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Items where Division is "Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws > Department of Islamic Law" and Year is 2011

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Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Ahli politik perlu hormat tugas penguat kuasa. Berita Harian. p. 22.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Akhlak pemimpin cermin keperibadian rakyat. Berita Harian. p. 16.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Akta murtad dari sudut penguatkuasaan. Berita Harian. p. 22.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Apa azam rakyat cipta iklim selamat? Berita Harian. p. 16.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Apabila fakta sejarah jadi mainan politik. Berita Harian. p. 22.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Bahaya budaya politik dalam akademik. Berita Harian. p. 22.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Criminal procedure in Syariah Court. Sweet & Maxwell Asia, Petaling Jaya. ISBN 9789675040733

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Falsafah kebebasan akademik biar jelas. Berita Harian. p. 22.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Hak asasi bukan tiket halalkan ajaran sesat. Berita Harian. p. 22.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Harga sebenar titah seri paduka. Berita Harian. p. 22.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Hayati perlembagaan tunjang keutuhan kaum. Berita Harian. p. 16.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Hudud berbaur politik cetus kekeliruan. Berita Harian. p. 22.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Hukum hudud terhalang jika ada unsur syubhah. Berita Harian. p. 16.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Hukuman hina sunnah perlu penambahbaikan. Berita Harian. p. 16.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Imbangi hak individu, ketenteraman awam. Berita Harian. p. 22.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Islam : cabaran demi cabaran. Berita Harian. p. 22.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Isu azan, arak merugikan hubungan antara agama. Berita Harian. p. 16.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Isu perkauman boleh jejas kestabilan negara. Berita Harian. p. 16.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Keadilan sosial tunjang kejayaan transformasi. Berita Harian. p. 16.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Kebebasan berhimpun ada batasan. Berita Harian. p. 22.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Kedudukan Islam mesti dipertahan. Berita Harian. p. 16.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Kejahilan fahami jenayah syariah gugat perpaduan. Berita Harian. p. 16.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Keterbukaan diskusi jamin kelangsungan. Berita Harian.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Ketulusan jiwa, ikhlas jaminan keharmonian. Berita Harian.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Memahami peranan raja, perlembagaan. Berita Harian. p. 22.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Menangkis penghinaan terhadap Islam. Berita Harian. p. 22.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Mencontohi muafakat Raja-Raja Melayu. Berita Harian. p. 26.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Mengawal perluasan agama bukan Islam. Berita Harian. p. 22.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Mengecam undang-undang berkesan. Berita Harian. p. 26.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Mengekalkan nikmat Aidilfitri, merdeka. Berita Harian. p. 30.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Mengimbangi antara hak, tanggungjawab. Berita Harian. p. 22.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Mufti perlu kata sepakat sebelum buat fatwa. Berita Harian. p. 16.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Niat Selangor ada polis sendiri tak munasabah. Berita Harian. p. 16.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Pejuang hak asasi harus hormat hukum Islam. Berita Harian. p. 16.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Pendidik harus terus tambah ilmu. Berita Harian. p. 22.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Penguat kuasa syariah ikut hukum. Berita Harian. p. 22.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Perjuangan 'kosong' seksualiti merdeka. Berita Harian. p. 22.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Perkara 149 bincang isu subversif. Berita Harian. p. 22.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Perlembagaan ikat setiap warga negara. Berita Harian. p. 22.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Perubahan demokrasi biar bermanfaat. Berita Harian. p. 22.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Prinsip kejadian manusia berkaitan pekerjaan. Berita Harian. p. 16.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Rakyat Mesir cetus satu lagi revolusi. Berita Harian. p. 16.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Resolusi hubungan sejenis perlu ditepis. Berita Harian. p. 22.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) Tiga tugas hakiki pendidik universiti. Berita Harian. p. 16.

Ab Aziz, Shamrahayu (2011) YBGK institusi pintar realisasikan hak asasi. Berita Harian. p. 16.

Abd Ghadas, Zuhairah Ariff and Ibrahim, Norliah (2011) Business assets as matrimonial property from the civil law and shariah perspectives; implication for national family policy. In: Seminar Kebangsaan Polisi Keluarga Malaysia 2011, 14-15 September 2011, Universiti Putra Malaysia & Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita Keluarga dan Masyarakat & Lembaga Penduduk dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara Malaysia.

Abd Malek, Normi (2011) Efficacy of the law in sustaining family institution: the Malaysian position. Journal of Islamic Law Review, 7 (2). pp. 257-276. ISSN 0973-2918

Abd Malek, Normi (2011) Factors determining welfare of the child in Malaysian civil law of custody: an analysis of decided cases. Jurnal Undang-undang dan Masyarakat, 15. pp. 169-178. ISSN 1394-7729

Abd Malek, Normi (2011) Hak-hak wanita sebelum perkahwinan. In: Seminar Wanita dan Syariah, 23 Oktober 2011, Auditorium Muzium Sultan Alam Shah, Shah Alam, Selangor.

Abd Malek, Normi (2011) Sustaining family institution: an Islamic perspective. In: The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences Official Conference Proceedings (ACSS 2011), 2-5 June 2011, Osaka, Japan.

Abd Malek, Normi (2011) Unresolved issues in custody matters: the position in Malaysia. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 7 (spec.) (13). pp. 2240-2248. ISSN 1819-544X

Ansari, Abdul Haseeb (2011) Judicial precedents : an expository study of civil judicial system and shari'ah court system. In: Contemporary Issues in Islamic Law. Serials Publications, New Delhi, pp. 127-162. ISBN 9788183872577

Ansari, Abdul Haseeb and Abu Elgasim, Saad (2011) Command theory of legal positivism and hukum shar'i : a comparison. In: Contemporary Issues in Islamic Law. Serials Publications, New Delhi, pp. 63-97. ISBN 9788183872577


Boukerroucha, Halima (2011) محددات الشخصية الإبداعية عند الإمام الشافعي = The determinants of personal creativity of Imam al-Shafii. In: قضايا معاصرة في أصول الفقه. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 151-182. ISBN 987-976-0225-77-7


Che Soh @ Yusoff, Roslina (2011) Establishment of a family court: Towards sustainability of family institution in Malaysian context. In: The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences Official Conference Proceedings (ACSS 2011), 2-5 June 2011, Osaka, Japan.

Che Soh @ Yusoff, Roslina (2011) Shared parenting as an interpretation of the best interest of the child in custody disputes : an overview of the practice in Malaysia. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 7 (SI). pp. 2405-2410. ISSN 1819-544X


Hasan, Aznan (2011) Al-Dhaman fi al-Mudharabah wa al-Musharakah wa Tatbiqatuhu al-Mu’asirah (Guaranteed in Mudharabah and Musharakah and Their Contemporary Application in Islamic Banks. Majallat Isra al-Dawliyyah li al-Maliyah al-Islamiyyah, 2 (1). ISSN ISSN 2231-7325

Hasan, Aznan (2011) Fundamentals of Shariah in Islamic finance. Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance Malaysia (IBFIM), Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 978-967-0149-16-5

Hasan, Aznan (2011) Isu-Isu Syariah Dalam Kewajipan Menunaikan Zakat Ke Atas Entiti Korporat. Jurnal Muamalat (4). pp. 208-234. ISSN ISSN:1985-6156

Hasan, Aznan (2011) KEWANGAN ISLAM ALTERNATIF TERBAIK MENDEPANI KRISIS KEWANGAN GLOBAL. In: Perundangan Islam Dalam Masyarakat Kontemporari (ISLAC) 2011, 18-19 November 2011, Taman Tamadun Islam, Kuala Terengganu. (Unpublished)

Hasan, Aznan (2011) PRODUK KEWANGAN ISLAM UNTUK PEMBIAYAAN SEKTOR BERTEKNOLOGI TINGGI: KEPENTINGAN PERKONGSIAN RISIKO BAGI MENGGALAKKAN PENYERTAAN UMAT ISLAM. In: Kesan Sistem Kewangan Islam di Malaysia Terhadap Kekuatan Ekonomi Ummah – Satu Penilaian, 6-7 December 2011, Dewan Besar IKIM. (Unpublished)

Hasan, Aznan (2011) Shariah principles in Halal products. Shariah Law Reports, 2. xxix-lii. ISSN 1985-4250

Hasan, Aznan (2011) Shari’ah Issues in The Operation of Retakaful and Reinsurance: A preliminary Exploration From Shari’ah Perspective. IIUM Law Journal, 19 (2). pp. 149-178. ISSN 0128-2530

Hasan, Aznan (2011) ZAKAT ON SHAKHSIYYAH ‘ITIBARIYYAH (LEGAL ENTITY). In: Zakat and Its Application in Islamic Banks , April 2011, Lanai Kijang, BNM. (Unpublished)

Hasan, Aznan and Ghashshami, Hussein Ahmad (2011) الحالات القانونية لتصفية شركات المساهمة العامة في القانون اليمني وفي ضؤ الفقه الإسلامي. In: مسائل في الأموال البنوك. IIUM Press, International Islamic University Malaysia, pp. 1-36. (In Press)

Hassan, Rusni (2011) Islamic banking and takaful. Pearson Malaysia Sdn bhd, Kelana Jaya, Selangor. ISBN 9789673490691 / 9673490694

Hassan, Rusni (2011) Islamisation of microfinance: a case study of Maldives. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 7 (SI). pp. 2189-2199. ISSN 1819-544X

Hassan, Rusni (2011) Legal infrastructure of Islamic capital market in Malaysia. In: Governance of corporation and business association: issues and recent developments. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 17-36. ISBN 9789674181093

Hassan, Rusni and Mikail, Sa'id Adekunle and Arifin, Mahamad (2011) Historical development of Islamic venture capital: an appraisal. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 7 (SI). pp. 2377-2384. ISSN 1819-544X

Hassan, Rusni and Muneeza, Aishath and Azzam Wajeeh, Ismail (2011) Legal obstacles facing Islamic banking in Malaysia. World Journal of Social Sciences, 1 (5). pp. 126-131. ISSN 1839-1184

Hassan, Rusni and Muneeza, Aishath and Wisham, Ismail (2011) Reconciling the dual banking system: application model for salam contracts in Malaysia. Malayan Law Journal, 5. lix-lxxix. ISSN 0025-1283

Hassan, Rusni and Triyanta, Agus and Yusoff, Adnan (2011) Shariah compliance process in Malaysian Islamic banking. Malayan Law Journal, 5. lxxx-xcvii. ISSN 0025-1283

Hj Ibrahim, Badruddin and Mohd, Azizah (2011) The child's right to maintenance: the extent of the family's responsibilities in Islamic law and according to the family law provisions of Muslim countries. Arab Law Quarterly, 25 (4). pp. 401-422. ISSN 0268-0556(P), 1573-0255(O)

Hj Ibrahim, Badruddin and Mohd, Azizah (2011) The concept of social obligations under Islamic law. Journal of Islamic Law Review, 7 (2). pp. 203-222. ISSN 0973-2918

Hussin, Nasimah (2011) Punitive justice in the Malaysian criminal law and its sustainability: balancing the rights of offenders with those of the victims. In: The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences Official Conference Proceedings (ACSS 2011), 2-5 June 2011, Osaka, Japan.

Hussin, Nasimah (2011) Punitive justice in the Malaysian criminal law: balancing the rights of offenders with those of the victims. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 7 (13). pp. 2399-2404. ISSN 1819-544X


Ibrahim, Norliah (2011) Best interest of children in division of matrimonial property: bridging the gap between civil law and Shar'iah. In: Harmonisation of the Shari'ah and civil laws (perspective and practice). IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 517-535. ISBN 9789670225890

Ibrahim, Norliah and Mohd Zin, Najibah and Abdul Hak, Nora and Che Soh @ Yusoff, Roslina and Md Hashim, Noraini and Abd Malek, Normi and Mohd, Azizah and Mohd Kamal, Mohd Hisham (2011) Family law (Non-Muslims) in Malaysia. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur. ISBN 9789670225883


Kamaruddin, Zaleha (2011) Bahagia selepas bercerai? Mingguan Malaysia. p. 8.

Kamaruddin, Zaleha (2011) Belajar bukan berkahwin. Mingguan Malaysia. p. 23.

Kamaruddin, Zaleha (2011) Between social change and law. The Star Online.

Kamaruddin, Zaleha (2011) 'Big bang' and family values. The Star Online.

Kamaruddin, Zaleha (2011) Di sebalik tabir isu kualiti peguam sivil. Official Website of Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia.

Kamaruddin, Zaleha (2011) Dysfunctional families and crime: righting wrongs. Islam and Civilisational Renewal, 3 (1). pp. 75-89. ISSN 2041-871X

Kamaruddin, Zaleha (2011) Jentayu yang pergi. Mingguan Malaysia. p. 23.

Kamaruddin, Zaleha (2011) Lima rukun penting pastikan universiti Islam setaraf barat. Berita Harian. p. 27.

Kamaruddin, Zaleha (2011) Membudayakan penyelidikan universiti : lahir modal insan minda kelas pertama dunia Islam perlu berterusan. Berita Harian.

Kamaruddin, Zaleha (2011) Selembut sutera, sekeras besi. Mingguan Malaysia. p. 21.

Kamaruddin, Zaleha (2011) Shaping Islamic moderation in Malaysia: why women's role is important? In: International Seminar on Islamic Moderation and Its Role in Reform and Development, 18 july 2011, Banquet Hall, ISTAC, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Kamaruddin, Zaleha (2011) Share parenting after the divorce. The Star Online.

Kamaruddin, Zaleha (2011) Speaker on " 5 characteristics of excellent Muslims women" (5 ciri wanita Islam cemerlang). In: Women Excellent Seminar, 23 June 2011, KL International Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. (Unpublished)

Kamaruddin, Zaleha (2011) Susah mahu jadi peguam? Mingguan Malaysia. p. 23.

Kamaruddin, Zaleha (2011) Transformasi perundangan Islam elak persepsi negatif. Berita Harian. p. 37.

Kamaruddin, Zaleha (2011) Why Islamic legal system needs a shift. The Star Online.


Md Hashim, Noraini (2011) Cross border marriage (CBM): a comparative study on the profiles and factors of CBM among Malays in Malaysia. In: National Seminar on Malaysia Family Policy 2011: Bridging Research and Policy on the Family, Children and Adolescent, 14-15th September 2011, Dewan Al-Farabi, Faculty of Human Ecology, Universiti Putra Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Md Hashim, Noraini (2011) Hak wanita mengikut undang-undang keluarga Islam. In: Seminar Wanita dan Syariat II, 11hb Disember 2011, IKRAM, Kelang. (Unpublished)

Md Hashim, Noraini (2011) Non-registration of Muslim marriages in Malaysia: social-legal implications. Journal of Islamic Law Review, 7 (2). pp. 223-239. ISSN 0973-2918

Mohd, Azizah (2011) Abandoned child's right to identity protection in Malaysia. US-China Law Review, 8. pp. 389-400. ISSN 1548-6605

Mohd, Azizah (2011) Adoption as a means of child protection: the law and practice in Malaysia. In: Workshop on Children at Risk, 16th - 17th December 2011, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore (NUS). (Unpublished)

Mohd, Azizah (2011) Baby abandonment: Jahiliyyah modern. In: KAED Festival, 22nd September 2011, KAED, International Islamic University Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Mohd, Azizah (2011) Breastfeeding (Rada'ah) under and Islamic law and it's promotion towards sustaining mother's and children's health. In: The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences Official Conference Proceedings (ACSS 2011), 2-5 June 2011, Osaka, Japan.

Mohd, Azizah (2011) Protection of children through foster care under Islamic law: sustaining foster children protection through breastfeeding. In: 8th Asian Law Institute Conference (ASLI), 26th - 27th May 2011, Faculty of Law, Kyushu University, Fukoaka, Japan. (Unpublished)

Mohd, Azizah (2011) Protection of children through foster care under Islamic law: sustaining foster children protection through breastfeeding. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 7 (13). pp. 2230-2239. ISSN 1819-544X

Mohd, Azizah (2011) Protection of rights of adopted children in relation to duties of adoptive parents under the law in Malaysia. Adoption Quarterly, 14 (4). pp. 229-245. ISSN 1092-6755 E-ISSN 1544-452X

Mohd, Azizah (2011) Social obligation towards abandoned children (foundlings) under Islamic law: a comparative overview with law in Malaysia and laws in some Muslim countries. Journal of Islamic Law Review, 7 (2). pp. 185-201. ISSN 0973-2918

Mohd, Azizah and Amuda, Yusuff Jelili (2011) Nigerian children sexual abuse as a result of child labour. OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 2 (7). pp. 37-44. ISSN 1923-6654(P), 1923-6662(O)

Mohd, Azizah and Hj Ibrahim, Badruddin and Abd Malek, Normi (2011) Husband's duty to maintain a working wife under Islamic and civil law in Malaysia: are the laws in harmony? International Journal of Social Policy and Society, 8. pp. 50-67. ISSN 1823-0865

Mohd, Azizah and Hj Ibrahim, Badruddin and Abd Malek, Normi (2011) Right of working wife to maintenance under Islamic law: a comparative overview with civil in Malaysia. In: Harmonisation of the shari'ah and civil laws (perspective and practice). IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 537-554. ISBN 9789670225890

Mohd, Azizah and Hj Ibrahim, Badruddin and Mohd., Saidi (2011) Nafkah isteri bekerja dalam undang-undang Islam. Kanun- Jurnal Undang-Undang Malaysia, 23 (2). pp. 180-194. ISSN 0128-2670

Mohd Arshad, Ain Husna and Che Soh @ Yusoff, Roslina (2011) Establishment of a unified Family Court in Malaysia: implication on the National Family Policy. In: Seminar Kebangsaan Polisi Keluarga Malaysia 2011, 14-15 September 2011, Fakulti Ekologi Manusia, Universiti Putra Malaysia. (Unpublished)

Mohd Noor, Fauziah (2011) Is there a way I can contribute to Waqf? changing times and climes led Muslim jurists to view cash or shares as instruments for waqf too. Halal Pages 2011/2012. pp. 92-95. ISSN 1675-2465

Muneeza, Aishath and Hassan, Rusni (2011) Legal obstacles in Shari’ah corporate governance of Islamic financial institutions in Malaysia. The Journal of King Abdulaziz University (JKAU): Islamic Economics, 24 (2). pp. 207-210. ISSN 7383-1018

Muneeza, Aishath and Nik Yusuf, Nik Nurul Atiqah and Hassan, Rusni (2011) The possibility of application of salam in Malaysian Islamic banking system. Humanomics, 27 (2). pp. 138-147. ISSN 0828-8666


Negasi, Mohamed Ibrahim (2011) الصكوك الوقفية ودورها في التنمية الاقتصادية من خلال تأهيل وتمويل أصحاب المهن والحرف. In: The 8th international Conference on Islamic Economics and Finance 2011, 19th-21st December 2011, Doha, Qatar. (Unpublished)


Omar, Muhammad Naim and Arifin, Mahamad and Mohammad Napiah, Mohammad Deen and Abdullah, Mohamad Asmadi (2011) The implications of ghubn in islamic contracts : an analysis of current practices. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 7 (13). pp. 2177-2181. ISSN 1819-544X


Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman (2011) Decreasing partnership (al-mushārakah al-mutanāqisah) for asset and venture financing: realizing Shari‘ah essentials. In: IIUM International Accounting Conference V (INTAC V), 12-13 July, 2011, Pan Pacific Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Malaysia.

Sadique, Muhammad Abdurrahman (2011) The relationship between fundamental legal concepts and detailed rulings in Islamic law: a study of islamic law On partnership and capital. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 7 (13). pp. 2357-2365. ISSN 1819-544X


Tam, Peck Shen and Mohd, Azizah (2011) Maintenance of illegitimate child by biological father in Islamic law: an analysis. In: Islamic family law: demistifying Shariah in the protection of chidren's rights. IIUM Press, Kuala Lumpur, pp. 31-60. ISBN 9789674180249


Wan Muhammad, Ramizah (2011) The Dato Yuthitham and the administration of Islamic law in southern Thailand. Other. University of Melbourne, Australia.

Wan Muhammad, Ramizah (2011) Woman in the Shari'ah courts : a study of Malaysia and Indonesia. In: Contemporary issues in Islamic law. Serials Publications, New Delhi, pp. 356-369. ISBN 9788183872577

Wan Muhammad, Ramizah (2011) The relevance of Prophet Muhammad's life and teachings in an insecure, fragile world / A. R. Momin. Intellectual Discourse, 19 (2). p. 316. ISSN 0128-4878

Wisham, Ismail and Muneeza, Aishath and Hassan, Rusni (2011) Possible legal framework to pioneer Islamic banking in the Maldives: lessons to learn from Malaysia. Malayan Law Journal, 4. liii-lxxi. ISSN 0025-1283

Wisham, Ismail and Muneeza, Aishath and Hassan, Rusni (2011) Special legal feature of Islamic wa'd or pledge: comparison with the conventional law on promise within the sphere of Islamic finance. International Journal of Law and Management, 53 (3). pp. 221-234. ISSN 1754-243x


Yusuf, Muhammad-Bashir and Meera, Ahamed Kameel Mydin and Mat Ghani, Gairuzazmi (2011) The challenges of implementing Gold Dinar in Kelantan: an empirical analysis. In: The 5th ISDEV International Islamic Development Management Conference , 13th-14th December, 2011 , Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. (Unpublished)

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