IIUM Repository

Dr. Zhe Wei Lau

Assistant Professor

Department of Political Science

Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia

Malaysian Politics, Elections, Malaysian Chinese Studies, Hong Kong Politics

Doctor of Philosophy (Politics), University of Bristol, United Kingdom Master of Social Sciences (Political Science), National University of Malaysia Bachelor of Social Sciences (Political Science), National University of Malaysia

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Latest Additions

  1. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 一语成鉴:反跳槽法令新不如旧 = A lesson learned: the new anti-job-hopping law is not as good as the old one. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  2. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 赌场垄断之弊:争议点和建议 = The disadvantages of casino monopoly: controversial points and suggestions. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  3. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 马华是单飞还是继续留在国阵 = Will MCA go it alone or continue to stay in the BN? The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  4. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 2024财案:政府讲到做到 = 2024 Budget: the government does what it says. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  5. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 国阵的柏朗埃补选表现可圈可点 = BN’s performance in the Berangay by-election is remarkable. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  6. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) “窥探”国阵与希盟在补选的合作 = "Spying" on the cooperation between BN and PH in the by-election. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  7. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 安华政府应回到初心 = Anwar’s government should return to its original intention. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  8. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 需要给政客VIP提供警察护送服务吗? = Is it necessary to provide police escort services to politicians and VIPs? The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  9. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 给赛沙迪一点空间 = Give Syed Saddiq some space. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  10. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 大学录取应基于需求而非身份 = University admissions should be based on needs rather than identity. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  11. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 失去的支持一去不返,希盟要引以为鉴 = Lost support is gone forever, PH should learn from it. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column)..
  12. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 沙努西与伊党并非一无是处 = Sanusi and PAS are not completely useless. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  13. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 扎希要为巫统州选举成绩辞职吗?= Should Zahid resign over Umno state election results? Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  14. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 6州选举成绩是否影响中央政权? = Do the election results of the six states affect the central government? Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  15. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 六州选举的两个看点 = Two highlights of the six-state election. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  16. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 关注六州选举选前局势 = Focus on the pre-election situation in six states. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  17. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 如何确保政府研拟新法遏制3R不被滥用? = How to ensure that the government drafts new laws to curb 3R from being abused? The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  18. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 东珠岛岛主之争的腥风血雨 = The bloody battle for the owner of Dongzhu Island. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  19. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 成立独立委员会决断敏感课题 = Establishing an independent committee to decide sensitive issues. The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).
  20. Lau, Zhe Wei (2023) 6州选举:绿潮可掀起多大影响? = Six state elections: How much impact can the green wave have? The Malaysian Insight (Chinese Column).

Most Viewed Items

Item titleViews
1输家结盟扭转政治局势 = The alliance of losers to twist the political landscape1940
2强化反跳槽法与推进MOU2.0 = Strengthening Anti-Party Hopping Law and Advancing MOU2.01232
3依斯迈沙比里未必是下一任首相 = Ismail Sabri may not necessary be the next Prime Minister1168
4公正党党选后——是分裂或团结 = Post-PKR party election: Unity or Division?1069
5“大帐篷”理念:理性政治或政治报复?= 'Big Tent' concept: rational politics or politics of revenge?1000
6纳吉与安华辩论的三大看点 = Three highlights from Najib-Anwar debate993
7菜单政治——民主倒退 = The politics of 'menu' : backward of democracy978
8今年会解散国会吗?= Will Parliament be Dissolved This Year?973
9反跳槽法:先通过,再修正 = Anti-Party Hopping Law : Pass First, Amend Later971
10马来西亚对难民的刻板印象与事实 = Refugee stereotypes and facts in Malaysia950
11有条件行管令:太仓促了 = Conditional movement control order: too hasty814
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14马来西亚政党联盟之道 = Coalition party in Malaysia795
15巫统不加入国盟?国盟与全民和谐之别 = UMNO refused to join PN; difference between PN and MN790
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17关闭多源流学校:站不住脚的政治巧言善辩 =Abolishing vernacular schools: political rhetoric that doesn't stand785
18酒精与复苏限行令:更右翼公共政策 = Alcohol and recovery Movement Control Order: a more right-wing public policy780
19土团巫统谈妥了:我错了 = PPBM & UMNO have compromised: I have mistaken773
20中立的国会议长:可能吗?= A neutral speaker: is that possible?756
21统考,无休止的问题= UEC: A no-ending issue752
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26新冠肺炎不认部长 = Covid-19 does not differentiate minister738
27安华称掌握足够议员支持,可能吗?= Anwar claimed he has the majority, is that possible?738
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29雪隆布城CMCO——政客们,你们开心了吗? = Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya under CMCO: politicians, are you happy?731
30有条件行动限制令未达预期的完美 = Conditional Movement Control Order is not as perfect as expected727