1 | Dualisme pendidikan umat Islam di Malaysia: sejarah, perkembangan dan cabaran masa depan | 3316 |
2 | Kurikulum permata negara: asuhan dan didikan awal kanak-kanak 0-4 tahun, edisi kedua | 2900 |
3 | Kurikulum permata negara: asuhan dan didikan awal kanak-kanak 0-4 tahun, cetakan ketiga | 1715 |
4 | Pendekatan Al-Quran dalam pembangunan modal insan | 1254 |
5 | The adventures of Ibn Battuta | 1126 |
6 | The perceptions and practices of the integration of knowledge amongst the academics of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) | 1115 |
7 | Study guide : HBEC 4103 Safety, health and nutrition in early childhood education | 1071 |
8 | Malaysian parents’ perceptions of children’s play | 1050 |
9 | Qualitative research : data collection & data analysis techniques | 1046 |
10 | Study guide: HBEC2603 teaching English to young learners | 1040 |
11 | Study guide : HBEC2503: Mathematics in early childhood education | 1003 |
12 | Study guide : HBEC 4203 Assessment in early childhood education | 971 |
13 | Study guide : HBEC4303 Quality physical environment in early childhood education | 953 |
14 | Kajian tahap profesionalisme guru agama di sekolah agama, Jabatan agama Islam Selangor | 946 |
15 | Foreign language reading anxiety in a Jordanian EFL context: A qualitative study | 926 |
16 | التطوير المهني لأعضاء هيئة التدريس بالجامعات: تجربة الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بماليزيا | 921 |
17 | Study guide : HBEC3403 creativity in early childhood | 887 |
18 | Validity of factor structure of the TVET graduates's job performance inventory | 875 |
19 | Promoting children development through community involvement in toy library | 874 |
20 | Interaction between test-taker characteristics, task facets and l2 oral proficiency test performance | 845 |
21 | Qualitative research : data collection & data analysis techniques | 828 |
22 | Kajian mengenal pasti tahap keberkesanan program pendidikan spiritual anggota ATM (KPSA ATM) | 818 |
23 | Strategic leadership style of school principals in selected Islamic private secondary school in Pattani, Thailand | 799 |
24 | Planning an affective education for pre-school children : within Islamic and Western perspective | 792 |
25 | الفطرة والإسلام وتأصيلهما للقيم الأخلاقية في اللغة والأدب | 780 |
26 | The mathematics learning environments of some technical students in Brunei Darussalam | 775 |
27 | MCO the real solution OR ... | 769 |
28 | Kemahiran memupuk iltizam terhadap sains di kalangan kanak-kanak | 759 |
29 | اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها: بين التّعلُّم والتكلُّم – في الجامعة الإسلامية العالمية ماليزيا | 755 |
30 | Using the jar model to improve students’ understanding of operations on integers | 751 |