1 | “Do we really have to talk about that?”: avoiding covid-19 topics with close contacts | 1503 |
2 | Malaysian female users’ purchase intentions of celebrity-endorsed products on Instagram: A parasocial interaction perspective | 1228 |
3 | The relationship of individual well-being and working environment with job satisfaction among factory workers in Malaysia | 1051 |
4 | Factors predicting the trend of using iTa'leem among lecturers in International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) | 1046 |
5 | The mediating effect of job satisfaction on leadership styles and organisational commitment among employees from three tourism villages in Indonesia | 949 |
6 | The mediating effect of employee’s job satisfaction on the relationship between transformational leadership style and employee well-being among Malaysian academics | 938 |
7 | Mixed method in political communication research: the study of media usage & voting behavior as a case analysis | 922 |
8 | Managing social media health information seeking on COVID-19: The perspective of staff and students from a Malaysian public university | 882 |
9 | Examining intercultural differences in close friendship maintenance on Facebook: a relational dialectics perspective | 861 |
10 | Celebrity-fan engagement on Instagram and its influence on the perception of hijab culture among Muslim women in Malaysia | 856 |
11 | The impact of leadership style and staff well-being on job satisfaction among academic staff in a Malaysian public university | 835 |
12 | Usage of blackboard and academic performance of university students: a partial least square approach | 833 |
13 | Examining the relationship between parasocial interaction, religiosity, and social media use among followers of Islamic reality shows in Malaysia (ID: RIGS16-188-0352) | 824 |
14 | Perceiving party supports and attributes of Perikatan Nasional and Pakatan Harapan | 816 |
15 | Celebrity fan-engagement on Instagram and how it influences perceptions on hijab culture among young Muslim women in Malaysia | 813 |
16 | Following Islamic reality show personalities on twitter: a uses and gratification approach to understanding parasocial interaction and social media use | 807 |
17 | Religiosity and its impact on Twitter use and viewing of Islamic reality television shows among university students in Malaysia | 783 |
18 | Factors explaining party support during the COVID-19 pandemic: The leadership role | 763 |
19 | Managing social media INFORMATION during the Covid-19 pandemic: The TMIM perspective | 761 |
20 | Exploring the use of social media during the 2014 flood in Malaysia | 757 |
21 | Predictors of voting behavior & support towards Malaysian leaders: A study among factory workers in Malaysia | 736 |
22 | Social adaptation among international students in Malaysia: the uncertainty reduction perspective | 726 |
23 | Examining intercultural differences in close friendship maintenance on Facebook: a relational dialectics perspective | 722 |
24 | Customers' perception of Air Asia's facebook marketing activities: A case study of the aviation industry in Malaysia | 718 |
25 | Using the theory of motivated information management to understand direct information seeking on COVID-19 from close contacts | 660 |
26 | Examining factors that influence IIUM students’ involvement in da’wah activities via social media | 644 |
27 | Understanding academic misconduct among IIUM students during RTL phase: the role of social presence & religiosity | 606 |
28 | Do we really have to talk about that? Avoiding COVID-19 topics with close contacts. | 586 |
29 | Politic through da’wah on facebook: exploring da’wah strategy in women’s political communication | 582 |
30 | Netflix binge-watching, parasocial interaction, and loneliness among Malaysian university students during the COVID-19 pandemic | 552 |