IIUM Repository

Dr. Wan Mohd Zulhafiz Wan Zahari

Civil Law Department, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws

International Islamic University Malaysia

Energy Law, Corporate Law, Commercial Contracting

Ph.D. in Law (Oil and Gas Contracting), University of Aberdeen. Master of Laws (LL.M in Corporate Law), Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). Bachelor of Laws (LLB) (Hons), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Energy Management, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

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Latest Additions

  1. ., Suratman and Abdul Razak, Muhammad Umar and Wan Zahari, Wan Mohd Zulhafiz and Roni, Azlan (2023) The scripless trading of share transfer: analysing the role of information technology in paperless trading in Indonesian and Malaysian stock exchange. In: International Conference on Mathematical and Statistical Physics, Computational Science, Education and Communication (ICMSCE 2023), 6-7 September 2023, Istanbul, Turkey.
  2. Abd Jalil, Faridah and Abdul Ghani Azmi, Ida Madieha and Abdul Shukor, Syahirah and Mohd Rusli, Mohd Hazmi and Ahmad Tajudin, Amalina and Osman, Noor Dzuhaidah and Abd Rahman, Mohamad Rizal and Syed Abdul Kader, Sharifah Zubaidah and Wan Zahari, Wan Mohd. Zulhafiz and Syed Nong Mohamad, Shariffah Nuridah Aishah and Abdul Wahab, Harlida and Abdullah, Nor Anita and Balan, Sujata and Rosli, Najwa and Rahmat, Nurezan and Ilias, Ibtisam @ Ilyana and Iqbal Singh, Harmahinder Singh and Kuek, Chee Ying (2023) Direction of legal education in Malaysia. Technical Report. Penerbit USIM, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.
  3. Ghazali, Farahdilah and Wan Zahari, Wan Mohd Zulhafiz and Karim, Ridoan (2023) Energy efficiency management towards sustainable development: the need for an energy efficiency legal framework. IIUM Law Journal, 31 (2). pp. 179-206. ISSN 0128-2530 E-ISSN 2289-7852
  4. Wan Zahari, Wan Mohd. Zulhafiz and Hassan, Halyani (2023) Module 4: Duties & liability of university authority (Part II). In: Professional legal for non-legal for higher education sector (ProLeNoL). Office of the Legal Adviser, IIUM & Higher Education Leadership Academy, pp. 52-75. ISBN 978-967-2177-40-1
  5. Wan Zahari, Wan Mohd. Zulhafiz and Raja Mohd Ali, Raja Badrol Hisham, eds. (2023) Professional legal for non-legal for higher education sector (ProLeNoL). Akademi Kepimpinan Pendidikan Tinggi, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. ISBN 978-967-2177-40-1
  6. Wan Zahari, Wan Mohd. Zulhafiz (2023) Lessons from the application of knock-for-knock clauses under Malaysian law. In: Knock-for-Knock Indemnities and the Law: Contractual Limitation and Delictual Liability. Contemporary Commercial Law . Informa Law from Routledge, London, UK, pp. 251-290. ISBN 978-1-032-07408-5
  7. Al-Masry, Mostapha Faraj and Wan Zahari, Wan Mohd. Zulhafiz (2020) توزيع مخاطر عقود صناعة البترول: "Knock-for-Knock" نموذجًا = Contractual risk allocation in petroleum industry: “Knock-for-Knock” as a model. International Review of Law, 9 (2). pp. 298-317. ISSN 2710-2505 E-ISSN 2223-859X
  8. Wan Zahari, Wan Mohd Zulhafiz (2021) The legal framework of shareholders activism in Malaysia in promoting environmental, sustainability and governance (ESG). Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal. E-ISSN 2398-4287
  9. Al Nasseri, Hussein Ali Said and Negasi, Mohamed Ibrahim and Wan Zahari, Wan Mohd. Zulhafiz (2022) ضمانات دائني شركة الشخص الواحد ذات المسؤولية المحدودة في قانون الشركات العماني والإماراتي وطرق حمايتها = Creditors' guarantees of a one-person limited liability company in the Omani and UAE companies law and ways to protect them. International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 8 (23). pp. 553-576. E-ISSN 2411-183X
  10. Rahmat, Ainol Mardhiyah and Mohd, Idaya Husna and Omar, Muhamad Khalil and Kamalludeen, Rosemaliza and Wan Zahari, Wan Mohd. Zulhafiz and Azmy, Nurhidayah and Mohd Adnan, Airil Haimi (2022) Integrating socio-digital skills in the industry 4.0 era for graduates' employability: an employers’ perspective. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6 (3). pp. 8493-8507. E-ISSN 2717-7564
  11. Pereira, Eduardo G. and Fowler, Reg and Stephens, Thomas and Elias-Roberts, Alicia and Lemos, André and Wan Zahari, Wan Mohd Zulhafiz and Kamil, Reyhan and Kakimov, Nurzhan (2023) Evolving trends in production sharing agreements & cost recovery systems. Oil and Gas, Natural Resources, and Energy Journal, 8 (3). pp. 603-692. ISSN 2473-9103
  12. Omoola, Sodiq Olalekan and Kayode, Bakare Kazeem and Ali Mohamed, Ashgar Ali and Abdul Hak, Nora and Wan Zahari, Wan Mohd Zulhafiz and Ramalingam, Chithra Latha (2023) Rethinking higher education services and the complaint handling framework in Malaysia. UUM Journal of Legal Studies, 14 (1). pp. 189-213. ISSN 2229-984X E-ISSN 0127-9483
  13. Ghazali, Farahdilah and Ansari, Abdul Haseeb and Mustafa, Maizatun and Wan Zahari, Wan Mohd Zulhafiz (2020) Feed-in tariff, auctions and renewable energy schemes in Malaysia: lessons from other jurisdictions = Tarif galakan, skima bidaan dan skim tenaga boleh baharu di Malaysia: panduan dari bidangkuasa yang berbeza. IIUM Law Journal, 28 (1). pp. 113-137. ISSN 0128-2530 E-ISSN 289-7852
  14. Wan Zahari, Wan Mohd Zulhafiz (2020) Overview of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and evaluating ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) Blueprint 2025. In: International Lecture on Law and Economic Development, 22nd Dec 2020, Online via Zoom. (Unpublished)
  15. Wan Zahari, Wan Mohd Zulhafiz and Shuaib, Farid Sufian (2020) The distribution of petroleum resources in Malaysia: unpacking federalism. The Journal of World Energy Law & Business (00). pp. 1-17. ISSN 1754-9957 E-ISSN 1754-9965
  16. Wan Zahari, Wan Mohd Zulhafiz (2020) Managing operational and legal risks in oil and gas projects: An insight into the contractual approach. In: International Virtual Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Smart Community (IVC – AISC 2020), 17th-18th Dec 2020, Online conference. (Unpublished)
  17. Wan Zahari, Wan Mohd Zulhafiz (2020) Kaedah penyelidikan undang-undang dan penyiasatan kes. In: Kursus Lanjutan Penyiasatan dan Pendakwaan Undang-undang, Institut Latihan Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, Sungai Buloh. (Unpublished)
  18. Wan Zahari, Wan Mohd Zulhafiz (2020) Social media ethics and academic integrity. In: Department Of English Language And Literature (DELL) KIRKHS Taaruf Gathering, 6th October 2020, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)
  19. Wan Zahari, Wan Mohd Zulhafiz (2020) Decision making skills. In: Youth Empowerment 2020, 17th February 2020, Shah Alam, Selangor. (Unpublished)
  20. Wan Zahari, Wan Mohd Zulhafiz (2020) The power of positive thinking. In: Youth Empowerment 2020, 17th February 2020, Shah Alam, Selangor. (Unpublished)

Most Viewed Items

Item titleViews
1The Annotated Malaysian Companies Act 2016, 2nd ed.1418
2The distribution of petroleum resources in Malaysia: unpacking federalism1369
3The role of Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC) as a regional hub for oil and gas sector1070
4Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977: does it provide a good model in regulating risk allocation provisions in oilfield contracts in Malaysia?1062
5Renewable energy development and climate change mitigation in Malaysia: a legal study1016
6Managing operational and legal risks in oil and gas projects: An insight into the contractual approach.993
7Tarif galakan bagi pembangunan tenaga boleh baharu di Malaysia: Suatu kajian perundangan tenaga baharu973
8Host granting instrument models: Why do they matter and for whom918
9An empirical study on the contractual risk allocation and indemnity and hold harmless clauses in the oilfield service contracts in Malaysia861
10The legal regulatory framework for unfair risk allocation in oilfield service contracts in Malaysia860
11Feed-in tariff, auctions and renewable energy schemes in Malaysia: lessons from other jurisdictions = Tarif galakan, skima bidaan dan skim tenaga boleh baharu di Malaysia: panduan dari bidangkuasa yang berbeza853
12Enforceability of knock-for-knock indemnities in oilfield service contracts in Thailand852
13Allocation of offshore risk in Malaysia: a call for the application of the Industry Mutual Hold Harmless (IMHH) deed847
14On the contractual risk allocation in oil and gas projects837
15Whistleblowing: a western and Shari’ah perspective = Pemberi maklumat: perspektif barat dan Shari‘ah836
16Alternative dispute resolution in oil and gas industry817
17Unfair contractual risk allocation in offshore projects in Malaysia: should oilfield anti-indemnity act be enacted?811
18Academic interaction and ICT industrial linkage806
19Unfair risk allocation in oil and gas upstream service contracts in Malaysia: the necessity for Oilfield Anti-indemnity Act804
20From North Sea to the South China Sea: the implementation of Industry Mutual Hold Harmless (IMHH) deed in Asean oil and gas industry796
21Perception of contractual risk allocation in the oil and gas contracts in Malaysia790
22Overview of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and evaluating ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) Blueprint 2025774
23Risk allocation in oilfield service contracts in Malaysia, the UK and USA760
24Allocation of risk in the oil and gas contracts in Malaysia: An empirical study759
25Common disputes in oil and gas industry and the ADR process758
26The dilemma of petroleum rights and ownership in Malaysia: Federal vs. State752
27Joint operating agreement: applicability and enforceability of default provisions749
28Understanding MOU and MOA747
29A comparative analysis on the enforceability of knock-for- knock indemnities in Thailand and the United Kingdom734
30Minyak dan gas di Sarawak: Menurut kaca mata sejarah dan undang-undang729