extremism in contemporary Muslim life and the concept of Jama'ah891
13Is Islam a religion of tolerance or intolerance? an analysis of the qur'an, sunnah and interpretations of selected muslim scholars877
14Religious co-existence in Bangladesh: an empirical study of Hindu perception of Hindu - Muslim relationship in Satkhira874
15Theological thoughts of Abu Ishaq Al-Shirazi871
16Major literary stylistic features of the Qur'an.866
17Redical Muslim fringe groups' recourse to Takfīr (accusing Muslims of infidelity) a critique858
18Islam: a religion of peace or force? an analysis based on the Qur’ an Sunnah and Islams heritage857
19Is islam a religion of moderation or extremism? a study of key islamic teachings855
20Historical roots of extremist and radical Islamist thinking853
21Muslim extremism from the perspective of Western scholars828
22The phenomenon of extremism in religion in Muslim life: an analysis of its roots, causes and nature821
23Modernity’s impact on Muḥammad ᶜĀbid al-Jābirī’s understanding of religion, the Qur’ān and Sunnah, and legal injunctions: a critical analysis = Kesan permodenan terhadap pemahaman Muhammad ᶜĀbid al-Jābirī tentang agama, Quran dan Sunnah, serta undang-undang Islam analisis kritikal813
24Sayyid Quṭb’s critique of Fiqh812
25Establishing an exemplary Islamic society (in Turkey): an analysis of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi's reform800
26Issues in the understanding Muhkam and Mutashabih passages of the Qur'an795
27Views of Malaysian Muslim scholars on Sayyid Qutb's socio-religious writings780
28Hindu views about Islam and Muslims in Malaysia: a case study of Selangor776
29The need for contemporary understanding of the Qur’an: considering scientific method (al-manhaj al-'ilmi)766
30A critique of Muḥammad Shahrūr’s views on the Qur’ān, the Ḥadīth corpus, Sharīᶜah, and early Islamic scholarship760