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Abd. Hamid, Mohd Azrul Azlen (2010) Yahudi pengganas dunia: analisis sirah Rasulullah s.a.w. Solusi (22). pp. 99-100. ISSN 1985-5400

Abdullah @ Chuah Hock Leng, Osman (2012) The religious and cultural interaction and integration between Chinese Muslim Hui and non-Muslim in Han in China. Research Report. s.n, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Akhmetova, Elmira (2008) Defining civilisation and religion. IAIS Journal of Civilisation Studies, 1 (1). pp. 43-65.

Al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2023) Sumbangan tokoh al-Ash'ariyyah di Nusantara. In: Seminar Pendidikan Fatwa Negeri Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. (Unpublished)

al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman (2021) Khitan wanita dari perspektif usul al-fiqh. In: Persidangan Meja Bulat: Khitan Wanita Daripada Perspektif Usul Fiqh, 9th February 2021, Shah Alam, Selangor. (Unpublished)

al-Akiti, Muhammad Ayman and Rosli, Ahmad Faiz Hafizuddin and Rosdin, Muhammad Amir Ashraf (2020) Shaykh `Abdu'llah Fahim - `Ulama' Ahl al-Sunnah Wa al-Jama`ah dan perjuangan kebangsaan. Akademi Jawi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-2422-06-8


Chuah, Osman and Mahmud, Mek Wok and Fatah Yasin, Raudlotul Firdaus (2020) Chinese Muslims in Malaysia: origin, history, identity crisis and problems. In: Chinese Muslims in Malaysia: Islam, Culture and Identity. Pustaka Yamien Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 1-15. ISBN 9789672201397


Engku Alwi, Engku Ahmad Zaki and Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2010) Gerakan Dakwah Islam di Kalangan masyarakat Cina Terengganu. In: Dakwah multi etnik. Jabatan Pengajian Dakwah dan Kepimpinan, Fakulti Pengajian Islam, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, pp. 227-244. ISBN 978-967-5478-25-3


Hashim, Rosnani (2010) Hamka : intellectual and social transformation of the Malay world. In: Reclaiming the Conversation : Islamic Intellectual Tradition in the Malay Archipelago. The Other Press , Selangor, pp. 187-205. ISBN 978-983-9541-74-8


Kassim, Salina and Fatah Yasin, Raudlotul Firdaus and Yap, Johari (2020) Potentials of Islamic cooperative in empowering the economy of Chinese Muslims in Malaysia. In: Chinese Muslims in Malaysia: Islam, culture and identity. Pustaka Yamien Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur, pp. 95-112. ISBN 9789672201397


Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2014) "حوار عن الإمام الصيني يوسف تشنغ وكتابه "معرفة الإسلام عن طريق محمد. الحوار: شبكة الحوار نت الأخبارية.

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2014) الإسلام في عيون الصينيين: ماليزيا نموذجاً. الرابطة (577). pp. 32-41.

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2012) الإسلام في الصين: رؤية موضوعية واقعية. In: "المؤتمر الدولى الرابع: العلاقة العربية الصينية "التاريخ والحضارة, 13th-14th March 2012, Egypt.

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2016) نظرة الصينيين المعاصرين إلى الدين وفرضية دعوتهم إلى الإسلام. In: 1st International Conference on Islam & Contemporary Issues in the Islamic world: Challenges and Way Forward (ICIC 2016), 5th-6th Dec. 2016, Kuala Lumpur.

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2012) فرضية الدعوة الإسلامية في المجتمع الصيني غير الإسلامي في ماليزيا. أهلا (95). p. 20. ISSN KDN PP 14439

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2015) التعليم الإسلامي في الصين وتحدياته المعاصرة. In: المؤتمر العالمي الثاني عشر للندوة العالمية للشباب الإسلامي (Youth in a Changing World 2018), 29th Jan. 2015, Marrakech, Morocco.

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2015) أثر القرآن الكريم في نشر الدعوة الإسلامية في الصين من خلال ترجمة معانيه. الرابطة (579). pp. 4-10.

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2015) التحديات المعاصرة التي يواجهها التعليم الإسلامي في الصين. الرابطة (583). pp. 49-51.

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2015) تفهيم الإسلام وترسيخ عقيدته في قلوب المسلمين في الصين أداء شعائر الحج مثلا. الرابطة (587). pp. 28-36.

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2015) ما تشينغ: «إمام صيني» رشحني لجائزة الحج. الرابطة (589). pp. 24-26.

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2017) علماء أعلام من الصين خدموا الإسلام والمسلمين. الراتطة, 53 (604). pp. 26-28.

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2016) الأمين الحيوية)) في تبصرة المسلمين في الصين)). الوعي الإسلامي (Al-Waei Al-Islami) (617). pp. 78-81.

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2014) أبرز رواد الفكر الإسلامي في الصين: الإمام تشنغ كه لي: التزام بالحق. الوعي الإسلامي (Al-Waei Al-Islami) (590). pp. 1-3.

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2013) يوسف تشنغ كه لي عالم صيني مسلم جمع بين حبر العلماء ودماء الشهداء. الرلبطة (556). pp. 65-67. ISSN 1695-1658

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2015) مناهج الدعوة الإسلامية للصينيين غير المسلمين: ماليزيا نموذجاً. IIUM Press and Amnah Publishing House (Jordan), Jordan. ISBN 978-995-7866-12-2

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2008) الإسلام والمسلمون في منظور الصينيين الماليزيين غير المسلمين. Kaci Graphics, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-983-2599-88-3

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2012) الشهيد يوسف شنغ كه لي (Chen Keh Li) رحمه الله تعالى: سيد قطب الصيني. أهلا (99). p. 19. ISSN KDN PP 14439/06/2011

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2014) المفكر الإسلامي الصيني الإمام الشهيد يوسف تشنغ كه لي (Chen Keng Li): حياته وأفكاره. In: The Roles of Muslim Scholars in the Construction of Human Civilization, 3rd-5th March 2014, Egypt.

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2012) الصينيون غير المسلمين في ماليزيا واقعهم ونطرتهم إلى الإسلام والمسلمين = Non-Muslim Chinese in Malaysia: their reality and perspective towards Islam and Muslims. In: International Conference on Islamic Da`wah in the Era of Globalization 2012, 3rd-4th Oct. 2012, Brunei Darussalam.

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2013) أثر القرأن الكريم في نشر الدعوة الإسلامية في الصين من خلال ترجمة معانية = The impact of the Qur’an in the spread of Islamic dakwah in China by means of the translations of its meanings. In: International Seminar on Al-Qur’an Al-Karim in the Era of Globalization, 11th-12th Sept. 2013, Brunei Darussalam.

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2009) الإسلام والمسلمون في منظور الصينيين الماليزيين غير المسلمين = The perception of non-Muslim Malaysian Chinese towards Islam and Muslim. In: Seminar on Research Findings 2008, 29th April 2018, Kuala Lumpur.

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2016) دور علماء الإسلام في مواجهة التحديات بين المسلمين في الصين = The role of the Islamic scholars in encountering the challenges among the Muslims in China = Peranan para Ulama Islam dalam menghadapi cabaran diantara orang Islam di China. Journal of Islam in Asia, 13 (2). pp. 83-116. E-ISSN 2289-8077

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah and Ni Li, Aminah (1994) 穆斯林学礼拜 = تعلم المسلمين كيفية أداء الصلاة = Muslim Prayer Guide (Chinese). Regional Islamic Dawah Council of South East Asia and the Pacific, Kuala Lumpur.

Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2019) الدين في عيون الصينيين المعاصرين وضرورة دعوتهم إلى الإسلام = Islam in the view of contemporary Chinese and the need to invite them to Islam = Agama dari pandangan golongan Cina kontemporari dan keperluan untuk menyeru mereka kepada Islam. Journal of Islam in Asia, 16 (1: Special Issue- Islam in the China Seas). pp. 1-25. E-ISSN 2289-8077


Ni Li, Aminah and Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (1995) 浅谈伊斯兰的孝道 = Doing righteousness towards parents in Islam. Nanyang Siang Pau = 南洋商报.

Ni Li, Aminah and Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (1995) 穆斯林女性的服饰与仪表 = Dress code of a Muslim woman in Islam. Nanyang Siang Pau = 南洋商报.

Ni Li, Aminah and Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (1995) 伊斯兰是今世后世兼顾的宗教 = Islam is the religion that takes care of this world and the next world. Nanyang Siang Pau = 南洋商报.

Ni Li, Aminah and Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (1995) 正确认识伊斯兰教 = Understanding the reality of Islam. Nanyang Siang Pau = 南洋商报.

Ni Li, Aminah and Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (1994) 认识伊斯兰教多妻制真相 = The correct understanding of polygamy in Islam. Nanyang Siang Pau = 南洋商报.

Ni Li, Aminah and Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (1995) 伊斯兰教斋戒制的意义 = The importance of fasting in Islam. Nanyang Siang Pau = 南洋商报.


Ramli, Kasim and Ma Zhengbin, Yunus Abdullah (2018) Agama kaum Cina bukan Muslim di Malaysia. In: Seminar Kebangsaan Pengajian Akidah Dan Agama (SIGMA 8) 2018, 25th April 2018, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan.

Riaz, Fahad and Khan, Tahir M. and Park, Miriam Sang-Ah and Golden, Karen J. (2018) Mental health conceptualization and resilience factors in the Kalasha youth: An indigenous ethnic and religious minority community in Pakistan. Frontiers in Public Health. pp. 1-13.


Shah Haneef, Sayed Sikandar and Mahmud, Mek Wok and Fatah Yasin, Raudlotul Firdaus (2020) Malaysian Chinese Muslims and the mission of Islamization: ideals, hindrances, and prospects. In: Chinese Muslims in Malaysia: Islam, culture and identity. Pustaka Yamien Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur, pp. 136-158. ISBN 9789672201397

Shehu, Fatmir (2023) The role of Muslim identity in managing cultural diversity among CIS countries: Qur’anic approach in the light of Inna Akramakum ʿInda Allah Atqākum. In: Muslims of Central Eurasia Since the 19th Century: Daily Life, Identity, Intellectual Thought and Education. "Idrak" Public Union, Azerbaijan, pp. 267-291.

Shehu, Fatmir Mehdi (2022) The role of Muslim identity in managing cultural diversity among CIS countries: Qur’anic approach in the light of Inna Akramakum ‘Inda-Allah Atqākum. In: 5 FORUM of SCHOLARS FROM THE CIS COUNTRIES: The Past and Future of Islamic Thought in the CIS Countries: Prospects for Reforms and Integration of Knowledge, 1-8th August, TRYP by Wyndham Istanbul Basin Ekspres Hotel, Istanbul, Turkey. (Unpublished)

Syed Ismail al-Qudsy, Sharifah Hayaati and Fatah Yasin, Raudlotul Firdaus (2020) The role of Chinese-Muslim Non-Governmental Organizations (CM-NGOs) in promoting religious harmony in Malaysia. In: Chinese Muslims in Malaysia: Islam, culture and identity. Pustaka Yamien Sdn. Bhd., Kuala Lumpur, pp. 113-135. ISBN 9789672201397


Yaacob, Solehah@Nik Najah Fadilah (2018) Asal usul bahasa, tamadun manusia dan perkaitan dengan rumpun bangsa & Bahasa Melayu. Jurnal Seri Alam, 1. ISSN 0128-7656 (In Press)

Yaacob, Solehah@Nik Najah Fadilah (2018) Season three: the land episode 31: bahasa nabi Musa ketika berdialog dengan Allah azzawajalla (2). Other. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Yap, Johari and Yap Yun Hin, Taufiq and Fatah Yasin, Raudlotul Firdaus (2020) Religion and culture of Malaysian Chinese Muslims. In: Chinese Muslims in Malaysia: Islam, Culture and Identity. Pustaka Yamien Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 16-33. ISBN 9789672201397

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