IIUM Repository


Asst. Professor

Information Systems


E-learning, Sustainable Development

ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS: Doctor of Philosophy - Information System, Curtin University of Technology, Australia, 2019. Master of Information Systems (Informaton Systems Management), Curtin University of Technology, Australia, 2012. Bachelor of Business Computing (Honours), Management & Science University, Malaysia, 2010. PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: GSE2x: Leaders of Learning, Harvard University, United States, 2021. Educator@Virtual Learning Environment Program, Malaysia, 2021. SDGi001: Measuring Sustainable Development, SDGacademy, United States, 2021. EDU1x: Analytics for Classroom Teacher, Curtin University, Australia, 2020.

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Latest Additions

  1. Mohamed Sofiadin, Aidrina (2024) Threats of Extended Reality (XR) applications to teaching and learning: instructors’ perspectives. In: 25th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2024), 4th - 7th June 2024, Perth, Australia.
  2. Mohamed Sofiadin, Aidrina (2023) Extended reality for experiential learning from students' perspective. In: 8th IEEE International Conference on Engineering Technologies and Applied Sciences, ICETAS 2023, 25-27 October 2023, BAHRAIN.
  3. Mohamed Sofiadin, Aidrina (2022) Sustaining student wellness through the development of a mobile app for balanced student life: the "My Virtue" project. In: International Conferences on Educational Technologies 2022 Sustainability, Technology and Education 2022, Internet Technologies & Society 2022 and Applied Management Advances in the 21st Century 2022, 14th - 16th December 2022, Virtual Conference.
  4. Mohamed Sofiadin, Aidrina (2023) Application of immersive technologies towards sustainability in higher education: a case study. IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet, 21 (1). pp. 46-58. ISSN 1645-7641
  5. Sofiadin, Aidrina (2022) Students’ perspective on sustaining education and promoting humanising education through e-learning: a qualitative focus group study. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 13 (11). pp. 589-595. ISSN 2158-107X E-ISSN 2156-5570
  6. Sofiadin, Aidrina (2022) Education 4.0, industry 4.0, lifelong learning: a descriptive literature review. International Journal of Research Publications, 113 (1). pp. 147-161. E-ISSN 2708-3578
  7. Sofiadin, Aidrina (2021) Measuring triple bottom line benefits in sustainable e-learning: a framework and process. In: 6th International Congress on Information Science and Technology, 8 June 2021, Morocco (Virtual Zoom).
  8. Mohamed Sofiadin, Aidrina (2021) Sustainable e-Learning framework: expert views. In: 5th International Conference of Reliable Information and Communication Technology (IRICT 2020), 21-22 December 2020, Langkawi, Malaysia.
  9. Sofiadin, Aidrina (2021) Security and ethics in sustainable e-learning and gamification framework for higher education. IADIS International Journal, 19 (1). pp. 85-100. ISSN 1645-7641
  10. Sofiadin, Aidrina and Azuddin, Muna (2021) An initial sustainable e-learning and gamification framework for higher education. In: 8th International Conference on Educational Technologies 2021 (ICEduTech 2021), 03-05 March 2021, Virtual.