Latest Additions
- Ahmad, Khaliq and Abdelaziz, Berghout and Norman, Nurul Ain, eds. (2024) Proceedings of the International Conference on Renewal and Reform of Islamic Thought & Civilisation (ICRITC'24). ISTAC-IIUM Publications, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Norman, Nurul Ain, ed. (2024) DAISAKU IKEDA - A Life of Dialogue and Peace (1st Daisaku Ikeda Memorial Lecture). ISTAC-IIUM Publications, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 978-983-9379-78-5
- Ruhullah, Mohammad Eisa and Ushama, Thameem and Norman, Nurul Ain (2024) al-‘Ulama warasatul anbiya: theological leadership, wasatiyyah (modernization) in advancing sustainable development goals (SDGs). Profetika: Jurnal Studi Islam, 25 (2). pp. 317-336. ISSN 1411-0881 E-ISSN 2541-4534
- Norman, Nurul Ain and Ruhullah, Mohammad Eis (2024) Ibn Sina’s contributions to modernity: integrating medieval philosophy, neurophilosophy, and educational reform in Islamic thought and civilisation. In: International Conference on Renewal & Reform of Islamic Thought & Civilisation (ICRITC' 24), 23rd - 24th April 2024, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Norman, Nurul Ain and Al Walid, Kholid (2024) The convergence of quantum science and the Islamic concept of the soul: exploring metaphysical realities. Journal of Contemporary Studies on Religion and Science (JCSRS) (1). pp. 78-106. ISSN 3041-9239
- Al Walid, Kholid and Miri, Mohsen and Rijal, Syamsul and Gama, Cipta Bakti and Norman, Nurul Ain (2025) Irfānī epistemology and Indonesian Islam from Jabiri’s fragmentation to Neo-Sadra’s integration: an Islamic philosophical approach. Ulumuna, 28 (2). pp. 738-768. ISSN 1411-3457 E-ISSN 2355-7648
- Norman, Nurul Ain and Al Walid, Kholid and Miri, Mohsen (2024) The concept of time in Mulla Sadra's philosophy. JAQFI: Jurnal Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam, 9 (2). pp. 93-108. ISSN 2714-9420 E-ISSN 2541-352X
- Norman, Nurul Ain and Ruhullah, Mohammad Eisa (2024) Ibn Sina’s contributions to modernity: integrating medieval philosophy, neurophilosophy, and educational reform in Islamic thought and civilisation. AL-SHAJARAH: ISTAC JOURNAL OF ISLAMIC THOUGHT AND CIVILISATION.
- Norman, Nurul Ain, ed. (2024) ISTAC-IIUM Annual Report 2023. International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilisation (ISTAC-IIUM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN 9773009122004
- Al Walid, Kholid and Miri, Mohsen and Rijal, Syamsul and Lestari, Ayu and Norman, Nurul Ain (2024) Philosophical values in number theory of Ikhwān Al-Ṣafā'. Jurnal Islam Ilmiah Futura, 24 (2). pp. 1-19. ISSN 1412-1190 E-ISSN 2407-7542
- Norman, Nurul Ain and Ruhullah, Mohammad Eisa (2024) Exploring the ethical dimensions of fiqh: the role of the soul in achieving maqāṣid al-sharī‘ah. Al-Shajarah, 29 (1). pp. 47-77. ISSN 1394-6870
- Ruhullah, Mohammad Eisa and Ushama, Thameem and Norman, Nurul Ain (2024) Integrating knowledge and democracy for practical reform to overcome political crisis in Bangladesh. Khazanah Sosial, 6 (1). pp. 132-151. E-ISSN 2715-8071
- Norman, Nurul Ain and Ismail, Ahmad Zuhdi and Hussin, Zaharah and Ruhullah, Mohammad Eisa (2024) The development of the soul in early childhood: a model based on Ibn Sina's theory of the soul in Islamic philosophy. AL-AFKAR: Journal for Islamic Studies, 7 (2). pp. 89-104. ISSN 2614-4883 E-ISSN 2614-4905
- Al Walid, Kholid and Darnawan, Darmawan and D. Barra, Ni'mah Umm Hani and Norman, Nurul Ain (2023) Al-'Ilm Al-Ḫudhūri: philosophical epistemology and sufism common ground. Jurnal Fuaduna, 7 (2). pp. 111-122. ISSN 2614-8137 E-ISSN 2614-8129
- Norman, Nurul Ain and Berghout, Abdul Aziz and Harun, Khairul Nishak and Hassan, Zuraida (2023) ISTAC-IIUM Annual Report 2021-2022. ISTAC-IIUM Publication, ISTAC-IIUM. ISBN ISSN 3009-1225
- Norman, Nurul Ain (2023) Food for thought: rethinking of the renewal and reform of Islamic thought. ISTAC Highlights, Jan-March 2023 (1). p. 19. ISSN 2990-9244 E-ISSN 2990-9236
- Norman, Nurul Ain (2021) Ibn Sina theory of the soul: a taxonomy of Islamic education. Islam and Civilisational Renewal (ICR) Journal, 12 (2). pp. 275-289. ISSN 2041-871X E-ISSN 2041-8728