IIUM Repository

Madam Noraini Ahmad


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Latest Additions

  1. Masnan, Izhar and Yaman, Rostam and Ismail, Farrah Zuhaira and Ahmad, Noraini (2024) The floor finishes category impact for indoor sports centre. In: INTERNATIONAL POSTGRADUATE CONFERENCE OF HERITAGE CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT (IPCHCSM 2024), 28 February 2024, College of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Selangor.
  2. Hazwani, Intan and Yaman, Rostam and Ismail, Farrah Zuhaira and Ahmad, Noraini (2024) The Efficient of furniture arrangement at dining food court. In: INTERNATIONAL POSTGRADUATE CONFERENCE OF HERITAGE CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT (IPCHCSM 2024), 28 February 2024, College of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Selangor.
  3. Nurdin, Haziqah and Yaman, Rostam and Ismail, Farrah Zuhaira and Ahmad, Noraini (2024) User’s satisfaction towards design elements in casual dining restaurant. In: International Postgraduate Conference of Heritage Conservation and Sustainable Management 2024, 28th February 2024, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.
  4. Yaman, Rostam and Thadaniti, Suwattana and Abdullah, Jamalunlaili and Ahmad, Noraini and Ismail, Farrah Zuhaira (2024) Sustainable dimension adaptation measures in green township development. In: Sustainable development and built environment. UiTM Press, Shah Alam, Selangor, pp. 1-15.
  5. Ismail, Farrah Zuhaira and Yaman, Rostam and Rahman, Sarah and Marzukhi, Marlyana Azyyati and Ahmad, Noraini and Piyarat, Nanta (2024) MURNInets implementation towards sustainable township development in Malaysia. MURNInets IMPLEMENTATION TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE TOWNSHIP DEVELOPMENT IN MALAYSIA, 17 (2). pp. 122-125. ISSN 1823-7231
  6. Yaman, Rostam and Ismail, Farrah Zuhaira and Ab Aziz, Ali Zakafri and Muhamad Ariff, Nor Rima and Kaliwon, Julaida and Aris, Nurul Nabilah and Ahmad, Noraini and Nanta, Piyarat (2023) Portable modular pool prototyping for military training and testing in remote environment. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, 14 (5). pp. 234-240. ISSN 2180-3242 E-ISSN 2600-7959
  7. Yaman, Rostam and Rahman, Sarah and Ismail, Farrah Zuhaira and Salleh, Siti Aekbal and Ahmad, Noraini and Thadaniti, Suwattana (2023) Post occupancy assessment comparative analysis towards sustainable township development. Planning Malaysia, 21 (2). pp. 158-171. ISSN 1675-6215 E-ISSN 0128-0945
  8. Yaman, Rostam and Yaziz, Nur Suzziana and Ismail, Farrah Zuhaira and Ahmad, Noraini (2022) Energy consumption in open and enclosed layout of shopping malls in Malaysia. Malaysian Construction Research Journal, 36 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1985-3807 E-ISSN 2590-4140
  9. Yaman, Rostam and Ismail, Farrah Zuhaira and Ahmad, Noraini (2021) The end-user’s satisfaction of public space in Dataran Cendekia UiTM Shah Alam. International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Technology, 12 (3). pp. 192-201. ISSN 2180-3242 E-ISSN 2600-7959
  10. Yaman, Rostam and Abdullah, Jamalunlaili and Adnan, Hamimah and Ismail, Farrah Zuhaira and Ahmad, Noraini (2021) Post occupancy evaluation of space energy intensity on green building index energy efficiency (EE) criteria. Engineering Journal, 25 (1). pp. 233-243. ISSN 0125-8281
  11. Nasrudin, Na’asah and Abdul Rauf, Anis Shahira and Yaman, Rostam and Ismail, Farrah Zuhaira and Ahmad, Noraini (2020) Public perception and awareness towards Shah Alam Low Carbon City Program. In: International Invention, Innovation & Design Exposition For Built Environment and Engineering 2020 (IIIDBEEX 2020), 11 November 2020, Webinar - Shah Alam. (Unpublished)
  12. Yaman, Rostam and Kespanerai, Kokchang and Ahmad, Noraini and Ismail, Farrah Zuhaira (2019) Psycho-behavioral intervention model for effective sustainable awareness in green development. In: International Conference on Built Environment and Engineering 2018 - “Enhancing Construction Industry Through IR4.0” (IConBEE2018), 29 - 30 Oct. 2018, Johor.
  13. Yaman, Rostam and Abdullah, Jamalunlaili and Adnan, Hamimah and Ismail, Farrah Zuhaira and Ahmad, Noraini (2019) Post occupancy evaluation measures of green interiors tools Energy Efficiency (EE) core criteria. In: 4th International Conference on Research Methodology for Built Environment and Engineering (ICRMBEE) 2019, 24 - 25 Apr 2019, Bangkok, Thailand.
  14. Yaman, Rostam and Abdullah, Hamidon and Muhamad Halil, Faridah and Ahmad, Noraini (2019) Compatibility issues of Industrialized Building System (IBS) in interior construction: a case study in Kuala Lumpur. In: 4th International Conference on Research Methodology for Built Environment and Engineering (ICRMBEE) 2019, 24 - 25 Apr 2019, Bangkok, Thailand.
  15. Yaman, Rostam and Thadaniti, Suwattana and Ahmad, Noraini and Abdullah, Jamalunlaili and Ismail, Farrah Zuhaira (2018) Post occupancy evaluation model: adaptive measure towards sustainable neighborhood development. Planning Malaysia, 16 (3). pp. 132-142. ISSN 1675-6215
  16. Yaman, Rostam and Thadaniti, Suwattana and Abdullah, Jamalunlaili and Ahmad, Noraini and Mohamed Ishak, Norishahaini (2018) Confirmatory factor analysis of Post-Occupancy Evaluation Model (POEM) for sustainable neighborhood development. In: 3rd International Conference on Research Methodology for Built Environment and Engineering 2017, ICRMBEE 2017, 8-9 November 2017, Shah Alam, Selangor.
  17. Yaman, Rostam and Thadaniti, Suwattana and Ahmad, Noraini and Muhamad Halil, Faridah and Nasir, N (2018) Sustainable dimension adaptation measure in green township assessment criteria. In: The 1st ITB Centennial and 4th PlanoCosmo International Conference, 3rd-5th April 2018, Bandung, Indonesia.
  18. Yaman, Rostam and Thadaniti, Suwattana and Suntornvongsagul, Kallaya and Adnan, Hamimah and Ahmad, Noraini (2017) Sustainable dimension pillars adaptation in neighborhood assessment criteria of community planning & design. International Journal of Real Estate Studies, 11 (1). pp. 29-35. ISSN 1832-8505
  19. Yaman, Rostam and Thadaniti, Suwattana and Suntornvongsagul, Kallaya and Adnan, Hamimah and Ahmad, Noraini (2017) Post occupancy evaluation for sustainable neighborhood development. Advanced Science Letters, 23 (4). pp. 3128-3131. ISSN 1936-6612 E-ISSN 1936-7317
  20. Ahmad, Noraini and Sheikh Ahmad, Sabarinah and Talib, Anuar and Rostam, Rostam Yaman (2017) Visual responses of visitors towards daylighting in museums: A case study of Malaysia. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 25 (Special issue). pp. 323-332. ISSN 0128-7702 E-ISSN 2231-8534

Most Viewed Items

Item titleViews
1Visitors' visual responses towards daylighting in historic museum galleries in Malaysia976
2Luminous exposures and light-fastness survey in daylit historical museum galleries under tropical sky conditions882
3Compatibility issues of Industrialized Building System (IBS) in interior construction: a case study in Kuala Lumpur881
4Illuminance distributions, visual response and limits for conservation of exhibits in admiral Cheng Ho Gallery, Malaysia855
5Visual responses of visitors towards daylighting in museums: A case study of Malaysia840
6Surface reflectance for illuminance level control in daylit historical museum gallery under tropical sky conditions826
7Post occupancy evaluation model: adaptive measure towards sustainable neighborhood development822
8Post occupancy evaluation for sustainable neighborhood development792
9Sustainable dimension pillars adaptation in neighborhood assessment criteria of community planning & design786
10Public perception and awareness towards Shah Alam Low Carbon City Program.771
11Confirmatory factor analysis of Post-Occupancy Evaluation Model (POEM) for sustainable neighborhood development760
12Sustainable dimension adaptation measure in green township assessment criteria757
13Sustainable management (SM) guide in GBI interiors design project tools756
14Post occupancy evaluation measures of green interiors tools Energy Efficiency (EE) core criteria751
15Psycho-behavioral intervention model for effective sustainable awareness in green development747
16Conceptual post occupancy evaluation model for neighborhood assessment towards sustainable urban development744
17Relationship between supply, demand and opportunity of interior designers graduates in Malaysia construction industry716
18Post occupancy evaluation for sustainable neighborhood development680
19Post occupancy evaluation of space energy intensity on green building index energy efficiency (EE) criteria660
20The end-user’s satisfaction of public space in Dataran Cendekia UiTM Shah Alam545
21Energy consumption in open and enclosed layout of shopping malls in Malaysia495
22Portable modular pool prototyping for military training and testing in remote environment254
23Post occupancy assessment comparative analysis towards sustainable township development232
24The floor finishes category impact for indoor sports centre52
25The Efficient of furniture arrangement at dining food court46
26MURNInets implementation towards sustainable township development in Malaysia45
27User’s satisfaction towards design elements in casual dining restaurant11
28Sustainable dimension adaptation measures in green township development9