Items where Subject is "K Law > KBP Islamic Law > KBP1 Islamic law.Shariah.Fiqh > KBP41 Legal research"
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- KBP1 Islamic law.Shariah.Fiqh (20)
- KBP41 Legal research (20)
- KBP1 Islamic law.Shariah.Fiqh (20)
- KBP Islamic Law (20)
- K Law (20)
Abu Bakar, Noor Mahinar and Mohd Yasin, Norhashimah (2018) Dispute resolution over unfair contract terms in Islamic banking consumer contracts: a study of shariah compliant laws in Malaysia and the United Kingdom law. Journal of Islamic Law Review, 14 (2). pp. 199-224. ISSN 0973-2918
Ali, Mohammed Farid and U Tun Aung, Maulana Akbar Shah and Kuttiyani Muhammad, Muneer (2019) Violations of basic rights of prisoners in conventional and Islamic law: theory and practice. Intellectual Discourse, 27 (2). pp. 455-474. ISSN 0128-4878 E-ISSN 2289-5639
Arif, Arif Ali and Maulud, Rizkar Sulaiman (2014) قانون تقييد تعدد الزوجات في إقليم كردستان العراق دراسة تحليلية فقهية في ضوء الواقع المعاصر = Polygamy restriction law in the Kurdistan region of Iraq: a jurisprudential analysis of contemporary realitis = Sekatan undang-undang poligami di Wilayah Kurdistan di Iraq: satu analisis yurisprudensi mengenai realiti kontemporari. مجلة الإسلام في آسيا (Majallah al-Islam fi Asia) , 11 (1). pp. 70-103. ISSN 1823-0970
al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2020) Bahthu al-Masa'il nusantara dan pengurus cabang istimewa Nahdlatul Ulama Maroko. In: Bahtsul Masa'il: Ruh dan Tradisi NU Sebagai Solusi Problematika Umat, 9th December 2020, Rabat, Morocco. (Unpublished)
Boukerroucha, Halima and Bouheraoua, Said (2008) منهج الفتوى عن الإمام الشوكاني = Fatwa methodology according to Imam al-Shawkani. In: Manhaj pengeluaran fatwa dalam fiqh Islam. Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, pp. 195-230.
Busari, Saheed Abdullahi and Zakariyah, Luqman and Amanullah, Muhammad and Abdul Aziz, Akhtarzaitie (2019) The Financial Distress of Corporate Personality: A Perspective from Fiqh. Intellectual Discourse, 27 (1). pp. 245-268. ISSN 0128-4878 E-ISSN 2289-5639
Elbkosh, Assdeek Muftah Muhamed and Salleh, Safinar (2018) الفساد الإداري وأسباب ظهوره والآثار الناتجة عنه- دراسة تطبيقية على دولة ليبيا = Administrative corruption and its phenomenon caused, and the effects of the consequences– applied study on the state of Libya. المجلة العربية للعلوم ونشر الإبحاث (Arab Journal of Sciences & Research Publishing), 10 (2). pp. 113-133. ISSN 2522-3372
Elshobake, Mohammed R. M. (2023) Good governance in Islamic law and the reality of its application in Palestine. Journal of Ilahiyat Researches, 1 (60). pp. 26-35. ISSN 2458-7508 E-ISSN 2602-3946
Elshobake, Mohammed R. M. (2022) Legal implications of UNESCO resolutions on al-Quds. In: International Symposium Al-Quds and Masjid Al-Aqsa Symposium, 21- 22 May 2022, Turkey.
Elshobake, Mohammed R. M. (2023) The Palestinian electoral system: a comparative analytical study. Law, Policy, and Social Science, 2 (2). pp. 1-29. E-ISSN 2948-3964
Elshobake, Mohammed R. M. and Sakka, Alaa (2024) Forced returns and fragile lives: strategies for safeguarding Syrian refugees and ensuring their protection. Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies. pp. 1-32. ISSN 1878-1373 E-ISSN 1878-1527
Hakimi, Mohammad Naeem and Elshobake, Mohammed R. M. and Jaapar, Ghazali (2025) أحكام نشوز الزوجة في ضوء الفقه الإسلامي والقانون الأفغاني وتطبيقاتها المعاصرة في أفغانستان = The ruling on wife’s disobedience (nushuz) in light of Islamic jurisprudence and Afghan law and its contemporary applications in Afghanistan. Al-Hikmah: International Journal for Islamic Studies & Human Sciences, 8 (1). pp. 67-99. E-ISSN 2637-0581
Ismael, Ardawan Mustafa and Arif, Arif Ali (2020) أثر قاعدة (العادة محكَّمة) في القانون المدني العراقي وتطبيقاتها دراسة تحليلية = The effect and applications of the legal maxim “Custom is an arbitrator” in Iraqi civil law: an analytical study. International Journal of Fiqh and Usul al-Fiqh Studies, 4 (1). pp. 33-42. E-ISSN 2600-8408
Mat Daud, Nuraihan and Wok, Saodah and Md Hashim, Noraini (2011) Persepsi masyarakat terhadap perundangan Islam di Malaysia. In: Pemacuan Transformasi Sistem Perundangan Islam Di Malaysia, 5 - 6 April, 2011, Dewan Besar IKIM.
Nasir, Maruf Adeniyi and Mohd Yasin, Norhashimah and Zul Kepli, Mohd Yazid (2017) Anti-money laundering (AML) legal framework: the shariah perspective. Journal of Islamic Law Review, 13 (2). pp. 211-232. ISSN 0973-2918
Negasi, Mohamed Ibrahim (2014) قضية المرتد بين تراثنا الفقهي والواقع المعاصر. Penerbit USIM, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Bandar Baru Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. ISBN 9789674400767
Omoola, Sodiq (2019) ODR: an Islamic jurisprudence perspective. Conflict Studies Quarterly, 26. pp. 53-67. ISSN 2285-7605
Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman (2009) The significance of core theories in the Islamic legal structure: an analysis with reference to the concept of shirkah (partnership). In: International Conference on Research in Islamic Laws (ICRIL 09), 15-16 Jul 2009, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
Syed Ahmad, Sharifah Nadiah and Mohd Yasin, Norhashimah (2018) Reinforcing honesty in the Malaysian Islamic banking contracts. Journal of Islamic Law Review, 14 (2). pp. 247-283. ISSN 0973-2918
Zulhuda, Sonny (2020) Preparing a cyber law course for the Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Malang. In: Focus Group Discussion on the Development of Cyber Law Course by the Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Malang, 3rd November 2020, Online via Zoom. (Unpublished)