IIUM Repository

Dr. Zhe Wei Lau

Assistant Professor

Department of Political Science

Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia

Malaysian Politics, Elections, Malaysian Chinese Studies, Hong Kong Politics

Doctor of Philosophy (Politics), University of Bristol, United Kingdom Master of Social Sciences (Political Science), National University of Malaysia Bachelor of Social Sciences (Political Science), National University of Malaysia

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Latest Additions

  1. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 巫统对待凯里与希山的不同方式 (translated as UMNO punishes Khairy and Hishammuddin differently). Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  2. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 巫统要实践民主谈何容易 (translated as It is not easy to democratise UMNO). Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  3. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 巫统2高职不竞选的影响 (translated as The impact of having top two positions in UMNO not to be contested). Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  4. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 从周杰伦演唱会场地看大马政客素质 (translated as Evaluating the quality of a politician through Jay Chou's concert saga). Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  5. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 部长杜绝成为“花瓶”,当机立断改革官僚主义 (translated as Ministers not to be 'vase' anymore; reform the bureaucracy). Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  6. Lau, Zhe Wei (2022) 陛下的圣诞祝贺意义深远 (translated as Christmas wishes from His Majesty The King means a lot). Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  7. Lau, Zhe Wei (2022) 国会议长是否能保持中立? (translated as Can the speaker remain neutral?). Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  8. Lau, Zhe Wei (2022) 排序复选制或可解决选举不足 (translated as Alternative Vote may be a way to overcome current electoral weakness). Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  9. Lau, Zhe Wei (2022) 安华组了一个令人失望的内阁 (translated as A disappointing government formed by Anwar). Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  10. Lau, Zhe Wei (2022) 给政府的一封信 (translated as A letter to the government). Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  11. Lau, Zhe Wei (2022) 首相人选和建设性不信任投票 (Translated as Prime Minister's candidate and constructive motion of no confidence). Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  12. Lau, Zhe Wei (2022) 国阵的危机,希盟的选择 (translated as Barisan Nasional's crisis, Pakatan Harapan's choice). Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  13. Lau, Zhe Wei (2022) 这一届大选有哪些热门议席值得关注 (translated as Hot seats to be focused on in this general election). Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  14. Lau, Zhe Wei (2022) 巫统候选人排阵与国大党处境 (translated as The candidatures of UMNO and the situation of MIC). Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  15. Lau, Zhe Wei (2022) 安华竞选打扪议席 (translated as Anwar to contest in Tambun Parliamentary seat). Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  16. Lau, Zhe Wei (2022) 国阵下一任首相是谁,希盟又与谁合作?Translated as Who will be the next Prime Minister from BN; PH will cooperate with who? Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 20 October 2022.
  17. Lau, Zhe Wei (2022) 大选已是箭在弦上,何不就一起解散议会 Translated as Calling state elections together. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 13 October 2022.
  18. Lau, Zhe Wei (2022) 纳吉、预算案与解散国会逐一看 Translated as Najib, budget and dissolution of parliament. Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 6 October 2022.
  19. Lau, Zhe Wei (2022) 在联合国用马来语演讲,合适吗?Translated as Speaking Malay in United Nations, is it suitable? Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 29 September 2022.
  20. Lau, Zhe Wei (2022) 你对马来西亚基本了解知多少?Translated as How well do you understand about Malaysia? Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column), 22 September 2022.

Most Viewed Items

Item titleViews
1输家结盟扭转政治局势 = The alliance of losers to twist the political landscape1768
2强化反跳槽法与推进MOU2.0 = Strengthening Anti-Party Hopping Law and Advancing MOU2.01020
3依斯迈沙比里未必是下一任首相 = Ismail Sabri may not necessary be the next Prime Minister1009
4公正党党选后——是分裂或团结 = Post-PKR party election: Unity or Division?880
5今年会解散国会吗?= Will Parliament be Dissolved This Year?816
6“大帐篷”理念:理性政治或政治报复?= 'Big Tent' concept: rational politics or politics of revenge?814
7反跳槽法:先通过,再修正 = Anti-Party Hopping Law : Pass First, Amend Later805
8纳吉与安华辩论的三大看点 = Three highlights from Najib-Anwar debate799
9菜单政治——民主倒退 = The politics of 'menu' : backward of democracy788
10马来西亚对难民的刻板印象与事实 = Refugee stereotypes and facts in Malaysia785
11马来西亚政党联盟之道 = Coalition party in Malaysia618
12斗士党在马来西亚政治版图的方向 =The position of Pejuang in Malaysian political landscape616
13巫统不加入国盟?国盟与全民和谐之别 = UMNO refused to join PN; difference between PN and MN613
14关闭多源流学校:站不住脚的政治巧言善辩 =Abolishing vernacular schools: political rhetoric that doesn't stand605
15民政党复兴之路 = Gerakan's road to revival598
16土团党在大选后的生存能力 = Survivability of PPBM post-general election592
17酒精与复苏限行令:更右翼公共政策 = Alcohol and recovery Movement Control Order: a more right-wing public policy589
18马哈迪斗士党:叫土团党太沉重 = Mahathir's Pejuang party: PPBM in a tougher situation583
19土团党有可能与巫统合并或回归巫统吗? = Is it possible for PPBM to merge with UMNO or to return to UMNO?580
20新冠肺炎不认部长 = Covid-19 does not differentiate minister577
21有条件行管令:太仓促了 = Conditional movement control order: too hasty574
22土团巫统谈妥了:我错了 = PPBM & UMNO have compromised: I have mistaken573
23第15届大选迫在眉睫? 言之过早 = Is 15th General Election coming soon? it is too early to say572
24“马无配”正副相位 = Mahathir-nobody" as Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister pairing570
25杀鸡焉用牛刀?政党名单制遏制议员跳槽 = Party-list to curb party-hopping akin to shooting butterflies with rifles570
26中立的国会议长:可能吗?= A neutral speaker: is that possible?565
27雪隆布城CMCO——政客们,你们开心了吗? = Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya under CMCO: politicians, are you happy?564
28安华称掌握足够议员支持,可能吗?= Anwar claimed he has the majority, is that possible?564
29阿兹敏只能受委最高理事 = Azmin Ali only being appointed as member of PPBM Supreme Council562
30有条件行动限制令未达预期的完美 = Conditional Movement Control Order is not as perfect as expected561