Khan, Sher Afghan and Crasta , Asha
Oscillating supersonic delta wings with curved leading edges.
Advanced Studies in Contemporary Mathematics, 20 (3).
pp. 359-372.
ISSN 1229-3067
In the present study Supersonic similitude has been used
to obtain stability derivatives in pitch and roll of a delta wing for the
attached shock case. A strip theory is used in which strips at different
span-wise locations are independent. This combines with the similitude
to give a piston theory. The present theory is valid only for attached
shock case. Effects of wave re
ection and viscosity have not been taken
into account. Some of the results have been compared with those of Hui
et al (1982), Ghosh (1984), and Liu and Hui (1977). Results have been
obtained for supersonic
ow of perfect gas over a wide range of Mach
numbers, incidences and sweep angles. A good agreement is obtained
with Hui et al in some special cases.
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