Items where Subject is "P Language and Literature > PC Romance languages"
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- P Language and Literature (6)
- PC Romance languages (6)
- P Language and Literature (6)
Adeyemo, Lateef Adeyemo and Zekrgoo, Amir Hossein (2013) The mythical and physical splendour of Tayeb Salih's "The Wedding of Zein. The International Journal of Arts, Culture & Heritage (IJACH),, 2. pp. 1-20. ISSN 2289-3121
Alhamdi, Sulaiman Abdullah Salim Said and Ali, Asem Shehadeh Saleh and Ismail, Yasir and Salleh, Abdul Halim (2021) النحو العربي و أثره في التفسير القرآني = Arabic grammar and its role in Quranic interpretation. Journal of Arabic Language for Specialized Research (JISTSR), 6 (20). pp. 109-123. E-ISSN 2289-8468
Ismail, Taufik and Ahmad, Muhammad Anwar and Ramadan, Ilham and Salleh, Abdul Halim and Nasir, Mohd Shahrizal (2022) شخصيّة المرأة والالتزام الإسلاميّ في رواية "عذراء جاكرتا" لنجيب الكيلاني = Islamic commitment of female characters in "Jakarta’s virgin" by Najib al-Kilani = Watak wanita dan komitmen Islam dalam "Gadis Jakarta" oleh Najib al-Kilani. Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies, 13 (Special Issue 2). pp. 187-206. ISSN 2180-1665 E-ISSN 2673-1073
Mohamed Ahmed Abdalla, Erfan Abdeldaim (2024) بِنَاءُ تَطْبِيقٍ لُغَوِيّ تَعْلِيمِيّ هَاتِفِيّ لِمُعْجَمِ سَلَاسِلِ اللُّغَةِ الْعَرَبِيَّةِ لِلنَّاطِقِينَ بِلُغَاتٍ أُخْرَى = Building a mobile educational linguistic application for the Arabic language series for non-native speakers. In: المؤتمر الدولي الخامس "المعجم واستخداماته في تعليم اللغة العربية للناطقين بها وبغيرها: تقييم وتطوير", 22nd - 23rd May 2024, Rabat, Morocco.
Mohd. Asraf, Ratnawati and Supian, Nadya (2017) Metacognition and mobile-assisted vocabulary learning. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ), 8 (2). pp. 16-35. ISSN 2229-9327
Salleh, Abdul Halim and سامي, عبدالحليم and محمد الرماضين, محمد خليل and ممد شريف, ممد حفيز (2023) السردية الروائية في الرواية التايخية عند جرجي زيدان : دراسة نقدية Narrative in the Historical Novel According to Georgi Zidan A Critical Study. International Refereed Journal of Language & Culture. ISSN 2180-0006